Great price for this popular blender. All time low was $309 on 25th of Dec 2019 on Amazon according to camecamelcamel
Edited: Black is OOS but white is still available
Great price for this popular blender. All time low was $309 on 25th of Dec 2019 on Amazon according to camecamelcamel
Edited: Black is OOS but white is still available
i would say if you just need general blending, stay with Explorian.
if you want to blend dry foods, smoothies directly to a bottle, etc. the Ascent range has all the compatible accessories.
Brought a Vitamix a2500i at TGG today. $899 with 15% off using GC
My comment was a bit ambiguous. It's $899 before 15% off so around $765
That's a fantastic price
Great and consistent product. Recently went through a medical phase of blended/pureed foods and finally have got my use out of it after the last deal (2020) around this price.
Thanks OP. Needed something to replace the second nutribullet that's finally bit the dust. It'll be mainly for smoothies but keen to try nut butters and stuff too :)
Black OOS
appliancesonline has a sale too for a similar price too but with delivery in January.…
Please save your money and use it on other stuff by buying this which would work just as well. And don't bring out the quality excuse some peddle as the last eBay blender I bought is 7 years old now and still going strong
Hey mate, what are your thoughts on this one? The one you linked is 2200W but it's out of stock and the other ones that are similarly priced are 4500W. I'd ideally like something that isn't super loud so I'm not sure if the wattage corresponds to sound and power?
Generally the more powerful the unit is, the louder it will be. There are sound enclosures that you can buy, but they're generally not cheap. The 2200W ones are able to crush ice, grind nuts, create soup via friction heat, so I'm not sure if the 4500W ones are really necessary. Here's one which seems pretty good at half the price…
Bought an umbrella from these guys. Handle snapped off after only using it about 5 times. They claim it is accidental damage and won't refund. Steer clear.
Is that a good blender within the Vitamix range of products?