This was posted 3 years 3 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

2000 Bonus Flybuys Pts (Worth $10) for Purchase of $50 eBay/Google Play/Netflix or $100 Amazon Gift Cards @ Coles


From the upcoming Coles catalogue sale starting Wednesday December 29.

A limit of 5 gift cards per Flybuys account.

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2021

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closed Comments

  • +10

    WoW, that's ~20% eBay gift card?!

    • +7

      But in the form of Flybuys…

      • +3

        And 5 redeems each flybuys account only.

        • -3

          how about checkout and come back to buy more giftcards.

          • +14

            @codinghelloworld: Flybuys has a record of all your purchases. Who are you trying to fool here other than yourself?

            • @DoctorCalculon: Different flybuys?

              • +3

                @SnoozeAndLose: If you have multiple Flybuys account, don't need to go out and "come back". Just do it in two separate transactions at the same register.

                I've done this at the assisted checkout. I've explained to him/her I want to buy 5 gift cards on one Flybuys card then 5 on another Flybuys card and they were fine with it.

                • @Alinnia: That is very unusual. Usually, the staff interpret this as being per customer and watch you like a hawk.

              • +1


                Different flybuys

                As long as they are separate accounts (i.e. no family pooling).

            • @DoctorCalculon: I thought it would be the same like the other discount Apple Gift cards with 20x or 30x Rewards point from Woolies. It has the cards limit people can buy each day. But lots of people here stock up thousands when this type of deal come up. 10% or 15% stock with Rewards points.

              • -1

                @codinghelloworld: Just go different Coles if some one stop you then come back later

              • +1


                But lots of people here stock up thousands when this type of deal come up.

                When Woolies ran the first Apple GC promotion (15% back in reward points), they had no purchase limits.

                Flybuys on the other hand has imposed limits. Also, try calling up Flybuys for any missing points - hold times of up to 2+ hours.

                • @DoctorCalculon: Tip to save time calling, just login, go to FAQ, and to email them select that it did not answer your query.
                  They can seem quite scammy with all the missing points, and this is a long time issue with so many reports of it on product review

                  • +2


                    They can seem quite scammy with all the missing points

                    Yes, indeed.

                    Unfortunately, they are ignoring emails as well as SMS chats (which they offer at the start of the call). This was my experience from one week prior to Xmas.

              • +6

                @codinghelloworld: Coles and Woolworths (and BIG W) manage their bonus points gift card deals differently.

                • Coles always strictly enforces a per account limit on the number of bonus points you can earn during a gift card deal.

                • Woolworths sometimes enforces a per account limit on the number of transactions where you can earn bonus points each day during a gift card deal, but other times, it is a free-for-all.

                • BIG W always includes a per account limit on the number of bonus points you can earn from a gift card deal, but apparently if you go to a different BIG W store and start a new transaction during a deal, the per account limit is not actually enforced for some reason.

                • -1

                  @WookieMonster: And further to that, Coles always enforces a limit on the number of gift cards you can buy per transaction.

                  Woolworths, on the hand hand, do not enforce a limit on the number you purchase (at least not in my experience thus far).

                  • +1

                    @KangaDrew: The absolute maximum number of gift cards the checkouts at Coles will allow you to purchase in one transaction is five, but staff may use their discretion and only allow you to purchase less than five gift cards in a single transaction.

                    I believe the absolute maximum number of gift cards the checkouts at Woolworths will allow you to purchase in one transaction is ten, but if you try to purchase more than $1,000 worth of gift cards in one transaction, it is much easier to do at a serviced checkout and I think that is the point where you will require the approval of a store/duty manager before the transaction can be finalised. However, the exact limits where you’ll require store/duty manager approval will differ from store to store… During one Apple gift card deal at Woolworths, one Woolworths I went to would only sell $300 worth of Apple gift cards per customer per day!

                    • +1

                      @WookieMonster: Yup, that's correct for Woolies. I purchased about 25 of the $30 cards in one visit and had to run it in transactions of 10. Going through the service desk is definitely the way to go with Woolies.

                      I think you'd have a valid argument against the $300 cap though. Unless it's been explicitly advertised as $XXX per person, I can't see how they'd legally be able to justify making up carte blanche rules as they go along.

