• expired

SanDisk 16GB Micro SDHC High Speed Edition $9.90 + Free Shipping (500pcs Available)


Just thought i would offer something nice for you all from what i've got this morning.
Here's what i have. A special edition of 16gb micro SD from SanDisk.
Claimed to be SanDisk 16GB High Speed micro SDHC that has minimum speed of class 6.
Local stock in Sydney, dispatch within 1-2 business days.
Limited to 500pcs quantity only, while stock last.

SanDisk 16GB microSDHC High Speed Edition with SD Adapter - $9.90 + Free Shipping

Free Shipping voucher: FREESHIP


  • All our products are brand new genuine products.
  • Items will be shipped with Australia Post from our Sydney point.
  • Orders are packed/shipped within 1-2 business day.
  • Prices includes 10% GST + Tax Invoice.
  • This item will come in plastic cases packaging, not the retail version.
  • Comes with a SD adapter in the package.
  • Comes with 5 years warranty.

Do contact me directly if you have issue with your purchase or product.

UPDATE 8.23pm: 400pcs sold, 100pcs left.
UPDATE 9.03pm: All 500pcs sold out, let me ring up my supplier to see if i can get more. I will update in 10mins
UPDATE 9.11pm: Good news, i can get hold of 300pcs more. Continue your hunting. Dispatching in 1-2 business days.
UPDATE 12pm: I'm going to keep this deal up until it's out of stock! 300pcs added this morning.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Must resist…..

    • +3

      Give it a go!
      Claimed to have speed of a class 6.
      I will try one myself once it get to my place tomorrow morning.

      Good to have it as a spare :)
      Limited edition by the way.

      • +5

        You make it sound as if you are not responsible if it is not class 6… Well you are.

        • Hi zealmax,

          We don't call it class 6 really, just high speed micro sd.
          min speed rating for read/write is a class 6 ones at 6mb/s.


    • Can't resist… Damn…

      • Me too, eventually order one after 90min struggle:(

  • has somebody tested this type of card? what real speeds are possible? eg. write mb/s

    • +1

      Hi voter1,

      Claimed by supplier tested with a speed of class 6.
      min read/write of 6mb/s up to 30mb/s.
      But these cards are only available in 8gb and 16gb.

      Hope that helps.


      • yeah im looking for class 10 but some slower cards do it anyways without advertising it - just wondering if this was one of them.

        • Hi

          This is not a class 10 one, not going to reach a speed of a class 10.
          This is a class 6 standard, should be able to do everything you need.
          SanDisk Class 10 cards just got released & i'm not sure if they are stable.
          not much stock in the market, aren't that stable yet i reckon.


      • Do you have the 8GB version? Can you provide the link?

        • +1

          Hi Max2010,

          Unfortunately, my supplier only have less than 100pcs of the 8GB.
          Don't think it is enough to supply so i picked the 16GB first.

          8GB will be around $6.90

          Let me know if you need it & i can arrange a link on the website.

  • Dumb question: is this the type of memory used in a SGS 2? Or do Samsung phones use a different type of card?

    • +4

      Hi R3b3l66,

      Yes, this is the one.
      For mobile phones they use these type of cards.
      Micro SD or previously known as TF card.


      • Sincere thanks for a speedy and quality response. Very impressed and will order now.


  • hi frankie,

    does it come with the adapter?

    • +7

      Hi Bear Rains,

      Yeap, it comes with a SD adapter in the package
      Maybe i should add that up on the title & description.


      • +1

        please do, decent product , and a great price and fantastic next day postage (based on the feedback from last deal)

        Sell yourself better my friend.

  • Damn, just bought a class 4 for the same price :(

    • Sorry to hear that.
      This is a special edition, i personally didn't expect to see this model.
      Grab one to check out the speed differences & as a spare.


  • Awesome!! I keep meaning to buy something like this for my Galaxy S2, but I haven't seen a price that caught my eye like this. Thanks a bunch!

