• expired

AliExpress 15% Cashback (Affiliated Products Only, $25 Cap) @ Cashrewards


There goes my evening, I'm browsing Aliexpress tonight
Tonight's Cashrewards deal for Singles Day Aliexpress

Promo Image
Singles Day Deal Image

Referral Links

Referral: random (3752)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

This is part of Singles' Day Sales for 2021.

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closed Comments

  • What time does it start?

    • +1

      At the bottom of the OP it states the start and end time

      • +1

        the OP shows it but not the image linked in the post. where did the OP get the 7.00pm start time from?

        also, is it $25 cap per click or $25 cap per account?

        • I'd say OP got the information from TA

          Going by every other cashback deal that has a cap, it would be per account

        • +1

          Cap is per account. 7pm start time is from image below:
          Singles Day Deal Image

  • +5

    Hmmm would this stack with sitewide coupons and store-specific coupons?

    • +1

      Yes it does. AliExpress push those coupons very hard to their partners.

      • Would this stack with the $3 bonus cashback from cashrewards though? As well as store coupon and site coupon.

        From cashrewards:

        You may not be eligible for Cashback:

        If a gift card is purchased or used as payment.
        If a coupon code is used that is not listed on Cashrewards.
        If your order is not fully completed online or is later changed.

        • Yeah as long as it's affiliated.

          • @Clear: It would be nice if Cashrewards would confirm that we can use coupon codes and receive the cashrewards, in the past when I've used coupons I haven't received the Cashrewards…

            • @FLICKIT: In the past with AliExpress? There's always the risk that coupons won't track (hence the disclaimer), but when AliExpress are pushing for all their affiliate partners to share affiliate links with these coupons you know they're going to pay out.

              Otherwise all the affiliate partners are going to be mad that AliExpress told them to promote these coupons in exchange for $$$ incentives that they won't pay.

              For me it's always tracked.

  • +2

    I was hoping for more than $25 cap.

  • +4

    what is 'Affiliate Products'?

  • +3

    Forgive my stupidity today people - what's an 'affiliate product'?

    • +4

      A product that that this link says is! https://portals.aliexpress.com/linkchecker.htm

      • they dont make it easy to find then! lol

      • link doesn't work for me

        edit: nvm

        • +1

          I tried on PC and Android phone - works on both platforms

    • +2


      Chuck your product URL into the above link and it'll let you know if its included in promotion

      • How to check if I browse on AliExpress app?

        • Top right there's a Share arrow when you're on a product page. You'll be able to copy a link.

          • @Clear: When I use the share arrow (in AliExpress app), it gives me a text description, price, etc and a short url. Entering the entirety into the affiliate tester gives an error. Editing it down to just the short url also gives an error. Copying that short url and pasting it into the url field in a browser brings up the item, as expected, and changes the url to a long url. Copying and pasting the long url into the affiliate checker then works. Surely there's a better way than this painful muck around?

            • @BigBirdy: Use a computer or browse the site on the mobile browser in desktop mode.

      • Mods, shouldn't this deal (and future ones) have this link to act as a checker?

  • +1

    Does it stack with the promo codes?

    • Yes.

      • If so my wallet is ready.

  • I think the 11.11 prices on Aliexpress start 7PM AEDST time, so best to shop between then and when this cashrewards promo ends at 11PM?

  • +4
  • +10

    Don't forget to activate your bonus $3 cashback from cashrewards

  • +1


    Between this, the 11/11 coupons and the $3 bonus cashback, I should be able to offset the Gerry Harvey tax and shipping on a large item.

  • +1

    Common SB, waiting for your deal

  • +2

    is shopback going to up this deal? @gotyourback

  • My only complaint is that I need to empty my cart before clicking through, testament to how good the timing on this deal is.

    I so hope this stacks with all the numerous coupons.

    • I was just about to ask this, will the cashback work on items currently sitting in my cart? I guess… no?

      • I'd brushed over the 'add to cart' thing as a marketing oddity, shame.

      • Better not to risk it..
        Add all cart items to Wishlist if desired

  • Does the cashback rate depend on the time you click through or the time you purchase?

  • +2

    So an item I'm looking at has a $20 saving for 11.11 however it says "Add item to cart before sale" to get that price.

    Unfortunately the terms on cashrewards say:

    Empty your cart prior to clicking from Cashrewards. Add items to your cart after clicking from Cashrewards.

    • Hang on, I thought it was just a suggestion to add to cart before the sale?

      Oh ok, I just had another look - by adding to cart you're claiming one of the limited stock of the discounted item. I think i'll leave it in cart as thats a much better discount that the $25 cap here

    • Maybe go through cashrewards to add to cart then keep tab open and active (use a separate browser program)? Still a risk it might not work but non-zero, I imagine.

      • Removed from cart, luckily the offer (Reolink) was still available a couple of min later. Hopefully the $25 tracks

  • Spend around $178~ to get back 15% so $25 dollars (math is off)

    So spend $178~ and real cost is $153~ (math is off)

  • Any word from Shopback on this today?

