This Thursday Powerballs Jackpot Is 120m Do You Have a Ticket

So it is that time of year again when the lotto thread of fools and dreamers (myself included) comes around - simple poll do you have a ticket?

If you have a ticket list the first 5 things you are going to do if you take the 120m jackpot all to yourself

who if anyone would you tell that you won?

My Answer are

1.quit my job (in a nice way)
2. Pay off my house
3. Buy a holiday house(s) as well as some other commercial properties
4. Help family financially
5. Buy a car that pre jackpot I could never afford ie an M4 or C63 etc

Wife only everyonenelse will just magically have a few million gifted to them ie parents siblings etc

Last of All good luck!!!

Poll Options

  • 301
    Yes i have a ticket(s)
  • 316
    No i dont have a ticket
  • 86
    Not yet but I'm getting one


        • It went from 6 and power ball to 7 and power ball .
          Ever since it has been mission impossible but good for them .

        • $24.30 per game on The Lott app for that lol. 50 PowerHit games comes in at $1215, worth the gamble?

        • -1

          that doesn't increase the odds

          • @Kozhutki: It does. From 1 in 134 million to 1 in 7 million.

            But the ticket costs more money.

            • @John Kimble: but it doesnt, statistically it makes no difference

              • @Kozhutki: I just gave you the statistics. There's a difference.

                Do you mean the chances of winning are still very small? If so, yes I agree.

      • yes/no they make more sales on big draws but less on the week to week

        i only play when the jackpot is large but i wouldn't pay powerball until it is over 50m opposed to tuesday or saturday ill have a punt if the jackpot is @ or over 20m

        i know a few people that just refuse to play it due to the odds being so insane.

        of course i dont think anyone who plays lotto 'actually believes' they will win it is the hope that your numbers will come up and your life will change overnight that it brings.

        Im not a massive advocate of gambling i dont see the point of playing pokies and that other rubbish you win a 10k jackpot your probably just going to gamble that away but life changing money is appealing it sets up yourself, your family and bring you a life you could only dream of.

  • +3

    As a wise man used to say:

    You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky
    - Michael Scott

    But again, I'm not buying a ticket

    • It's true. The only reason I'm not buying it is because I'm crap poor and behind on my single mortgage repayments. Just living on $1.70 bread and $1.40 oats, that will last me a week. No way I can afford a ticket.

  • I don't understand the greed mentality when it comes to the Lotto. Why would people be more inclined to buy a ticket for a $120M jackpot compared to a $30M jackpot. Both would be lifechanging amounts. The fact that it has jackpotted to $120M tells me one thing - it is almost impossible to win.

    • +2

      The odds are the same whether it $120m or $30m
      but there are winner most week, only hit this size if we have several weeks of no division 1 winners.
      so it is not impossible, there are winner almost every week though the odd are 134m to 1

      • You have a higher chance of successfully navigating an asteroid field! (3,720 to 1)

    • +2

      The chances of winning powerball are REALLY BAD but if you did win you would want to money to be LIFE changing.

      I agree 30m is 'life changing' but if 10 people win 1st division 3m each is 'life changing' but for some people that would buy a house and a holiday and not a whole lot more esp if you are buying in Sydney/melbourne you might just get a house ? if 10 people win 120m jackpot that is 12m each.

      People seem to forget the 1st division is split between all winners so at 20m jackpot one by 20 ppl is 1m each nothing to 'sneeze about' but 1m in modern society doesnt buy a property in most of the major cities.

      I Had a bloke the other day tell me his cousin won 1st division a few years ago which was split between a few people he got around ~650k which would be nice but it isnt enough to retire. It would set you up for an early retirement but personally i only play when it is big becuz if im playing longggg odds if i hit the bullseye i want it to set myself and my family up for generations otherwiseid say my ~$20 i pay for my ticket for something else.

      • To be fair, it's highly unlikely that 10 people will be winning Powerball. Since Powerball changed format in 2018, there have only been 5 draws that had more than 1 winner. Out of 201 draws, three draws had 2 winning entries while the other two draws had 3 winning entries.

