• expired

Free Extra 5GB for Dropbox! [4.5GB Upload Needed]


I stand corrected: it's a 5Gb bonus all up. Seems 500Mb is a seperate bonus for using the beta, and 4.5Gb is especially for this offer. Upload that little bit more if you haven't already :)

Probably should have added this earlier haha, but if you felt like being nice and hadn't already signed up - please use my refferal link :) http://db.tt/IKR2BhS0

Thought I'd stick this up given no one had yet and Dropbox posts generally go down well.

The way it works: first you install the new beta client of Dropbox which has automated photo and video uploading. You get a bonus 500MB as soon as you start using this feature, and an extra 500MB for each successive 500MB you upload, to a maximum of 4.5GB bonus data on your account. Better get uploadin'!

As Gizmodo advises:

Of course, as with any test software, you should be careful with backing up your backups before you dive right in…

Which is probably a very good idea.

ciab (comment below) has a possible method for getting the bonus data without uploading 4 gig. I would suggest if you do this at least have a good play around with how the new feature works - they're doing this as an incentive for you to test it so it could be nice to help them out a bit :)

via Ghacks via Slickdeals via Gizmodo. Referencing YEAH!

Referral Links

Referral: random (377)

Both referrer and referee will receive 500MB bonus space (up to a limit of 16GB)

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closed Comments

    • This worked for me too, Windows 7 64-bit, no dramas at all.

      • Same here. 12Gb now!

    • Wow man, thanks! worked a treat!

    • I think you mean the extra 4.5gb? You're missing 500mb.

    • Oh yeah! This 100% works. Gave me 4.5GB not 4.0GB like you said (which is better). I was on exactly 11.5GB, now I got the maximum 16.0GB. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Saved my 2 days of uploading 4.7GB (which I will probably still do down the line sometime).

    • Nice! Did this because I was at work and there was no way I could finish importing that much before I left.

      Now that I'm home I'll leave my computer to upload an actual 5GBs of photos. Hey, if they're going to give us free space for practically no cost… might as well pay the cost.

    • I can confirm this also works for OSX Snow Leopard.

      I recorded 9 x 3min videos on my iPhone and used them instead.
      This method worked on both PC & Mac.

    • lol nice tip man :D

    • Mate this shouldbe in the main post,, Awesome hack Ciab !!!

    • Thanks for this A++++++ AWESOME tip, it worked a treat. Very much appreciated

    • Worked for me thanks for this awsome advice

    • Thanks! Everything worked running Windows XP.

  • What do I look for to see if dropbox is uploading from my phone?

    • There is a little camera icon on the system tray that shows up during the initial file copying process (i.e. when photos are transferring from phone/camera to your hard disk)

      After that, the icon dissapears, but you can check what has been uploaded by going into the "Camera Uploads" folder inside Dropbox.

      • Is "Camera Uploads" auto made by Dropbox?

        • Yes. That's where it automatically puts and renames photos/videos when it imports.

  • Has anyone with Windows 7 64-bit managed to get Autoplay working? I've tried with my HTC Desire and USB key, but not having any luck.

    • Have you ever disabled Autoplay on your machine? if so, you need to renable it again.


    • on the dropbox link it states:

      "Importing of photos from cameras, phones, and SD cards." so your USB key won't work

      "For Android devices, it's best to use "Connect as Disk Drive". HTC Sync will not work." so your HTC won't work.

      • Seriously? Just copied 4gb onto my USB.

        • +1

          Put it in a folder called DCIM to be sure (or DCIM\Camera if that fails too). I initially tried doing the import from a USB with images spread out among different folders, then tried it with all photos in the root - neither of these did anything.

        • +1

          The file/folder structure just needs to resemble a camera's.

          Like this:


          chuck everything into the Camera folder — no sub directories. To make things easier, put a 4GB video file in there and let it sync.

        • no it doesn't

          just put all pics into any folder on the usb hdd etc..
          and click autoplay

    • Try right-clicking on the drive from Windows Explorer. You can click Autoplay there, and then select import via Dropbox.

  • +1

    Thanks for the tips folks. I've got all of the Autoplay settings enabled, and am connecting the HTC Desire as a disk drive (i.e. not through HTC Sync), and I can see the disk drive get mounted in Windows Explorer, but the Autoplay prompt never triggers, after numerous attempts.

    • Have you tried the autoplay repair wizard?

    • As above, try right-click on the drive from Explorer.

  • +1

    Thanks for the instructions. I ended up uploading a gig before I realized I needed to do it via autoplay…>:(

    Did anyone have luck with uploading .CR2 files? I have plenty of those and they're big too!

    • The program doesn't seem to pick up CR2 files in the import process. I'm uploading a full 8gb CF card but it's only uploading 2gb or so of it, which is about how much JPG are there.

