The latest AUTUMN GARDENING Special Buys offers starting this Wednesday will have a huge range of amazing offers.
Highlights are:
Succulents 65mm -$4.99
Ferns 90mm -$3.99
Passionfruit 125mm -$6.99
Grow Table with Cover -$49.99 & lots more
The latest AUTUMN GARDENING Special Buys offers starting this Wednesday will have a huge range of amazing offers.
Highlights are:
Succulents 65mm -$4.99
Ferns 90mm -$3.99
Passionfruit 125mm -$6.99
Grow Table with Cover -$49.99 & lots more
Apparently these are part of the “delayed shipping” issue. But check your local.
I just picked up a ruby red.. the lady was literally rolling the trolling into place when I walked in. She said the trees arrived late.
How easy are these to care for for the layman?
I remember getting the little herb/flower pots from Woolies a few years back as part of their purchase promotion, and I either over or under watered them =(
I just saw these, they're pretty small FYI. Like 10cm diameter pots each
If my parents passion fruit plant is anything to go by. It would grow out and you would need to support it with a posts with a lattice frame for it to climb onto. Or you do as my dad did. Let it hang by the picket fence.
yup it would engulf the whole fence
Agree they're only 125mm. I opted for the $20 citrus trees that were 1m/5L instead.
My local had the two pack even though they're delayed but they were only Meyer Lemon and Tahitian Lime combinations. Meyer are a bit sweeter than a standard Eureka lemon so may not be suitable.
Passionfruit Plant 125mm $6.99
Are they male or female plants?
Please stop assuming there are only two genders smh
I'm not aware of any hermaphrodite Passionfruit Plants.
Ignorance is no excuse.
This is patently wrong you troll. Literally all passionfruit flowers are "hermaphrodite". Yet another deal derailed by jv's drivel.
@jv: Which has absolutely ZERO to do with your previous incorrect comments in this thread. Go back to your cave
@jv: It was an observation - to wit: "Are they male or female plants?" is a question posed based on an invalid assumption I can only assume was arrived at by a facile and ignorant generalisation applied to an entire sub-family that rarely applies even at the genus level.
You then attempted to "defend" the display of total ignorance by a puerile attempt to drag in attributes of some gymnosperms in a second attempt to figuratively cut-in with a meter long paint-roller, and when called on it, labelled the observation - that you are not even wrong [© Twitch, alt.sci.skeptic; circa 1994]- an opinion.
They are non-binary gender fluid trees.
I prefer the ones that can bear fruit…
My fruit tree identifies as a lamp post. Let us show it some respect please.
This is a great question! You need 2 to get passionfruits 👏🏼
Wonder if you can pollinate with a paintbrush
"All passionfruit flowers have a male part (stamen) and female part (pistil) which both play a part in pollination", from…
I prefer mine have separate partners to reproduce….
No, you don't. There isn't another vine within 500 meters of the one that has been bearing prolifically in my garden for 4 years.
Noob question, is this the right time to plant trees and shit? Like because it its the end of summer, will they die if planted now?
Also are these dwarf trees?
They'll become a bit dormant over winter…
Now is a good time for the roots to start to establish before it gets too cold, then they will be ready to take off in spring…
Ah okay.
Never thought I would say this, but thank you JV.
Also are these dwarf trees?
Do you have a problem with that ????
Yes, their small limbs freak me out.
The correct term I believe is vertically challenged
Like I'm no longer fat, just Gravitationally advantaged or Famine resistant
Thanks for sticking up for us mr jv
One doesn't use the word 'dwarf' anymore. Its not PC. The correct term is 'height-challenged' trees.
One doesn't use the word 'dwarf' anymore. Its not PC.
I typed it on a Mac
Autumn is the best time to plant.
Are the passionfruit's grafted or non grafted?
most vines are not grafted
They will be grafted. And beware the rootstock on passionfruit as it's quite vigorous and suckers easily, you will be removing them regularly lest they takeover growing instead of the passionfruit. From recollection it's blue passionflower for the rootstock.
Do you need more than 1 passionfruit to maximum yield with cross pollination?
If you want the high yield investment. Yes.
But how much passionfruit is to much… I have a green guava and it produces a lot despite being one.
If you love passionfruit then there is no such thing as too much. My parents passionfruit one time bore enough fruit to fill a paint bucket.
We were eating passionfruit daily for at least 2 weeks.
As for guava. Same deal. I love guava.
My local had plenty. I don't need any but I grabbed some cane mulch and the big tub of fertilizer.
My local had plenty.
What about Aldi ?
Went to get the mushroom growing kit today, but couldn't see any around.
but couldn't see any around.
Did you ask for a fun guy there?
Alas, my social anxiety doesn't leave mush room for that sort of interaction
Be careful what funghi you eat or you will be dropping toadstools in the toilet.
are these the sour pfruits or sweet??
The lemon+lime trees for $18 is great value.…