    • -1

      I wouldn't call it greed mentality, the odds are just more favourable when the jackpot is higher.

      • -1


        • -1

          How are the odds not more favourable?

          If I buy one ticket when the jackpot is at $1 million, I got a 1 in 134 million chance to win $1 million.

          Now the jackpot is currently at $120 million, and I still only buy 1 ticket, I got a 1 in a 134 million chance to win $120 million.

          Even if there are 10 winners (I think the highest amount of Division 1 winners is probably like 5 or something), that's still $12 million each, a lot better than the $1 million.

          Note I never said the odds are in your favour or anything, it's just that it's more worth it if you're buying a ticket when the jackpot is higher.

          If i was incorrect with anything I said, please let me know.

          • +1

            @Naiht: You said the odds are more favourable.

            The odds don't change. They are not more or less favourable.

            You actually meant, if you win, chances are you win more money.

            • -1

              @John Kimble: I mean, it's a gambling term? Since we're talking about the lottery here.

              If a bookie is paying $4 for horse to win and another bookie is paying $3 for the same horse to win, I'd be saying the first bookie is giving better odds.

              • +2

                @Naiht: same odds, just better payout.

                • +2

                  @selphie: He means the expected value is higher.

                • @selphie: The word "odds" has more than one meaning though. I mean what you're saying is correct as well but what I originally said is using the other meaning of the word "odds". Which I can show you here at

                  The one I'm using is "the ratio between the amount to be paid off for a winning bet and the amount of the bet".

                  So as the jackpot goes up, the ratio gets better.

    • I just don't want to play that often.

  • +1

    I bought a ticket because of this thread. If I win I have to thank OP.

  • +2

    Hire 20 escorts and lapdancers. Have an orgy for a week and you'll have something to remember for your old days 😂

    • +8

      and always carry something with you for the rest of your life……..

      • +2

        Can share to friends too

        • +3

          And in serious cases something might even fall off.

  • +1

    Even if I was $120 million richer, Ill still be hunting on OzBargain.

    • Ngl, I would probably pay someone to ozb for me….

    • +2

      There's plenty of those on here already

    • And I'd still be upset when something I bought comes up for $1.12 cheaper, 4 weeks later.

    • Imagine how many Eneloops you could get.

  • +1

    I would keeping working for at least 6 months.
    Modest upgrade to my house in the same area
    New average car
    Invest 90% to live off
    Tell no one.

    A person won it from area X in which you live and you have quit your job, brought a $20,000,000 house and 2 AMG cars people would work out you had a win.

    • +1

      I would keeping working for at least 6 months.
      Modest upgrade to my house in the same area
      New average car

      I wager that once you grasp the enormity of what $120 million is then your view of 'average' and modest' change significantly.
      Also, what about those days at work that are annoying/frustrating/just plain crap? Are you just as likely to do what you do now and just put up with it?

      • if you are smart about it you will also realise how many leech's and unscrupulous people will come out of the woodworks if they know you just got a huge windfall. If you can restrain yourself for 6 months or even just 3 months, then quit and move away you will be far better off. Use the time to plan how you want to spend the rest of your life or secretly house hunt your $20m mansion somewhere far away.

        Personally I would absolutely work till end of financial year, then tell boss I need a leave of absence of unpaid leave for 12 months to sort out life (not unusual in my industry where long hours and stress is high), then quit about 6 months into that (also not unusual for people that take unpaid leave). Would not tell friends or family of winning (though family would certainly get their share over the long term).

  • +1

    Win Lotto
    Buy house
    Give $ to family
    Shout mother in law a Snickers

    • +1

      A mini snickers surely?
      You don't want to spend all your cash at once!

      • and not even one of those mini snack ones, one of those extra tiny ones in the twisty wraps. That would be generous

        • Even then… maybe get the mother in law to slip with the father in law ?
          Better value that way - only have to buy 1!

