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[Hack] Small McDonald’s Sundae with Topping (Served in Lid) $1.25 @ McDonalds (App)



Today went to mcdonalds to grab my lunch and found this interesting trick and got a small caramel sundae for just $1.25

Go to your app, click and desserts and select soft serve. Click on customize ingredients and add your desired topping. As they can’t add topping over the cone they will give you ice-cream in a small sundae cup with your topping.


Note: Your mileage may vary: some users reported being served the dessert in a lid of a sundae cup. The serving size will be significantly smaller than that of a normal sundae.

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closed Comments

  • +23

    I just ended up with a messy soft serve 😬

    • +42

      You saw this post, bought it, ate it, posted about it all in 1 minute?

      • +8

        got 'em

      • +11

        Dwarves are natural sprinters.

      • +3

        Not sure if Gimli was joking or serious but I’ve done it several times in the past. Usually they do them in sundae lids but once I got messy soft serves.

      • -1

        Nah mean tried it

    • +1

      and my axe

  • +6

    Do they give it in the cup or in the lid?

    • +2

      The lid normally.

  • +22

    I use to work at Macca's and they usually would put it in a lid. I think you just got lucky lol

    • +4

      I second this. Used to work at Maccas, and it is an option on the register for the soft serve to be 'served in a lid'.

      It is essentially a mini-sundae/McFlurry with whatever topping you chose.

    • Ronald: “there’s no fooling this clown”

  • +32

    Not the same volume as a sundae. Probably 1/3 to 1/2 if you're lucky.

    And some McDonalds still give it to you in a lid.

    • +2

      I've tried this before. Yep lucky to get half. My friend ordered a normal sundae and I tried this. I had way less ice cream. This is a poor hack with no benefit unless you get lucky.

      • +3

        Worthwhile if you only wanted a very small sundae.

    • +1

      Yep, still expensive even if served in a cup. And the app often has $1 small sundae and $1.50 large sundae deals (having multiple accounts helps of course).

  • -7

    Mcdonalds Sunday's have sizes now? mind blown

    • +11

      I worked at maccas 15 years ago and the two sizes were around back then. :)

    • +1

      Since about 1998 my friend.

    • +18

      On average they actually have 52 Mcdonalds Sunday's

      But they've had 2 sizes for McDonalds Sundae for over a decade

      • Nice!

      • +1

        So how many McDonalds Sunday's did they have two sizes of Sundaes?

        • +3

          Exam question if I've seen one

        • +1

          Using drfuzzy's precise figure, and leaving it at a decade (because "over" can't be quantified), it turns out that the number of McDonald's Sundays (which, to be fair, are just ordinary Sundays - McDonald's doesn't own Sunday - yet) where they had two sizes of sundae was 521.775.

          • +1

            @strangeloops66: Theoretically correct, but in real life terms the amount of sundays should equate to a whole integer

      • +1

        For precision the average is 52.1775 McDonalds Sunday's in a year.

      • There were a total of 52 Sundays in the year 2021. 2022 will also have a total of 52 Sundays, whereas 2023 will have 53 Sundays.

  • +1

    I reckon there enough space on the bottom of the cone they can fill the topping in there .
    HJ's doesn't skimp with no ice cream on the bottom of the cone .

  • +9


    Easy like Sundae morning….

    • +1

      Oh Lord. How many kids you got dad?

      • sundae morning rain is falling
        steal some covers share some skin

  • You will have a better chance of getting a Sundae by buying 2 or more soft serve and asking them to combine those cones into one cup…

    Last time I bought two soft serves (Just want to eat more ice cream but can't afford a Sundae), and asked them just put two cones into a single cup (by stacking one cone on another). But I ended up getting a regular sundae (without a topping of course…)

  • +1

    Not a hack. Can confirm that it’s a standard procedure to put soft serve in a cone if customers asked for toppings/sprinkles

    • +3

      Can confirm that it’s a standard procedure to put soft serve in a cone lid if customers asked for toppings/sprinkles

      • Whoops typo but you got the gist of it!

  • +2

    This isn't the equivalent of a sundae. "Two and a half swirls" is what I was taught for making a cone, and you'd be lucky to get 1/3 of a sundae out of that.

    • +2

      Did you ever make a really big one for fun? I made a 8 swirl one once for a customer when my manager wasn't around though generally I kept to the 2.5 swirl standard

      • +1

        One time on a quiet night shift we had a contest to see who could make the tallest one. It was too long ago to remember how tall it was, but it looked like something out of a cartoon, haha.

  • +4
    • Nice find, username checks out. You should post that as a deal.

    • +2

      Cool, do they have drive through?

      • +2

        They do have direct to boot though.

        • +6

          Only if you’re lactose intolerant.

  • +2

    I can confirm they would usually serve in a lid. You were just lucky.

  • +1

    A hack this isn't… Or is my Big Mac with no pickles (because I ordered it that way) counted as a hack?

  • $1.25 is the hack price, i dont want to know what the Sundae costs now. Last time i went to McDonald's they where $1 along with $1 for a Junior burger and $1 small chips :) and thats about what i think they are still worth

    • I only get sundaes from McDonald's when they're that price too

  • -6

    Tough crowd

  • +3

    Only works if the sundae machine is working

    • +3

      This deal should be marked unobtainable.

  • I gave this an upvote, because it's hot and I feel like icecream

  • I often buy this but always served on a lid. The size is smaller than a sundae but it’s perfect for me.

  • -3

    Life pro tip, if you want a McDonalds sundae, go into the app an order a sundae. When you pickup your order you will receive a sundae.

    • +7

      Can confirm this does not work every time

    • +1

      Cool tip bro.

  • Pricing also varies by store. A soft serve is 75c here and toppings 60c so=$1.35

  • This isn't a small sundae with topping though, this is soft serve in a lid with topping. Exactly what it claims to be.

  • Third of a sundae for a third of the cost, not a great deal.

    • -1

      Save money?

      • +1

        If I wanted to save money, I wouldn't go to Maccas.

        KFC got some very good deals. Hungry Jack's got a few, plus they both have the surveys. Red Rooter even has the $5 deals. Maccas ain't got shit.

  • +3

    Bonus hack: order it without any toppings and they'll give it to you in a free cone!

    • -1

      Post it as a separate deal

    • No they won't

  • Just think we should all reflect on the explosion in price of soft serve cone.

    I remember days when the cone was 30c and the optional flake add on was 30c.

    I just looked at the price in the app at the store closest to me, and its 80c for the cone and an additional 55c for the optional flake add on.

    (I think the price of the cone has actually went down at some point - I believe one time it getting as high as being like $1 for just the cone. I have not bought a cone since they were 30c, but I remember seeing the prices popup on the kiosk ('would you like anything more?' suggestion screen) and thinking 'wtf - why would anyone want this?').

    The price of the cone relative to the sundae has exploded. I do not know why anyone even bothers with the cone. The sundae used to cost like 10 times the cone. Now it only costs 4 times the cone. (I guess the argument could be said that the sundae should never have been so much more than the cone - but from a relative sense, the sundae is much better deal now).

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