• expired

[NSW] 50% off Licence Renewal Fees for Eligible Drivers @ NSW Government


OzReminder for the new members, This is still available if you qualify. Previous post thanks to virhlpool

To qualify, at the time of renewal you must:

  • Have held the NNW licence continuously for 5 years. You must have less than 6 months total break, for example if your licence was expired, suspended, cancelled or refused for any reason, except on medical grounds.
  • Hold an unrestricted NSW licence of any class. Interstate and overseas licences, NSW learner and provisional P1 and P2 licences are not counted.
  • Renew your licence within 6 months of the expiry date. If you renew more than 6 months after expiry, you must pay the full renewal fee.
  • Have no relevant offences recorded on your NSW licence. This includes the 5-year period leading up to the date you renew your licence. Interstate and overseas driving records are not counted.

Note: 10 year licence only available for unrestricted licence of class C (car) and/or R (rider) aged 21 to 44 years.

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closed Comments

  • +13

    Perfect as few people will qualify

    • +6

      True it is getting hard not to get booked,

      But when I travel at the speed limit I get tailgated, people get impatient and sometimes do crazy overtaking manoeuvres.

      • +5

        Yeah, this becomes a particular issue at roadworks, especially in 40 zones on highways which the majority of people just seem to think is ok to ignore.

      • In my last 3 tickets in NSW I have exceeded the speed limit by about average of <5km/hr…
        Mostly in zones I did not realize speed limit has been dropped by 10.

        • Off topic… but weird how my nearly 50 year old brain has never been able to effectively remember "less than" vs "greater than" symbols and I still have to visualise the "fish shape" in my mind each time. Something must have been wrong with that primary school teaching method, I think my teacher must have put too much emphasis on teaching the open mouth fish method rather than explaining that the individual < > symbols actually have a distinct meaning. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention. :)

    • +6

      How is it so hard to follow speed limits and drive safely? You're looking after yourself and others in fast moving pieces of metal & plastic 😬

      I don't mean to be uppity and sure we all make mistakes but why do people assume it's the norm to speed?

      • +6

        exactly! just how hard is it to use cruise control and set it 5 to 10km below speed limits just to play safe and if anyone tailgate you then go even slower to make sure it's safe for them too..

        • Or move over/pull-over if possible, tailgaters are usually the angry ones, hopefully not the axe wielding ones.

          It's great that (assumedly) safer drivers get rewarded, or others get penalised, does it really take a loved one being killed or seriously injured to get the msg across?

          Ok ending me rant

            • +5

              @h4zey: I think moving over or staying as far away as possible is the recommended defensive driving advice, if you can't, yes slow down for a safe stopping speed but don't try to purposefully block them, I haven't heard that ever recommended. Or am I misinterpreting you?

              If you have a RFD or passenger, you could get them to take a video & get the licence & submit to police if you can be bothered.

              I usually try to assume the driver has a sick kid or woman in labour and let them pass but it's their responsibility to drive safely fir their own and others' sake, & cops to enforce the law. Driving dangerously certainly isn't going to help the kid or labourer though, but one can't easily have a constructive conversation with a tailgater to warn them, intentionally blocking them is likely to just lead to more road rage and rash decisions 😬

            • +1

              @h4zey: In other words, you recommend going out of your way to actively infuriate an already frustrated person.

              Yeah, that's a recipe for safe roads and calm mindspaces.

          • +3

            @Embaloo: Going 105 in a 100 zone isn't unsafe. Thats the problem. Many fines are given to drivers who are driving safely

        • +2

          Reminds me of this segment from Top Gear - https://youtu.be/9TnGjq9mWSI

        • +1

          I once went slower when I was being tailgated and was rear-ended (courier driver) when turning into an angle park (I indicated with plenty of warning) - he said, "I thought you'd be out of the way in time" - so I probably should have sped up into the park and then slammed on the brakes lol

      • +7

        You should drive to the conditions. Where everyone else is going slightly over it's safer to follow rather than risk accidents by making yourself an obstacle to weave around, where everyone is driving slightly under you should probably slow down too as there may be a traffic risk ahead. You need to examine the type of roadway and time of day for what's appropriate too, I would never condone speeding through a school zone when the kids have just gotten out or at 1pm in a busy shopping district for example. If its 2am and you are on a highway by yourself what's the harm? The only time I have been fined for speeding was by a stationary camera in an area where I mistook the speed limit for 60 but it was actually a 50 zone for a few hundred meters.

      • +5

        Turns out you can follow speed limits, drive safely and still get speeding fines.

        Going 105 in a 100 zone is just basic variation of driving and you are still completely safe while doing it.