      Edit: my mistake, it has now picked up all the CR2 files too, increasing the upload time to 33hr! :o

  • So has anyone gotten autoplay to work in win7 x64 yet? On one of mine it just doesn't give me the option. On the other one I do get the option. Identical laptops and both win7 x64 untimate, but there must be a registry setting hidden somewhere. The standard method via control panel doesn't work, and no option on right click of drive etiher, grrr.

    • Nope. Autoplay won't work on my 64 bit either.

      • Report the bug to Dropbox? Kinda the whole purpose behind this beta test no? :-)

        • +1

          Can't be arsed really since its only 4.5GB at stake, and its a microsoft bug anyway.

      • Yeah I know, it works fine on one of my 7x64's, but not on my other one that I want to run this beta on. Google is showing plenty of people with this broken x64 autoplay issue.

        • must be an app or setting cause it

    • it does work on win 64bit

    • I managed to get it working by re-enabling AutoPlay in Windows 7 using a registry hack:


      The value was set to 255 (in decimal) or ff (in hexadecimal), meaning that AutoPlay was disabled for all devices. Once I set this value to 0 (enable AutoPlay for all devices), and killed and restarted the explorer process (because I’m too lazy to restart the PC), AutoPlay started working again, and I now have 4.5 GB extra DropBox space.

      • You should set it to 145 (decimal) rather than 0. 145 is the win7 default value, 0 is unnecessary and could cause more problems since there are many drive types that you really don't want this enabled for.

  • Did anyone else end up getting 5GB instead of 4.5GB? Started at 5.9 and I'm now at 10.9.

    • I think 500mb is the bonus for just testing the beta. And you get up to 4.5GB extra for uploading. I think.

      • Oh ok. Guess I misinterpreted it as 500MB + 4GB.

    • Sounds right - same thing happened to me. Got 10.5GB, up from 5.5GB!

    • Ya I was just wondering same thing, I got only 4.5 :-(

  • Works, thanks OP i needed this! :)

  • Nice, on 12.4GB now! :) I've only used just under 400MB so far though lol.

  • Worked for me, a few autorun headaches with windows 64 bit, used another machine, all good, up to 9.9 GB now.

  • Great post thanks Alzori!

    Also hat tip to Dropbox for supporting RAW format images :)

  • I have uploaded over 500MB of photos (by dragging them into my photo folder in my Dropbox folder after installing the beta), but I have no increase of my storage, and now I've reached my limit. Am I missing something? I'm using Mac OSX 10.6.

    • Am I missing something?

      Yeah. Did you read the instructions?

      You need to use Autorun (don't know what the Mac version of it is) but it needs to be automated. It doesn't work if you just copy and paste from your Mac hard drive.

      It needs to be from a device -ie. your mobile phone, SD card or camera.

      • Thanks, got it working after putting photos into a "DCIM" folder I created in the USB drive.

  • Fingers crossed it works for me! I'm up to 18.25gb on the free account from using adwords to refer. 22gb would be brilliant =)

  • So I signed up for dropbox, installed the beta and started uploading.

    1.4 GB later it still shows that i've used 1.4 GB out of 3.75 GB.

    What the hell?

    • +1

      You're doing it wrong?

      • Hmmm, nvm. I was going to just forget about it so I deleted my "camera photos" folder and then it updated and I'm now at 5.25 GB. Guess I'll start uploading the same photos again…I hope I don't need to upload 1.4 GB of data before they apply more space.

    • Umm, 2GB (starting) + 250MB (Introduction or you got invited at some point?) + 500MB (starting using photo uploader) + 1GB (two lots of a full 500MB uploaded) = 3.75GB. Seems to me that you're right on the money?

  • I love dropbox but still can't justify the cost of subscribing.

    • +1

      I have 26 gigabytes of storage… and I didn't pay a single cent for it.

      You just need to:

      Start dropbox with someone's referall link to get 250mb extra.

      Link it to Facebook and Twitter, and brag/tweet about it, to get 768 mb extra.

      Have your friends use your referral link. Someone on this forum mentioned that there was an easy to way to exploit the referrals, but I can't remember who. Or you can do it the honest way — post your referal on Facebook.

      taken advantage of the Vodafone 2GB extra storage deal. See this post.

      Use your student email address to sign up to dropbox. You will get extra 500mb per referral. If you already have a Dropbox account, just go into the Dropbox preferences page and change it from there.

      Get 250 mb for completing 5 out of 6 steps in the "Get Started" tab on the frontpage

      Played that contest where Dropbox award 1GB free storage. Unfortunately, that ended last year.

      Assuming you take advantage of every offer I just listed, you will get around 24 or 25 gigs.

  • -1

    how come i cant find the link to download the v1.3.12??

    • +1

      It's on the webpage the OP posted (there are 4 links there depending on what operating system you use).

  • I tried to sync videos in a folder DCIM (and also Camera in DCIM), autorun works. But after I clicked autorun, the dropbox doesn't do anything…(no camera icon or anything…) Anyone with the same problem and solved it? +D

  • Make sure you 'upload' 4.5gb of data to get the full 5gb bonus.

