• expired

1 Value Range Pizza $1 (Pick up Only, 1pm-2pm) @ Domino's Pizza (Via App)


Source -

Australia’s largest pizza company will unlock $1 Large Value Range Pizzas* exclusively on the Domino's App between 1-2pm on Monday, November 29, 2021.

That is 60 minutes to grab a beloved customer favourite such as a large Pepperoni, Ham & Cheese, or Margherita for just $1.

Mod: Via app only. Download Apple App Here or Android App Here. Make sure you download Domino's App and not Domino's Offers App.

Note that the exact code wording is: "1 Value Range Pizza $1".

Alternate code: 585229, 922533 (thanks itsfree)

Note: No timezone is mentioned, deal is advertised 1pm-2pm in all areas (local time). Confirmed on Facebook.

Domino's Australia
1pm for every timezone

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2021

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +32

    Coupon code for this deal is 205216, pre-orders are now able to be placed via the app with a pickup window from 1 - 2pm for $1.

    Limit of one pizza per order using the code.

    • Anyway to do a group buy? I only want 1 slice.

    • +2

      Thanks, I put through 4 separate orders with 1 pizza each for the same time for pick up. would be a waste to order more as they aren't very good the next day being in the fridge.

      • +9

        How dare you, cold pizza is Amazing!!!!

        • +1

          agreed, i love cold pizza

        • that's abuse, my local store is swamped with dockets, picked up mine ONE ONLY

          • @will05: You're abuse

            • @Mr Frodo: I m not gonna waste my time on you
              everyone knows who you are

          • @will05: want a medal?

            • +1

              @KOZ: don't worry bro
              I hope you get your pizza ontime

    • +2

      One use per order, but they don't stop you from making multiple orders.

      The employees will probably look at you funny though.

      • +1

        that just means your being a great ozbargainer!!

      • +1

        I went in to pick up 3 orders expecting this. But was relieved to see the order screen filled with multiple repeat orders. Something like Jim Jim Jim Conan Conan Conan Conan Conan Ali Ali Ali Ali :D

    • coupon says its expired

      • Still working here in the Domino's App, make sure your order is in the 1pm - 2pm window on 29/11.

        • if i order a pizza on the day can I place pick up for tuesday any time or does have to be on that day

          • +1

            @DarkSide: Not 100% sure, but can only pre-order for pickup times between 1-2pm at this stage.

        • +2

          Does this offer only work on NSW time or is the time set per State at 1-2pm?

    • +1

      1- 2 PM of the Store's own timings (NOT based on AEDT aka Melbourne time)

      • Dominos just cancelled and refunded my order to pick up at 1pm AWST so something could be going wrong here

  • +10

    is there a limit or can I order 50

    • +6

      ozbargainer slogan: bought <insert 2 digit here>

      • +5

        resold them in my tasty truck - a buck a slice

      • +3

        Bought 9^9.

    • Ha ha was thinking 3. But if they answer your question, they'll answer mine!!

    • +4

      3 years ago they ran a similar promotion i managed to order 20 with no issues, im not sure about 50

      • +8

        20 for $20? That's a meal freezer's dream.

        • -2

          I think it might be "freezerer's" unless you meant they belong to the freezer, not the freezerer.

          • +5

            @[Deactivated]: Do androids dream of electric sheep?
            Do freezers dream of getting to freeze 20 dominos pizzas?

            • +8

              @lordezekiel: Say, if I freeze 20x, I just might be able to scrape enough toppings off 19 to make one Dominos pizza like they were years ago.

              • +1

                @[Deactivated]: Damn… somebody noticed!? We were doing it real slow and gradual so hopefully people wouldn’t notice. Eventually the plan is to sell bare “premium” pizzas, because we figure every customer has spare toppings lying around at home. (We got that idea from Apple.)

                • +1

                  @tharlow: If it gets to the point that premium pizzas are bare, does that mean the value range has negative toppings?

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Actually, the user plans to "freeze" the meal, keyword "freeze", so the user would be known as the "freezer" because he is the one who "froze" them

            • @Qazxswec: But if he's the Freezer… that would mean he put the 20x pizzas inside himself…. which means he ate them….. so there's nothing left now to put in the freezer…… so he's no longer the Freezer.