    1. Career - Quit my job & do volunteer work in areas I'm passionate about and have an interest in.
    2. Real estate - sell my house, and buy a few properties in places I love to holiday/live.
    3. Family - give them a chunk so they can have some financial freedom
    4. Hobbies - buy myself 2-3 really nice bicycles that I've always dreamed about. And hire the hot personal trainer at the gym who I've never been able to afford… :-)
    5. Set-up some sort of charitable foundation to fund projects/ideas that look worthwhile

    Gotta dream!! My main thing would mainly be to set myself & wife up so that we're still 'busy' doing stuff - just that the busy stuff is what we are really interested in & passionate about, rather than having to do for work, etc… :-)

    • +1

      How far does giving money to family go? Parents, siblings and kids, easy sure! What about grandparents? What about Cousins? Their kids? Their grandparents?

    1. Buy a house
    2. Buy a holiday house
    3. Pay off my sister's & my parents mortgages
    4. Buy a labrador puppy
    5. Hire a cleaner, cook & gardener

    I wouldn't quit my job. I would only tell my immediate family but I wouldn't disclose how much I won, just that I wanted to help them out. After I arranged the above, I'd invest all the rest in ETFs so I can generate generational wealth (but no lump sums available to my descendants - only x dollar per month kinda thing - maybe a very small lump sum on a significant birthday).

    • +1

      What would you do with the other $115million?

    • lol @ wouldn't quit your job

      this just shows most people are truly uneducated with finances

      why would you slave away for someone when you have enough money for 20 lifetimes.

      • +3

        Lol, thats a dumb take. Why do you think billionaires continues to work?

        There's been plenty of lotto winners who quit their job, drastically change their lifestyle and spends their time chasing highs and few years later, they're in financial ruins. I think thats the majority actually.

        • name one billionaire that's working for someone?
          They run businesses. They are at the top of the chain

          I was talking about winning the lotto and still working for someone

      • +1

        Because my job gives my life meaning, and helps others.

        • +1

          Lucky you, seriously. Wish I could feel the same.

        • good for you, keep working for the man and lining someone else's pocket

  • +1

    The odds of winning are so low… I like to dream of winning but then the regret that I wasted the money on a ticket kicks in and I could've bought myself a nice lunch instead. Gonna give it a miss.

    • People will walk past a roulette table because they know the 1 in 36 odds aren't in their favour, but 1 in 134490400, that makes them hard.

  • Hey guys what app you guys using for lotto?

    • Not sure there is an app - you can buy tickets directly on the website (thelott)

    • Lotterywest has an app.

    • +2

      The Lott.

    • +2

      I grab them from or their apps
      my ticket is in wishing everyone luck

    • I use OZ Lotteries

      • OzLotteries is more expensive than TheLott

  • +1

    That much of prize money for single winner is too high tbh for a lotto, they should keep a max limit and rollover the excess to following draws.

  • If I win I think I can finally stop browsing ozbargain every minute or so. (I didn't buy one)

    • Are you kidding ?

      I'd buy a warehouse double the size of AMZ and buy out evey bargain on here.
      I'd beat jv , being the biggest whinged about dude on here .
      Hmmm but with the bloody crappy quantities some merchants permit I wouldn't fill it too far hehe :)

  • I definitely ain't going to buy a $150,000 car if I win 120 million dollars

    I'm going to buy a Lamborghini and every f****** colour of the rainbow


  • Take 110m and put it in a term deposit for 1 year. Then spend the next few months seeking financial advise on what to do with the 110m. 10m is for spending if needed. New house, car, holidays etc.

  • +5

    Responses on here show that very few people have any idea of how life changing this amount is.
    Saying things like "would keep my regular job" are simply impossible, assuming you work for a boss.
    "Buying a flash car" - pretty short term spending and temporary 'high'. Probably a dumb move when you can easily hire and return.
    "Paying off mortgage" - obvious, but will only take a miniscule part of the total amount.
    It will be almost impossible to keep it quiet unless you are the only person who ever knows.
    You will very quickly find that you have about 200+ new friends, all of who need to be helped out.
    Then there are the family members, work colleagues, mates who will all be jealous.
    Big lotto winners seem to have problems keeping their lives together, including marriages, kids, close family etc.
    Often turn to drink, drugs, get depression, feel lonely etc.
    The trick to making it all work is to immediately get away from everyone (other than your close family that you trust) and spend about 2 weeks on a remote beach somewhere while you have a really good hard think about what it all means.
    Decide who you can trust.
    When you are ready spend money on a good financial advisor (Lotto people help you here and even offer free advice themselves).
    Work through it methodically and most importantly, work out how to keep some sanity in your life.
    Invest most of it and set up a charitable trust to give the rest away to causes that you care about and which are under your control.
    In fact that last part can become your new job - being a philanthropist can actually make you very happy if it is done well.

