This was posted 12 years 10 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free 3GB Additional Dropbox Storage (Upload Required)


I think this is a new version of what they had not too long ago. Looks like if you participated in the beta earlier on in the year ( then the extra storage WILL NOT stack. :(

  1. Download the new (1.4.0) Dropbox client from
  2. Plug in a phone/USB/memory card with photos on it
  3. When autoplay comes up click on the option to import using Dropbox

For those without a Dropbox account, here is my referal link (extra 500 MB for both you and me):

Referral Links

Referral: random (362)

Both referrer and referee will receive 500MB bonus space (up to a limit of 16GB)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    argghh…. read all of that for 3GB….

    • 3GB is 3GB…and its freee! :) Share some more love with an extra 500mb when you sign up

  • I assume this doesnt stack with the previous 5GB offer?

    • +1

      Good news so far, it appears to stack, I'm only on my first 500MB upload and was credited with it, haven't bothered with the cheat method that was posted last time.

      Give it a go.

  • -8

    dropbox will be the old hotmail. too bad everyone jumping off, coz there stingy ass quota

    • +4

      So far I have 19.4GB just for free which is way more then the average user would need.

  • -3

    so do we get extra 3gb on top of the last 5gb offer?

    all this work to get a few more gbs

    with ms, I got 25gb straight away

    • +1

      have you got skydrive on your phone…I guess not.
      Dropbox is still the most featured filled free cloud storage solution for me.

      • +6

        Exactly, I have a box account that has 50 GB of space but never use it because the app is crap and it doesn't integrate with windows for free. Sometimes just the numbers don't tell the whole story.

        • Yep, the same for me. Camera Upload is the only reason my Dropbox is nearing 50% (I have 2.9GB). Even with how often I use it, I haven't even stretched it. I've got Box's 50GB as well but I haven't used it for the same reasons no one else really has - limited file size uploads and no desktop sync for free. I've now got Google Drive, but it's still early and there's little bits and pieces that aren't as quick (especially on the Android app) to use. One feature is saving to the phone. Drive's Android app has 'make available offline' (like when it was the Docs app only a week ago) but I can't export it to my phone, unless I'm missing something.

      • +1

        Yes. ????

      • -2

        yes, there is the skydrive app available for ios now

        • +1

          But still no Android love :(

        • does it sync across all platforms?
          Can you store it offline and even multiple copies of the same file?
          Can you share files using the lan(if both computers are on the same network dropbox syncs via LAN rather than uploading it to the internet)?
          Can you do a selective sync?

          Plus Skydrive has to be the clunkiest POS cloud storage in the work and I have used Adrive(50GB)

          I'm not going to argue with your choice because it is your choice but that doesn't make it any better than anyone else either

        • -3

          Spawnpoint, who said skydive is better? We are just replying to your sweeping statement that skydive is not available on IOS.

        • Uh, kiwipride, spawnpoint never said iOS. He said 'phone'.

        • -1

          DjVu, correct. sorry. he did say phone. which was still incorrect.

      • yeah i have skydrive on my phone….

    • +1

      And limited file size uploads - so for me and many other it is a useless 25GB

      • +2

        The service offers 7 GB of free personal storage for new users. Additional storage is available for purchase.[1] Users who signed up to SkyDrive prior to April 22, 2012 can opt-in for a limited time offer of 25 GB of free storage upgrade. The service is built using HTML5 technologies, and files up to 2 GB (300 MB via the web)[2] can be uploaded via drag and drop or via the SkyDrive desktop application for Windows and Mac OS X.

      • +2

        are you talking about skydrive Limited file size uploads? Its now 2gb.. So totally not useless now!

        • Totally? It becomes useless when you have files over 2GB. Encrypted ZIP back archives, games backups, long-term Outlook PST files, etc.

      • There's a 100Mb file size upload, but only from the Web (browser) app. The native (installed) apps allow any files up to 2Gb.

    • +3

      Dropbox for me due to LAN sync, delta changes and multiple upload of photos from iOS

  • +2

    "For Our Advanced Users

    If you were lucky enough to be included in our Camera Upload early beta testing period (from February 2nd, 2012 to February 23rd, 2012), either on the desktop or on Android, you are still capable of earning up to 5 GB instead of the standard 3 GB. Thank you so much for your help!"

    Looks like it isn't stackable.

  • -1

    can someone tell me if we still quality extra 3gb if we already got the 5gb free offer last time?

    and is there any quick tricks to get the 3gb, without needing to upload

  • -1

    what are we supposed to do? someone please clarify..
    1. install latest dropbox v1.4
    then what?

    • +1

      I updated the description just then. It may help

  • what are we supposed to do? someone please clarify..
    1. install latest dropbox v1.4
    then what?

  • FYI to those from the Beta trial; this offer does not stack.

    • Unfortunate but understandable

  • so did anyone who got 5gb last time get another 3gb or 5gb again this time..after uploading

  • -1

    i don't think this works if u already got 5gb…from last offer

    anyone can confirm..plz

  • So you have to upload 3GB to get the 3GB?

    • nope, I uploaded about 10 pictures. I think you could upload one.

