Kid's 3-Ply Disposable Blue Face Masks Box of 50 - $4.95 each
Sale ends 11:59pm 31/12!
Kid's 3-Ply Disposable Blue Face Masks Box of 50 - $4.95 each
Sale ends 11:59pm 31/12!
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Why not?
sure, if you like suffocating defenseless kids.
Masks do more harm than good.
What harm do they do?
@Bunsen: You're listing masks as bad for germs? Rofl. It's about mask wearers not giving germs to others.
As a group it works. As an individual of course not. So stop thinking about it as an individual. You're trying hard to find fault.. Are you an anti vaxxer?
@justtoreply: just keep complying.
Next you will tell me the experimental vax is working.
'Pro choice' mate. Had my childhood shots, not this experiment.
Dr Bunsen, you cannot spread misinformation. If you want to be a moron, be a moron in your own head.
@Bunsen: "Masks do more harm than good" - Moron
We are two years into a global pandemic with hundreds upon hundreds of medical journals and data published world wide showing the efficacy of masks to help prevent the spread of covid and other viruses. Yet this bloke over here is still spewing 'masks are harmful!' Omgz the 5G is leaking particles into the air!!!
@Mdjz76: All good, you keep supporting Big Pharma.
Time will tell whom the 'moron', as you say, actually is.
Enjoy your lifetime boosters every 3mths.
Nuff said.
@Bunsen: Oh masks, 5G and I forgot about the scary "big pharma!" haha you nutters all read the same facebook page. Mate when you or a loved one have a life changing disease such as arthritis, Crohns, diabetes, cancer etc. It is big pharma and their drugs you will turn to so you can get better. I work in the public health system and I've seen it all.
@Bunsen: Fine for you to have an opinion, that's a good thing overall, we need a breadth of opinions. But also respect that you're in the minority, so just stick with the program because as a minority you've been overruled and your opinions are mutually exclusive to the majority. Otherwise please move to Africa.
@Mdjz76: Would love to see the hundreds upon hundreds of medical studies you refer to? I can provide some that have determined they do next to nothing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
@m0usju1c3: I don't doubt that you can provide examples. I can also provide examples of how the earth is flat and how 5G is harmful and how I can enlarge my manhood. The issue is these articles aren't from legitimate credible sources. Like Bunsen reads sky news and Facebook every morning.
Anyway since you asked here are two links:
Very large study done by Stanford & Yale two world class ivy league universities…
49 peer reviewed studies from published medical journals:…
I don't doubt that you can provide examples.
Indeed there are, this article collates multiple studies and articles, not only on the inconclusive/ineffectiveness but also on harms for prolonged mark wearing (including children).…
I can also provide examples of how the earth is flat and how 5G is harmful and how I can enlarge my manhood. The issue is these articles aren't from legitimate credible sources.
I'm glad that you mentioned the last part about credible sources, as we should stick to those when discussing these matters, it's vital to advancing the conversation and debate. I'd also like to add that even the great Dr Fauci was recorded in his own emails, submitting to his colleagues that the masks are largely ineffective as well. In light of this and all the studies we've put forward, as well as the overwhelming outbreaks of cases we are witnessing right now in highly vaccinated, mask wearing populations, it leaves one much to wonder about mask effectiveness, especially for children who are by and large (with no underlying health conditions) unaffected by COVID-19.
@m0usju1c3: LOL those references are laughable. Most are opinion pieces from 10-15years ago pre pandemic linked to web pages created by children or soccer mums with no data or evidence based research. It's clearly a brainwashing page fed to anti vaxxers to eat. You can find similar anti vaxx sites collating complications from vaccines coincidently without mentioning the millions of lives saved
@Mdjz76: Did you even look at the first 5?
Take this one for example, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 11 November 2020. Study was conducted with marines (obvious to say that they are very disciplined and would follow instructions strictly).
This study not only looked at masks, but even pitted lock down with masks, sanitising etc. vs free living. This is from 10 years ago and is an "opinion"?
@m0usju1c3: So the best you can come up with proving masks don't work has a sample data size of 1848 people…. and yet you ignore the study done by Yale and Standford of 350,000 people… roit moit av' a beer love
@Mdjz76: You've ignored all studies referenced in that article, that much is evident until I highlighted just one for you.
