This was posted 3 years 1 month 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Castrol EDGE 5W-30 A3 B4 Engine Oil 5L $37.49 (Max Qty 2) + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store/ $99 Order) @ Supercheap Auto


Hello everyone,

Some cheap 5W-30 engine oil to stock up on :)

Happy Thursday.


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Supercheap Auto
Supercheap Auto

closed Comments

  • +9

    can be stacked with ebay 5% off as well PLUSFEB5

    • Thanks @macmanluke for adding this.

    • +1

      Thanks mate, bought one. I think they set the limit to one per person as ebay won't let me check out two.

      • At the store you can go in and out with one bottle at the time in baby formula fashion, can't you?

      • was able to check-out 4 through ebay.

      • Could only buy 1 also.

        Just bought 1 at a time twice.

  • -2

    is it good for a jazz MY2019?

    • +2

      Please check your owners manual.

    • +1

      Search for your car here and it'll tell you what Castrol recommend:…

    • +6

      yes. this is fine for any modern Jazz.
      Whilst a massive generalisation (obviously some exceptions would apply) this oil is perfectly suitable for any run-around jap petrol car made in the last 15 years.
      The only real oem alternative oil viscosity being 0W-20, which is somewhat harder to come by (esp on sale), is quite thin (everyone has their opinion on the wear this has on engines but for our climate I think its overkill), only delivers an average fuel economy improvement of up to 0.5% and costs more. Again any jap car made with an oem oil spec of 0W-20 (most new Subaru's and plenty others) will be perfectly compatible with 5w-30 (as would specified in their Owners Manual) and again in my opinion would run 'better' with 5w-30 given our hot climate and nonetheless have less oil consumption issues in the long run.
      This is my 2c, and I'm prepared to be blasted by many other home mechanics (I am one too for that matter) for my opionin.

      • +1

        thanks mate.

        • -1

          What does Honda say?

          If it says 0W-20 on the oil cap… you should use … 0W-20
          If it says 5W-30 on the oil cap… you should use … 5W-30

          The above commenter advice is from last century. Putting in a thicker oil than recommended puts more stress on the oil pump and other components, worse economy and creates more wear… not less. The engines operating temperature is the same in a blizzard in Japan or Simpson desert in Australia. The correct oil will be stated on the engine or a sticker around it.

          • +2

            @Charity: this is so far from the truth. modern oil recommendations target fuel economy first, engine wear second (as long as it will last the warranty period).

            Usually the manual will offer more options for oil thickness, especially in warm climates. based on this 5W-30 will be more than fine, castrol even recommend it.

    • While this is a UK manual, the UK Jazz has the same engine as yours:…

      On page 491, the following acceptable viscosities are specified - 0W-20, 0W-30, 5W-30, 10W-30.

      • this is useful, really appreciate that

        • You're welcome 👍

  • +2

    patiently waiting for $30.

    wait, still got tons in the shed from the previous sales….. resistance is futile

    • any idea if oil expires? I've got serveral bottles in the shed from about 10 years ago. Not sure if i am keen to use them or dispose of them

      • Following. I’d imagine also if you aren’t 100% sure if they are contaminated to dispose of them

        • -1

          think so too. bit of a waste, but it's better than having ruin you car engine to save a few bucks,

      • +1

        Don't think so, at least for full synthetics. If they do expire then there is no way they are going to withstand the abuse in the engine. I use 7 year old castrol edge 5w30 in my track driven gt86. No problems at all.

        For the record I go it for $26 a bottle. Still got 3 bottles left lol. Holding out #diamondhands

  • -3

    Castrol, the sludge maker.

    • +1

      Nulon 5w-30 fully synth everyday

      • Nulon, one oil that suits 50 bajillion vehicle.

        Castrol, one oil for a particular make, model, MY, transmission and trim package.
        They are the worst thing to happen to BP since the buyout.

  • I just literally bought this yesterday at SCA for $52. Anyway bought one as reserve.

    • +2

      If you scanned your SCA member card I think you can get the difference credited to your account.…

      • Thanks, I'll try that

      • +1

        I just contacted SCA customer support and was told they are unsure if the credit for the difference will be issued as I bought the item from eBay and not from their SCA website. But I was told that if a credit is due it will automatically reflect onto my account.

        • Ah dang, yeah buying through ebay probably doesn't track your membership. I assumed you'd bought in-store.

  • I've still got enough for 3 oil changes…

    Will still buy.

  • Gosh, inflation

  • For anyone interested, Castrol Magnatec Fully Synthetic 5W-30 A3, 20L for $32 from Repco.

    Fairly limited stock but definitely still available.

  • This is a good oil and I've used it myself in multiple cars, but just wanted to remind everyone that this is an API/SL rated oil , in layman's terms it is basically really old oil technology and it has been improved immensely since its introduction in July 2001.

    If you have a new or near new car it would not be a good idea to use this oil as you may do more harm then good , check your owners manual just to be sure that you can use this oil.

