• expired

Oculus Quest 2 128GB - $479 Delivered @ Oculus Store


I was too late for the Amazon re-stock, but checked out the Oculus website today and they have it available for the same price, free shipping. Not sure how long they'll last.

Referral Links

Referral: random (459)

Buy a new Meta Quest headset from any retailer and both referee and referrer will get A$47 in Meta Quest Store credit once the headset is activated.

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closed Comments

  • +19

    Your regular reminder to sign up through the Oculus referrals before activating your headset (via Ozbargain) so you can get $47 worth of store credit to spend on the Oculus store

    • Thanks. Do I just send a blank message and wait for a response? Or do I need information like a username?

      • -3

        Can send through your fb profile to make it quicker.

        • +6

          best to utilise the system - a fair go for all

          • +1

            @chillipaste: He meant that in the message you can include your fb link to make it faster

            But, imho, don't. You may want to send 3-4 messages out as people may not reply. Then first response gets the link to your fb.

            • +4

              @justtoreply: I'm honestly a big fan of people sending it to one person and waiting, if you do it when you order the headset it's not like you need it this exact minute. Otherwise it might as well be a forum post and whoever snakes the referral first gets it.

          • +3

            @chillipaste: Wow what, that definitely got misinterpreted.

            He asked "Do I send a blank message and wait for a response? Or do I need information like a username?"

            Which I responded to, I didn't say "inbox me which is faster"

      • -1

        they should reply you with some instruction.
        very easy steps

      • +2

        Yep just select the random button on the post and it will take care of the rest, sending a message to a random user. User will get you to add them via Facebook and send you a referral link. Activate this before you activate the headset and you both get $47 dollars nothing you get yours instantly after activation but you will need to stay Facebook friends for 30 days for referee to get their credit.

        • In my 3 occasions i get the 47 also instantly. Weird….

          • @CyberMurning: Yeah I've noticed this too actually. Apparently it says it in the terms and conditions somewhere but I couldn't find it in the current t&c's.

            Best to be on the safe side though

    • +3

      Always happy to do it when I receive a referral request but as soon as I mention we need to be Facebook friends for 30 days, they stop replying.

      • +1

        Yep - have experienced this as well.

        People seem to assume it's like most other referral systems (with a standardised link related to your profile) and don't realise that you can only create referral links for people who are already your facebook friends.

      • +2

        Tell them they can block you to see their posts.

      • +3

        I'm okay with friendship for 15 days but 30 is definitely pushing it

        I mean how will I be able to relax at home or go on with my life knowing I have an extra friend out there somewhere

        (Being silly)

  • +1

    Is this on discount or just normal price?

    • +1

      Normal price, but it's back in stock. Secondhand prices are much higher than this, so restocks are almost "discount" in my eyes.

      • +14

        Right, then it's not a discount to me.

        • +2

          Me too. I'm keen to get one, but I'll wait until it's on sale.

  • +2

    I am just wondering how to use this with spectacles.
    I have never use VR set before, anyone has experienced with glasses?

    • +2

      It does come with a spacer you can insert while using glasses but I found I could fit it on with my glasses without using the spacer.

    • +2

      Fellow spectacle user here, it is completely fine to use. It comes with a spacer so you can create more space between your eyes and the lens, for your glasses. If you dont use your glasses, you will have the same visual acuity in real life, in VR.

    • +1

      There are companies that sell prescription lens adapters you can fit onto the Quest directly, those are probably the safest bet.

      Depending on how thick the frame is, your glasses may fit inside without any hassle… that would be the cheapest solution (but you definitely don't want to risk scratching the Quest's lenses).

    • +2

      Get prescription inserts. There are a few different companies offering them. Example: https://widmovr.com/, https://vroptician.com/

      I bought these ones they're magnetic - https://www.reloptix.com/

      This was also posted. It has now been moved to the forums - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/670399

    • +1

      Depends on the size of your spectacles. Mine fit OK and have been using with glasses fine although I recently did get this when there was a slight discount for Black Friday and it makes the experience more comfortable - https://www.vr-wave.store/

      Am slightly annoyed still that the Gear VR had option to adjust for myopia but not Rift or Quest …

    • The only problem I have is I also have the foam facial plate, so it does add a bit of extra padding and forces the glasses into my face a bit more than what is deemed comfortable. After a while it pinches my nose.

