Neighbour’s Smelly Bin Next to Our Fence Killing Me

So our local council allows people to put food scraps into their green bin. Without any form of wrapping/compostable bag etc. Personally I don’t do this as I find it disgusting.

Our neighbour has just started parking their green bin next to our shared fence. The smell is putrid. Every time I go outside the smell is wafting over the fence. They are total a-holes so I can’t talk to them as their idea of a conversation is screaming and abusing anyone who comes near their property.

What the hell can I do except bikies?


  • -2

    their idea of a conversation is screaming and abusing anyone who comes near their property

    Might be worth seeing if you can get a bigger/better fence so you don't have to deal with them?

    Otherwise a big fan to blow the smell back their way.

    • +3

      This is a COUNCIL ISSUE

      OP should complain to council who will promptly deal with the matter

      • +4

        I would guess most councils wouldn't do anything… but can't hurt to try

        • +1

          Wrong actually. They are responsible for their bins and do take action

          Even if they just issue them with the right food scrap bags

          Our council issues these bags automatically for every household to avoid this smelly issue.

          Tell them to refer to how Randwick Council (NSW) do this properly

          • @Dr Phil: Exactly! Council will sort this out. Sooner OP does it the better - such bins also attract rodents.

        • This council was considering fining people with smelly bins… don't know if they ever went ahead with it though.

    • That's just enabling their behaviour and letting them win.

      • -3


        • Ok, go be everyone's doormat then =)

          • @montorola: adults know when to pick fights that are worth the energy.

            • @pharkurnell: So if I parked my smelly bin next to your fence, your immediate response is to move out to a new house instead of coming and having a chat with me?

  • -1

    Compostable food scraps shouldn't smell that bad if it's only left there a week. I think the smell comes from them not washing the bin at all. How you can fix that…..well?

    • +8

      Wait until the prawn shells from Christmas lunch get put in.

  • Our neighbour has just started parking their green bin next to our shared fence.

    What did you recently do to piss them off?

    • Nothing except buy the house next to them :(
      The whole family is feral. I love my house and plan to be here a long time. Just praying they downsize at some point and sell.

      • +2

        You didn't stake out the neighbours before buying?

    • -4

      your comment shows a lot about the way you've interacted with ppl.

  • +4

    killing me

    Farewell GourmetFoodie, we hardly knew thee

  • You should do the same. You are GourmetFoodie after all.

  • +4

    Your council might have odour bylaws like they do for light, noise etc.

    Look on their website and see what their complaints process involves.

    For example, Brisbane has the following:…

    • +1

      Thanks. I will look into it but even if they do, I don’t want to start a war with these people as my few encounters with them since I bought my house have been enough to last me a lifetime. I’d rather subtle sabotage methods.

      • +1

        Why are you scared. You spent significant money for a home and intend to stay long term, don't be a wuss. Speak up for what you believe is right. Take it up with council if you can't resolve it mutually and respectfully.
        If you want to live there long term you shouldn't tip toe around neighbour issues.

  • +6

    A huge fan to blow the air back to their side.

    • Love it. Just trying to figure out the logistics sounds a bit challenging but I wonder if anyone has ever set up anything similar.

  • After it get emptied at 4 in the morning go outside with some 2 litre bottles of hot water and dishwashing liquid, tip it in and tip it out

    • Their feral dog guards their house so this is a no go. Otherwise I’d seriously consider it.

  • It could accidentally get tipped on bin day, warranting a call to council. Sure it would still stink but it would annoy them and stink 😏

    • Hahaha yeah this could be a nice subtle sabotage. But not sure it would fix anything long term.

  • Name checks out

  • +1

    What the hell can I do except bikies?

    Steal their green waste bin?

    • I like this. Though council replaces stolen bins.

      • And then they have a clean bin for a week

      • Then you'll end up with a nice collection of green waste bins :)

  • Buy some blood & bone and use it near the fence where they will smell it….. Try to not use it near your windows.

    • Nice idea. Where do I buy this from?

      • +1

        Bunnings or a nursery etc. It's normal fertiliser. Don't see how it'll fix the issue though as then you'll just be smelling it and the bin.

        • Yeah it won’t fix the issue but it might impact them a bit more and make them clean their bin?

          • @GourmetFoodie: If it's just revenge you want you could put blood and bone near where the dog patrols. He will definitely roll in it and hence transfer the smell to the house/owners.

        • It's not "normal" fertiliser. It's the most smelly fertilizer I think you can get.

          • @AndyC1: Have you smelled "Bagass", the dampened burnt sugarcane waste sometimes used to fertilise cane fields. That is "not nice".

