• expired

Free Coffee & Dessert for Women, 8th Mar @ Rashays (Dine-in Only)


International Women’s Day is a special day to celebrate the cultural, social, economic, and political achievements of women across the world. This year, RASHAYS would like to acknowledge all the women in our lives that have helped us become who we are today.

To celebrate, RASHAYS will be offering free coffee and dessert to every woman who dines in on Tuesday the 8th of March 2022. The guests will be able to choose from any regular sized coffee and a choice of our desserts (famous brownie, sticky date pudding or mud cake) for free!

Terms and Conditions:

  • This offer is available to women who dine-in at their local RASHAYS.
  • This offer is only available on Tuesday the 8th of March 2022.
  • The free coffee is only available in regular size. Extra fees apply to large.
  • The free dessert consists of a choice between the brownie, sticky date pudding, or mud cake.
  • This offer is limited to one free coffee and one free dessert per person.

I have confirmed with support the following:

To receive this offer, there is no minimum spend requirement.

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closed Comments

    • -2

      Employees are trained to use their discretion(youtu.be) in such situations

    • +3

      Just wear a burqa, you will get a free coffee and dessert and you'll also fit right in

  • +6

    Great little promo. A shame it's Rashays food.

  • Is this only [NSW, ACT] ?

    • Rashays has now made it to Victoria, opening in Broadmeadows……

      • Which is ….good?

        • Yes, you will join a gang when you enter Broadmeadows, but you may not be able to get back out

        • Rashays isn’t very good from what I’ve heard so Broadmeadows will love it.

  • +14

    Does it count if you choose to identify as a woman?

    • -6

      Suck it up and stop being a small cat

      • +7

        cat lives matter

        • +2

          Y'all being catty right now

  • +2

    When is gender neutral day? Asking for a friend.

  • -7


    • "#mentoo"

    • +2

      Poor troll

    • +2

      Gotta love being vote number 8

      • +1

        protip. if you are number 8 you can vote and then revote to get the win and confuse/save your vote

  • +11

    A simple gesture of a free coffee and dessert, to support women.

    But no, it is shouted down in this era of "woke" youngsters, who don't like it because it "doesn't seem fair". Lol.

    • +1

      Wait, who are the “woke” youngsters?

      • +2

        A new Netflix series that follows a passionate group of social misfits in search of free desserts

    • +9

      Pretty sure it's just angry nerds.

    • +3

      Wouldn’t woke youngsters be pro this? I genuinely think nobody knows what woke means and just blindly use it to indicate they dislike a point of view (without then needing to back it up).

      • +2

        Woke means you got your morning coffee

      • +1

        Woke roughly means "I disagree with your opinion and am sprouting grey hairs"

  • -5

    Celebrating women's day is great until some of them do this.


    • +3

      What has that got to do with IWD?

      • -2


        • +2

          I mean, did you post the right link? The video you posted has some people singing a song about COVID masks.

          • +8

            @mskeggs: Apparently, women being offered cake and coffee is the time for everyone to post things that other women have done that they don’t like? The lack of logic on here nowadays is frightening.

  • +17


  • -3

    smells like white knighting simps in here

    • +11

      Smells like whiny incels in here more like. I mean it’s coffee and cake ffs.

  • +1
  • -8

    I will choose to identify as a transgender female for a day to receive my free coffee and cake…

    In all seriousness though… IWD is bulls*** and anyone who thinks there is inequality based on gender has serious issues…

    • +8

      There is definitely inequality based on gender. Why do females get to leave sinking boats first? Why do females get rescued first during hostage situations? I'm sure males want to survive as much as the females do.

      • +23

        Why do females get to leave sinking boats first? Why do females get rescued first during hostage situations?

        So men can think of a solution in peace.

    • +8

      anyone who thinks there is inequality based on gender has serious issues…

      Guess there’s no racism in the world too.

      • He didn't say there wasn't sexism, he said there were no inequalities based on gender just like (in the first world/ western world at least) there is no inequality based on racism, but there are racists out there

        • +10

          just like (in the first world/ western world at least) there is no inequality based on racism

          You can’t be serious.

          • @Richfield: Totally serious.
            Can you then show me proof/data of inequality due to racism, in the modern western world. (Not historical, I'm talking today).

