• long running

$0 Brokerage Fees on ASX Trades for 12 Months with Portfolio Transfers @ Stake


Transfer your ASX portfolio (> $1000) to Stake and receive 12 months of $0 brokerage. Stack with $10 referral bonus for new customers.

You get 10 ASX trades each month at this discounted brokerage rate. After these 10, brokerage reverts to the standard A$3 per trade until the 10 trades resets the following month.

This offer applies to individual account types only. This can only redeemed once per customer.

Terms & conditions.

Common questions addressed by Stake rep:

  • Stake charges no fee for transferring your portfolio in or out of Stake AUS (please check with your departing or receiving broker if they charge a

  • Your Stake AUS account is CHESS-sponsored with your own HIN. This means you own the shares entirely.

  • We do offer instant deposits and withdrawals. You get your very own Airwallex account with unique BSB & Account details.

  • Much like our Stake Wall St rewards, we intend to make Stake AUS rewards permanently available.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1008)

Referrer gets $1 off brokerage for 12 months for each referral. Referees gets $10 bonus (funding account within 24 hours of sign-up required).

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  • +2

    "For who have not yet completed a portfolio transfer". Damn! I'm ineligible

    • +1

      That sucks. I might see what they can do as I'm still looking to transfer over $10k of VAS and VGS from Superhero.

      • Let us know if they offer you anything

    • If you still have your old broker account just buy +$1,000 worth of shares and transfer across to Stake straight away

  • +1

    Do they have instant deposit / transfer?

    • yes

    • Yes want to know this. If they do then i will switch over otherwise i will stick with self wealth

    • Is instant transfer the same as Osko payment?

      • Yep, it comes up with the Osko logo when depositing from an ING account.

        Deposits are fast, but not instant for me. (~10mins)

  • Still not clear about fees when transferring out, but people going crazy and going in anyway?

    • -2

      $200 to transfer out

      • +3

        That's for US shares, not ASX.

  • -2

    It feels like a bait. They charge $200 for transfering your portfolio to another broker.

    • +1

      Where does it say that

        • +5

          Pretty sure that will be for transferring US shares, ACATS and DTC sound like US brokering terms.

          This deal is talking about ASX broker to broker portfolio transfers. I'd be surprised if there was a fee, I think its probably rare for CHESS sponsored brokers although happy to be corrected

        • +2

          Thats for US. Not for ASX

          • +1

            @Bargainolic: So if I also own US shares through Selfwealth, I should avoid this deal?

            • +1

              @Lurk Hartog: If you own US Shares with SW, they'll see that you've only requested your AU shares to be transferred, so they'll transfer those and leave you US shares and old HIN intact.

              If you initiate a transfer and request US shares to be moved (Stake US account required), SW will get in touch and let you know that SW will want to charge you $110AUD per holding. Then if you ever want to move the US shares from Stake, then you'll be up for at least $200USD. I have some US shares with SW I'll never be moving haha.

              • @Moddy: Thanks for your answer! Hmm, need to decide if I can be bothered switching over my ASX shares and having two HINs then.

    • -1

      What a (profanity) rort!

  • +1

    Can you keep your same HIN if you transfer to Stake?

    • +2

      Nope - the sole reason I won’t go to them from SW

      • Is there any reason having 2 HINs is a bad thing?

        • +4

          Its just bloody annoying to have to transfer everything to another HIN. I don't get why they won't allow you to keep the HIN if they are chess…

        • Just an admin nightmare I guess. Otherwise buying through Stake couldn’t hurt!

          • -3

            @RG146: Hey all,

            We make transferring your portfolio over to Stake very easy.

            Your portfolio is transferred from your existing HIN to your new HIN with Stake. There's nothing you will need to do other than complete the share transfer form, which takes 5 minutes.

            Transferring an existing HIN over to Stake actually isn't necessary. There is no benefit to retaining your existing HIN.

            Always here to help at [email protected].


            • +6

              @andrewjs1234: It may not be necessary but it is the best experience for customers that desire it.

              Zero admin pain with computershares, link etc.

              Zero loss of DRP residual credits. Blackrock and Betashares do not refund DRP credits when a DRP plan is ceased, which is what happens when one transfers holdings from one HIN to another HIN. I personally lost about $40 in DRP residual credits by migrating to Stake. I knew what I was in for though, so was prepared.

              Zero changes required on any banking, TFN and other declarations and preferences.

              The inability for Stake to migrate a HIN is a barrier to me referring more potential customers to your platform.

            • @andrewjs1234: There's no benefit from retaining a HIN? DRP Credits, DRP plans, comm preferences….??

              Unless Stake can educate me how to transfer all of these to a new HIN or how Stake manages this process?