        • +1

          My mother helped me freeze them all

    • Doesn't really say, though it does say "Pizzas" with s meaning more than 1.

    • There should be a competition on who can haul the most pizzas.

      • +2

        … and then return them for a refund at full price.

  • +5

    Can I order between 1-2pm and set the pick time for like 6pm?

    • I hardly doubt they would allow that, you can try though

    • Don’t think so…. It says in the Dominos Alert
      “But be quick – the $1 Large Value Range Pizza Deal is only available for Pick Up for 1 hour and only via the Domino's App”

  • +2

    you have my vote for bargain of the year!

    • +4

      No, that’s the OzBargain birthday celebration.

    • +4

      Gave you a plus for the muppet who negged you.

      Evening out the love

      • +4

        Evening out the love

        And afternoon out the love for those in WA…

  • I will order as much as possible and freeze them for the whole Dec.

    • How many can you fit in your freezer? :P

    • Months ago Dominos brought out some new interesting pizzas. I remember one had duck which has disappeared now. (From my local store it has anyway.) There was some cheap deal on like this one, which made me try them again, and because they were new their staff hadn't yet worked out how to put nearly no toppings on them. They only kept one on the menu, and of course they're back to nearly empty pizzas. Even Supreme and Meatlovers have close to no toppings on them. So Dominos can make like their cheesy crust and get stuffed!

      Anyway… I got several of those new ones and froze them. At first they were good reheated. But by week 3 they were pretty awful.

  • +3

    everyone can enjoy a $1 pizza this Cyber Monday

    does this indicate that you may be able to only purchase a singular pizza?

    If so, time to create 50 fake accounts and spend the day playing dressups to pick up all my pizzas individually

    • +1

      does this indicate that you may be able to only purchase a singular pizza?

      No… it implies that half-way through eating your second pizza, you begin to feel sick.

  • +5

    I guess my January 2020 planned healthy diet will be delayed another month.

    • +8

      2020? You’ve already delayed it quite a lot!

      • +5

        COVID restrictions on diets, you see…

      • Pretty sure 2020 hasn't really ended, to be fair.

  • Franchisees must love promotions like this - they would be making a loss on almost every sale that hour

    • +10

      They, or least some stores, deserve it. The last Supreme and Meat Lovers (and several more in the months before those) that I got had topping amounts like they were Value Range. So $1 is about what they're worth.

      • I find this too, these $3 voucher pizzas have barely any toppings at all, literally 10 small slices of pepperoni.. can only imagine what these ones will be like - cheese pizza with one of two pieces of toppings perhaps

        • +1

          Gee you're lucky to get that many. In my rural area unfortunately the same guy owns the only two stores, and he must tell staff to put nearly nothing on. If you get a few different pizzas you even can't tell them apart, what they're meant to be, because there's so few toppings they all look the same. (I'm talking 1/8th of a cup or less of toppings over an entire large pizza.) And often toppings that are meant to be on a certain pizza are not just skimped on, but completely absent.

          I've complained before, they give a free one, and about a third of the time the toppings go up. Two-thirds it's just the same. He said to just phone, complain, they'd give a free one… and I laughed and replied if I did that I'd be phoning every time I buy one.

          I don't know if it's still this way, but a few years ago I went to another branch out of the area. I was shocked. They put HEAPS of toppings on. I've told head office a few times. They refuse to do anything about it, just empty cheery canned responses inviting me to complain. I told them if they're not going to do anything about it, pull the guy into line, it's easier to stop buying Dominos.

    • +1

      Either this or spend more on marketing. This markets itself.

    • +1

      head office reimburses them for every promo sale

      when you order with a coupon, don meij kicks in the difference

  • +1

    Let me guess "limited stores only"

  • +4

    That is 60 minutes to grab a beloved customer favourite such as a large Pepperoni, Ham & Cheese, or Margherita for just $1.

    Never grab a Margherita or she might slap you. (Especially if you offer just $1.)

  • +1

    And my local Domino’s literally burnt down only yesterday. FML.

    • +4

      There will be one around the corner from that one.

