Whirlpool forum is out of control

The whirlpool forum is out of control. Its full of bullies and trollers with mods who protect the bullies.

I've been a member of that forum since 2002.

Has anyone else experience this?

Is the ozbargin forum a lot better?

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    • +3

      It is good that mods are paid on OzB so they treat it like a proper job, and not a way to exercise power they are lacking in real life like other places

      • ROFLMAO!!!!

    • I'm guessing for power and control

    • Gee, I wouldn’t have thought the Defence Minister had the time……..

  • +12

    Whirlpool mods are a bunch of woke leftists.

    • +5

      This is the thing that really bugs me with whirlpool. It has the potential to be such a great discussion forum, but if you say anything that goes against the mould, your posts are deleted and then you get sin binned.

      You can be polite, articulate and reference your posts, but if it's deemed "wrong think" then too bad, you are "off topic" or "trolling". I have given up on anything that's not technical discussion now. Let them have their echo chamber.

  • You guys ready to raid?

  • +6

    Whirlpool lost the plot many many moons ago.

    It's the same problem, over and over again - the only people who want to be mods are the power tripping type that shouldn't be let near mod duties, ever. And its those with the least to say that say it the loudest.

  • +4

    I joined Whingepool when it was just a technology website, from memory created to keep Telstra on its toes. I learned a lot lurking and reading posts from members who actually knew what they were talking about.

    Unfortunately, they have gone, to be replaced by trolls who seem to just enjoy arguing about pointless things, making pointless posts, and are more interested in having the biggest post count than anything else.

    I still post there on occasions but unfortunately, the lunatics are now running the asylum.

    I wouldn't mod there if they paid me, and I've modded on a number of forums (all unpaid) over the years.

  • +1

    Lead the change

    • Not have required a significant amount of moderation across your time on Whirlpool
    • Awareness of key Whirlpool rules and policies
  • +12

    Its as bad if not worse here as whirlpool with your bullies and trolls, fanboys, whingers about other sites and experts direct from their moist kogan office chair.

    • +3

      Not sure why but the moist chair part made me laugh lol.

    • IKEA chair for me!

  • +4

    There's a reason why the forum is called 'Whingepool'.

    • +1

      Usually by whingers from other places…

  • +7

    OzBargain forum is more active than Whirlpool. Says it all really.

    Whirlpool traffic ranking fell from top #5000 to around #20,000 now
    Ozbargain in the meantime has gone opposite and now ranked #3200.
    Ozbargain now the top 3200 website in the world, WP now rank 20,000th most visited.

    Alot of this is due to the people and mods on WP. If you screw around with users, they will leave for something better.

    • I won't be going back to WP.

      The is a saying g. For every good service people tell three others. For every bad service people tell 10 others.

    • Interesting numbers, thanks.

    • +8

      OzB also has other functions than just forums (eg. the Deals/Bargains + Comps sections) … I suspect that would be a factor in difference of traffic between the two sites.

      I've been with Whirlpool since 1998'ish … in recent years, ventured to OzB for the deals/comps pages - and only found the OzB forums section in the last 9 months.

      IMO … Whirlpool is more moderated, whereas - OzB threads tend to go off on various tangents - often away from what the specified OP initially discussed - just saying from what I have observed so far.

      As to the OP - @offgrid …judging by your username, were you commenting in the "Energy" section on Whirlpool? Have previously found that is a hard area to discuss in - everyone seems to think that know everything (more than anyone else) - and that they are a wealth of knowledge that they want to push on others.

      Since you are now permanently banned from whirlpool - guess you wanted to find another place to discuss things.
      Just don't get too judgemental or heated when during discussions.

      • The energy and home segment in whirlpool are run by 6 figure tradies thinking that $200 for changing a power point is cheap and anything else is shoddy work risking your home insurance.

  • +1

    Rumour has it that Whirlpool is owned and run by JV, and he cloned himself a few times and gave the clones moderator status on Whirlpool.

    • +2

      and then banned themselves so no one would suspect that they are the evil mastermind of whirlpool


      • +1

        If I use whirlpool, I will use a different username, JV must be in love with the name JV.

    • +1

      The forum content kept getting better, is it now the underbelly stage for forums? There is also the ozemail one underneath. Did someone smell popcorn?

    • Childish…. No more to say?

      • +2

        Ozbargain is better, you can speak to mod if you feel you are bullied or intimidated, you will notice some comments were removed with a reason, you will see some reason could be requested by the commenter, sometimes it will say removed due to personal attack.

  • I'm a bully , your a troll, match made in heaven?

  • Been a member since year DOT. Various usernames as keep getting banned.

    Only go onto ask specific questions now. As way too WOKE.

    Bit like OBERCLOCKERS back in the day before it went crap.