                      • +1

                        @KangaDrew: I actually pointed this out to Woolworths’ customer service hotline one time, and the response I got was along the lines of “store managers or duty managers can adapt some aspects of Woolworths’ policies as they see fit, so if they choose to not give out one free item under the Scanning Code of Practice or enforce a gift card limit different to the one listed in the catalogue, there’s not a lot we can do about it.” One could say it was a surprising response…

                        I agree Woolworths are straying into misleading advertising territory if some of their store managers or duty managers are running around and setting their own limits, but those managers probably also don’t want to be the manager on duty who let somebody fall to a gift card scam, so I think it is a case of Woolworths needing to update their catalogue to say something like “we will limit purchases of gift cards to reasonable quantities”, rather than have a blanket ten gift card per transaction limit.

                        • +5

                          @WookieMonster: I didn't let it go with a manager at one store. I simply highlighted their own terms and that no where does it state that store managers can choose to sell or not sell (or even put a cap on) an advertised product such as gift cards when there was simply nothing to back up their claim. After a few very thinly veiled threats about the public attention I was going to bring to the store and Woolworths reputation as a whole when it came to misleading advertising, it was enough to make the manager realise I was more hassle than it was worth haha

                          A week later I purchased a new iPhone 13 (heavily discounted, that is).

                        • +1

                          @WookieMonster: manager on duty who let somebody fall to a gift card scam

                          I reckon the mangers need to have some brains during promo periods of why so many people are buying certain cards .
                          a) scam
                          b) crazy promo price

                          I personally don't think its rocket science.
                          I won't put in c) crazy promo price involved in a scam hehe :)

      • But to be honest flybuys dollars is kinda better than Rewards Dollars, (primarily because of use @ Kmart, Coles Express (woolworths caltex is limited stores), Bunnings, OW, and Of course Coles (but I find myself shopping at woolworths, and local supermarket more often)

        • +1

          Not only this, if you missed the only chance to scan the Rewards card at the register when purchase, you will never receive any of the promotion for the whole period, even if you return to the same register, customer desk they can't help you. Contact via the app only, they will only add points but void the promotion.

          Promotion like 'Spend XXX for X weeks get XXX points'

          Learnt it the hard way, but with flybuys you can simply go back to the same stores customer desk they can pop it back in.

  • -1

    Is it only one amount of flybuys point max?

    • -8

      Let’s see… five card limit… each card yields 2000 points… so that’s a maximum of… almost there… 15 million flybuys points!

      • +1

        Do you also get 50 flybuys points for the $50 coles purchase of the card

        • +5

          I think I know what you’re trying to ask, but I’m not 100% sure…

          This deal is for 2,000 bonus Flybuys points per gift card (up to 10,000 bonus points per Flybuys account for the duration of this deal). You will still earn standard Flybuys points during this deal, and the number of standard points you can earn is not capped. For example:

          • If you purchase 1x $50 eBay gift card during this deal and scan your Flybuys card, you’ll earn 50 standard points and 2,000 bonus points (which is a total of 2,050 points).

          • If you purchase 7x $50 eBay gift cards during this deal (which can only be done across at least two transactions) and scan your Flybuys card, you’ll earn 350 standard points and 10,000 bonus points.

          • @WookieMonster: Not sure that is correct. From the Flybuys website -
            Collect 1 point per $1 you spend in store and online. Points awarded after savings, discounts and vouchers (excludes purchases of all gift cards…
            So it seems you will only get the 2000 points, which is still pretty good.

            • +3

              @upupandaway: Have you actually tried purchasing gift cards from Coles and scanning your Flybuys card? The statement you've pointed out has been on the Flybuys website for a while now, but it doesn't tell the whole truth:

              • I have purchased a couple of gift cards issued by Coles Group (e.g. Coles Group & Myer gift card, Coles Gift Card) from Coles this year, and I have always earned zero Flybuys points.

              • I have purchased nearly $10,000 worth of third-party gift cards (e.g. Ultimate Gift Cards, Coles Gift Mastercards, eBay Gift Cards) from Coles this year (including one a few days ago), and I have always been credited with standard Flybuys points. However, I have never earned any bonus points from any Flybuys bonus points offers other than ones specifically for the gift card listed in their catalogues. For example, if you get an offer via email or through the Flybuys app telling you that you can earn 2,000 bonus points if you spend $50+ in one transaction at Coles, purchases of any gift cards will not trigger the offer.

              An OzBargainer also asked Flybuys earlier this year to clarify whether you can earn Flybuys points when purchasing gift cards at Coles, and Flybuys' response was that you would earn no Flybuys points on the purchase of gift cards issued by Coles Group. (I'm trying to find that comment, but I'm not having much luck…)

              The gift cards are in this deal are third-party gift cards, which is the reason I previously stated you'd earn 2,050 Flybuys points on the purchase of a $50 eBay gift card through this deal.