        • -6

          Nobody ever said anything about safe, it's about breaking the laws.
          If you are going over speed limit then you are breaking the laws regardless how many Ks over. Haven't you seen the new ads? "Casual speeding? Every Ks counts".

          • +3

            @h4zey: The laws are about being the idea of being safe. That's the entire reasoning behind them.

            As I said, its natural variation when driving, not intentional.
            Keeping your eyes the road is safer then looking down at your Speedo.

            Wow the new ads! Sorry I don't get my moral compass from ads.

            • -2

              @ScruffTheJanitor: While agree to be safe then just follow the rule, still our moral compass doesn't matter, even 1 Ks above the limit can lead to a fine.
              Personally, people should drive 2-5 ks less then speed limit but law should also be lenient to ignore 2-5 Ks above speed limit.
              Usually, the Highway petrol ignores you within acceptable limit but any cop can have a bad day to make yours worse.

              • +2

                @BargainMac: You can be safe while going 1km over the limit, can't you?

                And its never actual road cops, its the speeding cameras.

                • +1

                  @ScruffTheJanitor: Well, I believe it to be safe even 10Ks over the speed limit on a freeway. I just avoid doing it. Moreover, I feel going a little over is safer than keeping your eye half of the time on speedometer to keep in limit. In my view keeping your eyes off the road is more dangerous than going a little over.

                  However, at the moment, the argument is not about what we all agree to, instead, it was about getting fined because going over the limit, be it 1 K above or 10 ks above the limit.

                  Thanks to whoever downvoting my earlier comment

                  • @BargainMac: The argument was about the safety of it. I replied to someone saying how hard is it to follow speed limits and drive safely as if anyone who gets a ticket must be driving unsafely.

            • +5

              @ScruffTheJanitor: Yes, you can going over speed limit safely, but we are not talking about safe here.
              Revenue NSW is not interested to know whether removing the sign is safe or not or whether you can travel safely above speed limit, they are only interested in knowing if you go over speed limit then you will have to pay them some money.

              • +3

                @h4zey: +1 to revenue raising. There's lots of studies published on speeding. Speed DOES NOT kill. No matter what anyone says, speeding does not kill. You know what kills?

                Lack of driver skill. Driver inattentiveness. Driving under the influence. Etc.

                If speed kills, well, there's a whole lot of videos online showing that it does not. Speeding can make any of the above points much worse when an accident happens, but speeding alone does not kill.

      • +1

        It can be hard, because how many times the speed limits can change on one road and then how they change depending on times or school zones etc and jump up and down.

      • It is easy to stick to the speed limit in areas you know,
        But drive somewhere new and you can come undone, too many changes in speed limit and school zones. It’s a nightmare.

    • +1

      think my wife paid half of that $40mil

      • +1

        Revenue NSW would like to thank her for her contribution.

  • +5

    I just renewed and they charged me half, they will do it for you if you qualify.

  • Just got this last month.

  • +16

    Auto happens not sure it needs advertising?

    • +1


    • Correct. Completely pointless.

      • +3

        I suspect the hundreds, possibly thousands of people that will see this post, didn't know about this 50% saving, and then save themselves hundreds of dollars will disagree.

        • +2

          Quite right. I just renewed my licence eight times with this deal and saved myself a bundle.

          • +1

            @5kbjvb3o: You renew your licence every year?

            • @kerfuffle: Normally I renew every 10 years but this was too good to pass up!

              • +1

                @5kbjvb3o: Isn't it cheaper to renew at 10 years and save 50%? It's $30 for one year (which goes up every July) and $176 for 10 years (or less than $20/year)

        • How so? It happens automatically, so have no idea how people will miss out on the saving?

          • @dinglejerry: They'd see this, behave themselves so they don't get docked points for the next 5 years and save themselves $130 in 5 years time

  • +5

    Hasn't this deal always been around?

    • +5

      For the past decade, yeah.

  • I discovered not long ago that I've had driver's licence for more than 20 years. Isn't that disgusting?

    Never had a ticket, never lost a point. Just renewed my 10 year license for $170 or so. Pretty good.

    • that's disgusting to have it over 20 years

  • -2

    Old. Already knew about it

    • +3

      umm, that's why it says OzReminder for people that forgot about it.

      • Thought this was OzBargain not ozreminder

  • +8

    Only real deal is:
    If you are 4 years from an offence, get a 1 year for $60 then renew next year with a half price 10-year license for $176, don't just renew at full price for 10 years.

    Save $116 and get an extra year out of it.

    Or if you are offence-free, get in quick and get a 10 year licence.

    • I know when I had it done a few years back, they would only do it for 5 years, as being over 45(?) you have to do an eye test.

      • Ah yes. The trick for the 5 year one only saves $25, likely not worth the hassle of renewing twice if you have to do the eye test again.