              • @RG146: We automatically update your dividend destination to be your Stake AUD Wallet.

                If you have received correspondence with notification that your bank details have been amended, do not worry as these are your unique BSB & Account Number that Stake has created for you. This is powered by Airwallex who uses ANZ as their bank. All this means is that your dividends are going to go straight into your Stake account.

                You have the ability to check these details by clicking your wallet in the top right of your screen and then clicking deposit.

                If you want to edit these details so that your dividends go somewhere else this is possible however this needs to be completed with the respective share registry.

                If you check your letter from the company it will give you information on how to log onto this registry to edit your details. It is most likely one of these three registries:

                • Computershare
                • BoardRoom
                • Link Market Services

                If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.


                • +1

                  @andrewjs1234: So if I have say $95 of accrued DRP in ASX:VGS, what happens to that amount when I transfer my whole HIN portfolio to the new Stake HIN?

                  That $95 and any other accrual is lost?

                  • +2

                    @RG146: It depends on the ETF issuer but the funds remain as a credit on the original HIN, these cannot be transferred.

                    In the case of Vanguard, that $95 will sit there. Next time a dividend is to due to be paid to all holders, you will receive a cash refund to your banking details in line with Vanguard's DRP termination rules.

                    Betashares and Blackrock retain the credits indefinitely. If you ever move the units back to your original HIN or buy more units on the original HIN, the credits will be there waiting for you and can be used. However, for most people, for all intents, that money is now inaccessible and "gone".

                    • @Moddy: As per this link, Betashares also return residual credits like Vanguard?

                      • +1

                        @Newgod: Thanks Newgod.

                        That link says Betashares keeps it, I assume you meant Blackrock give it back which I definitely made a mistake about as I just checked their policy.

                        Looks like Vaneck is another bad one too.

                        • @Moddy: You're right, I meant Blackrock. I once sold all IEM holding and they did pay me the residual.
                          Also, if you check the link in the last comment of that thread, it seems SPDR also gives back if I understand correctly.

                • @andrewjs1234: And if I don't wish for my dividends to go straight to my stake account and another account as per my current arrangement?

                  • @Kustard King: Once you got access to ComputerShare or LinkMarket services for portfolio manager, you can change the bank account receiving payment. It seems we have to do it manually for each transferred holding.

                    • @Newgod: That’s a pain in the backside as each registry has a different process.

            • @andrewjs1234: Yes there is a benefit. Don’t have to resubmit bank details or communication preferences. I don’t like the fact that you automatically give stakes bank details. That should be opt in.

              Just offer the hin transfer. Finclear does it.

  • is it free to transfer from ANZ shares to stake?

    is it true no STOP LOSS orders at Stake?

  • If I refer someone, does this stack with the $1 off brokerage deal?

  • $0 on selling too or just buying?

    • +2


  • How are they making money? $3 / trade, seems like they're trying to get PFOF into AUS.

    • Kill the competitors and then put the price up. I'm not sure how Selfwealth and Opentrader can compete. Opentrader has already put their price up to $10.

      • Why has Opentrader put their price up? Wouldnt they reduce their price in the midst of heavier competition?

        • I have 0 idea. I'm with Opentrader and received the email the other day - their new pricing is actually more expensive than selfwealth now. Existing customers like myself keep the $5 trade price. I guess they only want to keep the existing customers and not grow.

    • They make money on their FX conversion for US shares, and this would somewhat subsidise the AU brokerage cost

    • -1

      They are buying your order book.

      this allows them to front-run your orders and make the difference.
      this is how brokerage companies make money in US.

  • +1

    I have both SW and Stake, Can i transfer >$1000 shares over only? As in just choose some shares but not all?
    And still get this $0 brokerage?

    • +3

      Sure can. As you can't just transfer the HIN, your only option is to specify the ticker codes and quantity of everything you want transferred individually. Just omit a few.

  • I cant see this reward in the app at all, it only has the referral one. Is it just assumed every portfolio transfer will get it?

    • Every transfer gets it as long as you have never transferred AU holdings to Stake before.

      Extra reward section requires app update but this transfer offer isn't listed for me, but I already transferred in the past…

  • +1

    I must be the only one who prefers to use SelfWealth. (Note: I use Commsec for research and stock analysis)

  • +1

    Anyone transferred to Stake from Nabtrade before? Do Nabtrade charge a fee?

    • +1

      I transferred some of my holdings from nabtrade to stake.

      No fee applied.

      I believe you need to have the exact same details (full name, address) and it went through without a hitch in 2 days.

      Unfortunately I did it just before this promo so looks like I miss out :/

  • +1

    Congratulations to anyone that got TSLA at $792.