  • +5

    Wish I needed one.
    Maybe the OB posting guidelines could be expanded to include example excuses for why to buy.

    • +3

      My excuse — damn i've just upgraded my phone to Galaxy Nexus which wouldn't take a Micro SDHC even if I want to :-(

  • we need CF card deals!!!

    • +1

      What sort of CF card, the prices on SanDisk CF card is sneaky.
      US sellers tend to sell them way below our cost price, there is the USA version & a version for the rest of the world.

      Let me know what you are after, i ll see what i can work out for you.
      Drop me a msg on ozbargain


      • +1

        I like a responsive REP !

      • +1

        16/32gb extreme's!

        also another deal on 16gb SDHC please


      • impoze is on the money.

        16/32 extremes

        ordered the 16 micro. i imagine this would be the mobile ultras as lostn pointed out.

  • +1

    Some pics of the card would be nice. The Mobile Ultras are already class 6. What's the difference here?

      • yeah, cant seem to find this card anywhere, sandisk micro sd 16gb seems to only come in C2 / C4 or ultra C6 (which is also on sale at that website but at a different price) - is this old stock or something?

        • +2


          No, this is a brand new stock.
          Got released less than a week i believe, supplier just got hold of the stock early this week.
          I got a call this morning explaining to me of the offer, so i thought i would take it and offer to you all


      • Hi mattgal,

        Yea, the diff on these card will be the speed that it can reach.
        Thanks for pointing out.


    • Hi lostn,

      It has similar outlook to the class 4.
      Manufacturer & supplier called them as "Class H'
      There is a "H" text on the card.

      As for the differences, i can't say much as i haven't got them on hand and test them.
      It has the speed of class 6, means the min speed of r/w would be 6mb/s where a class 4 is 4mb/s.
      I assume the differences would be the speed rating that it will reach, if a class 6 goes around 18mb/s maybe this one has 15mb/s only.


  • does this one comes with adapter

    • Hi cdeep0,

      Yes, it comes with an adapter.


      • Thanks …Order made…Paid by Paypal. Order: #002333


  • Why the comedy Photoshop "16" on the card - this image looks like it was lifted from Shopping square the other day?
    Please link to Sandisks site to show this non packaged Class 6 product.

    Why should we believe this non-packaged card is somehow different from all the functional fakes in a sea of fakes?

    • +6

      Hi King Tightarse,

      SanDisk manufacturer cards for mobile phones.
      These are the cards that are sold in bulk, which means they are packaged inside a plastic casing with a SD adapter.
      All the top 10 sellers on eBay that sell microSD are shipping to you non-retail packaging for sure, this has been in the market for years.
      Unfortunately, there is no information on SanDisk website. The reason is that SanDisk do not upload them due to the production & stock they are have in the market still for Class 4 & Class 6 Ultra cards.
      If these cards are published on their website, the other cards would not sell and they are stucked with inventory

      I source the cards from a local supplier, been dealing for over years now.
      If you want to make sure that the cards are authentic, you can call in to SanDisk support hotline anytime to check with them.
      Hotline number: 1 800 262 504

      Hope that helps.

      • -1

        "All the top 10 sellers on eBay that sell microSD are shipping to you non-retail packaging for sure"
        Which is kind of like saying "its normal to ignore your virus warning when using our keygen"
        Ebay is notorious for fakes.
        It is so bad these days that I would consider any non-retail packaged Ebay card fake by default.
        Please excuse my skepticism but if you deal in SD cards this is hardly news to you.

        Do you have any links to SanDisk showing this particular card?

        • Hi,

          Unfortunately, no link to SanDisk.
          How can sellers on eBay be selling over thousands & even ten thousands of memory cards if they are fakes over… few years?
          Like i said, you can always check with SanDisk to verify if the card is genuine.




        • +6

          Because there is massive industry in selling functional knock offs and riding on Sandisk/Kingstons coattails. SD cards are near impossible to verify. Its about the quality mostly they work but they may well screw your data up down the track. SanDisk and Kingston mostly rely on markings on the retail package for verification.

