Hits Australian Cinemas on Christmas Day but has just been released a few minutes ago on HBO MAX. I personally find the movie very confusing but there are good action sequences which will look/sound even better in Dolby Vision/Atmos.
Warner Bros 2022 releases will not simultaneously premiere on HBO Max so make the most of this last one.
HBO MAX IS NOT AVAILABLE IN AUS therefore you’ll need a vpn to signup and access it. Enjoy!!
[SUBS] Watch The Matrix Resurrections in 4K Dolby Vision/Atmos @ HBO Max (VPN Required)

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2 ways to get app. US play store account or Side load ANDROID TV Apk
Signing up is a bit trickier. But PM me if you’re interested in whole guide.
Its already available on my fav streaming website in HD lol
.. are you one of Eddie Abeid's 'accountants' per chance 😀
You won't get HDR & Atmos from a streaming site
How does that work? Monthly payment or ppv?
It’s a subscription service. $14.99 per month or 149.99 per year. USD of course
Seems to be worth having a look at it. Which vpn do you use with it? And does it need vpn just for sign up or all the time
Instead of a vpn I use smart dns which is faster and I got it from dns4me.net but Surfshark Vpn works too.
Has anyone read the movie plot/description on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Matrix_Resurrections ? I can't figure out if it's real or if it's someone taking the piss. Either way it makes no sense to me at all.
I just watched it and thought it was hot garbage.
I wouldn't even say hot :)
Lukewarm at bestlightly roasted
Without reading this, yes it is 100% what the movie is about. It's not convoluted or intelligent, it's just absolute rubbish. Like the director thinks being super meta and super woke, with 80% of the film being flash back scenes to the original (YES WE ALL SAW IT LANA, WE REMEMBER BULLET TIME)….
I want that 2 hours of my life back.
Don't pay notice to my comment above - since I posted it someone else put up a completely different synopsis that makes a lot more sense. The other one was almost complete jibberish!
Watched it yesterday, it's an absolute garbage. Don't waste your time, really.
Haven't seen it, but I've read it's a woke remix.
Nice! Streaming means I'll go check the news indexer…
It's already out. I'm currently downloading it from my "magical sources".
Can you share you magical source😂
google rarbg
you mean magical pirate bay land?
Old mate the drunken slug (dot com) is pretty magical. Or so I've heard.
yeah , imagine going through all the drama to get a vpn, sign up , set it up just so you can stream it from hbo and pay premium
Imagine paying for things
YOU WOULDN'T STEAL A TELEVISION@NoApostrophePlurals: You wouldn't steal a baby.
You wouldn't shoot a policeman. And then steal his helmet.
You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet.
And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow. And then steal it again!
and then realise the movie not worth your time
Warner Bros 2022 releases will not simultaneously premiere on HBO Max so make the most of this last one.
Back to trying to force archaic cinemas onto people with arbitrary timed exclusivity.
Movie studios, just accept cinemas are not longed for this world and move on.
Theres lots of people complaining about cinema dying all over the world but it was always going to happen. Just like video stores, its a thing of the past. The next generation will be saying, what you actually had to go to a special building to watch a new movie?! That's crazy lol
Especially when you have a little one with ants in his pants and only interest is exploring the whole cinema :)
People like you are one of the reasons movies suck. Control your offspring. If you let them do it when the movies are empty, they’ll misbehave next time when others are trying to watch the movie in peace.
@PainToad: Or do the other modern parenting thing: give them your phone so they can play games, with the sound on, the whole way through. It's fine, you and your children are more important than everyone else in the world.
Home watching is so much better for this exact reason.
@schquid: That's lazy parenting when people give them their phone to shut them up. My one year old doesn't even know what a phone is. Kids need to learn how to act in social situations and interact with other people
@koplik8: Lol love the new parent with the one year old calling out 'lazy parents', thinking it's all smooth sailing. Just you wait….. :D
Not really a fair comparison. You can replicate the end result of going to a video store by streaming content, but not everyone can replicate the feeling of going to the cinema. Why do you think people still go to Drive-ins and other outside theatre types. It's the overall experience. It's not always just to see a movie. Cinemas i doubt will die purely on that reason alone.
Drive ins survive on novelty. Cinemas will be the same, but like how drive ins went from being everyone to hardly anywhere, there will be much less cinemas.
@PainToad: Last drive in just closed in SA recently, no one was going to those either. Home, with a big screen close friends and a good sound system is a far better experience to me.
@Chickenleg: We've got one here in Vic and the (profanity) were playing fantastic old movies all through covid, it was great.
Now that it's normal again they're trying to play modern films.
No mate, they look like crap at the drive in, it's ok if you see a movie you've seen before at the drive in from the 80's but no one wants to see Spiderman on a dimmer than usual screen.
Wish they'd go back to the old movies instead.