              • +2

                @WookieMonster: Yes I seem to recall this as well. I think when you purchase the third party gift cards you earn the flybuys but with the coles group issued ones you don't because you earn the flybuys points when you use the gift card itself to purchase things, so in effect they are preventing people from getting double the flybuys.

        • -5

          You are right! My calculation was for bonus points only, and not total flybuys points. And I just knew that 15 million seemed a trifle low, but thanks to you I now know my intuition was right after all

  • +1

    why amazon amount requirement double the others?

    • +8

      I’ll swap my Google Play for your Amazon? Deal? Why not?!

    • Ask Jeff?

  • How many giftcards can you bank for Ebay?

  • +3

    Hurstville store will be out of stock as usual.

    • +6

      Maybe it’s time to explore a world beyond your own backyard

      • time to explore a world beyond your own backyard

        Abundance of giftcards at Mount Druitt NSW

        • +1

          Given fuel prices right now, I'm not sure I'd wanna hike from Hurstville to Mt Druitt just for this deal :-) YMMV of course…

    • I now shop at Coles around Hurstville as anyway it is a COVID hotspot.

      • Can’t fault your logic there…

        • Simply as you can't get popular discounted stuff and it is one of the most crowded places.

    • 2 stores at hurstville

    • A whole stack at roselands

  • +3

    Sadly, everyone is already saving 99% on their Netflix by paying in Turkish lira…

    • +2

      Current sun ends today. Am moving to Turkey tomorrow morning and looking forward to good savings

      • +1

        You’ve been sold a lie… the sun will rise tomorrow morning… not just in Turkey

        • +1

          But what about the savings 😂 bloody autocorrect

    • Wait… Is there a legit savings for paying Netflix with vpn? What is this deal if so? They've been pushing up the price of Netflix premium several time that I wish I could dump the thing. I remember when I first updated so 4 of us could be on at once it was $12-13 or something then crept to 16-17, then isn't it 19? And the last letter is bumping it up to. $23 or something ridiculous now. It's actually a meaningful subscription if cancelling and saving money vs before it was a no brain bottom drawer cost.

      • legit savings

        If you are talking about following the Terms and Conditions to the letter — when has that ever stopped OzBargain? That was a rhetorical question, by the way

        The rabbit hole…

  • good deals. need ebay GF

    • +1


      • eBay is the new Tinder

        • +1

          Given their insane price hikes, I concur

    • need ebay GF

      God Father :o

  • in time for sub disney+ under google play

    • Can you subscribe disney plus with Google play credits?

      • I just renewed mine with google play credits (unsure if it works for new subscriptions however)

    • Any guide to google play credit subscriptions available? I've had a stack of credits for yonks since they pulled the Netflix payment via Google credits out from under us …courtesy of gift card google play deals like this.

  • When it comes to redeeming the gift vouchers at eBay can they be stacked? I've never used a gift card for eBay before.

    • +10

      Here are some important rules, adapted from clause 11 of the eBay gift card terms and conditions:

      • No more than a total of $1,500 in Gift Cards may be redeemed per transaction.

      • No more than a total of $2,000 in Gift Cards may be redeemed per day.

      • No more than a total of $5,000 in Gift Cards may be redeemed per calendar month.

      • You may only redeem a maximum of eight Gift Cards in any single transaction (and fewer if you are redeeming Gift Cards in combination with other redemption codes, such as coupons or vouchers). For example, if you want to use an eBay coupon code, you can only use that coupon code in conjunction with seven Gift Cards.

      • cough
        Bull sh!t T&C

        • Even more so when read in conjunction with eBay general T&C's

        • +2

          So you're saying that they changed their T&Cs to suit themselves at any given time?

  • What is the expiry date of the gift cards? 1 year from the date of purchase?

    • +2

      All giftcards will ideally have a 3 year expiry from date of purchase… some do not expire like netflix.

      • +4

        3 years is the minimum as required by law

        • +1

          Typical eBay… always doing a half-arsed job at everything…

          They give you a Gift Card "check balance" facility, but don't tell you the expiry date on the card …


          One has to wonder whether it's on purpose…

  • Thanks OP, time to buy some eBay gift cards.

  • +1

    Can we use Google Play GC to pay for google Photos subscription? The 15GB free quota is almost finished for me.

    • +1

      I used my Google play credit recently to upgrade to the Google one 100gb plan. Same thing as you as my 19gb was full from the new photos changes starting to add up.