      • use google

      • +1

        Dynamic Lifter pellets. Use it in your garden. It’s pelleted chook poo and reeks for a couple of days.

  • Personally I don’t do this as I find it disgusting

    Sorry? You don’t partake in the most sustainable form of disposal on this planet because you find it disgusting?

    Do you know that food scraps in landfill produces high amounts of methane, contributing to global warming?

    FOGO bins shouldn’t smell, I am with you on this. Mine doesn’t but I have NEVER wrapped my scraps, so I don’t know why you think that’s the reason and why you wouldn’t compost food scraps because of this.

    Ask your neighbour to relocate the bin from where it is, or ask them to take it out more often. Or contact council and explain the situation - they can often send notices when required. But don’t shame them for composting when not composting is so much worse.

    • Possibly taken out of context, perhaps they just mean they don't throw food scraps out without wrapping first?

      We wrap ours in left over paper bags or green compostable bags, the bin can get smelly especially in hot weather, but not noticeable if the lid is down

    • The neighbours are feral, non negotiable type people.

    • Thanks for the unnecessary attack. Where is your Christmas spirit mate? And it would help if you read my post properly before ranting at me.

      1) I can’t talk to my neighbours because they are psychos.

      2) As above, I don’t want to call council and start a war with these psychos as they will know it’s me.

      3) Moving to nuclear power would have about 1000000000x the impact on mitigating global warming than composting food scraps. But no, suddenly all the greenies are too scared of nuclear despite it being the only viable option right now for material emission reduction.

      Also without China and India being 100% committed to reducing emissions, nothing we do in Oz will have any impact.

      Seriously - If you really care so much then can you actually put your actions into truly meaningful stuff?!!!!

      • "without China and India being 100% committed to reducing emissions, nothing we do in Oz will have any impact."

        Wow really. So those countries shouldn't have a right to cheap power to develop their economies ? The western world were allowed to develop their economies without a concern for climate change.

      • I’m with gourmet foodie here. We had a neighbour from hell that last 2 years. 2 years of absolute misery. She vacated in the end, but it took ages. She was a complete NUT job.

  • spray it with glen 20

    • Yeah I’m seriously considering this. Just wish I could get past their feral dog. I think the issue is they just don’t clean their bin.

  • +5

    Im happy to pay them a visit pretending im a neighbour in the area who can smell it a few doors down.

    • LOL thanks mate. I’d not want anyone up put their body on the line for this though.

  • -3

    Sounds like you've moved in recently and they have realised that you've judged them as not being suitable neighbours for you.

    I would suggest what they're doing is deliberate and caused by your lack of respect.

    My advice is get used to it. Or you could move?

    • More like the neighbours lack of decency rather than OP. Unfortunately there are ratbags amongst us and I feel his pain.

      • +2

        You've not checked her post history then I take it.

    • You’re way off mark I can assure you.

      • +1

        Well, you would, wouldn't you? I disagree.

  • why should they get use to it ? so what if you think you’re better then your neighbors especially if they are feral it wouldn’t be hard

  • +1

    And this is why they put the smelly putrid bin at your fence….
    By mistake, bring their bin into your place - give it a good wash and disinfect.
    then place it back out for them to collect.

    • Yeah I might have to resort to this.

  • Where is the bin in relation to their house? Is it the most appropriate place for putting the rubbish out, or the bins on the kerb? Are all the bins together?

    • Their bin is parked down the side of their house. They used to park is closer to the front of their house so I didn’t smell it but now they’ve moved it.

      To be fair, they have every right to put it there but it’s just frustrating it smells so much and my outside space is orientated down that fence line. High density living at its finest.

  • +2

    I expect it’s got to be put out on the street to be emptied. Attack it with Glen 20 then.
    Or use the Snap Send Solve App to report it. The submitter of these reports to Council is not made known to the household where the issue is. If the bin goes out on the street anybody walking by could report the smell.

    • +1

      Thanks mate. This is going to be the plan.

  • +1

    i buy this smelly stuff from woolworths and it’s in a pink colour otto bin shape container and you sprinkle the pink stuff in the bin and it honestly kills all the bad smells

    • Thanks mate, I’ll look this up

  • Go and buy yourself a few bottles of "Scotts 1L Phenyle Outdoor Cleaner" or something similar from the green and Red hardware store or elsewhere (like $5 at Bunno's)

    Drown their bin (inside and out) in it, spray it over the fence, spray it on your fence, just kill their stench.

    Some people hate it, but i'd rather smell the chemical smell, than their off meat maggot gut wrench anytime :)

  • @GourmetFoodie Are you in Glen Eira? I am also dealing with a similar (disgusting) smelly bin issue from my neighbour's side.

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