Now you compare a focused, controlled and disciplined study of about 1800 people vs 350000 from a 3rd world village? Also what was the reduction of COVID infection, only 11%?
From the study:
The intervention reduced COVID-19 (symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections) and COVID-like symptoms. Free mask distribution and promotion reduced the proportion of people who reported COVID-like symptoms on average by 11 percent, which was driven mainly by the effects of surgical masks. Villages where cloth masks were distributed experienced a 9 percent reduction in symptoms, while villages where surgical masks were distributed saw a reduction of 12 percent.
@m0usju1c3: I like how you conveniently cut your reference short before it mentioned increase in efficacy by 35% ;)
You anti-vaxxers are a special breed of stupid.
On average, researchers found a decrease of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections of 9 percent. This reduction was higher in villages that wore a surgical mask (11 percent) and in these, among individuals aged 60+ (35 percent).
The average reduction of infections overall is actually 9%, my mistake, even lower.
The 35% figure you refer to is in relation to the 60+ age group.
Here's another study which you'll probably claim is just another "opinion", from none other than the Norwegian Institute of Public Health:…
You're calling me anti-vaxxer (whatever that is?) and stupid, yet if you would only scroll up and read our exchange carefully, you've demonstrated you haven't followed or read the references nor my replies properly. You're the one exposing yourself to be stupid I'm afraid. Bottom line is, there are multiple studies which show masks have little to no effectiveness.
If you want to boast a community analysis based on 350000 people from a 3rd world country, concluding with an average reduction in infections of 9% and claim that's solid evidence of mask "efficacy"? Then we've basically settled that masks are largely ineffective.
@m0usju1c3: If you haven't noticed it's not possible to have a genuine conversation with morons who deny science and selectively Pick and choose bits and pieces of information to fit their narrative. Every country in the world is wearing masks yet there a study of 1,800 soldiers that proves it's not helpful. Someone should tell the world.
An anti-vaxxer is a freedumb fighter fighting for our freedumb from big pharma.
If you haven't noticed it's not possible to have a genuine conversation with morons who deny science and selectively Pick and choose bits and pieces of information to fit their narrative.
LOL Says the person who has only picked ONE of the multiple studies I've provided? You're next argument is: but the whole world is doing it, even if it were true (false, multiple countries/states/provinces do not mandate masks), is that any basis for mask "efficacy"? Who's denying science again? Or perhaps selectively reading/considering one side of the science?
An anti-vaxxer is a freedumb fighter fighting for our freedumb from big pharma.
Yes as someone else pointed out, run along and have your 3rd/4th booster which was designed on a disease from 2020 and see how long that "efficacy" lasts you. Leave the questions for the adults to ask and obey your masters who've instructed you to do as your told. Perhaps that's the reasoning behind your insults and toxicity, you can't handle that you're being fed a narrative with massive holes in it. It's ok to go against the grain and enquire, even though the band wagon should shame you for it. Behind your idiotic argumentation, all you have is ridiculous slurs and insults, grow up idiot. I'm done with you.
@m0usju1c3: So what you're saying is in this study masks were actually found to be 35% more effective than not wearing one… well what do you know. They are more effective who would have thought. Mask up princess
@m0usju1c3: I don't see how this is demonstrating the effectiveness or not of mask wearing? Everyone wore a mask in that study? It's just talking about how covid spreads?
They did 2 weeks at home then 2 weeks in the barracks/college?
Anecdotal evidence, over a very large population isn't necessarily a bad indicator. Compare Japan - a country with naturally very high mask wearing (and granted, other hygiene too) to other countries. The Japanese 'peak' has been very low.
It's more that there really isn't any hazard associated with wearing a mask in most circumstances. It's just that it's new and a bit uncomfortable in some circumstances, that people don't like it. Yes you can find a bunch of studies to show problems, but half of them have been retracted by now anyway.
@incipient: The controlled group of about 1800 were under supervision and had to wear masks etc. The uncontrolled group who weren't under supervision (free) did not wear masks, or I did not see where the study specifically says the uncontrolled group wore masks as well?