  • it is weird in the fine print after "Bonus Points" you can buy different denominations of the same card, but in the large print it specifies the denominations which get the 2000 bonus points? So, which is it? If I get a $20 Netflix does that mean I do or don't get 2000 points?….I don't think I would (this sort of deal has been on in the past and I got the $20 Netflix and got 2000 FB points for each one, but that offer just had a pic of the cards and said any denomination like this one, not the large print stating certain amounts) Very contradictory info.

    • I got the $20 Netflix and got 2000 FB points for each one

      Since when? I’ve only ever seen 1000 points for $20 Netflix.

    • +2

      I think the contradictory information is a sloppy copy-and-paste job from previous gift card promotions.

      I'd ignore the part in bold about including different denominations of the same Gift Card and instead focus on:

      • the large print where it specifies the denominations which earn the 2,000 bonus Flybuys points, and
      • the small print where it says the offer only applies to the cards listed and their denominations displayed.

      Flybuys is very particular about you purchasing the correct gift card and correct denomination for these gift card deals.

    • Can somebody confirm whether the $20 Netflix card is eligible for this deal?

      If you've actually purchased one and received points, how many FB points are being awarded? 2000 or 1000?

      • +1

        it is their wording that is the issue, but looks like in this deal you HAVE to get the denominations as stated. So, buy the $50 one to get 2000 FB points bonus.

  • Is the 2k flybuys for each card or transaction? i.e. can i buy 5 cards in 1 transaction and get 10k points? Or do i need to transact 5 times with a card each to get the 10k points?

    • +7

      It does not matter whether you purchase eligible gift cards across one or more transactions. For previous 2,000 bonus points deals:

      • I've purchased five eligible gift cards in one transaction and received 10,000 bonus Flybuys points.
      • I've purchased two eligible gift cards in one transaction and received 4,000 bonus Flybuys points. I've purchased three more eligible gift cards in a later transaction during the same gift card deal and received 6,000 bonus Flybuys points.
  • Hi y'all, seasons greetings. I am sorry if this is a dumb question, but are there any fees on purchasing these cards? Eg activation fee?

    • +4

      No, as you can only use them at one store. The ones that attract fees are your pre-paid/gift Mastercard/Visas/EFTPOS cards

      • westfield ones attract fees too

        • +1

          That's because Westfield cards are EFTPOS cards.

          As in you can use them anywhere that accepts EPTOS eg, I used mine at 7-11.

          • -1

            @Applause: WOW, I legit thought they were restricted to shops at the Westfield Shopping Centers.

    • -1

      No, but you'll be automatically enrolled to $10/mth flybuys premium membership like this.

      • What ?

  • Do we know if coles allow to redeem 2000 flybuys points for $10 when buying $50 Giftcard so that I pay only $40 ?
    That would be cool because I have some 10K flybuy points that I can spend on 5xeBay GC and the points would eventually credit back?

    • +1

      have you converted them to flybuy dollars?

    • +4

      If you have a Coles Financial Services product (i.e. car insurance, personal loan, credit card) and that policy is linked to your Flybuys account, yes. However, you can only redeem 2,000 points for a $10 discount for each transaction.

      However, if you do not have a CFS product and convert your Flybuys points into Flybuys Dollars and then when you’re at the payment screen you swipe your Flybuys card, you’ll get an Invalid Product Mix error.

      If you’re dead set on exchanging your 10,000 points for an eBay gift card, you could redeem the 10,000 points for a $50 TCN GIFT Card, which has eBay as a participating retailer. The downside is that all gift cards on the Flybuys Rewards Store are physical gift cards, so you’ll be waiting a while for your gift card to turn up. You’ll also need to activate the gift card once you receive it, so it may take a couple of days after that before you can exchange it for an eBay gift card.

      • +2

        Thank you for the detailed response!

        I will probably try $50 eBay gift card one by one redeeming 2000 points.
        Yes, my flybuys card is linked to coles credit card.

      • Hey WookieMonster! You are always so knowledgeable when it comes to these giftcard deals hopefully you answer these:
        1 - Any idea if the $50 TCN GIFT Card redeemed from Flybuys is an actual giftcard which can be stacked with existing Ebay promos codes, or its an actual voucher code, which is like a promo code.
        2 - Are these TCN gift cards ones that you have to convert the whole value into a store, ie in this case you'd convert it to an eBay gif card, or they are generic and some of the value can be used on ebay goods, and remainder on say JB goods.

        I recall some time ago I redeemed some eBay 'gift cards' from Flybuys, which were instant digital delivery and they were like a voucher code and couldn't be stacked with other promos. They seem to have since removed these types of redemptions (thank god!)