    Anyway, that's my take on it, others just want a Ferrari and house on the coast.
    Aim higher is my advice.

    • Lol that sounds fake asf! It's really not that hard to not tell anyone actually. The first thought after paying your bills is lock up the money like you never have it. Put it in a interest bearing account.
      Finally just live life as usual just spending the money on the interest like it's your pay, accept the only thing is that you don't work.
      Maybe be a volunteer charity worker so it feels like you're working. Take a vacation every few months.

      Pro tip: Just don't look at your bank account balance. Just look at the monthly transactions in and out but ignore the total balance.

      • +1

        what are you going to tell your friends when you buy a new car and house with no job?

        • +5

          "Wow nobro25, that's like, your fourth Europe vacation this year! How are you paying for this since starting your volunteering?"
          "I.. uh… got the holiday for cheap on Ozbargain…"

          • @DiscountForThee: Why are you telling people you're on vacation? It's like … a work trip, your company requires you to go overseas every now and then. Also if you have nosey friends like that probably get new friends?

  • Honestly If i won a lottery,
    I would
    1. leave current job (for a better one)
    2. buy a house (a proper house), and a small house for immediate family.
    3. Lock up all my money in long time investments, (that I would never withdraw) and a couple units that replace my current job's income.
    4. Continue to live as a poor guy, with same emotions, and same big heart and kindness.

    • Why cant you do any of those thing without winning lottery?

      1. You can always look for better jobs and pay
      2. You can buy a house by start saving and invest those saving wisely
      3. Put some money aside for long term investment from your pay packet each month
      4. Continue to spend less than you earn and give to charity
      • +1

        Trying my best to do these, but ofcourse will do a lot more of these after winning anything (ofcourse not going to be wasting my money on lottery though)

      • +1

        Depends how they define a better job. They might leave a full time, well-paying job to do something more enjoyable part time and/or for less money.

  • +4

    All on black.

  • +4

    I never play the lotto even in jackpots, but I’ve had a very frustrating week at work and logged into the app (coworker sucked me into downloading it 2 years ago and I haven’t opened it since) with nice dreams and saw I still had money in the account (and the jackpot size) and bought a couple of tickets. Enough to empty the account and delete the app after I lose.

    But sometimes you just need to dream. If I won, and I thought this at length after my shit yesterday, I’d:

    1. Not tell anyone but my husband right away
    2. Wait until the money was on my bank account
    3. Give notice at work or quit if they are being dicks
    4. Pretend I’m on leave for a month, and contact a financial advisor and get a good accountant.
    5. Invest $60m
    6. Tell my immediate family that I won $10-50m. An amount that is believable for the money I’m spending but which I can pretend is mostly gone after everyone’s had their share so that expectations can be adjusted that any gift is one off.
    7. Pay off my mortgage and my mom’s mortgage. Buy a house for my dad, my brother, and a couple of very close friends/family (who don’t know each other). That would be at least $5m gone.
    8. Buy a couple of houses in my home country and closer to my family, maybe a few investment properties. Another $5m
    9. Gift a comparable amount of cash to my husband’s siblings/parents.
    10. Pay for a month long overseas holiday with immediate family. Spend another 3 months overseas vacationing whilst working out what to do with life.
    11. Try to talk family to move to a third world country where I can create and run my own charity helping those in need. Otherwise try the stay at home mom life and just donate funds to a good cause.
  • No Gamble No Future. Punting is the way of life.