    • I spent soooo much time in the photography sub forum back in the day and made some good friends - But eventually it was just the same 5 or so posters over and over…

    • -1

      I'm still in ocow…

  • +6

    I've been a member of Whirlpool for around 18 years. Not a prolific poster. I think I only have around 800 posts.

    I generally don't bother arguing with/debating people online. I see it as a waste of time, especially when I know I'm always right. :-)

    I tend to post in threads that actually serve a purpose (e.g. someone asking for help or advice with a particular piece of equipment).

    I did experience an overzealous mod around two years ago. Posted a thread asking if anyone had suffered a deep cut and lost sensation in the area of the cut. Made it pretty clear I'd received medical advice, but was wondering if people who'd experienced the same thing had feeling/sensation return down the track.

    Mod deleted the thread, saying I was asking for medical advice. Pointed out that, in my post, made it clear that I wasn't. Refused to budge. Not the end of the world, but I personally find it irritating if my infrequent posts are deleted. Unless it's completely outrageous, people should be free to post whatever they want.

    Overzealous moderation simply turns people off and they leave the forum as a result.

    It seems to be more open here, though I genuinely don't understand the point of "down voting" comments. Who cares if what the member wrote is generally unpopular amongst other members? You end up wasting time having to expand the comments so you can read them.

    Overall, I generally get the impression OzBargain has a friendlier user base than Whirlpool, and the moderation appears to be more reasonable here.

    • +4

      I generally don't bother arguing with/debating people online. I see it as a waste of time,

      I see many examples of "clash of titans" in ozbargain where huge paragraphs were written in replied to each other in the hope one will agree with the other, hoping the other person will retreat. Walk away can be a good option.

      • +2

        Definitely. I usually avoid even getting into those types of debates altogether. People see things the way they see things. Ranting at someone isn't going to change their minds. I don't particularly care if other people disagree with my perspective. Everyone's entitled to their opinion.

    • +10

      Neg voting is useful, as you can neg a comment and feel like you've done your duty expressing that you don't agree and not feel the need to get involved in a long debate. Whereas without it you may feel the need to comment and then you get dragged into a flame war.

      • +1

        Agree neg is a useful tool to not get into argument and/or rant. Sometimes asking a question will get a neg, you don't find out why you get neg. And the question still get unanswered, not useful in that context.

  • +4

    Mods there will shut you down if you have a different perspective that does not fit the mods view from a thought police perspective even if the view is expressed in as neutral a way as possible.

    By doing this, they bias any attempt at debate by steering conversation towards the (mostly leftist) view that best matches the mod's own stance. As such I avoid any non technical general threads there.

    Didn't really care though really. Just meant I stopped wasting time there.

    • +1

      They have a news section but than ban you for discussing certain news or having certain opinions. It was great back in its hey day, ISP reps would respond to problems, John (rip)from exetel would be posting crazy shit. Good times.

  • +4

    Whirlpool … the free speech forum that bans all speech that goes against neoliberalism.

    Such as discussion of climate change.

    A pathetic forum for a pathetic country.

    • +4

      Man you've really lost your flame over the years.

  • +13

    The mods on WP are a bunch of immature children. I used to work for one of the companies with a presence on the forums and attempt to help other forum users in my spare time out of my own kindness and goodwill.

    I never once crossed the line where I'd use the companies resources to track down forum users and access their accounts, if I couldn't help them just from my own knowledge and assessment of the situation the user provided then I couldn't help them, simple as that.

    One of the idiot mods on that particular forum didn't see it that way and outright accused me of being a company rep and using its resources to track down the OP in one thread. As my comment in that thread disagreed with the OPs views it was taken as an "attack" on the OP so he banned me for a week and threatened to report me to my employer. In reality my comment was made purely on my assessment of the situation and even if I wasn't an employee I could've come to the same conclusion.

    A few years down the track I ended up being made redundant from that company and I haven't been back there since. I haven't got time for childish idiots that ban people just because they don't like someone personally.

    • +2

      Damn reading this brings back more negative memories of the mods I've experienced.
      I was giving advice in one of the employment/graduate threads and my posts got deleted and I wasn't even given a reason. I was pissed because I was actually trying to give good advice because I worked in university student ambassador and student career department!

  • +5

    I'm a whirlpool refugee here, I got a lifetime ban there in 2019

    • What did you do to earn that?

      • +6

        Gave an honest opinion about something

  • +1

    Haven't posted there in years. Last time I signed in was around 2017.
    I'm not really surprised that its popularity has dropped by so much, when i research products, it hardly ever comes up as a search result, and even if it does I don't need to comment.

  • +1

    that place is for people who failed ccna

    • And now want to do a MCSE

  • +2

    Unless you are a leftie you are doomed.

