• expired

Campaign Stickers: Free via Email Request or $1 Donation (Expired) @ Smart Energy Council


Here here an election is near and what better way to express your thoughts at the current Government or our industrious leader on a bin.

If you want better ones they will cost you


From the Council. If you want them free Contact Lindsay.

You can bulk order them to a single address for free (just let me know quantities) or people can pay as little as $1 $5 $10 $5 for a pack via the donation link. There's also the option to pay another amount.

Mod - Description edited. Donation minimum is now $5 $10 $5 (custom field) instead of $1. Free stickers are via email only (according to information above). We'll consider the donation part expired due to the minimum price increase, we assume they are still available for free unless told otherwise (please report if so).

Mod - This deal meets our posting guidelines & there have been previous similar deals posted. #1 Stop Adani Sticker Pack, #2 Start Adani Sticker Pack, #3 Australian Greens Bumper Sticker, #4 Free Tote Bag Delivered From Sam Hibbins MP.

As always, votes need to be made within the voting guidelines. Any negative vote without an explanation given (e.g. "agree" or "no deal") will be revoked by a moderator as per this list. Neg votes for any other reason won't be removed by a mod. These are verbatim phrases.

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closed Comments

      • +4

        Please this place is not a Mensa Club by any observation .

        The poor man wanted to put a neg and it turned up as a + hehe :)

      • +2

        Up vote doesn't require any comment down vote does. Pretty sure it will dissuade some if not all from going though an explanation which other side doesn't have to. I am.sure there must be fairness in it, I just cant see it.

        Anyways like I said I don't think either or any sides have any deserving leaders. So go for your life.

    • -3

      This is how they stole the presidency from Trump

  • +3

    Nice to see a sample of working class people with upvotes to downvotes ratio of 5:1.

    • Hehe . So does that mean I'm not voting Labor .
      I put anyone in front of Scommo except for Greens that are about par .
      Again my point on the Mensa Club :)

    • +4

      I initially thought this, but I'm not sure it's exactly that straight forward. What I mean is: to 'upvote' you simply need to click the + button. To 'downvote' you need to post with a pre-approved comment. i.e. there's more work involved in producing a negative vote. I'm not saying it wouldn't be heavily swayed in the direction it already is, just that this differentation of effort should be taken into consideration - as people (myself included) will inherently take the path of least resistance - I almost didn't do the neg vote cause it was too much effort, thought it might be fun though, so I continued. And I was not disappointed!

      • +1

        Part of the reason negs have a much higher weighting than +'s .
        But there is no point explaining why in this place .

      • It’s an approximation. You have been an OzB member since 2015 now so you would know this forum could sometimes reveal future trends before everyone catches on.

        • +2

          I signed up then, but have been an active browser since 2010 (when I first discovered the site). Does that make me an elite? Or just old? :-P

        • With 50% of their comments in the last 24 hours, they're not exactly an active member.

          It's interesting that this post has created such an emotional response.

  • +1

    With Scomo I stand.

    • +2


      • +1

        Why is it that Liberal defenders cannot ever respond to comments seeking clarification?

        You almost always get the response Well at least Labor aren't at the helm!!1!

      • +1

        Why I stand with Scomo? The biggest thing that worries me is China, I like how he is handling that issue.
        I'm not stupid though, disappointed in how he handled the Brittany Higgins case.

        • +1

          Port of Darwin would like a word

        • You really need to look beyond Morrison Media, ie News Corp and Sky, before making such embarrassing claims. Morrison has the diplomatic skills of a weasel, as is reflected in his management of China, France, USA, NZ, Afghanistan and now Serbia. Basically any country where there’s an issue, he makes it worse. China very much a case in point.

  • Scomo's curry addiction https://youtu.be/FvVLE-F9toI

    Love or hate this deal it's the most popular non expired deal in the last 180 days.

    Probably the most commented too

    • +1

      Most popular or most negged?

    • +1

      non expired
      last 180 days

      such a lame use of wording to toot your own horn. Pretty much every deal ever that's older than 30 days is expired lol

  • +5

    May as well drop a link to the Australians for a Murdoch Royal Commission.

    News Corp's American equivalent - Fox News - results in people being less informed. It's worth learning about News Corp and their influence over Australian Politics.

    It's evident from some of the comments here, that many people's media diet is News Corp.

    Regardless of political views, wanting media diversity is something everyone should want. We don't need an American Billionaire interfering in our country and we don't want to head in the direction America has taken.

    • +1

      Yeah?! But what about that lefty loving ABC?!