          This is cannot be news to you if you sell these.
          If it is, Google Ebay/fake/SD card you'll get few hits lol.

          I'm not saying these are fake or that you are not doing business in good faith, you certainly come over like an honest seller but this area is a notorious. No link to the product at SanDisk, silly PhotoShopped image and no retail package don't help me believe.

        • +1


          Unfortunately i can't help you on this matter.
          1) I will have the pictures taken by tomorrow morning & post it up, the actual product image.
          2) If you do not trust any non-retail package memory cards, i'd recommend you to go for the genuine sandisk retail packaging Class 4 or Class 6 micro SD depending on your choice.

          I have all of them in retail packaging available. Here's the link to Class 6

          Also to point out, SanDisk do not update their website with the new model released by them within the first few months.
          Just like the popular SanDisk 32GB Extreme HD Video Class 10 45MB/s, it used to be 30MB/s for a year then early of the year SanDisk released the 45MB/s.. It is still not updated on SanDisk website till now.


        • @King Tightarse ,
          you are not just a tightarse….

        • …I am a legend and a helpful contributor! Lol.
          Not sure where your going with that alwayseric but I like to keep my eyes open and possibly help others not get ripped.
          Seen plenty-o fake memory in the past…

  • Hi Mate,
    Awesome deal,

    How many days for shipping ? and is the product shipping from Australia or hongkong?
    Can you add that in the description pls?

    I am still waiting for the last Shopping Square 16 GB cards that I ordered but can't wait any more ..

    • +1

      Hi dealman,

      I will be shipping them out tomorrow morning.
      Stock is located in our Sydney point.

      I will add that up on the description, thanks for telling.


      • +1


        001***8 3/05/2012 $9.90 PayPal Payment accepted

        Sick of full memory card on the phone

        • Ordered Friday, processed Monday and received the following Wednesday.
          Not bad,

  • -7
    • Full size tho

    • You linked a "Joyflash" 16GB full sized SD card???

    • They have the same product as well for 8.95 +1$ ship = 9.95 but Take forever to ship … and its 8.95 + 1 $ for shipping there
      so .05 $ more than this deal.

      I am still waiting for an order placed almost over 2 weeks ago.

    • -1

      you can cut them like a sim card, you know.

      my bad.

  • Do these look like the black class 4 ones, but branded with class 6?

    • +1

      Hi grab_ur_freebies

      They look like the black class 4 ones, with a "H" text instead of "4"
      I will upload the picture once i get it shortly.


      • How many left? I want an indication of how fast these are selling so I can decide on whether to get this.

        • +1


          I locked in for 500pcs, but 300pcs are confirming to arrive tomorrow.
          As of 6.12pm, the quantity sold - 121pcs


        • Hey why is that >> I want an indication of how fast these are selling so I can decide on whether to get this ?

          You want them for your needs, right?

          Or are you just buying to increase or slow down the rate of sales ;-)

        • Just wanted one & didn't want to miss out. Some bargains go viral & sell out in a matter of minutes.

  • +1

    I bought an 8GB as spare for $5 a while back… 16GB for $10 sounds good but I just don't need it anymore!

  • +3

    How sure are you that these are genuine?
    Im really interested in them, sorry to ask but i have had my issues with clones that sellers claimed to be official so Im always querying the cards.

    • +2

      Hi maverickjohn,

      Please read the comment i've made above.
      I dealt with my SanDisk supplier locally for 3 years, never come across any complaints of it is of genuine sandisk product.
      I've sold thousands of memory cards to Ozbargainers over the past 2 months, that should build up credibility of MemoryCity here.

      No worries, i understand that every buyer would want a peace of mind when buying online.


      • +2

        Thanks for the reassurance, sorry, when i typed the message the other comment wasn't there.
        :) I ordered one, if all is good i would love to have a local seller to rely on.