      I have just recently bought lens prescriptions from HONSVR (link below in the converstaion I think), about $100 AU all up, but so well worth it as I can just clip them on with magnets and jump into VR, it's made me want to play it more now. It's a tight fit with the padding, but just squeezes in.

      • Contact lenses.

      • Same, bought a pair from Honsvr too, definitely has improved the comfort and experience of wearing my Quest 2.

    • Question re Glasses. If I don't need glasses for distance would I need them using the VR headset?

  • +5

    In b4 ‘are these good for vr porn?’

    Look, yes.

    • I worry getting caught using this for vr porn. I would feel so naked.

      • +5

        Closing the door would be a start haha

        • +2

          Virtual or real door?

        • but the window might open afterwards.

        • And using it at home.

    • +1

      If you want to use this for porn, do you need to subscribe to a site? Asking for a friend.

    • +1

      There needs to be more content for the ladies!

  • is there anything i can do with these if i dont wanna play vr games?

    • +2

      watch movie like in cinema
      google earth
      how about exercising (not gaming). interested on keeping healthy? then yes vr can do these too
      and one comment above you
      and many

    • See above comment

    • +3

      See Jimothy's post above.

    • Drawing - Tiltbrush
      Sculpting - Sculptrvr
      PC, WFVR - https://immersed.com/

      • Kids in the future will be looking back at these days laughing at how bulky our head units were.

        • -1

          So what? It's technology.

      • Vermillion-paint on virtual canvas in oils, watch youtube at the same time!

  • +2

    this thing is greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

  • +12

    Me as a kid and mum would be on my case for sitting too close to TV.

    Me now: literally screens right up to eyes


    • That's actually an important point. Does it have low blue light setting? Strong light is bad for eye health.

  • +4

    probably ymmv but i am strongly recommending get this from amazon.
    if something goes wrong, the service you get from amazon vs oculus could be like massively different.

    • I got this on release and even Amazon managed to get a lot of their initial batch delivered before Oculus direct form what I read.
      Would rather deal with Amazon than Oculus.

      • +2

        just one example when getting a replacement:

        amazon - no question asked, send the replacement first (brand new) arrive in 3 days, you have 2 weeks to send the defect.
        oculus - ask you to test this and that then send the defect (to overseas) and who know how many weeks, and they may give you refurbished back.

        again, ymmv

    • +1

      Yeah it's a good point
      I left my oculus charging on my bed, wife opened curtains, sun burnt hole in the screen.
      Amazon, no question asked full refund
      Just bought this deal as missed last one from Amazon.
      Probably should have waited :'(

      • Burned a HOLE in the screen?

        Like what, the lens focused the light? That's crazy, never would have thought of that happening.

        • +1

          Yep, think of it as 2 magnifying glasses pointing straight at an LCD

          I didn't know this either and didn't pay attention to the warnings, every VR headset owner should know it though

    • +1

      Yeah, I bought mine through Oculus direct, with no trouble, shipped reasonably quickly, BUT then after a few weeks I noticed a dead pixel. Then it was email after email , getting replied back to a different person each time. My replacement unit took ages to come back too, (I did have to send the unit, and wait for a new one)

      Happened to a friend of mine aswell who bought from Amazon, they got their replacement within a week.

      • +1

        Same - dead pixel on my first one, no questions asked Amazon shipped a replacement which got there a day later, giving me a whole month to return the old one. Nutty service

    • That’s something I wouldn’t have thought of! Thank you, I’ll consider putting you in my will. ;)

  • +7

    Do I want it— YES
    Do I need it— Definitely NO.

    • +3

      before buying:
      Do I want it— YES
      Do I need it— Definitely NO.

      after buying and trying:
      Do I want it— YES
      Do I need it— Definitely YES
      Do I regret not buying sooner - absolutely YES.