            • +3

              @mick123: Off of the top of my head, in the us black males are incarcerated at five times the rate of white males

              • -1

                @p1owz0r: I'm pretty sure I read something on this, and the incarceration rate looks alot higher than it is on stats…

              • +2

                @p1owz0r: Off the top of my head, in the US, males are incarcerated at nine times the rate of females.. is that sexism against men?

                • +1

                  @mick123: So are you saying there’s no institutional racism in the us police force or prison or justice system?

                  Yeah cool.

                  • @p1owz0r: Correct. And if there is, like I said, show some data.

                    Also, is the system sexist as men get incarcerated at nine times the rate of women?

        • +6

          Essentially this! You're always going to get racist, ageist and sexist morons, but there's nothing stopping anyone of any age, race, religion, or gender from doing anything they want in the first world

    • +1

      Oh anyone who thinks there's any inequality in the world is obviously delusional because our Lord and saviour Jesus would never allow such a thing now would he? /s

    • +6

      neckbeards have literally one joke.

      aPaChE hELiCoPtEr

      • +3

        tbh the helicopter thing was funny the first time it appeared on the internet, and it was clearly satire. the sad thing is that, given enough time, jokes get taken seriously by idiots and turn into religions

    • +5

      If you wait for a bit longer, they may do a special promotion for shallow thinkers.

    • When a woman gets raped in parliament and the establishment tries to cover it up, is that what you call equality?

      When a female victim of child sexual abuse doesn’t play happy family with a man who has downplayed and not taken any meaningful action and her behaviour becomes the main story, is that what you call equality?

      • +12

        When men get raped anywhere, its impossible to say anything because it's laughed at, and seen as something that never happens.

        When men try to get custody of their children, they lose the court case over 80 percent of the time.

        If there's inequality, it works both ways, but the "woke" culture of today never reference these things

        • -4

          When men get raped anywhere, its impossible to say anything because it's laughed at, and seen as something that never happens.

          Over 90% of all rape victims are women. Rather than saying things like ‘look at what she was wearing, she was asking for it’, men could just stop raping.

          Honestly mate. Give it a rest. You have no idea what institutional inequality is.

          Your next line is likely ‘not all men’.

          • +1

            @Vote for Pedro: To be fair people have been taking rape very seriously since a few years ago. So seriously that men are getting wrongfully convicted of rape and in most cases the women get to walk away scot free.

            I'm not quite sure why you're throwing institutional inequality in there, no one said anything about institutional inequality.

            • +1


              To be fair people have been taking rape very seriously since a few years ago.

              Since a few years ago. Wowee, applause for us. Now that we’re enlightened tha rape is bad, we can move on to the rest then. Baby steps, wouldn’t want to hurt a man’s feelings because a woman didn’t smile at him.

              • @Vote for Pedro: You sound like an angry feminist with no valid arguments. First its institutional inequality and now its something about women smiling at men. To be honest I'm not sure what you're on about anymore.

                • @vlo: Then you are part of the problem. Bravo to you that you started taking rape seriously ‘a few tears ago’

                  • @Vote for Pedro: How am I part of the problem when you reply with things that are totally irrelevant? Perhaps you can enlighten me. What does institutional inequality and women smiling at men have anything to do with the messages that you are replying to?

                    When did I ever say that I started taking rape seriously 'a few tears ago'? I assume years?

                    • +2

                      @vlo: 90% of all rape victims are women. By ignoring that fact and saying ‘what about men’ you are suggesting an even distribution of the problem which is simply not the case. Thereby your actual goal is to downplay the fact of the problem women face in overwhelmingly disproportionate numbers.

                      This is not your fault, it is how the system has raised you and me for that matter.

                      • @Vote for Pedro: WOW… You really do like putting words in my mouth and twisting everything I say. Not only that, you fail time and time again to reply with anything remotely relevant to what I'm actually saying or asking.

                        And now you decide to accuse me of something that I DID NOT say again. When did I say 'what about men'?

                        You're constantly pointing your fingers at me but it seems to me like you're the actual problem here. You can't answer simple questions. You have a habit of replying messages with things that are completely irrelevant to what you're replying to. Then you like to twist words and accused others of saying things that they did not.

                        I think your goal is to completely ignore things or questions that you don't like and only focus on twisting the few words that offends you. I'm trying to understand your point of view but it's really hard when you can't or won't even reply with anything that is remotely relevant to what I'm saying.

                        • @vlo:

                          So seriously that men are getting wrongfully convicted of rape and in most cases the women get to walk away scot free.

