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Bonus US$100 Worth of SG on US$100 Spend, AliExpress 100% Cashback in SG @ Socialgood


I just got another email for this deal. Just under 2 days remaining to claim.

Very happy with SG price lately 😊

AliExpress still 100% cashback too, so you will be making a profit shopping.


This is targeted. Check your emails or app.

In order to receive your bonus, please make purchases totaling US$100 or more within 48 hours. If you do, you will receive the $100 bonus on top of your shopping rewards.

So, go out and make another purchase to get the bonus you won! Since you’re so lucky, maybe you’ll win another $100 bonus on your next purchase

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Referral Links

Referral: random (27)

Referee receives US$200 worth of SG after US$30 purchase within 30-days. Referrer receives US$200 worth of SG after referee satisfied referral requirements. (Usually US$50 worth each.)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Very happy with SG price lately 😊

    You must be looking at the Bitmart price of ~USD0.90. However, it's not the real price which is USD0.50 at Bittrex Global. This is because Bitmart was hacked a few weeks back and subsequently shut down all deposits & withdrawls so no way of moving SG in to sell. It's an artificially elevated price.

    Unfortunately for shoppers the amount of SG earned is based on the Bitmart average of last 7 days. So actually we are earning at ~USD0.80 but in reality we can only sell them for ~USD0.50 at the moment 😢. I'm hoping Bitmart pull their finger out and get deposits happening again so the prices across exchanges level out and at the very least we'll be earning at the same rate as we can sell at

    • My thoughts as well. So this deal is really approx 60% SG back.

      Wonder how that plays out with their value guarantee between tracking and payment?

    • SG does buybacks to improve the price. Real price is the contract price vs what each exchange says. Should go to around $1 again soon. Unsure why bittrex is so low, possible wick to a small sell.

    • SG price on bitmart is unrelated to their hacks. It has always been inflated (probably by SG themselves) for a long time. Hopefully deposits resume soon, should be plenty of time until the caahback is confirmed.

  • It would be nice to see more online shops added for Australia market.
    I did buy a case of Remedy drinks through SG and am happy with the "free" kombucha drinks. They taste really good!
    Just need to wait for the cash back to be approved by SG.

    • How long did it take to track?

      • It was tracked after I placed order within a few hours.

    • Happy with the drinks but seems like my Remedy purchases via PayPal didn't track, whereas the ones paid with CC tracked.

      • Yeah my PayPal ones didn't track. Submitted a support request

        • Let me know how it goes. Support pretty much saying there's nothing they can do. Didn't do anything different when making Paypal vs CC purchases.

          Unfortunately, if your purchases haven't shown up as pending after so long that would mean that our partner company did not consider your purchases to have been qualifying purchases made using our app.

          • +1

            @76F: I also contacted Remedy. Clearly it's a bug with PayPal.

            Hope you’re well. Can you please contact Social Good App and ask them to raise a query.

            We would never decline the cashback transaction as they are one of our partners. Social good hasn’t passed the information on and in return of this, your order isn’t in our system.

            Apologies for any inconvenience. I can understand this isn’t an ideal situation. Social Good should be able to help further assist.

  • https://www.everyplate.com.au/ also has US 11 cashback in SG per order.
    Question on IHG and Marriott. Have anyone purchased hotel reward points through SG and successfully got tracked and approved with the purchase? This might prove a good way to accumulate hotel reward points with discount and can be useful when it's safe to travel again in future.

    • I would like to know this as well and whether it stacks with bonus points offered by said hotels.

  • first order of ebay tracked. will try to use this offer again

    • How long did it take to track your order? I bought something yesterday, still not tracked.

      • a few days. not as instant as SB

        • Yeah, I got it to track about 24 hours after the purchase, a few hours after the seller marked as sent.

          Confirming that I've used both the eBay coupon and the gift cards.

          • @aveeno bb: great to hear! I did not use my giftcards with them before. Will try that next time

  • Just to be clear, USD100 spend means buying something from AliExpress, eBay, etc worth more than USD100?

    • yes that's right, buy something >100usd from those stores listed..
      and make sure you are one of those people selected for the promo..

      Problem for me… there is nothing I need at the moment, have to let is lapse

      • but you get 100% cashback and extra 100usd. Isn't that just free money?

        • +1

          Yes it is free money. Get some Remedy drinks would be good for Xmas anyway (free drinks).
          It works out the best if you need a new phone or laptop. Those items are the best with SG.

          • @arctan: Yeah these things sounds too good to be true, but I guess the whole thing about crypto investment is like that.

            • @aveeno bb: CR and SB only offer 1 or 2% cash back from ebay. There is nothing to lose if you try SG (if you buy items from ebay). This is how I look at this.

      • Can you add multiple items into an empty cart that total to more than a $100, then buy and still be eligible?

        And can you buy mulitple items separately that total to a $100 from one store or multiple stores?

        E.g. Bought item A worth $40 from Shop X and bought item B worth $60 from Shop Y


        Bought item A worth $50 from Shop Z and later bought item B worth $50 from Shop Z again

  • Can we use Ebay gift cards to pay and still be eligible for the crypto-back?

    • +1

      From other posts, the answer seems to be yes. The T&C doesn't exclude any coupon uses either.

  • upvote for the post…the offer seems random though..

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