      • Ha Ha Ha… i wish :p

      • Be honest though, what do you use it for, and how often?

        I feel like it would be too much effort / too inconvenient to strap in for simple stuff like browsing the net or watching a few minutes of YouTube.

        There's a 100:1 ratio of regular games to VR ones, does this headset look that much better than a decent, large high res tv or gaming monitor for movies? I'll grant you that porn must be one hell of a different experience, but surely the novelty of VR in general wears off after a while, no?

        • +1

          I’ve had mine since launch in October 2020 and I enjoy hanging out with my mates in VR so much. Did a 2 hour session last night with 18 holes on walkabout mini golf, then doing some co-op missions in a shooter called contractors.

          We normally do this once a week and given one lives 1300km away and the other 100km away, it is 100% worth the price just for this, regardless of any other times I might use it throughout the week. With all my mates having young kids, it can be hard to catch up in person with those that live nearby and I wish more of them had headsets.

        • no i wont wears off. as new contents, games and who knows what will be created/added,
          and not just few mins of youtube but you can watch 2 hours of spiderman movies on this - with friends

  • Is this a baaaaaaaaaargain?

    • +5

      If you had purchased on Black Friday you would've received $100 in Amazon credit… so technically, no?

      • Thanks.

        • and now quickly buy this before sold out

  • +1

    Any bargain for tissues?

    • You out of stock due to panic buying?

    • for VR porn?

  • VR is a health hazard if you're using it for more than 2hrs a day, based on my experienced.

    • And what is your experience?

      • PS4 VR, Samsung Gear VR and this Quest 2.
        It takes so much energy out of you, feel like a 4hrs gym session in a bad way.

        • +1

          It takes so much energy out of you to do some real work and you will feel you want to keep playing VR for another 2 hours….

      • +5

        chronic dehydration from vr porn ?

        • +1

          His mum warned him would go blind if he plays with himself too much, but he didn't listen.

    • Depends if you're riding your bike at the time.

    • 10000+ hours in VR (Vive & Quest 2) and only health hazard I've hit is losing a little weight and being more social with online friends, you're doing something very wrong mate.

  • -3

    I'm onto my 3rd Oculus Quest 2. The controllers randomly die waaay too easily.

    • +4

      As in like actually stop working? And not battery dying?

      • Hahaha

      • Yep. They just died. Not mistreated. First pair - left controller died after about 10 days. 2nd pair, the left controller died after just 1 day. Would only buy from a place with a very good return policy… Amazon for me thankfully.

    • +1

      This gotta be a troll as you can just buy controllers separately and they rarely break (and batteries last months).

    • I really hope you realise they aint magic and require you to change batteries lol

    • +1

      Punching the TV or wall with the controllers won't help either.

    • -2

      BS I CALL

  • I'm holding out for the Quest 3, only because I want that to be my first VR headset. Q2 of 2022 is what I read last, but with the way things are with electronic goods being delayed maybe I'll be waiting longer?

    • Latest rumour is suggesting a 2023 launch

      • Oculus Rumours earmark it for 2025

    • +1

      I bought mine over Christmas and tried to research before purchasing, doesn't seem like there is much on the horizon for the next year from Quest (they didn't announce anything with their Meta announcement)

      The price for this headset (compared to others) is relatively low. I'm having a lot of fun with it, so I suggest you buy it if you're intrigued.

      • Thanks! I'll shake the piggy bank and see what I can get out of it. :)

  • +1

    Will next for the next model of this. one that is released after the announcement for metaverse so all the improvement and developer feedback can be implemented.

  • Bought one during Black Friday sale. Love it, best gaming device. Great for watch movies too. Recommend head strap from kiwi design for more comfort.

    • what games you recommend

      • Half life, saints and sinners

      • Depend what you really into. I like tables tennis and Population one, Beat Saber is pretty good too.

  • Back in stock at Amazon… go get them boys and girls

    • I got them for the boys and girls.

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