                          This tells us everything we need to know about your attitudes.

                          Wrongful Conviction indicates you have more insight than the judge or jury

                          • @Vote for Pedro: You have yet to make a single argument that make even the tiniest bit of sense.

                            Why do I need to be a judge or jury? Do you not know what the news or internet is?

                            "This tells us everything we need to know about your attitudes."
                            Then what does your replies say about your intelligence?

                            • @vlo: Reading your responses lead to a range of emotions. I am ending on sadness because it tells me how much we have to go in this country for equality.

                              • -1

                                @Vote for Pedro: Yes it's definitely my fault when you can't make a single relevant argument.

            • @vlo: Source of wrongful convictions? Were you there?

              • @pikachooo: Was I there? I guess you're trying to say how can I be sure if I'm not there. People have no problem believing what they see on the news or online without being physically there. No one is questioning what is happening in Ukraine or the flood in NSW. Do you see the double standard in your question?

                As for source, you can easily find them if you did a simple google search. Or you can just look up Brian Banks. All the information is easily accessible but yet you choose to ignore it and ask questions like "were you there".

                • @vlo: That is literally ONE case you are eluding to wrt Brian Banks.

                  "So seriously that men are getting wrongfully convicted of rape and in most cases the women get to walk away scot free"

                  Where is the evidence that "men are being wrongfully convicted" and "women are walking away scot free"? I mean it stands to reason that with an increased number of convictions, so to increases the number of wrong convictions. Our justice system is far from perfect. The same applies to any type of conviction - its logic. But is there evidence that the rate at which it is occurring is increasing?

                  • @pikachooo: This is the problem with today's society. Every time someone brings up a case where men are being victimized by women, people will immediately try to discredit it. In your case, you lose all ability to use google and require me to prove everything.

                    We won't even be having this discussion if I've said "In most rape cases the men get to walk away scot free.". No one will even question it and most will immediately believe it. What is with the hypocrisy?

                    "I mean it stands to reason that with an increased number of convictions, so to increases the number of wrong convictions. Our justice system is far from perfect. The same applies to any type of conviction - its logic. But is there evidence that the rate at which it is occurring is increasing?"

                    Did you not just answered your own question? With more rape convictions then based on your own logic the rate of wrongful conviction will also increase. What's with the double standards? Do you lose all sense of logic when it comes to men's rights?

                    • @vlo: | Every time someone brings up a case where men are being victimized by women, people will immediately try to discredit it.

                      No. My issue is that the only time people seem to bring up men being victimised is in response to women’s rights.

                      The problem with today’s society is whataboutism.

                      Women have worked hard to gain a voice. Get your own platform and raise awareness proactively instead of reactively.

                      And disagree. It’s the rate of wrong convictions that should be the focus. Is it a problem that there is more crime with increasing population size?

                      It’s equivalent to saying you can’t have crime if you simply don’t convict.

                      • -1

                        @pikachooo: My intention wasn't to bring up men being victims but more to highlight that society is actually doing something about rape instead of what was implied in the original post.

                        "No. My issue is that the only time people seem to bring up men being victimised is in response to women’s rights."
                        I think the reason for that is because of the feminist movement. All the claims about fighting for equality when it's almost always only about women's rights and most of it is at the expense of men. On top of that, men's rights are constantly being dismissed.
                        If you're telling a group of people (men) that their rights don't matter. Then what do you expect when you're trying to talk about women's rights? If men's rights don't matter and you claim that everyone is equal. Then why should people care about women's rights?

                        "Is it a problem that there is more crime with increasing population size?"
                        I think crime is a problem regardless of population size.

                        "It’s equivalent to saying you can’t have crime if you simply don’t convict."
                        I don't think I ever implied that. Crime is crime regardless of conviction.

          • +3

            @Vote for Pedro: As soon as he used the word ‘woke’ you know there’s no point arguing.

      • +2

        I know men who were raped and they would still smile next to the PM

        • +1

          Why. Because the institution that has done nothing to improve the situation expects it? Stuff that for a joke.

          Let’s be frank here. Australia has a problem with women. Look at the pathetic abuse our first female prime minister copped. Why should grace tame smile? She was a child when she was sexually assaulted. The prime minister has done nothing to tackle the problem.

          But that’s just it. Institutions demand politeness and respect ‘for the position’.

          Where was the ‘respect for the position’ rent-a-crowd when there was no respect for a female prime minister. Silent because they only use an argument when it suits their narrative.