    • +5

      Hilarious how these one sided leftys all point the finger at Fox & Sky yet seem to have a serious blind spot for the rampant bias of the ABC, The Guardian and the Ch9 papers . Just try watching 10 minutes of The Drum - rampant left wing political activism all paid fir by the taxpayer

      • +5

        It's strange how Sky News viewers are so aware of obscure programming like "The Drum." I have never watched it and don't know anyone who has.

        Ch9 papers

        Ch9 is Fairfax which is chaired by Peter Costello. There's an evident Liberal bias in much of what they report.


        I know it's not Mensa club around here, but you didn't unintentionally click "I am associated with smartenergy.org.au", dismiss the tool tip and post anyway by any chance?

      • -1

        Can you show us this bias amongst the ABC? The ABC, which is chaired by Ita Buttrose, appointed by the LNP Government after they ignored due process used for appointing of the chairperson of the ABC. Ita Buttorse, ex-Murdoch hack (y'know, Murdoch papers that always bemaon the ABC being a 'lefty' organisation?)

        Show us the bias? I implore you.

  • Its ironic that unions are backing this campaign when they will be the ones that will lose their union jobs if it happens. Hopefully Albo and ALP friends will fully disclose the real number of job losses that will happen under the ban coal plan. He can tour a coal power station like Loy Yang that employs hundreds of local Gippsland people then tell em all that they're all going to be unemployed and their well paid union jobs are finished

    • see how that goes down with the workers……..????

    ALP - the "workers party" yeah right
    - they're the party of inner urban virtual signalling trendies

    • +3

      No one is banning coal mate.

      • So whats the plan??? What will happen to the workers at Loy Yang power station???

        • +5

          Might want to read AGLs pathway to 2050 which mentions this station.

          And also have a read of this https://www.afr.com/companies/mining/coal-stranded-asset-war…



          I am calling for a just transition. Plant will not be there by 2048 anyway or sooner.

          • +1

            @Korban Dallas: So you're lining up with BlackRock???

          • +1

            @Korban Dallas: I'd love to know the do-gooders plan for Chinas coal use?? Theyre building em as we close ours down. And theyre building them by the dozen

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: 2030 will be max coal use in in China then they plan to start the phase out.

              Also might want to check your information to ensure its the latest. Because if you are looking at stats from 5 years ago you are grossly incorrect.


              The report found that more than three-quarters of the world’s planned plants have been scrapped since the climate deal was signed, meaning 44 countries no longer have any future coal power plans

              • +2

                @Korban Dallas: So you believe the Chinese Communist Party but Fox News are the antichrist??

                No worries - this is what we're dealing with now… Leftys who believe anything they're told by the Chinese Communist Party

                • +4

                  @[Deactivated]: Fox News has a much bigger impact on our democracy than the CCP.

                  Despite all their anti-China rhetoric, you'll find many LNP policies benefit China. Medical organisations are sold to China, under the LNP. The Port of Darwin, NSW's poles and wires. 1% of the Australian landmass in a recent sale. Nationals party benefits Chinese cotton growers over locals. There's no CGT on water rights. There's money laundering.

                  A lot of other countries don't have a perfect relationship with China, but they STFU, rather than antagonising and hurting their own industries. If the government wants to reduce reliance on China - great! but at least be smart about it.

                  Old Mate, Clive, also had heavy involvement with the Chinese state.

                  • +1

                    @ihfree: "Fox News has a much bigger impact on our democracy than the CCP"

      • +1

        Greens are literally banning coal exports by 2030 if they get in.

        • +5

          Greens will never get in mate. Relax. Play some Xbox.

          • @Korban Dallas: Oh so by "no one" you just meant only one of the possible opposition…

            • +3

              @900dollaridoos: How does this work in your head? They're in opposition and they make a deal with either the LNP or Labor and somehow get their agenda through?

              Did you also blame the Greens who weren't in power for the bushfires?

            • +2

              @900dollaridoos: Greens will never hold power. Well maybe in 50 years but not now.

              No one is banning coal.

              • +3

                @Korban Dallas: They don't need to hold power. They only need to hold the balance of power.

                A little less time on rubbish stickers, and a little more focus on the realities of modern politics…

                • +1

                  @UncleRico: the Greens make a lot of noise because that's how they appeal to their base, it's theplaybook of a minor party. nobody expects this to be legislated, that includes Labor and the Greens themselves no less

                • @UncleRico: I agree. Coal isn't getting banned and the greens will not hold power.