      • +2

        Keep an eye out for any other Dominos too .. you know, because Dominos

    • +1

      Mine is figuratively going to burn down during the hour of this upcoming promotion.

    • +7

      So… did the final result pass the DOM pizza checker? 😂

    • +1

      thats a good thing

  • +1

    mine doesn't open till 4pm, do I have to break in and make it myself?

    • +2

      Yes, and for everyone afterwards who smells the pizza and shows up.

  • +1

    12-1pm local time or AEDT? I'm in Qld

    • +7

      I'm in Qld

      Only valid in 2021. You’ll have to wait another decade.

    • my question as well coz WA's 11am = 2pm AEDT…

      • 1pm local time it seems by doing a pre order test, would only work from 1pm.

  • does this apply to all value range or only the 3 mentioned?

  • +3

    come the day, it will say not available in NSW.

  • +6

    Just order what you need to eat.
    Don't over order.
    The franchises are at a loss and frantically going trough the orders. Not to mention potentially getting multiple orders totalling 500+ pizzas.

  • Unable to pre-order on app. Anyone else have any luck?

    • +4

      Is this a joke?

  • 4 days? I think this gives me enough time to save up for one unless someone wants to go halvies?

    • +1

      50 Cent has entered the chat…

      • Quarters?

  • Welp, time to call a sickie in 4 days. :<

    • +3

      Don’t you mean after lunch in 4 days? 💩

  • Going to try getting spicy veg + pepperoni and combine into a calzone

  • +1

    saliva, phlegm, booger…feel the wrath of domino owners on that day.

  • so if i order at 1pm do i have 1 hr to pickup or i can pickup anytime

  • Shout your office coz pizza party meme

  • Margherita is value range?

    • Yes, why wouldn’t it be? Value Range is the cheapest range and Margherita is pretty much the cheapest pizza.

  • +1

    Feel sorry for those poor b@stards working that Domino's shift.

  • +1

    Do you know if it will work for the vegan pizzas?

    • Vegan Range ≠ Value Range so probably not

  • +1

    Can I order at 1 to pick up at 3?

    • Looks like can pre-order, but must pickup between 1-2pm?

  • +1

    Just waiting for the massive store exclusion list.

  • Does anybody have any idea how these would go in the freezer
    I'm keen to order a ….load

    • I bought about 8 when there was a cheap deal months ago. Just put them into a box freezer in their boxes. At first they were nearly just as good as fresh. Then they got a little worse until week 3 they were pretty awful. Freezer burn, crust dried out, etc. Maybe separating and putting into tupperware would last better though.

      • Thanks for the info

        I might try some airtight plastic containers

  • +4

    I would imagine and should restrict to 2 pizzas per person so everyone can have a chance. If all the greedy Muppets order 20 the hour will be up just doing there's.

    • -2

      Please don’t discriminate against people with a high metabolism

      • +2

        Please don’t discriminate against people with a high metabolism wider than they are tall.

        Fixed it for you.

  • This voucher code is only valid when used from the Domino's Offers App. Please download the Domino's Offers App

  • -1

    Where do you put the code?

    DERP, right there on front page 1st line where it says, enter voucher!!!

  • -3

    Im gonna sell them to some junkies on the street.

  • -1

    Ordered 6 for pickup for $7.

    • -1

      Did you do 6 seperate orders to get them for $7 ?

      • -1

        Yes sir/ma'am.

    • 6 * 1 does not equal 7….

      • Changed me and extra buck to change to Creme Fraiche sauce on the Spicy Veg Trio. Thieves!

  • -1

    Pre order doesn't work on app

    • Yes it does

      • -1

        Maybe for you it does but it is not for me, so again it doesn't work on app.

        • Order from Large Value Range only

          • @s66: I'll try again but I have done a ton of times only the pepperoni one

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Here's the steps I did:
              Open App > Pick Up > Later > Select Store > Select Time and Date > Enter Coupon > Select Pizza.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: I had success with Open App > Select Store > Select Pizza > Proceed Order > Select Date Time > Return to Select Pizza > Enter Coupon > Proceed Order > Pay

  • +1

    Only 1 hour time period. Pretty annoying.

    • +2

      Open up your own pizzeria and then you can stop acting like a Karen.

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