We investigated SARS-CoV-2 infections among U.S. Marine Corps recruits who underwent a 2-week quarantine at home followed by a second supervised 2-week quarantine at a closed college campus that involved mask wearing, social distancing, and daily temperature and symptom monitoring. Study volunteers were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by means of quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction (qPCR) assay of nares swab specimens obtained between the time of arrival and the second day of supervised quarantine and on days 7 and 14. Recruits who did not volunteer for the study underwent qPCR testing only on day 14, at the end of the quarantine period.
As for Japan, the main reason they have crushed COVID is due to mass prescription of effective early medicinal treatment, such as Ivermectin, same goes for India as well.
I'm not sure if your raising of Japan is meant to bolster the argument for masks but if so, then other populations with high mask wearing also do not fair as well in terms of COVID infections.
@m0usju1c3: Huh that is a bit unclear. I understood it to have different testing regimes for the volunteers. The initial phrase about mask wearing precedes the comment about volunteers, implying all recruits were required to wear masks etc.
Study volunteers were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by means of quantitative polymerase-chain-reaction (qPCR) assay of nares swab specimens obtained between the time of arrival and the second day of supervised quarantine and on days 7 and 14. Recruits who did not volunteer for the study underwent qPCR testing only on day 14, at the end of the quarantine period.
Also ivermectin in Japan is not a thing. It's not being used widely. It's likely being more widely used in the US as Japan is a very conformist country.…
To quote: "has not been officially approved for use to treat COVID-19 in Japan,"
@incipient: I couldn't access that article as it was behind a paywall or something, but it appears that Ivermectin in Japan may not be honestly reported on by some media outlets:……
@m0usju1c3: Oh yeah you just press "stop" when it's loading and it doesn't have the popup haha. But either way it's not approved for use in covid patients in Japan. If a few people are taking it unofficially, the same as the US (and probably here to some extent) it doesn't really matter. It's not widely used, so it can't be claimed it's the reason Japan is doing exceedingly well.
In any case, Japan has never seen the peaks that other countries have, right from the beginning.
If only your keyboard was as broken as your brain.
Mate it's intolerant people like you who should take a serious look in the mirror and reflect on your attitude, even if you are correct in whatever your viewpoint is, do you think speaking to other people like that will get you anywhere? How about you retain some self-respect, put your keyboard where your mouth is and put up something, anything with a bit of substance instead of vomiting out insults.
@Bunsen: Typical anti-vaxxer spreading misinformation.
Your brain must be the size of a peanut.
Studies have clearly shown there are no negative effects on oxygen or carbon dioxide levels after prolonged mask usage.
See here:…
And here:…
And don’t forget the study that was embarrassing redacted after make false claims on masks and negative co2 effects on children:…
I think masks are no longer require soon. Finger crosses! The pandemic will be over soon, thanks to the nature as the PM said "Omicron is the game changer."
Even with Omicron thankfully progressing COVID from pandemic to endemic with much reduced lethality, we'll still need to slow transmission rates as much as possible to the vulnerable minority - the unvaccinated, the elderly, the immunocompromised, and those with a high burden of chronic disease. As so much more effective is natural-induced immunity is over vaccine-induced, it'll still take 4-5 years to reach herd immunity, as this has been retarded by the spot occurrences of severe civil restrictions, including lockdowns.
Expect a few more years of COVID life, but get back to kicking ass (with a mask from 1.5m away).
Cos everything Sco Mo says has been correct or legit. Lol! Where have you been for the last 2 yrs, dude…
As so much more effective is natural-induced immunity is over vaccine-induced
Hey, at least this part is right.
Yeah nah… you could die from Covid, much less likely from the vaccine.
I'd rather get my immunity from the vaccine.
And OzSage has blasted every single thing he (and NSW govt) has done…
@dangerdanger: Yes, better vaccine-induced immunity first before contracting COVID (I'm triple vaxxed).
You will contract COVID.
You will develop much more effective natural-induced immunity from COVID above and beyond the vaccine (infection with Alpha provided x13 more effective immunity against Delta than that provided by Pfizer).
Better to contract a variant with less lethality first before any potential exposure to more lethal variants or the risk of emergent variants to come.
Just need to wait a few weeks to see what happens to the US. They've gone over 500k cases a day now! Need to see what happens to thier hospitalisations.
The announcement by the PM earlier, virtually declared that the pandemic is over (soon). You still need to do the PCT or Rapid test if you are symptomatic otherwise go do "what you want to do, go to beach or read book in the park".
Hows the quality of it?
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