                  You didn't see that fake image and caption on FB with the mythical bill signed by Labor and Bob Brown did you? Cause that bill never existed. Nor did it become an act.

                  • @Korban Dallas: Nope. I did not.

                    I don't bequeath dissemination of political ideology or justifications to social media.

                • @UncleRico: Right. And there's something that appealing that one of the major parties who both don't want to drop coal would make a deal?

                  Can you run us through how that would work?

                  • @ihfree: Are you asking me to explain to you how your hypothetical scenario plays out?

                    No, I can't explain that to you.

                    • @UncleRico: I'm asking you to explain your hypothetical scenario. The one involving this

                      They only need to hold the balance of power.

                      • @ihfree: That's not what you asked at all. If you had, I would have happily provided you with some links to the 2010 Federal Election and Messrs Tony Windsor and Robert Oakeshott.

                        What you really said was, "Right. And there's something that appealing that one of the major parties who both don't want to drop coal would make a deal? Can you run us through how that would work?"

                        That, I can't help you with. Chiefly since your hypothesis made so little sense…

                        • @UncleRico: There wasn't much to go on, which seems to be the norm.

                          If you're talking about the minority government and the introduction of the carbon tax that was seen as a positive(obviously dependent on your leaning regarding the environment).

                          IIRC, Labor have ruled out governing with the greens. Let's say it did though. I doubt the Greens could push through a deal with eliminating coal, though obviously there would be negotiation and some middle ground found. A lot of the independents are running on with the environment as one of their differentiators from the libs, so there's a strong chance there could be a minority government without the Greens.

          • @Korban Dallas: No- I thought we could run the country on greens. How disappointing.

    • +10

      Hopefully Albo and ALP friends will fully disclose the real number of job losses that will happen under the ban coal plan.

      Those jobs are going to dry up anyway with or without global warming(for the non-believers). Those workers need to be re-skilled for jobs that will exist. What is the exit strategy? Do the LNP have one?

      • +7

        It's less political and more market forces than anything than most people think.

      • "The non believers"???
        And you Climate Change nuts think we're being mean when we accuse Climate Activism as similar to a cult….

        • +5

          I guess denier is a better word. I'd put it roughly on the same tier as being a Flat Earther. The science is pretty much agreed upon at this point.

        • -1

          It's more economics then climate change.

  • +2

    Climate denier and has been caught asleep at the wheel looking after our borders. Scotty from marketing can piss off to engadine maccas

    • -1

      Sorry I couldn't find any Froot Loops 50% off this week !

      • +1

        They’ve run out. Apparently the Liberals and Qanons are stocking up

    • -3

      The irony of your statement being, Morrison actually had a climate change policy in writing, which is what won him the the last election!

      The left are so stupid. Or should I say, they have in recent times overestimated the stupidity of voters (especially their own!) with their PC BS and never ending virtue signaling. Best to lie with policy politics like the Libs and screw people that way rather than trying to make people believe they're all moral and care so much for everyone.

      • -1

        Link to policy report please?

        Also where does it say he won due to climate change policy? There have been many reports and research articles as to why the LNP won. Don't remember seeing that one.

        • It was the headline problem with his campaign, he gave a heap of climate promises but no costing for them. Google it, it'll take you seconds to find. I even found the Guardian reported it…

          • -3

            @FXx: I would also love to see this report that won Morrison the last election or an article on it. I also don't remember anything about it from the last election.

            When I search for it, I just read about Morrison's failings. Eg. The estimated cost of 7K per person to implement the technology solution.

            • +3

              @ihfree: Electric cars won't tow your boat or caravan

              Bill Shorten wants to end the weekend and take tradies Ute's

              • -1

                @Korban Dallas: Poor Scotty. He clearly forgot he said those things or he's a liar.

                Just like with denying using Shanghai Sam. He seems to forget video recordings, twitter history exists.

            • -1

              @ihfree: For the quiet Australians downvoters, why are you still here if this post upset you so much?

              I appreciate you reading everything on this thread, drawing attention to Scotty's incompetence, and angrily smashing the downvote button with your sweaty hands but don't you snowflakes have better things to do?

              Move on with your lives! Go do Scotty things, like going AWOL at work, forcing people to shake your hand, or making scomosas, etc.

      • -3

        PC BS

        Ah that old chestnut. “I’m so sad that I can’t be rude/offensive to some minority any more. “

        • +2

          Yes of course, 'if you don't think like us, you're a racist'…

          I get it. It's used by people in an attempt to shut down conversation when you don't like home truths and can't deal in facts. Case in point above, you've inferred I'm racist for disagreeing with you.

