isa » user profile

Member Since | 28/06/2011 |
Last Seen | 04/06/2023 |
Location | Melbourne |
Recent Activities

Great app for power naps. Counter does not go for anymore than 3 hours unfortunately. Regardless, as I said, great app for power naps 🤙…

isa commented on How to Copy a Garage Remote for Apartment Block
So I lost my friend’s gate remote and need to replace it. 1- I do not have a remote to see any numbers it may have, or to find out its…

Is there any TV show/movie you would specifically like to check if it works? I tried Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy, and it plays off the Hong…

Yes, I have done that, and I am offered the 36 month plan for $2.85/mth, or $102.60/3 years. Mind you, this is offered at an 82% discount.…

Yes. Hong Kong is on their server list. Not sure if for Netflix or just a random server, though.

Turkish Netflix? Why Turkish? Because you mistakenly selected it instead of Vietnam? 😅

isa commented on Surfshark VPN: 90% Cashback @ Cashrewards
Ugh! My second attempt (last time, during May), and again it seems as though I am stuffing up. When I go to Cashrewards, I click on the…

isa commented on MacBook Pro 2019 15.4" i9 2.4ghz/32GB/1TB/Radeon Pro VEGA 20 - $3297 Delivered @ Officeworks
Thank you, OP. My daughter was looking for a decent laptop to replace her current 15" MBP. I just emailed her now :D (Y)

isa commented on Medjool Dates Half Price $9.99 Per Kg @ Coles
For some people, this is going to be the most dates they will ever have in their lifetime.

isa commented on KFC 9 Pieces of Chicken $9.95 [Tuesdays]
The best KFC deal (for me at least) by far!

Thank you. Bought and +1'd

Thank you for the clarification, the discombobulated panda :) I was getting ahead of myself... once more :D

isa commented on Free Plants Vs Zombies PC/Mac Game
Geez, I hope I'm doing this right...  It's a screendump of my fail attempt at…

Please keep your fantasies to yourself Ace.

isa commented on Free Plants Vs Zombies PC/Mac Game
I saw this when it was first posted up, and have the link saved in my inbox, awaiting the date... Dammit! So... long... to... gooooo!

When I purchased the Samsung Smart TV, I called up Samsung asking for what type of external HDD it'd be able to efficiently utilise... I…

I searched HP's website for this particular drive's rpm: Couldn't…

Thanks for the headsup fairyreadgirl... however, nothing in boy colours that struck me as cheap. The cheapest being $40, that seemed…

isa posted a forum topic roller shoes
My 5yo son asked for roller shoes. I searched here and found a deal ~$23, albeit from nearly a…

Obviously you're unaware of YouTube's movie hiring option? Kthxbai. BTW, I wholeheartedly agree with…

isa commented on 32GB Micro SDHC $19 Delivered
I dunno if this of any 'consolation', however, the original price online is $79, after their $10 'discount'.…

Your last sentence would explain a large portion of the long wait for delivery.

isa replied to
SpaceNinja on [Possibly Fake] FREE Pizza Cutter Supplied by Prestos Pizza (FB Like Required)

Thank you Mod. Haters will hate. Now watch the negs flying at me. LoL!

isa commented on SanDisk 16GB Micro SDHC High Speed Edition $9.90 + Free Shipping (500pcs Available)
Order #2391 payment successful Thank you. Now to vote + for the deal. How many cards left?

isa replied to
AzzaD on SanDisk 16GB Micro SDHC High Speed Edition $9.90 + Free Shipping (500pcs Available)


Yeah, it works. Edit: Dunno how the 'Live' component goes, as I don't have an online account, and neither do I play online.

Well, I bought a copy online, and picked up from store. When I get home later on, I'll give it a go and post if it works... unless of…

isa commented on MW3 PS3 & XBOX360 $44 Incl. Delivery HN
Thanks OP. Purchased online, selected the pickup in store option, selected Dandenong store (as they had stock), went and picked it up.…

And BAMM! 1st question's answer! Nice one ozhunter ;)

isa commented on Skydrive - Free Upgrade to 25GB
LoL @ how much carp I had in my old hotmail account... Never looked there since gmail gave me a beta email address, yonks ago...…