I have had a Razer Blackwidow for years. This is a great keyboard for an amazing price.
Review here: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/razer-blackwidow-v3-ten…
3 camels price history: https://au.camelcamelcamel.com/product/B08CHLZVFP
I have had a Razer Blackwidow for years. This is a great keyboard for an amazing price.
Review here: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/razer-blackwidow-v3-ten…
3 camels price history: https://au.camelcamelcamel.com/product/B08CHLZVFP
If your planning on any after sales service, forget it, notwithstanding all the "magnificent" genuine reviews. I talk from personal experience.
For those who have this keyboard-how do the big key stabs feeling like?
Currently have a origins core tkl, its a decent keyboard except the big key stabs are so bad and theres no easy way for me to mod it. lubing alone does no good and Im looking for an upgrade.
Can't really expect stabs from gaming companies like Razer or Logitech to have good stabs. The rattle is part of the sound signature lol
Lubing, clipping and band-aid modding are really the only things that will audibly change the sound of the stabs.
welp I guess i got no choice but to bear with it then, dont think any big brands do keyboards easy to take apart and i needed the rgb vomit intergration :/
Lubing the wire isn't too difficult without pulling the devices apart.
The guy uses a syringe. I personally just use silicone grease and interdental brushes, since all you want to do is coat the wire with the lubricant. On video they use something that's more expensive, I personally think silicone grease are fine for wires. Do bear in mind less is better (though I think most times it's possible to wick/pull the silicone grease out using a interdental brush)
Besides, I don't think you'd need to desolder every single switches depending on how they've installed the switch (i.e. most plate mount I had needed only one switch (the key that's being stablised) desoldered). Though ymmv with different models of keyboard.
Do you get to pick which ten keys they remove, or is it random?
I'm assuming this is a joke…
How did you come to that conclusion?
TKL are full sized keyboard with the num keys removed, as you can see from the product image. AFAIK its the same for every TKL keyboard.
You just made an @$$ out of us
You're welcome.
use afterpay get another $10 off. Total $89
one of my Razer BlackWidow keys broke after 2-3 years of use, i don't think its good value for money.
keyboard smash?
nah just normal use. one or two of the buttons just weren't that responsive.
I’ve been using my OG Razer BlackWidow since 2012. No broken keys after 10 years of consistent usage. Mine had the original Cherry MX Blues though.
Yeah, mine still works fine, it's just been superceded by other nicer boards.
Tbh the OG BlackWidow was great. Proper Cherry switches, but CoStar stabs which were less rattle-prone
yeah the OG blackwidow is amazing when they switched to their green switches it was a pretty big downgrade.
same. same keyboard looks and feels great but only keyboard to even fail me. some keys just stopped working. for the original price i expect a lot more.
Got this month ago and really like it
Can someone tell me the difference between the BlackWidow and Huntsman?
Looking for one for a weenager mainly playing Valorant. Already broke his cheapie $30 Korgan and $60 Tecware keyboards within 4/6 months respectively. Trying out a Redragon K630 right now but not hopeful it will last 6 months.
Huntsman are optical switches
Huntsman has less moving parts of course being optical but is noisier than Blackwidow… check youtube for comparison videos…
Huntsman uses light and light sensors to detect key presses, Blackwidow uses metal contacts contacting to detect key presses within their switches.
If you want to, you probably could fix mechanical keyboards that uses Chery MX style switches (i.e. Blackwidow) by replacing the switches with spare switches. Not sure whether you can get a spare switch for Huntsman easily.
Talking about repairability, for the broken keyboards you have, if it is just few switches, you probably can replace the switches on the tecware one. If my memory serves me correctly, those were outemu boards and the switches on outemu boards could be replaced easily without soldering things (they are "hotswap keyboards").
If the damage is more something had been spilt on something, or the PCB is damaged, then that's probably replace the keyboard territory.
Already broke his cheapie $30 Korgan and $60 Tecware keyboards within 4/6 months respectively.
How so? Smashing it against a wall or something? Spilling liquids on it? Many keyboards, even the cheaper ones, won't just break on their own. Owned quite a few ~$50 mechanical keyboards (from AliExpress) and one or two Logitech G boards (~$200), never had one just break or stop working. That's with heavy everyday usage.
Thanks for the replies guys.
To iridiumstem and CrispyChrispy. I have nfi how he's done it. Those 2 keyboards on top of my $200 Corsair gaming keyboard(after I stopped gaming and it was getting old). He probably hotswapped the keys too much and damaged the boards rather than individual keys.
Weird. Never had any trouble with hotswapping switches damaging my board, and that's with 4-5 complete hotswaps with the same PCB/board (played around with Fekers, Gat Yellows, Gat Blacks, etc.).
Well, see how it goes with this one if you decide to buy it. If it gets damaged like the others ones, give him a cheap membrane! Or let him buy one himself with money he earned.
Hotswap boards I thought were fairly sturdy (though Outemu boards might not be since they are low end cheap boards, technically speaking), though I guess there is a limit to how much you can remove a switch. I do think you can lift the socket and that could cause bit of a headache, but even then it's repairable by jumping the connection on the PCB.
Is it possible to know what kind of symptoms it has, is it just few switches not registering or randomly jittering or something else?
In case you are looking for something sturdy. I did find Leopold to be fairly sturdy, but it does not have the RGB lighting which might be important.
Is it wireless
does this come with green or yellow switches? doesnt say on ebay?
Says green switches on the eBay page.
I get baited by this so much, I read the title @ wireless and my brain thinks this is a wireless keyboard and get all excited…but alas
its been on this price for a while for the green switch though…