@PainToad: Yeah, I won't deny that Drive-ins and other outdoor theatres are novelties, but that's the point really. But with piracy being a thing, I doubt that all films will just go straight to PPV streaming. At least you can coax people to pay when the torrents are shitty hand cam jobs up until home video release the majority of the time.
Well to me I have a better screen than the projector they use, as it has pure blacks and much higher colour gamut. As do most people these days. No such thing as black in cinemas, its at best a dark grey so contrast is very poor. The size of the screen is only relevant to your viewing distance. I have a home theatre setup with full Atmos, which is directly positioned for prime seating so its better than the theatre. I know not that many people have a full surround system but newer innovations are getting them closer. Where I live the last drive in is closing as nobody was going there at all (the only one in the state for the last 20 years or more). You may hold on to these memories of cinema and drive in, but the current generation could care less. They are the ones who will decide how long it will last for. Most teens and younger adults can't even put their phone down for 5 minutes, they've got no chance watching a movie in the cinema. My guess is 10 years there will be almost no cinemas left, just like the drive ins are today.
@Whisper Quiet: Sounds like you haven’t seen laser projection in action. OLED level contrast on the big, big screen.
@tp0: Yes I have and you are dreaming if you think that's better. It got better than lamp projection but even every higher end LCD still has better pic quality by a big margin
@Whisper Quiet: Come to Melbourne and see IMAX laser. Trust me it’s that good.
No blooming either, unlike any higher end LCD.
@tp0: The contrast is measured in lumens so the measurements to people who aren't aware look good. But when you compare it you see the difference to something like an OLED or Dual Cell which there are plenty of content around to see
@Whisper Quiet: Actually it’s brightness that is measured in lumens, contrast is a ratio of the brightest to the darkest displayed image..
In a dark room contrast is king but in a room with more ambient light you need more lumens.
There are huge differences between consumer and professional projectors but in most cases what looks better comes down to the display being setup correctly and your personal preferences. Regardless of if you are talking about projectors, Led LCDs or Oled displays..
@krenske: I was meant to say that brightness is measured in lumens for projectors and nits for TVs. Contrast is measured with Ansi checkerboard for TVs and FOFO for projectors. So a projectors contrast ratio can seem much better than it actually is through FOFO.
@Whisper Quiet: I have a better setup than most cinemas, I'm a colourist but trade so we have the dolby certified projector here and it is fully calibrated every month, and a full Atmos setup, but… going to the cinema still is a better experience for some movies, even if the picture and sound isn't as good at home.
I think, apart from the shared experience of an audience, you are also just more committed and more immersed, you can't just duck out and grab something out of the fridge, the cat doesn't decide to take a walk across the room and distract you, you can't pause, you are psychologically more involved/immersed/whatever you want to call it.
You are going to sit in that damn seat for the next couple of hours and just 100% focus on being inside the movie, it's still a worthwhile experience. I hope cinemas don't go down the tubes.@Scrobo: I dont think that necessarily makes a difference for being distracted. If you have a theatre room or live by yourself or even just another person and don't use your phone every 5 mins. Theres not much difference. Other people in the cinema is one of the main reasons people don't like it. Loud chewing and talking, not being able to relax properly unless you go to gold class. I find it more distracting than anything that goes on at home
I must admit I haven't been to a cinema in about 5 years but recently craved going to one to watch Dune. I think it was a combination of being locked down (or restricted in some way by the pandemic) for two years and a new cinema complex being opened near me recently.
Great experience with recliner seats and sharing a cinema with only 4 other people who were sitting so far away from me that they might as well not have been there…
I'll be going out to watch Spider-Man in the next few days. :)
Went and watched spider man at a hoyts "dbox" screen .. the chairs rumble and move with the action which was quite fun.
The cinemas are trying to adapt and offer over the home cinema.
wow rumbling seats!!! Reminds me of the ride at one of the theme parks, where they'd even have misters spraying water mist over you in certain moments.
@turtlesinmypants: I tried the early version of 4DX, but it’s not local for me. YMMV. There is a 4DX 3D version of Spider-Man No Way Home, which has this.
FWIU some of the 4DX movies have a scent and moisture / mist package for some of the 4DX movies, along with room lighting/effect and tilt/rumble in the seat.
I believe you can switch the spray off at any time. It’s probably not worth the downside of a lingering sour milk /car smog/ soot, sweat smell for the most accurate immersion of NYC… idk what you’d want Spider-Man to smell like, sic.
Most of the time it’s just rumble and 3D since not all of the 4DX cinemas have the full 4DX set of options. YMMV. Check 4DX reviews.
Yeah mate, I was the in the same boat. Went to see Dune at IMAX and it was unbelievable. Don't go to the movies much, but occasionally a movie comes out that just needs to be watched on a big screen with massive sound.
No matter how good your home Cinema is, it's not the same. So yeah, I still love going to the cinema to see a movie and hope they don't close.
Some will disagree, as this is opinion, neither right or wrong, and I respect others opinions.I went to see Spider-Man the other day and it was a full house. I missed some dialogue because people around me were talking. Half the cinema yelled and cheered during pivotal scenes, I felt like I was in the US.
