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iPad 2 Case for $24.98 and Receive Bonus iPad Screen Protector + Get Free Postage on Your Order


Purchase a iPad 2 Smart case from Factory Direct Deals and receive a FREE iPad 2 Screen Protector with FREE Delivery on your order. To take advantage of this special offer, simply click the link below and add a iPad 2 Smart Case to your cart. Remember to choose from Black, White or Gray. At the checkout use the coupon code ‘FREEIPADSP’ and a iPad 2 Screen Protector will automatically be added to your cart. You will also get FREE postage on your order.


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closed Comments

  • So is it $29.97 then?

  • +3

    it call bonus not free, free mean you don't have to spend a cent. bonus mean you have to buy something.
    misleading ads, neg from me.

    • Its not misleading in the context it was written. You would have to be an idiot not to understand what was written.

      Does that also mean there is no such thing as free shipping because you have to buy an item to have it shipped to you?

      • +1 to Modokun's comment.

      • It should call bonus free shipping as well. Bonus mean extra that u get after u purchase something. Better u go back to ur school first

        • -1

          Don't tell other people to go back to school when you can't even type 'you' and 'your' properly, nor write a proper sentence ('It should be called', not 'It should call')

        • because i didn't go to school in here, it is acceptable, but for people study in here still don't understand what you read, that is no comment

        • -1

          Thank you for reiterating my comment further with that incoherent sentence.

        • so what is your point? are you confirming that you have comprehension problem?

        • -1

          lol, pot calling the kettle black there..
          No, I'm saying that you are clearly not of an intellectual mind to be telling others to go back to school when you yourself have the obvious English capacity of a 6 year old.

        • thats fine, but what do you think for adult that can't have proper comprehension, should be less than 6 years old then? :) you have been teach the rest of your life and still wrong, that is a ………
          i am not being taught english since i was born, so it is fine. but for people that take granted and feel superior because english is his/her first language and this person can't comprehend a sentence that they use in daily basis, it is a …….

        • I refer, again, to my first post directed to you. That is all that needs to be said.

        • -1

          if you really have comprehension of an adult person then you should understand what i said before. but if you don't, unfortunately thats your issue. i have no more comment to add.

  • $29.97 is NOT free. Misleading title.

    • Modokun's comment also applies to you. If you think the title is misleading then you should probably just close your account and not come back. The title is very clear and nt misleading in the slightest, unless you have the attention span of a 3 year old and stopped reading after the first four words.

      • fact is this is not a bargain what ever way it is written, unless this is an authentic ipad cover it can be found cheaper on ebay.

        • David, This is an authentic case. Thanks.

        • So then neg it for that reason (although you have no proof at all that it isn't a genuine product), not for the fact that you think the title is misleading when it isn't in the slightest.

        • So Puff Braddy as I said same item can be found cheaper on ebay for $22 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Jisoncase-iPad-2-Magnetic-Leather… which also has free delivery and then you can buy a Screen Protector for $2 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/LCD-Screen-Protector-Apple-iPad-2…

          and no it's not genuine apple product it's made by Jisoncase
          authentic ipad leather covers are $79 here http://store.apple.com/au/browse/home/shop_ipad/ipad_accesso…

        • -1

          So as I said neg it for that reason. I never said that you couldn't be able to find them cheaper elsewhere. There was no need for your follow up comment.

        • Thankyou for allowing me to neg vote because I found the item cheaper elsewhere, that is very kind of you sir.
          Why have you got so many follow up comments?
          You seem to be very upset that others don't like this post but you have not voted positive yourself.

  • NOT a bargain

  • free? what free??

    • Free iPad Screen Protector and postage on every iPad 2 Case Purchase.

  • it says FREE twice in the title and im still scratching my head

  • +1

    Sorry for the misleading information. I guess it is BONUS Screen Protector with every iPad Case purchase. You also get complimentary postage with the order, when you purchase the iPad Case. We will take this up with our team. Thanks.

    • thank you, would you please update your title, then I will cancel my neg vote

  • Basically this is the Deal.

    Buy iPad Case for $29.97 and get a iPad Case and Screen protector delivered to your door.
    There is no postage charges either.
    We apologise for any confusion it may have caused.

    • Don't apologise for people being pedantic nitpickers. People like that make the world a worse place to live in.

  • +1

    As a special offer… We have also reduced the price of the case down to $24.98.

  • +2

    You might want to update the title to "iPad case $24.95 with free screen protector and shipping"

    • +1

      Thanks for your Suggestion! Listing has been updated.

      • As promise, I have revoke my neg vote

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