    👀 🚀 🌕.

    • +2

      I got it at $795
      Handing in my Ozbargain license as we speak. 😔

      • +1

        A $3 difference is a rounding error.

        🌟 sniping.

  • +7

    Hey all,

    Andrew from Stake here.

    Great to see so much excitement regarding Stake's new referral program.

    There are too many questions to answer, so I'd like to encourage you to reach out to [email protected] so a Customer Support Specialist can answer your queries promptly.

    Some quick questions I can answer:

    • Stake charges no fee for transferring your portfolio in or out of Stake AUS (please check with your departing or receiving broker if they charge a

    • Your Stake AUS account is CHESS-sponsored with your own HIN. This means you own the shares entirely.

    • We do offer instant deposits and withdrawals. You get your very own Airwallex account with unique BSB & Account details.

    • Much like our Stake Wall St rewards, we intend to make Stake AUS rewards permanently available.

    Please reach out to us at [email protected] if we can answer any more questions!

    Andrew - The Stake Team

    • +1

      Hello Andrew,

      Would like to know if
      1) there is expiry date for the offer
      2) I can select few shares >$1k from existing portfolio to transfer. What's the process?

      Many thanks

    • +2

      Hi Andrew,

      I had previously made a transfer that would qualify for this offer.

      Would you consider awarding eligibility retrospectively?

      I would otherwise be happy to make another transfer to qualify, however notice the T&C's preclude eligibility of anything outside the first transfer.

      As a long time Stake use who's supported you guys from early on I would be disappointed to miss out on this seemingly only due to overenthusiasm.


      • Keen to know this too.

      • Keen to know this three.

      • Guess no luck on this one?

    • Hi Andrew,
      Do I have to transfer the entire portfolio or can I transfer one share only (value >$1000) to qualify for this offer?

      • +1

        No need of the entire portfolio, share > $1000 was sufficient at my end

    • Hi Andrew, I have few trades that I bought using minor trade account in nabtrade. Can I transfer them to stake ?

  • Is there any last date for this offer. Just started using stake and would start portfolio transfer later this month.

  • Anyone have problem doing the transfer in the app? At the upload photo stage I select the image but the app does nothing

    • I had that bug as well - annoyingly had to force close and input all the numbers to transfer across again but it worked on my 2nd try (I took the photos first and selected via album).

      • Thanks no luck here. tried another phone and same issue

    • As @pifts mentioned, you should take all photos and attach them instead of using your camera on the fly. I got the same issue with iOS apps: the signature took ages to recognise if I used camera. Photo library worked.

      • Default install of the Samsung apps on my S9 phone won't work whatever method. Finally got it to work by installing Google Photos app

  • +8

    farewell selfwealth, for now. ciao

  • Anyone cop any fees from tranferring out of commsec?

    • +1

      Zero fees when I did the transfer 2 months ago.

  • Anyone know if Stake supports Stop loss orders?

  • I transferred shares to Stake during the beta phase, so I miss out on this opportunity :(.

    But hopefully I can fluke a lucky dip in the referral program!

  • Do ASX trades go direct to market?

  • Ah damn it, I just submitted a transfer a couple of days before the 31st.

  • +1

    Anybody open stake accounts for kids (<18 year old)??

  • transfer from saxocapitals?

  • Anyone know if Stake offer joint investment accounts? Can’t seem to find the info on their website.

  • anyone else having issues getting pass the 6 digit verifications? im getting the endless loading indicator.
    on my app, its stuck on the account: individual / status page.

  • Can we also sign up for Wall St after signing up for Aus account free brokerage deal and still be eligible for the 1 free share (GoPro etc) on first funding?

  • Anyone else getting an error message when clicking on "Portfolio transfer" in the app. "Sorry, something went wrong".

  • How long does it take for transferred portfolio to show up in the App? It sent me message transfer successfull but the holding hasn't shown up yet.

    • Shows up for me the next day. I think it says that in the email you get.

  • So the free brokerage offer is 10 trades maximum per month three for up to a year. Is that correct?

  • My transfer has been processing for 11 days

    • What broker are you transferring from? What was the last step that you did?

      • Looks like it went through this morning. Holdings have disappeared from Westpac, and I imagine will appear in Stake tomorrow.

        Last step? I filled in the transfer form on Stake.

    • 21 days and counting here

  • +1

    Having a look at the Stake website, doesn't look like they have a call centre. I can't even find an email address other than the media one, how do you contact them if you need help?

  • Did anyone transfer from their Commsec account? Did Commsec charge anything to exit? Also, does this transfer trigger any capital gain or is it just a straight transfer of broker, not ownership? Thanks in advance.

    • There's no capital gain event for these kinds of transfers.

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