This was posted 3 years 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS5] Grand Theft Auto Online "Free" for PS5 Players


PS Blog From September 9, 2021

In addition, the new standalone version of GTA Online will be available to download for free** exclusively on PlayStation 5 for the first three months from launch in March 2022 (Does not require GTAV to play).

"Offer available from March 2022 for three months. PS Plus required to play (recurring fees apply).”

From Rockstar - February 4, 2022, announcing the 15th March release date:…

Plus, a new standalone version of GTA Online for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S will debut at launch — available for free for the first three months to PlayStation 5 players — making it easier than ever before for new players to experience everything GTA Online has to offer.

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closed Comments

  • +39

    they still milking this cow

    • +8

      It’s pretty much become Rockstar’s Skyrim at this stage.

    • +16

      If I had a cash cow I would milk it all the time.

    • +6

      Is that a problem, if people still enjoy playing it?

    • And I hear there’ve been some pretty serious technical issues or exploits they’re not bothering to address in the online version?

  • +4
  • +4

    GTAVI is never going to come out.

    • +4

      Rockstar have also confirmed that GTA6 is in active production.

      • +5

        There has really been no competitor for a city sandbox game, Rockstar have had no need to release it any sooner. Cyberpunk was a generic mess.

        • +2

          Gah, Cyberpunk could have been so good. I suffered through the PS4 Pro version, and then picked it up again on XBox Series X where it is SOOO much better….until I hit one of the game breaking bugs.

          I'm out.

        • +1

          A real shame that Square Enix cancelled the Sleeping Dogs sequel. That game did so many things right and wasn't a carbon copy of other titles either

        • +1

          Swimming in their money bins?

    • +2

      "next installment" whatever that may be. Could be another GTA online 2

      • +1

        GTA 6 is the next installment

        • +12

          Or how about GTA 365?
          An ever-evolving GTA game, with a subscription based payment model.

          • +7

            @muncan: Rockstar HQ: Ooooooo write that down! Write that down!

            • @Telios: I get finders fee… $1B USD

              • @muncan: Unfortunately Ozbargain is not a place for legal patents. So anyone can take anything here without legal repercussions.

                • @nobro25: Understood. Have reported myself for private selling in the comments.

      • +1

        GTA with extra DLC and NFT.

    • +1

      GTAV Plus Platinum Anniversary Edition 2025

  • free upgrade? for ps5 if ps4 disc

    • +2

      I was hoping it'd be the free game 😂🙄

    • This is the online part of it, which is being released free.

      As far as the single player game goes, I don't think they've actually said either way. Which, to me, seems like basically the same thing as saying no, it's not a free upgrade. I don't think the PS4 / XB1 version was a free upgrade if you owned the PS3 / 360 version, so I doubt this'll be any different.

  • Will we ever find PS5 boxes piled for sale in physical stores?

    • +1


      • PS5 not 6 😆

        • Hehehe…well then there's choices

          I have one all I did was the eb games pre order so that's the best bet. I also got it way way earlier than they had as a potential drop date 🙂

  • -3

    Yeah nah GTA6 is never coming out

    • It'll probably be slated for late current gen, but be delayed by three extra years.

  • Anyone here play GTA online? Are there good options that you can casually pick up and play with a mate online?

    • Online is a frustrating bore fest unless you pay although at least there won't be hackers.

    • +1

      I've just gotten back into it this last week, I usually just play in a closed session. Watch some videos on youtube by a guy called TGG, good info on getting started, missions and what to buy/not buy

      • +1

        I totally agree! I started during lockdown and been hooked since! You are correct, research is the key to enjoying this. Yes, you will get griefers but most leave you alone if you don’t engage and ignore them.

    • You can play in an invite only session so you won’t get trolls or play heists/contracts.

    • the only real way to enjoy it is in a closed session with friends. Most of the time there’s too many griefers or people who have no idea what to do and no mic when you wanna help them.

      The only really good experience I’ve had with GTA:O is on PC playing on a role-playing server

  • +4

    Arguably the best game ever made

    • Why?

      • Replayability and outstanding mayhem

      • Second-best selling game of all time must mean something.

        • +5

          Would that not make it second best game of all time then ;)

    • I'd argue against that

  • Keen as mustard for this release! I hope there are some decent improvements on the graphics and refresh rate.

    • I had a quick game, performance RT mode on Sony OLED a80j

      Everything is soooo sharp and the frame rates is super smooth

      That being said it's still the same game lol

  • …but, but GTA 6…………………………………………………………

  • I just paid 15$ to get Uncharted on PS5, it's GTA V for free? 😂

    • $15 where mate??

      • +1

        Just look up uncharted on ozbargain, there was a Sony promotion. I got a free movie ticket as well but missed the movie, I booked the 945am show and never got up on time

  • i’m sure both playstation owners who don’t already own GTAV will be thrilled

    honestly though, i’m surprised it’s taken them this long to go FTP, there’s so many upgrades and paid DLC packs that i’m sure that’s where the overwhelming majority of their profits come from. I dare say there’s too much bonus content. If you’re playing GTA:O for the first time in 2022, I imagine it could be quite overwhelming

  • If you already own gta 5 on ps 4 is this already free ?

    • Not if you have the PS4 game on disc, and bought the PS5 poor edition

      • How can I get ps5 version?

        • Up here or buy it again.

  • If anyone is playing GTA V on ps4 you can still grab GTA$1,000,000 in game currency this month.

    Scroll down a bit on this link:

    Similar to this old post

  • So I did the $15 pre-order of GTA V and it shows up in my transaction history yet going to the store page it still has $15 and no download button. Anyone else?

    • Tomorrow

      • Still shows as $14.99 for me today. I downloaded it via library > my collection overnight and I do have access to story mode but I find it strange that the store page is still saying I have to pay rather than 'purchased' like it normally does.

  • 60fps is defintely a huge improvement, keeps stable through online games too. Loading times - not too different to PS4 version running on PS5, and graphics - not very noticeably better, especially in Performance/Performance RT mode. But the frames was the main issue with the game being so old, and now it looks quite crispy on a nice monitor.

  • I’ve read this deal 5 times still not sure how to redeem this game. I have a ps5 but can’t find it for free on the console or the app. Help?

    • Tomorrow - 15th US time apparently, sometimes the blog is Euro time, so their morning, our night, not this time.

    • +1

      It's available now, you have to access via PS5 Store - 86.837GB

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