          Social grouping at the cost of treating people as individuals is an awful way to try and structure any society. History certainly suggests so.

          • -2


            Case in point above, you've inferred I'm racist for disagreeing with you.

            No. I said minority. You inferred race. Too close to home maybe?

            • +1

              @Vote for Pedro: And again, find yet another way to infer I'm racist for not agreeing with you. Twice in two posts.

              See, you've just bolstered my very point. Thank you.

    • When the Rudd's moved into the lodge their was a DVD in the player left by Howard.

      A title named the great climate change lie 😂

  • +3

    faaarck! what a long & ultimately pointless thread. do you really think any poLIARtician gives a toss about any of you? slap your face, wake up, they're in it for themselves! always have been, always will be. some of these turds think it's their job for life ffs! if I'm right they get 15% superannuation paid for by the taxpayers & a pension after 6 years paid for by taxpayers. who wouldn't want that? everyone would but it takes a certain type that enjoys the taste of brown 'cause they have to tongue kiss a lot of arseholes to get nominated by their local branch (talking lnp, alp, nats here). they always agree on 1 thing, a pay rise for themselves & more perks. eventually this looked bad to the plebs & became a problem years ago so they installed an "independent" remuneration tribunal to remove the stench of granting themselves an increase in salary. is there an instance where a poLIARtician's pay has decreased? Ted Mack nailed them years ago after resigning from parliament before his 2 terms were up & called them all pigs with their snouts in the trough of the public purse .if they get on a navel gazing committee cha-ching, more money for that member. when 1 of them leaves parliament, both sides fawn over them as if they are a gift from heaven to the plebs of Oz. really? they're egomaniacs.

    • -1

      I think it's actually 17.5%

      • +1

        there ya go then. 🤣 cha-ching.

    • What ?

      I think I offered the Froot Loops to the wrong person .
      My bad .

      • It's quite a rant. I personally love the lack of capitalisation and capitalised liar. Very artsy.

        • artsy? who needs capitals. 🤣

          • @mjuice7: It definitely helps with readability and if you want to be taken more seriously. "poLIARtician" is fun and all, but looks a bit emotional and once again increases the odds of your comment being ignored or simply written off as "Frooty". Personally, I skip over most content like yours as I see it as disrespectful to potential readers.

            From a skim read, it looks like your rant is simply "They're all the same" which is demonstrably false. Maybe they do all have their snouts in the public purse, the current LNP are clearly worse than before. It's so blatant and out in the open. There's a nice list compiled here.

            • +1

              @ihfree: @ihfree you're taking it all a bit seriously aren't you? using capitals makes something easier to read? hilarious. btw thx for the tips on punctuation. I couldn't give a toss if my comments are not read & u skip over comments like these. your choice. how do my comments disrespect readers? if you want serious discussion head over to twitter. oh, hang on, that's just 1 big echo chamber filled with little echo chambers. thx for the link but I don't need to read about the failures of scumo & his cronies. have a nice day.😀

              • @mjuice7: Not really… Just giving you my thoughts on more effective communication. Follow it or don't - it doesn't really make a difference to me.

      • @popsiee. happy to have your fruit loops. u wouldn't be a political sycophant would you? 🤣 good luck to u & your chosen egotist at the upcoming popularity contest. can't wait to see this year's fashions.

  • +7

    Not a bargain, you can get nonsense for free any day of the year, and it doesn't cost a sticker which does more harm to the environment than good.

    Hint: literally no one reads a sticker and changes their voting.

  • +4

    Imagine one of the most upvoted bargains is a $10 sticker for political advertising.

    • +6

      It probably says more about feelings toward Morrison than anything else. Ignoring political leanings, he's doing a terrible job.

      There's also a bit of the streisand effect going on here with downvoters ensuring there is a lot of activity and pushing it up in ranking.

  • Oh dear. #scottythefailure is trending No. 1 on Twitter at the moment.

    Honestly thought that hot mic channel 7 issue would be No. 1.

  • +2

    Ha! ha! Anthony Albanese next PM? It's not Covid that his government will have to manage, but daily arrivals of people-smuggling boats. Hello Lesvos Australia?

    • -2

      Why not worry about the current issues? Cause they are real and all.

      Instead of something that may or may not happen nostradamus.

      Daily arrivals? Australia is a pretty crappy destination compared to what it once was. Not so attractive now.

      Let go of the fear?

    • +1

      @Bluering48 they took our jobs! 🤣

      • Ah dirka dirka

        • or some other meaningless words🤣

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