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Riverina Dairy Haloumi 900g for $16 (Save $2) @ Coles


100% Australian Owned & Made
All Natural Ingredients
Milk from their own farm
Award Winning
Source of Protein
Suitable for Vegetarians.

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closed Comments

  • I've recently had their haloumi for the first time and enjoyed the flavour, so bought another one at this price.

    The Lemnos is great, and excellent that they organic price matches their non-organic, but that for the price point this is very good.

    • +4

      Lemnos is not particularly good. Their halloumi in brine (bucket pack) is passable, but their plastic-wrapped small bricks are vile - that's not halloumi.

      Riverina's halloumi is Ok in large packs in brine (they used to sell it in some stores by piece/Kg), very bad in small bricks.

      The best deal in standard retail is Pittas halloumi sold in Aldi - a real Cypriot halloumi, at good price.

  • What did the cheese say when it looked into the mirror?

    • you've aged.

      much prefer this haloumi to the aldi bulk one.

    • Holey cheesus

    • It's gouda to see you

    • Hello-mi

  • +1

    Suitable for Vegetarians.

    I.e. We will kill the animal and her children to sell you her milk and skin, but we'll sell the flesh to someone else a bit less picky.

    • Is that true?

      • +1

        Yup, eg.
        - You want dairy -> you need milk -> you need cows -> bull calves are killed.
        - You need eggs -> you need hens -> young roosters are killed.

        • +1

          We need Men's rights !!!

    • Sure it seemed an odd point to me too, but I suppose not all vegetarian diets are decided on animal rights concerns.

      • Not all vegetarians do it for the animal welfare. Some do it for health reasons. Sadly the only vocal vegetarians are the meat is murder variety.

    • +1

      Beef and dairy cattle aren't interchangeable, so not eating meat would still reduce the number of meat cattle required (in a closed loop). In reality the number of vegetarians and vegans in Australia is a drop in the ocean when you consider the number of new middle-class consumers in Asia who are eating more and more meat.

      • +3

        consumers in Asia

        That's a dash of whataboutism.

        Imagine being a trendsetter, setting an example for future generations, or just carry on doing the right thing hoping that people overseas are not like "what about other countries eating meat?" Long shot, I realise, but still.

        • It was in reference to the closed loop. Ideally in Australia more vegetarians would result in less beef cattle being produced. However, the demand for beef is outstripping supply as indicated by the Eastern States Young Cattle Indicator. Mostly due to increased demand from export markets.

          Nothing to with whataboutism.

    • @afoveht That's one way of looking at it. The other is that a vegetarian wants to limit killing as much as possible whilst also not getting deficiencies. They could just behave like meat eaters and drink milk and eat meat leading to even more death… And an increase in cost of meat products due to increased demand

      • +2

        Vegetarians are contributing to animal cruelty, but hey at least they're not killing them? Weird argument

        Also anything you can get from animal fluids you can get elsewhere

        • What I said is not in the slightest bit weird but the way you have phrased it of course sounds odd. Not all vegetarians are the same much like not all meat eaters are the same.

          As I said some vegetarians are against killing. Most would probably not be a part of inflicting any cruelty to animals but some are pragmatic and tolerate certain abuse to animals e.g. Milk. Not all vegetarians choose such a diet out of love for animals.

          Yes you can get milk from elsewhere e.g. The israeli company that makes milk from plants. Usually what happens is a meat substitute/cruelty free substitute gets released to the masses and then people whine e.g. The meat industry.

          The moral of the story is tolerance should be shown by all for peoples beliefs and dietary habits (so long as they are not dangerous/harmful to others). So meat eaters should be tolerant of vegetarians and vice versa. Moreover as a race we should probably be looking ahead to see how we can sustain our race whilst also living to the best of our abilities instead of ravaging the earth and not giving a crap as to what happens next/for next generations. Just my $0.02

          • @Chocobros:

            Not all vegetarians are the same much like not all meat eaters are the same.

            But you are all the same in that you see animals as resources to be exploited (as you each see fit in your own ways) rather than as sentient earthly cohabitants that have a right to their own lives and be left alone.

            Moreover as a race we should probably be looking ahead to see how we can sustain our race whilst also living to the best of our abilities

            How about starting by not stealing the milk mothers make for their own children, or their very bodies just so you can gorge yourselves.

            • @fantombloo: You assume I am a vegetarian. Interesting. I spoke of vegetarians hypothetically. I just am able to respect other viewpoints.

              How about you don't steal milk. How about you don't steal meat. By your logic you're just as much a thief as anyone else if not moreso unless you are vegan.

              I was suggesting tolerance from all parties but once again its the same rhetoric

              • @Chocobros: Good to see you realise that veganism is the only position that doesn't view other animals as mere resources. If you want to do the "best of our abilities" then that's your only logical start.

                tolerance from all parties

                You want me to tolerate wanton violence to innocent animals? How about nonvegans tolerate the very existence and self-interests of other species.

                • @fantombloo: You make it seem like I was suggesting vegetarianism was somehow righteous. It's quite obvious that it turns a blind eye to animal rights but it is better for animals than those that condone the torture of animals and their deaths.

                  I said all sides should consider tolerance. You seem to want to shove your ideals down other people's throats. Either way I thank you for your viewpoint but you seem to want to argue and I'm not sure I can be bothered at the moment. Maybe another vegetarian or another meat eater or even another vegan may want to argue with you.

                  Ps. If you read between the lines I was actually suggesting that veganism is the future as we can't sustain abusing the earth in the way we do but we will never get to that point through force (and no I am not a vegan)

                  • @Chocobros: I shove my opinion down your throat - metaphorically.

                    You pay to have knives shoved down innocent animals' throats - literally.

                    You should be bothered.

                    • @fantombloo: Oh dear. Let it go. I was polite and thanked you for your viewpoint. You should extend me the same courtesy

                      • @Chocobros: Your politeness does not make up for your wanton violence towards other animals. IMO you'd be better to be less invested in politeness in an online forum and rather be less violent towards animals generally. My courtesy or lack of shouldn't really shape your own volitions on how much suffering and death you choose to dole out on other innocent beings every day.

                        Have a good night.

    • -1

      Nobody is forcing you to eat it… Go back to your tofu…

  • Great Haloumi

    • +1

      Much better since they fixed labelling error last year where they were selling Hairy Daloumi…

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