        • No worries, thank you for the support :)


    • +2

      download h2testw, its free , you will know the card is fake if it reports problems, all my memory cards i buy i test using this program. Surprisingly all my kingston cards ive bought online turned out to be fakes so i stay clear of them and only buy sandisk or topram brands.

      bought 4 x 16gb from memory city and they are all genuine.

  • could you do a deal on some 4gb ones
    i have an old phone which can only use up to 4gb lol :(

    • +16

      Maybe you need to look for a phone deal instead ;-)

    • Hi cobRAJ,

      I have SanDisk 4GB microSDHC Class 4 ones which i can offer you at $4.95
      Let me know if you are interested, drop your paypal email on ozbargain msg.


  • +2

    got one!! good price!! and good seller!! already received my SD card ordered from them tuesday night!!

    • thanks for the feedback,, can't wait to get mine….

  • and another returning cx

  • +2

    Thanks ordered two and resisted the urge to buy even more! should be fast enough for the phone/tablets/cameras… hmmm maybe i do need more.

  • +3

    love the add to cart animation ;)

    • +1

      I know, thanks to our webmaster for making that up :)

      • I think it's JavaScript

        • +1

          JS? Java script?

          Also rep: When I went to check out this note scared me for a minute…

          Remaining amount to be added to your cart to get free shipping: $240.10

          It almost appeared as though 240 $ was the grand total of everything, Maybe its just me. Perhaps something to modify in the UI a bit, or make the actual total a bit bigger / bolder?

        • Yeap :)

          & thanks to dealman for your input on the amount left to obtain free shipping.
          will look into that asap.


    • Functions…

  • +1

    ordered 1… thanks for the deal :)

  • +3

    couldn't resist the temptation…bought 2…suckered into another OzBargain deal…

    Oh yeah, bought 2 x 16gb Sandisk class 4's from oo.com.au the other day on another OzBargain deal..how much I regret that now…I hope the parcel never arrives so that I can claim my money back…

  • +4

    thanks just purchased!

    theres a competition war between francesca and danilochan haha :)

    • +2

      so far it looks like this one is winning …

      • +4

        either way its great for consumers and retailers :D

    • +1

      "Lets get ready to rumbbbbble!"

  • -1

    What the ****… the price is dropping pretty steep..
    I bought kingston 16GB micro sdhc class 4 a year ago for $36 from MSY, and now 16GB class 6 is just $10.. LOL..

    • Dude. I got 16GB before for $70 that was the year before yours

  • Awesome was just on the look out for a fair sized one today :)

  • dont need one, bought one anyway, cheers!

  • Just bought 2 to go with the "buy one get one free" cameras I just got from HN!!

  • Anyone know if these are real?
    It's from overseas but it's $9.68 including shipping and it seems to be their standard price.

    • It has been clarified that it is genuine stock about 200 times in this deal.

    • $9.68 is fake, eBay always show lower value, see real value when you pay with PayPal

    • look at the feedback - that's the indicator. you'll be paying with paypal any way.


  • +1

    They're only class 2….

    • you should probably specifiy the link from leon - not this deal…

    • Yeah you're right.

      Looks like there's another one going for one cent more($9.69) that looks like a Class 4 though.

      Anyone know if they're real though? No one has said they're fake in the eBay feedback (yet).

  • +2

    Screw it. Impulse buy. Thanks Op.

  • Just ordered one, thanks for the deal!

  • +1


    I ordered one from these guys yesterday for more than double that price. Boy do I feel stupid. Still, seeing as it hasn't shipped I've mailed them to see if they'll swap my order for two of these instead. Let's wait and see… fingers crossed.

    • +6

      Hi zfa,

      I dispatch all orders within 1 business day.
      These are special edition from SanDisk, i just got hold of them this morning.
      I believe you bought the Ultra micro SD Class 6 @ $19.95
      which is already one of the best price in australia.

      Drop me your order # on ozb msg, i ll see what i can do for you.


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