          • +3

            @Vote for Pedro: Dunno why you want to make it so much a men vs women issue.
            All abuse and rape is wrong. There is no less evil.
            I appreciate that Grace Tame made it clear during her speech to the NPC that she's not a women's advocate but a people advocate.

            I think you're trying to argue with the wrong people here.

            • +1

              @ShouldIBuyIt: Im not arguing with grace tame or her position. I agree with it. Though there is nuance.

              I’m arguing about men who diminish what women have experienced (overwhelmingly disproportionate), particularly one’s like PVO or those on this forum.

              But lets speak frankly here as grown ups. There is no balance here. Yes, men are victims of rape. However 90% of victims of rape are women. It is typical of us men to want to focus on ourselves by saying things like ‘but men also get raped’.

              • @Vote for Pedro: That last paragraph is everything which is wrong with feminists, especially men feminists.
                I'm sorry but I reject your "typical of us men" as I refuse to feel guilty by association, as I absolutely don't identify to those men.
                I also reject the premise that highlighting that some men are victims is to focus the discussion on men. We should condemn any form of abuse, independently of gender, or political agenda.
                This is as simplified as your previous comment

                Rather than saying things like ‘look at what she was wearing, she was asking for it’, men could just stop raping.

                I doubt most of the people who say that are actual rapists, hence not sure how this would be a practical solution

                I do agree with you about PVO.

          • +1

            @Vote for Pedro: How are you going to tackle the problem? You make it sound like society can wish away rape. It’s an act of evil no different than murder, stealing and other bad crimes. No government in the world is going to change human nature.

            And our female prime minister was crap! You think she should be awesome just because she was a women? No different to a crap man prime minister

            • +3

              @UberIsCool: So that makes it ok for the abuse she copped? That’s exactly the point I’m trying to make and thank you for reinforcing it.

              Current PM is crap too, but the same people defending the pathetic behaviour against gillard are demanding‘respect for the position’ today.

              • @Vote for Pedro: You’ve completely destroyed your argument. With your logic anyone on camera with a PM should be a sour faced cow because they don’t support their politics. Then we should all walk around like sour faced cows just cause people have different opinions than us.

                All politicians have the public dumping on them, you just have some hard on all of a sudden for Gillard but she was also crap

                • +2

                  @UberIsCool: "Sour faced cows" - says it all really.

                  Are you a sweet faced bull?

                  Photo welcome.

                • +2


                  sour faced cow

                  And there you have it ladies and gentlemen

              • @Vote for Pedro:

                So that makes it ok for the abuse she copped?

                Where the hell did anyone said that? You're making up your own argument. No one is reinforcing your point.

  • +1

    The moaning in here reminds me of kids asking their parents when "Kids Day" is on mothers and fathers day. Same answer for the moaners as I give the kids. Every other day is Mens Day.

    • +3

      Feminists unite!

      • +1

        1st world western feminism is a cancer on society.. egalitarianism rules!!

        • +1

          I take it you're not a fan of this(cnbc.com) cafe

          • +1

            @Chocobros: triggered!!! lol

            • +1

              @siresteelhell: Haha :). In reality I agree with you that the bulk of feminists at least from my experience are amongst the dregs of our race… They typically fight for "equality" through inequality and lack insight into their stupidity; all the while detracting from more serious issues or fixing their injustice (and that of others) through equality for all.

              Egalitarianism all the way.

        • +1

          Current feminists be like: "we want equality, but want more than equality, think we're superior, and all men are a**holes"

  • +15


    Well, that's a new tag

  • +6

    A freebie is a freebie, I'll take it! Thanks OP.

    It's unfortunate it's targeted at females, but surely we can understand part of the aims of IWD is to promote women equality so naturally it's something that's promoted towards women? I can kind of understand the outrage but I am biased as I am able to claim (yay!) Only problem is, are there any Rashays in Melbourne apart from Broadmedows? I can't say I've ever dined there before :(

    On a brighter note, this is a great chance to 'shout' a special woman in your life!

    You can kind of think of it like a buy one get one :)

    X Break the bias X

    • +1

      Don't even think the broadie one is opened yet. It's basically targeted [NSW, ACT]

    • but surely we can understand part of the aims of IWD is to promote women equality so naturally it's something that's promoted towards women?

      I'm not entirely sure you understand what the word equal means …

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