    To understand a bit further see HERE , It will also goes into detail about classifications that may be required by your vehicle from a manufacturer standpoint and should list in detail ..its a little "light reading" but there's nothing super technical about it but gives a sharper insight into what all this technical jargon is that you see on the oil bottles themselves or the specifications written in your manual.

    To have an additional guide and something explained a little easier you can also check this out

    • yeah nah not gonna read about oil specifications. I put my car into the castrol site and it said this is the best one they offer for it so thats good enough for me.

    • This is fine, throwing it in my pressure washer.

    • What would you recommend for Kluger (2016)? don't really understand the technical aspects of cars.

      • @OzHan

        Based on the oil selector tool located HERE

        Castrol do recommend this oil advertised in this post - Castrol EDGE 5W-30 A3 B4 , however it also states that CASTROL MAGNATEC STOP-START 5W-30 is actually more recommended as a better choice

        Either wrong oil you can't go wrong , changing your oil more frequently is often a better alternative to using an expensive oil for a long period of time.

        That and you have a Toyota and those things are built to last on pretty much anything you give them (as long as you give them something fresh to work with)

        • Thanks. Got a bit confused when I read "If you have a new or near new car it would not be a good idea to use this oil as you may do more harm then good ". which made me think it might be a bad choice.

          • @OzHan:

            Thanks. Got a bit confused when I read "If you have a new or near new car it would not be a good idea to use this oil as you may do more harm then good ". which made me think it might be a bad choice.

            No that's fine , i am glad you asked. Basically the Castrol Magnatec Stop-Start engine oil is of the "newer oil technology" and is currently rated API SN, whereas the EDGE A3/B4 is of the older variety and rated API SL

            Because your car is near new (by direct comparison to when these oils were released) , that is why Castrol states on the website you can use the EDGE but the Magnatec is actually more "recommended"

            However if you consult your car service manual it should actually stipulate what specific oil is recommended , as a general rule of thumb just stick to the same "weight" recommended in your book (i.e 5w-30) , it is also usually indicated on the engine oil cap also and only go up a grade if you have oil leaks (for a temporarily solution) OR if your vehicle is high mileage and the service history is poor/non existent (i.e 200,000km+ or so)

            • @[Deactivated]: Thanks again, Getting a bit more confused when I looked up on Castrol website, it apparently rates Edge as best while Magnatec as better.


              • @OzHan:

                Thanks again, Getting a bit more confused when I looked up on Castrol website, it apparently rates Edge as best while Magnatec as better.

                I just double checked , you are indeed correct. my apologies for the confusion , i misread the website wrong.

                I find it strange that Castrol would recommend older oil technology (maybe from a business perspective they just want you to buy their old stock $?)

                Irregardless if your car is outside the warranty period most 5w-30 branded oil will suffice for your Kluger so i guess it then just comes onto cost , The Castrol Magnatec is on special at the moment at repco and is $2.50 cheaper then the Castrol Edge in this post.

                The Magnatec also meets and exceeds the A3/B4 specification just like the Castrol Edge does, i would presume they are very identical in wear protection over a short term but over a longer term the overall chemical structure for engine longevity would be better off with the Magnatec as it would leave less deposits in the engine overall and be a little better for fuel economy.

                ill finalize that if you do regular oil changes it does not ultimately make a huge tangible difference to which oil you pick , however the actual most important aspect of oil choice is the weight (xW-XX , where X is a numerical value) and whether the oil composition is marketed as a mineral /semi synth /fully synthetic (for modern day cars anyway). without going into complex and boring details Fully Synthetics are better for longer oil change intervals for fuel economy and wear protection over a 10,000-20,000km compared to Semi Synthetics , and Semi Synthetics are better then mineral.

                Both of these oils however are marketed as Fully Synthetic so you won't have a problem with either and they are essentially decent quality for the average motorist.

  • I am curious. What do you guys do with the left over oil? Oil change in standard car (camry etc.) consume 3 - 3.5 litres only.

    • Keep the lid closed and use the left over in the next oil change??

      • Yep, this.

      • -3

        Thats not a good idea I reckon. Oil tend to react with air and degrade in quality over time. Probably the reason why it is recommended to change oil every few months even when the vehicle has clocked zero km.

        • +2

          Oh yah, apologies, for Camrys, top up the used bottle with argon gas, then close the lid and use a roll of parafilm to seal the lid. Use the remaining oil in the next oil change… :))

        • every few months hahaha

    • Camry takes more than 3 litres of oil. Hopefully you are not confusing engine capacity.

  • -1

    I want the LL to be on special just once for my V6 VW CC. I mean, this is Ozbargain right?

    • +2

      An ozbargainer would use regular Edge and just run it for 6 months instead of 12

  • API SL/CF - quite old spec, not suitable for engines introduced after 2004

    • What would you recommend for Toyota Kluger?

      • In your case the oil listed in this deal appears to be suitable according to As I don't know the exact model and year of your car, I suggest you look up your car at the URL provided.

  • +1

    thanks Op. Got 2 bottles. Still saving up for the petrol though…lol

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