    If you've only done 4gb so far, you can just do another 500mb.

  • mine says to take new photos.. but i have never uploaded these photos before :(

    • Maybe you have stuff in the wrong folders, and Dropbox isn't detecting the photos properly. Check the earlier comments about advice on where to put stuff, and if that doesn't work then maybe report a bug - that's the idea of beta builds :)

  • +13

    If you want to get the full 5GB bonus instantly, then do the following:

    1. Get an 8GB USB stick or SD card
    2. Create \DCIM\Camera folder on your USB stick or SD card
    3. Go to the command prompt, with administrative privileges
    4. CD \DCIM\Camera
    5. Enter: "FSUTIL FILE CREATENEW photoXX.jpg 4000000XX"
    6. Repeat Step (4) several times, adding starting with XX=00 and ending with XX=15
    7. Remove the card/stick
    8. Plug it back in, and chose 'auto import to dropbox'
    9. It will upload the files, after which you can delete them.

    The reason that this works is that the files are empty, so will compress during upload to be zero size.

    Note that you need to increment the file size by +1 each time as well as the file name to ensure that the files are different (i.e. if they were all exactly the same size, DropBox will only upload one copy given that they are identical).

    You can probably just make one really huge file, but I kept mine to 400MB so that each file I uploaded would give me the space I needed to upload the next.

    • This worked a treat!

      I had issues with it only uploading one file, even though they were all slightly different file sizes.

      So, I tried with one 4gig file (add another 0 onto the end of the FSUTIL command) and it worked beaut. Upload took 2 seconds for a "4.0 gig" file =)

      Thank you!

    • Worked for me, 3.9GB to 8.9GB :D

  • I am having troubles with it. I received the first 250mb. But after i uploaded 2gb, they never never gave me any more free space. I have uploaded 4gb in total now and received no extra space. Feeling short changed. Using a mac.

    • Try using Windows then. Borrow a friend's comp or dual boot into Windows.

      • The photos are being moved to the computer by dropbox but for some reason it doesn't seem to be synching them to the cloud. How can i force dropbox to do a cloud sync of my dropbox folder?

  • Just doing what darrynl instructed and the computer is doing its stuff. While I'm waiting for it to respond, how did some of you start off with 6gb? O.O

  • For those who want to do the ciab trick and don't actually want to upload anything, change your Upload Bandwidth Preferences to 1kb/s upload. That way it will very very very slowly begin to upload while giving your PC time to copy files from an SD card/USB stick to your Camera Uploads folder on your hard drive.

    • A decent idea, but it shouldn't upload much anyway. I was only uploading at about 40kBps whenever I tried even though my full speed is more than twice that.

  • Thank you guys so much! now up to 12.8GB!

    Thanks to the OzB community for posting this. I read them all here: Vodafone 2GB, edu 500MB, scavenger hunt 1GB.

  • Call me dumb, but where do you go to install the beta client? On the Dropbox home page, all I see is the normal version in the downloads section, nothing that indicates a beta version. Can someone please provide the url???

    • Click the link for the deal.

  • Nice deal but I got 30gb dumptruck storage. Box 50gb etc.

  • I can get it to come up but it always says I have no new pictures, go out and take more pictures? Know what is wrong?

    • Mount your device on your computer (SD card, flash drive or your mobile device)

      Make sure there is a folder inside the memory

      For e.g


      Where F:\ is the drive letter assigned to said device. The files need to be located within the DCIM or Camera folder.

      • Needed the files to be on my phone memory not my sd card

  • +3

    Easy 5GB without actually uploading 5GB. Worked very well for me!

    1 (Not required) Exit dropbox (right click tray: Exit)
    2 Collect 5GB of .avi's on your pc (If you have 5GB storage space, if you have 2GB, collect 2GB of .avi's)
    3 Copy the .avi's to your phone in DCIM folder
    4 Install/Update your desktop dropbox client from the post
    5 Make sure dropbox is running
    6 Connect your phone in mass storage mode
    7 From the action pop-up in Windows choose: Import with dropbox
    8 Wait until import is complete
    9 While dropbox is uploading the files (After indexing!) right-click the tray icon and select 'pause syncing'
    10 Delete the avi's from Dropbox/Camera Uploads folder
    11 Right-click the tray icon and select 'resume syncing'
    12 Done!

    • Help anyone? Tried the above steps with SD card, but does not seem to work on XP Pro??
      Got to the stage where when I inserted the SD card with DCIM folder and it prompts for import options with Dropbox , but when clicked import with Dropbox nothing happens thereafter???
      Any advice would be most appreciated peeps.Cheers.

    • Thanks! got an extra 1.5GB's


  • Thanks, now i'll be on 17.9GB of free storage. :D

  • Oops, nevermind.

  • Thanks for this! 26.9gb of free dropbox space is very good!

    • :/


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