  • Do this and you'll always win*

    Only spend up to the value of the smallest prize. IE. Powerball's smallest prize is $10.90. I'll only buy 8 games for the cost of $10.80. So even if I only win the smallest amount, I'm in the black!

    *win in life. Not actually any significant monetary gain.

    • +2

      The payouts change each week?

  • +1

    I think people need to look at they would do if they win and take a step back and then actually realise you don't need to win the lottery to do all/most of those things

  • I can't say I haven't thought this way…but I just feel this shouldn't be life :/

  • +1

    Lotteries are only for people who are bad at Math😷💪🏿

    • +2

      what do you call people spent money on alcohol and smoke ?
      it bad for your health and it cost money -:)

      $10-$15 once in a while for a big jackpot is not that bad, give them a bit of pleasure and dream and it harmless

      • They're all in the same ⚓.

  • My Answer are
    No, never tell a soul. (For parents they are doing well but if they ever needed money I would give it to them and tell them I am earning 300k+ or something like that).

    1. I wouldn't quit, rather I'll move my job to a part-time or less demanding job.
    2. Buy a house (Nothing too fancy just a nice neighbourhood - 1-2 million)
    3. Buy a holiday house(s) as well as some other commercial properties (I would do this too for investment)
    4. I would immediately save 90% to my future (invest/save) - here I would hire a few fund managers and figure out who has the best strategies, and hire 3 or 4 different ones to see who is more trustworthy) and 10% would be all for the above which would leave me with 12m plenty for a life time.
    5. Buy a fun car (Maybe 30-50k?), and a normal car. (Mustn't let my friends know I wont the lotto)
    6. Once my investments are earning me to secure my future, I'll look to donate half of those earnings (i.e. lets say I make 5-10 million a year from investments) to charities that I believe in.
    7. Lastly I would help friends with business investments or if they are in need help with other means i.e. give them a room to crash for a few months or shout them nice meals. (By telling them I have a 300k job or something)
  • +2

    I would give1000 people on ozbargain $10k each.

    • Count me in!

  • +4

    Id spend half on booze, hookers, blow and ciggarettes, then waste the rest.

  • Nope never

  • I have voted yes I will buy a ticket later but I don't think I will.

    The statistics on winning are so infinitesimally small and I would be far better putting any money spent on gambling, crypto, lotteries towards superannuation or EFTs, that I'll be doing that instead.

    What a boring person I am haha.

    If I did have 120million, then I would:

    1. pay down the mortgage
    2. buy some holiday homes in various coastal regions where there is access to our wonderful beaches: e.g. gold coast, sunshine coast, whitsundays, byron bay
    3. splash some cash on homes for my immediate family members
    4. spend the rest of my life travelling with my wife, eating out together, going on hikes, beach trips, boating trips
    5. invest in etfs and put some money into some hedge funds or something so the money continues to work for me
    6. give some small amount to charities that support domestic violence, homeless outreach etc.

    I wouldn't work again. I'd make sure that the money would work for me.

  • +1

    I am surprise no one mentioned retire. With that money, I can retire comfortably and my kids can retire comfortably.

    I will still get my kids to work just so they will be a useful participant of society.

  • Buy a jetski and my own Baseball team

  • Gn fam,

    Today is the day.

    Make sure you all donate as much as possible to the winner. They deserve all of your time.

    • All those regular players have built the pot to make it technically above the odds.
      Not bad for smarter player to have a dabble hehe :)
      Thanks regular players for your contribution .

  • give everyone in my family 1m
    buy property in the adelaide hills and relax

  • Remain at my job for at least 12 months to let it sink in and organise first steps like working out an investment to pay me a passive income and lock that investment in. After 12 months, quit job, buy new house, gift money to fam and friends and then literally go on the biggest bender and burn through the entire amount on cars, bikes, holidays and everything until its done. That way I've still set my self up for life and had a splurge and no-one can come back and keep asking me for money.

    Oh and probably in addition to passive investments I'd probably buy a couple of business that interest me so that I've got something to do when I feel like I want to be involved with something. But they would need to be able to run without me.

  • +1

    Doesn’t hurt, you never know 😊

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