      • Get your free space

        All you have to do to get your free space is test our Camera Upload feature. Here's how:

        • Upload a photo using Camera Upload and you'll instantly get 500MB of extra Dropbox space
        • If you've finished importing your photos using the desktop application, you may still have to wait until Dropbox finishes syncing before free space is applied to your account
        • Every 500 MB you upload via the Camera Upload feature bumps you up another 500 MB
        • You can bump your Dropbox storage up six times for a total of 3 GB of free space. In other words, to reach your limit you have to upload 2.5 GB through the Camera Upload feature
        • Thanks. Not sure i can spare it with my current quota limit…

  • nice one, went smooth. And was needed as I missed the 5gb deal last time. Thanks!


    was at 7.2GB

    now 7.8GB

    gonna upload everything and see lol

  • What am i supposed to upload? 500Mb ?? 5 times to get all the 3GB…

    • If I were you I would do it by 6

      • You can bump your Dropbox storage up six times for a total of 3 GB of free space. In other words, to reach your limit you have to upload 2.5 GB through the Camera Upload feature

  • -2

    htf are we supposed to upload 3gb of pictures?!?!?!

  • +1

    For those asking how they can get 3GB (or have 3GB and don't want to upload it all), see this post in the previous topic:

    It still works, used it to up mine by 4.5GB just now (I did 500MB a few months ago when the original offer ran, thus qualified for 5GB). You essentially end up uploading almost nothing.

    • -1

      so u got 5gb last time for the beta trial and now an extra 3gb?

      • No. I got 500MB last time and the remaining 4.5GB this time.

    • Hmm.. It's still uploading a 400mb file even though its empty. ETA 32 minutes @ 65.3kB/s

      • Odd. My uploads were almost instant, although it took a while to move the files from the USB stick to the PC. Sorry it didn't work.

        • +2

          DW, got it to work with another trick. as they were uploading, I paused syncing, deleted the files and resumed the syncing. Got my free quota!

  • -4 is way better. I have 50gb of storage on there.

  • -3

    this does not work

    i got the 5gb from the beta test, i try to upload some pics but still no extra gbs

    • It says in the post that you can't stack if you previously got 5GB. For those that didn't, it works.

      • -1

        thanks for the clarification…

        the original post didn't mentioning stacking etc…

        that was a waste of time uploading some pics..

  • A bit of a noob question, as I missed out on the beta trial, dunno if this has been already asked - does it work on Macs? The autoplay function doesn't seem to be working, at least on a USB drive with photos anyways, even if I "Enable the Dropbox camera import" in "Preferences"…help???

  • Oops wrong spot

  • +1

    Thanks OP, i got an extra 500MB

  • +1

    Someone needs to write an app that connects to DropBox, Google Drive, SkyDrive etc and makes them appear as a single drive.

    With options for redundancy (duplication across services) or maximum space.

  • After uploading damn near 3gb of photos….i ended up getting a whopping 500mb extra of space…This is getting a neg from me

    P.S. And no, I didnt take part in the beta or anything prior to this i had 4.5gb due to referals etc

    • Did you just copy them to the photos folder or use the autoplay method? If you just copied them that would be why, otherwise maybe contact them to see why you don't have the extra space.

  • +1

    Looks like the old "start syncing then pause" routine isn't working this time.

    • Worked for me!

      • How long did you leave it uploading before it gave you the gigs?

        • +1

          Few seconds, then paused, deleted, then resumed, then got the gigs.

        • Excellent, thanks mate - I was waiting to get the gigs before I paused :)

          I only ended up getting 0.5 as I already had 4.5 under the beta programme. Had my fingers crossed for more but better than nothing.

  • I've uploaded. how long does it take to get the additional gbs?

  • -4

    I already imported all the pics on my iPhone…

    • +2

      Well take some more or copy some photos to a USB! What is with all the neg's?

  • +1

    This free space has been available for a while with the Android app. Letting you do it on the PC does make it easier (and you've been able to do this with a beta version for a while).

    To max mine out I just recorded a bit of 1080p video on my camera and let it upload, pretty easy to get 2.5gb that way.

  • -6

    too much work etc..just to get a few gbs free..

    if dropbox don't get more competitive soon, ms and google will soon beat them…

    ms already gives pre exising users 25gb and new users 7gb, which is heaps more than what dropbox offer..

    I got 25gb from ms without doing alot of this crap uploading to just get it…

  • Does this site assert copyright/publishing rights, over the materials that you upload, in the terms and conditions?

  • +1

    As far as I can tell, it stays yours.

    By using our Services you provide us with information, files, and folders that you submit to Dropbox (together, “your stuff”). You retain full ownership to your stuff. We don’t claim any ownership to any of it. These Terms do not grant us any rights to your stuff or intellectual property except for the limited rights that are needed to run the Services, as explained below.

    We may need your permission to do things you ask us to do with your stuff, for example, hosting your files, or sharing them at your direction. This includes product features visible to you, for example, image thumbnails or document previews. It also includes design choices we make to technically administer our Services, for example, how we redundantly backup data to keep it safe. You give us the permissions we need to do those things solely to provide the Services. This permission also extends to trusted third parties we work with to provide the Services, for example Amazon, which provides our storage space (again, only to provide the Services).

    • Thanks smnfrstr

      That is really good :)

      I'm a little speechless at the moment as I've been looking into T&C for Facebook, Youtube, etc and they all want rights on anything you upload.

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