    • +1

      I applied exactly this logic and applied for a 1-year license last July.

  • +5

    Imagine not losing a single demerit point within five yrs in Sydney

    • +2

      Not that hard? After all, it’s only speeding if you get caught ;)

      In all seriousness, not that hard. 17 years without a point so far.

      • +3

        Agree. Same. Really not hard. They warn you 3 times before a camera! How can you still get a fine!

        • +1

          Goes to show how much attention a lot of people are actually paying when they're behind the wheel or riding.

    • +2

      Most NSW drivers have no accumulated demerit points. During the period between 2005 and 2013, consistently over 70 per cent of NSW drivers have no accumulated demerit points at any point in time. This is despite a number of significant changes to the Demerit Points Scheme and enforcement programs over that period.

      Source: NSW Government Submission: Staysafe Inquiry into speed zoning and its impact on the Demerit Points Scheme (2014)

      • That's very interesting, obviously they're not the vocal bunch in criticising the demerit system

  • +2

    Just a heads up you can't renew for 10 years online (or at least I wasn't able to last time)
    conveniently this ends up with me getting a half price 10 year licence on the last year I can get one.

  • +5

    The drivers who get booked, and keep getting booked, excuse and justify themselves by telling themselves that everyone is just like them. That everyone gets booked every so often, because its impossible to not be. But the numbers I last saw say the real situation is actually the opposite. At any given point in time about two thirds of drivers have no points. Two thirds of drivers manage to go decades or forever - once they grow up - without getting booked and not having any at fault crashes.

    One of the things we get told is that "most drivers think they are better than average, and that can't be true". In fact if you use the measure of a good driver that they don't get booked and don't cause crashes, and so don't have any demerit points, the two thirds in that situation - substantially more than half - have a better than average number of demerit points - if anyone has any points the average is greater than zero so zero is better than average - and are therefore better than average drivers.

    • +1

      Does being at fault in a crash cost you demerit points in NSW?

    • Must have put up with Perrottet's shite for past year or so (ie: NSW resident)
  • +3

    Been driving for 20 years, most of that in NSW and never lost a point.
    Follow the road rules, don't speed, value the lives of those around you, it's really not that hard.

    • +1

      Turns out you can do these things and still get fines.

  • +2

    Anything for Victoria license

  • +1

    "The discount will be automatically applied when you renew your unrestricted licence for 1, 3, 5 or 10 years."

    So apparently no need to go into the qualification details, as we will know when we renew if we qualify or not.

  • Sorry, we cannot renew your licence online

    Not due for renewal

    Please visit a Service Centre to have your photo taken for your photo licence card.

  • +2

    Would prefer a 50% rebate on car registration and insurance because we couldn't f*n go anywhere. Only did 3000 km last rego year.

    Yet 50% and free registration for those rare road users who pay over $811 and $1351 in tolls respectively…

  • Why is it ok to break the law in other states?

    Anyway maybe a loophole, move to nsw for day then move back and you avoid licence fee as your existing expiry carries over .

    Need a NSW address I guess,

  • Government sucking on citizens' blood, what else is new

  • I went in and successfully grabbed a 10 year licence 3 weeks ago at 50% off, didn’t even know 10 year was an option now, last licence I had was 5 years.

  • Does it come with a free boat licence?

  • This is automatic if u qualify…

  • Or in other words, if you get booked just once in a 5 year period, you get the fine, plus they double the price for you to renew your licence.

  • +1

    Not available in Victoria. Victorian Government is not good. Charges too much toll and still need to pay so much for Rego.

  • Pity Dan doesn't offer this in Victoria the tax & fine capital of Australia. My licence renewal is due this week, 20 years and never lost a point and zero recognition compared to NSW, about time you rewarded safe drivers Dan, pay for it out of the speed camera revenue.

  • Just to add a little tip, if you have a clean record for 10 years, but get a minor speeding offence, you can claim leniency, you need to wait for the fine to be sent to you, then you can submit a claim, explain that you have a clean record and that it was a once off offence and explain why you may have been speeding.

    My licence was coming up for renewal in a few months, and I got caught speeding on M4, was able to get off due to clean record and so was still able to get the 50% discount.

    I'm not saying its ok to speed, just that sometimes things happen. It takes a lot to get that 10 year clean record in the first place.

  • Easy to say don't speed and you won't get demerits but that doesn't save you from council rangers that dock you demerit points for parking offences, and the councils that do the bare minimum or no signage or line markings to assist you but still manage to have the resources to fine the drivers day in day out.

    Gotta love Sydney.

  • Does anyone know the reasoning behind why you can't get a 10 year licence after 44?

    • Appearances I'd say.

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