    Then again, try voicing a rightish / help yourself agenda and the left brigade gathers and attacks in all areas.

    • +2

      That seems to be true of most forums nowadays, generally.

      • +7

        Yep. Try posting a non-woke opinion in r/australia and you will be downvoted into oblivion. It would be quite humorous if it wasn't so pathetic.

        • +1

          What would be an example of a non-woke opinion?

          • +3

            @RecklessMonkeys: Something that gratuitously insults or denigrates people or a group the utterer holds in distain…

            • +1

              @terrys: It doesn't seem fair. Where are people supposed to take their shit out on other people?

          • +3

            @RecklessMonkeys: A non-woke opinion? Suggesting that the story a "victim" is telling has holes in it, and suggesting they might not be telling the truth. That gets your posting deleted pretty much anywhere these days. Hey, I got postings deleted from Whirlpool because I said from the start that the allegation against Pell was implausible and not supported by any evidence, and no reasonable person could conclude on the basis of the evidence that he was guilty, which in the end was what the High Court decided unanimously.

            I keep getting postings deleted in various places because I argue that the Jenkins report into sexual harassment and bullying at parliament house, and the similar one on Rio Tinto, and others, are dodgy surveys because they aren't based on either asking everyone or asking a representative sample, but rely on people deciding for themselves whether they participate. That results in people with no grievance not bothering to respond, and people with a grievance responding, so you can't extrapolate the experience of the few who chose to respond to the many who didn't. Its something that you learn in statistics 101. But its not woke. These days surveys are valid if they get the "right" answer, like that every man is a sexual harasser or assaulter, and somehow wrong if they get the "wrong" one.

            • +1

              @GordonD: Just post to the sky news and Fox News comments and you’ll be much happier. Those are your safe spaces.

            • @GordonD: I think there's a big difference between reasonable doubt and 'implausible', but I wouldn't have removed your post on the basis of what you have said here.

              I also don't think we can assume that someone who has been assaulted necessarily comes forward either. 1700 people did participate which should be enough to indicate there is a problem, even if the stats are flawed. Part of any subsequent processes need to protect those who are falsely accused.

              Again, I wouldn't remove your post, mainly because it's a lost opportunity for a mutual exchange.

        • I got banned from there for arguing with a Tony Abbott supporter.

    • +4

      If you have a help yourself agenda why bother replying to someone asking for help at all?

      • -6

        Because I am sick and tired of helping everyone else

        Each person who realises they are being subsidised by others and addresses it is less tax I am expected to pay to subsidise their lifestyle

        • +4

          Because I am sick and tired of helping everyone else

          You know you could just not look at the forum at all and save yourself so much time

          • -1

            @Quantumcat: Making changes one dependent person at a time. Helping me and others like me is something that I enjoy more than going to work.

            Hopefully one person reads these on their iPhone 12 supadooper max xrs gets off their ass and starts to work when they realise that someone else paid for their plaything

            • +2


              Helping me and others like me is something that I enjoy more than going to work.

              Because I am sick and tired of helping everyone else


        • -1

          At least 3 people on handouts. That's ok. I don't mind paying for your lifestyle

          • +1

            @mdavant: What do you even do?

            • +1

              @smartazz104: Work hard, live within my means. Does it matter what the occupation is?

              I live more frugally than people who get govt handouts (and still have nice things and do things). The middle class welfare in this country is out of control.

            • -1

              @smartazz104: They're probably a dole bludger.

    • Can’t agree with this. I’ve been checking the NSW Covid thread in In the News for general information and people’s experiences, and it seems completely full of Young Liberals with a religious bent.

      • +1

        The COVID threads attract all the crazies and bots.

  • +4

    In answer to the op post If you need technical advice on pretty much anything my first port of call would be whirlpool.
    Bullying should be reported,

  • +1

    I use both forums, and while the moderators on WP can at times be a little overzealous, I think it works pretty well.

    I also avoid the News forum as that's where you get arguments going over religion and politics.

    • religion and politics is banned discussion there but

      but u dont need that to get in an arguement. plenty of tossers frequent there

  • -1

    The Whirlpool COVID threads are the worst for moderation. The Thought Police literally exist there, it's not a free speech forum at all. Don't even dare think about questioning vaccination effectiveness, supporting protest or anything remotely anti mandate. Posts get an almost instant deletion for "trolling". Makes it full of holier-than-thou people telling others to "just get vaccinated, you selfish twat".

    • There is no such thing as free speech in Australia. And if you express views like that here, the same thing will happen (quite rightly) except for post deletion (unless you are sockpuppeting or something).

    • -8

      The mask mandate is rediculous but everyone thinks they have become an expert on this now. Surgical marks are only used to protect the user from bodily fluids such as blood splatter. They are not used for infection control and should be single use only.