@alcadive: Same, but at least in my case it wasn't too out of hand. I usually hate when people cheer in a cinema, but I think the film justified the responses at certain points. Was some very top tier stuff.
@Velathial: I watched the midnight session on the first day. People were yelling only at pivotal scenes, some people fell asleep which was good. I'm a night owl, and the experience was nothing short of phenomenonal.
Dune is a film that is interesting to me, out of everyone that saw it that I know, the people who saw it in a cinema either loved it or liked it a lot, and the people who saw it at home, even those with a kick-arse home cinema didn't really like it at all or hated it.
There is something about the cinema experience that lets you get more immersed in a film, even if it's just being out of your own space and unable to get up and do/think about anything else.
The screen at IMAX Melbourne is larger than most blocks of land for sale, let alone the home cinema in the McMansion that is built upon it.
The cinema will always offer a level of presentation that can never be matched by home viewing.
How far away is the screen
How large does it appear to be given this distance
How does this compare to a 65" TV in your living room
Coz you can always move the couch closer if moving your head around is important
IMAX cinemas are designed completely differently to regular cinemas. The auditorium is basically square. The back row is closer to the screen than it is wide.
The viewing angle is around 70 degrees, something you can’t comfortably replicate with a regular television.
@tp0: My year 7 geometry says I can comfortably replicate that by sitting about 5 feet away from my TV.
And before you go "hurr durr that's too close", the Visual Acuity Ideal Viewing Distance for a 4k screen this size is just 4.24 feet.
But that's just your extreme edge case, because I'll let you google what fraction of a percentage of cinema sessions in Australia are viewed in IMAX.
Why not shoot for a typical cinema experience and use a THX recommended viewing angle of 26 to 36 degrees? Now I can sit 7.2 feet to 10.2 feet away.
Face it - your chances of getting anything like an optimal viewing distance or angle in any cinema is next to zero unless it's empty. You're going to be too high, too low, off to one side, too close, too far away.
Now throw in the price, and the other patrons, and the sh1tty food (choc tops excepted) and the teenager who calibrated the speakers so they're too loud or too soft, or the image is too large, too small, or very slightly out of focus.
Do you really like cinemas? That's fine. Say that. But trying to claim it will just "always offer a level of presentation that can never be matched by home viewing" like that's an objective fact is just laughable bullsh1t. It doesn't for me, for starters, and "one" is exactly the number of exceptions needed to show that an "always" claim is wrong.
@GrueHunter: That's not how our perception and sense of immersion works.
It's easy to say well if I sit 1m away from a 26inch screen then I am getting the full movie experience but it's simply not true.
You can test this for yourself by actually going to a cinema an experiencing a massive screen dominating your experience of the world.
It comes down to your "Brains" perception of relative size in the real world.@GrueHunter: That is literally not how the human psycho-visual system functions. Sitting 5ft away from a large TV is processed completely differently to sitting a long way back from an IMAX size screen.
At work a lot of the guys work in 3D and VR, I mostly work in the colour science area, but I've been in on a lot of the discussions of how we process things like distance, size, colour, pupil separation etc. and the two things are just not even vaguely equal unfortunately.
Or in other words "now available to torrent"
Yes pirates have looted HMS HBO Max however there is noticeable quality loss last time I took to the high seas but free is free!!
however there is noticeable quality loss
Then you’re downloading the wrong release.
Just gotta find a decent rip which will take time. Maybe a day or two for the best.
will take time
There’s already a 62GB Dolby Atmos release.
@PainToad: Largest one I see is 19.2GB, would love to see watch it in all its 62GB glory which I hope will have Dolby Vision!
@PainToad: That’s extremely bloated or not even the right release. It’s a compressed stream release not a remuxed Blu-ray release. As jiomariano noted 19.2gb is the largest available (highest bitrate, DV, DA) which is the raw web-dl direct from HBO - you can’t get any bigger.
@TightTerry: Thanks for confirming! Will watch tonight, but the reviews and comments here aren't very encouraging haha
Most private trackers have just about everything up in less than an hour.
yep, just checked…already there 4k
Honestly if people are VPNing to watch something you may as well just torrent the damn thing, surely you're already past the whole legal/ethical point by then anyway
Bypassing Geoblocking and paying for a HBO subscription is not the same as torrenting.
Free is free
Bypassing geoblocking is just breaking rules with more steps
@twig: Not quite the same, you are still paying the content owner for the content when using a bypass, with the other you are not paying the content owner at all.
Woah man, dont want to go to internet hell. Theres a line.
Would it work on the Brave Brower VPN?
Do you need VPN to watch or just for sign up?
For both
Anyone run a screen capture and torrented it yet? For educational purposes, not that I would download…
Yes my pirate bae found it on 1337x 1080p but its 9.3gb
Anyone know how to get HBO MAX on Nvidia Shield and then how to sign up for it without a US credit card (if one required)?