        • +2

          1: My guess is that when you exchange a TCN gift card for an eBay gift card through the TCN website, you will get an eBay gift card code, not an eBay voucher code. I don’t have any TCN gift cards on hand at the moment, so I cannot tell you for certain, but I’m sure there are a couple of other people here who can share their experiences here.

          2: You can exchange the TCN Gift Card for one or more gift cards from one or more participating retailers through the exchange portal, but I think the participating retailers’ gift cards are only available in fixed denominations. I tried checking the TCN Gift Card webpage to see whether it had more information, but it now requires a TCN Gift Card before it would show you any options for redeeming your gift card… Having said that, you could always redeem your TCN Gift Card for an eBay gift card and then use the rest of the balance towards an in-store purchase at a JB Hi-Fi store.

  • ebay gift card can be comprised as it is only 10 digits?

    • +1

      eBay gift card codes are actually 13 digits long, but only 10 digits seem to be relatively unique.

      Anyway, it is definitely a possibility that an eBay gift card can be compromised, but in all fairness, any gift card is vulnerable to people guessing and checking different combinations. Having said that, the pool of potential eBay gift card codes is actually bigger than you may expect. I’m going to consider my response from the perspective of someone simply randomly generating eBay gift card codes, because that is what you seem to be hinting at.

      There are two elements for guessing and checking gift card combinations:

      • The number of potential combinations available
      • The method for checking which potential combinations work and which do not work.

      There are 30 billion potential eBay gift card codes, but the unknown factor is how many of them have been activated and have some balance available. I consider the available pool to be at least 30 billion, because there are three different three-digit gift card prefixes I am aware of for eBay gift cards.

      However, the issue is that the only way you can check the balance of an eBay gift card code is through eBay’s own website, and I’d like to think that they would set up their website so that anyone guessing and checking random eBay gift card codes would be blocked after a certain number of attempts within a short period of time. I haven’t tested this myself though, so I don’t know how bad their website could be!

      If we compare that to OzBargain’s go-to gift card for this kind of conversation, you’re actually more likely to have a Coles Gift Mastercard compromised:

      • The Coles Gift Mastercard is a Mastercard that can be spent at merchants that accept prepaid Mastercard gift cards (which is most merchants accepting Mastercards).

      • The card number structure is so limited that there is a theoretical total of 5 million card number combinations. I won’t go into detail as to how I got to that specific number, but you’ll have to trust me that the total number of combinations is quite low. I don't think Indue (the card number) has ever issued that many Coles Gift Mastercards, but that's the number they could issue.

      • The Coles Gift Mastercard is also created in batches, so it comes with a limited number of expiry dates. The expiry dates are printed on the front of the gift card (because customers would want to know the expiry date of the gift card they're about to buy), so anyone who walks into a Coles or Coles Express store can see some of the expiry dates. I have only ever seen five unique expiry dates, so that's not great…

      • Because it is really just a Mastercard and can be spent at millions of merchants across the world, it would not be hard to find a merchant whose payment processor does not adequately protect themselves against someone guessing and checking multiple card combinations in a short period of time, which would make guessing and checking multiple card combinations a lot more feasible.

      • If we assume there are five expiry dates, there are 25 billion potential combinations of card numbers, expiry dates and CVC2 values. However, you shrink the number of potential combinations down to 25 million if you find a merchant who does not require the CVC2 value, and that's probably why a lot of people were hit with fraudulent charges in a short period of time. If you use bots/scripts, you can quickly check multiple card combinations, and then it is only a matter of time before you come across an activated Coles Gift Mastercards with funds on it. Having said that, I’m not sure how many Coles Gift Mastercards at the moment are actually activated and have funds available, especially considering the fact that a lot of OzBargain are reluctant to either purchase these gift cards or hold onto activated gift cards for a period of time.

      Sure, it would be nice if eBay expanded the pool of characters used for each digit and/or expanded the number of digits used for the gift card, but I think they have done enough to dissuade a lot of people from guessing and checking random gift card numbers.

    • +1

      The old ebay gift cards sold in Woolworths is easy to crack, the first 10 digits is on the back of the cards, only need to guess the last 3 digits. Dont know whether they have fixed the weak points.

  • @WookieMonster: can I buy 5 eBay GCs and 5 Amazon GCs or the maximum limit is 5 cards, irrespective of the gift card type?

    • +2

      The maximum is five gift cards per Flybuys account, irrespective of the gift card type.

      If you want to buy more than five gift cards and earn bonus Flybuys points, you will need to use another Flybuys account.

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