      At minimum you need what's called a duckbill mask for infection control against virus's People reusing surgical masks is a joke and the cloth masks are an even bigger joke.

      The so called health experts who have imposed mask mandates are making a fool out of everyone.

      • If I’m next to someone and they cough or sneeze in my direction…..I would prefer we were both wearing masks, even just surgical ones.

        Does not sound ridiculous to me.

    • lol I haven't been on WP for over 2 years, but I could just imagine what the covid/vaccination threads will be like over there.

      for starters, probably 75% of the comments on each page would be probably deleted……….

      • +1

        I doubt you could talk about covid unless the comments encourage the agenda.

        There is very little free speech anymore and most love the fact they now feel they are a medical expert.

  • +1

    Whirlpool has always been out of control.

    Its full of big sooks and liars

  • +4

    I'm registered as member #5xx, been on there since the very beginning and stopped using 5+yrs ago. The moderators became bullies and power hungry. My last attempt to use the community was when I posted a question regarding dental charges for general comment and my post was deleted with the crap reason to use the existing dental thread which was not a sticky and was like 5+pages away that no one was actively using.
    It is full of whiners and no moderations for the better of the community. Absolutely toxic.

    • I just checked my number. Turn out I registered 14 years ago, yikes. Time flies.

      But my number is still like 250k. When did you register to be the first 500, just out of curiosity?

      • I just checked mine and found out that after being a lurker for a while I registered in 2001 and I'm #5***

        Time flies when you are having fun.

  • +1

    I've only had one of my posts hidden due to being off topic out of 1400+ posts more if you count posts that where deleted for posting in dupes/ghost threads.

    I was really sure my post wasn't off topic but did the contact a mod anyway and didn't argue. While waiting I removed the part I suspected they made out was off topic then the post was later restored. So I was correct but completely confused.

    Basically myself and another user had issues with firmware in one of the ISP supplied modems. I'll call it the Version 1 or V1 for short.
    A few weeks later after the issue appeared the ISP released a new spec modem Version 2 or V2.
    Which myself and another user politely asked questions to the first person that said they got a V2 if they could do some tests for us. OP said sure and did them. Confirmed the issue wasn't present in the V2.
    So then myself and the other user asked each other the ("do you think we have a chance of getting a v2 for a discounted rate due to the issues we have with the V1?")
    That bit was deemed to be off topic enough for our posts to be hidden.

    The strange moderation I have experienced was someone on there was attempting to troll myself and others with heaps of personal attacks. Yet the posts where never removed. :S

  • +2

    Whirlpool in exile here too.

    Got banned because I told folks one too many times to pull their socks up and save hard but they don’t want to give up their luxuries and responding to posts on housing markets overseas.

    Mods there don’t mind if the like minded mob insult others but if you say something against their leftist views, they’ll come at you.

    I remember joining in the early 2000s to find the best ISP.

  • +5

    Nothing to see here folks. Just an antivaxxer looking for attention

  • +18

    I think some of the comments on this thread show that Whirlpool seems to have purged many of the right-wing nutjobs, and now they're all coming here…

  • +1

    I only use it for Domino's pizza codes

  • +1

    I find that the home improvements threads seem pretty unmoderated. Heaps of tradies advertising themselves or just blasting people cause they don't do things the way they like. Still, can be useful if you need a answer to something. It is a shame the forum could never keep the traffic it once had.

  • +1

    Must agree, Whirlpool is no longer a good place, I dumped it a number of months ago, far too much rubbish there and the moderators are useless or little Hitlers. A shame really, as it used to be a good place to pick up tips and clues on I.T. things, now Whirlpool is a lost cause.

  • I am on both, and am pretty sure I discovered OzB because of someone posting about it on WP.

    Don't recall having ever dealt with a mod there, but I don't tend post or even read threads about anything too contentious.

  • +2

    Can't say I see that happening much myself. Wondering if maybe it is the way you engage with people or perhaps you choose to participate in particularly controversial topics? given some of your responses here you are definitely at least part of the problem.

  • Found most moderators hate social comment using right wing attitudes to shut down comment under the off topic rule.Just can't be bothered to use talk with moderator as the discussion has moved on and the conservative values of the moderator would prevail

  • Interesting. I've found that some of the bordering on comical thin skinned hyper sensetive admins and posters here to be the far more challenging/ challenged.
    Don't post the truth in case some emotionally challenged little snow flake decides it can't cope.

  • I found Ozbargain through Whirlpool forums. Was looking for Xbox gold code and it lead me here.

  • +6

    The whirlpool forum is out of control. Its full of bullies and trollers with mods who protect the bullies.

    Dunnno, ozbargain isn't that far behind…..

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