  • There is no quicker way to check if the product is affiliated other than putting it into aforementioned url checker? No way to narrow down the search? Everything I've looked at so far is non-affiliated so I want to find an example of something that is affiliated.

  • there seems to be a lot of affiliated products. might grab a new screen for my laptop.

  • Any got commentary on the chances of receiving items from China before xmas?

    example - https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33030968874.html

    Estimated delivery 11 december…. a couple of weeks delay (as is usual with AusPost) and my KK could be shit out of luck…

    • You'd be pushing it. The logistic warehouses get absolutely clogged up to the max during these sales.

    • Really depends on what you get. All my orders (small items) from last month have arrived within the month.

      • Yeah i'm looking at the Viofo a119 dashcam

        • For that link I think Aliexpress standard shipping should be on accurate. These have arrived the most quickly for me.

    • A lot of my items in the last month have arrived within 2-3 weeks.

      • ETA updated to 4 December so I took the risk, should fine

  • +9

    Why is the AliExpress sort options so crap…..select by the lowest price and it returns a jumbled up mess.

    • +3

      I always use 'most orders.' That way I can get an item with some reviews or photos. Plus, Aliexpress uses a special algorithm, so you get what is pushed to you and not always the exact results based on the search method you attempted.

    • +1

      Thats rookie talk. Sort by orders next time to filter out the rubbish

  • Does it stack with promo codes?

    • I believe your question is answered a couple of times above by Clear.

      • No it doesn't work with the PS5 Yup it stacks with Ali coupons.

        Though probably not the new user coupon.

  • any idea how the cashback is calculated? pre-GST or post-GST? inclusive of shipping or excluding shipping? Aliexpress has like lots of charges added at the end when you go check out :/

    • +2

      Pre-GST and excludes shipping

  • Any ideas what to buy?

  • Scored this for $1.01 US so the cashback on this will be even sweeter.

  • any reason why aliexpress opens new tab when you click on the item? would that void cashback?

    • +1

      nope, cashback will still be tracked

      • Thank you! That is reassuring. I have never shopped through cashrewards for aliexpress before.

  • My purchase and the $3 cashback have both been tracked within the hour and awaiting approval. Just hope it arrives before the 90 day deadline for this promo with the current package delays in Australia.

  • +1

    Only 4 out of my 7 orders were tracked.
    Orders were placed in same cart 2 hours ago.
    Should I be concerned?

    • same

    • +1

      I can see that the AliExpress backend is being hammered and the Ali team are telling stores to be patient ;) I think it'll track later.

      • Yeah, I still haven't received email from cashrewards to state whether it was tracked :/ starting to be concerned

        • +2

          Yeah there's an issue. Just need to be patient.

  • After the 15% $25 tracks successfully, after that will we get 5% or zero?

  • Lol, I can't even get to the checkout

  • Does Aliexpress send order confirmation emails?

    • yes, they should. Mine took about 30 mins or so to confirm the payment before sending me the order confirmation. but you should be able to view it under your order details saying payment pending

  • Does cashrewards track if you click from Cashrewards's app > aliexpress > then finalise the purchase through aliexpress's app?

    Sorry if it all sounds confusing, too late for coffee.

    • +1

      Yes it should on your phone

      • Cheers Lev

  • Dammit it ends at 11pm.

  • How long should it take to track? All my purchases have been confirmed by AliExpress (~$108 worth) and my cashback was activated according to my click history and on the web extention.

    • Mine tracked about 12 minutes after receiving the "Order [redacted] is good to go!" email.

    • Same here, been about 2 hours post-purchase now with no tracking.

  • Still haven't received cashrewards tracking email :(

  • Another one waiting for tracking … funnily enough, I used shopback for AliExpress last night too and it tracked at 11:30pm

  • Is the 11pm cutoff time related to when I purchase or when the 'Order ### is good to go!' arrives?

    My prior to 11pm purchase did contain affiliated products but so far nothing has tracked in cashrewards :(

  • My first set of orders tracked within an hour. My second set of orders after receiving tracking haven't been tracked yet.

  • My first purchase tracked pretty quickly but subsequent purchases haven't tracked yet - was this the case for anyone else?

  • 3 orders, none tracked so far

  • +8

    Hi guys. I can confirm that an issue has been identified where most sales during this promo have yet to report through to our members. We believe it’s an issue with the reporting API from AliExpress due to sheer volume of traffic which our tech team is investigating as we speak. We’re certain no transactions have been lost, and are only delayed. I’ll get back to you when I have more news. Thank you.

    • Thanks for the update TA!

    • Thanks. Came here to mention that my transaction was not tracked.

    • Thanks TA ❤️

  • +2

    Further to my earlier update, transactions should now be starting to filter through. May take another 24 hours for them all to show up. Thanks for your patience.

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