Desktop DIMM available at the same price after coupon code
Desktop DIMM available at the same price after coupon code
Not true. I have chucked a Crucial 16GB onto Synology DS920+ making it a total of 20GB.
Just got to make sure it is dual-ranked.
Which one did you use? This exact spec from the deal or something else?
Yeah curious which exact model you've got in yours? The MPN — CT16G4SFS8266, CT16G4SFRA266 — listed for this is well known to be incompatible (NAS won't boot).
@priceaintright: I've read enough threads to indicate there's a decent chance it won't work reliably (if it even boots).
@jace88: This is the one you all for Synology 920+. I have it in mine and running for over 8 months
Crucial CT16G4SFD8266 16GB…
@spiinl: Yeah that's a different model entirely, just like the one mighty-atom linked, which works. But the one OP mentioned is not good for expanding the NAS.
@priceaintright: yes, thats what i think i did mentioned. as long as it is dual ranked it will be fine i believe
The only hesitant for me to buy this for a NAS is, when there is an issue, the support team stated that this is not compatible and just wash their hand
Any deals for 32GB SODIMM sticks?
In case anyone else was wondering this is no bueno for expanding RAM on Synology (past its 8GB limit - there are other brand/models that work particularly from Samsung apparently)