Lowest price I’ve seen recently. This is normally $799.00
TGG has N8 Pro for $599.00 at the moment.( Price gone back up to $799)
Should i go for the Ozmo 950 or N8 Pro??
Lowest price I’ve seen recently. This is normally $799.00
TGG has N8 Pro for $599.00 at the moment.( Price gone back up to $799)
Should i go for the Ozmo 950 or N8 Pro??
Mate if u seen a cheaper price please let me know i will edit the post.. no need to be judgemental . Peace :)
Too much sexual tension in this thread.
N8 Pro is now $625 on TGGC
The best feature you can ever use on Ozbargain is the block comments from specific user feature. Avoids all the pointless dribble that comes out of ones mouth.
+1 for the deal by the way.
Is there a tiered recommendation thread here in OzB with the robovacs? Recently sparked interest in getting one, but there's so much to choose from. As far as I'm aware, the ones with a lidar scanner are the go-to ones, correct?
I've used two robo vacuums and the old one had no lidar or mapping and it spent most it's time bumping into everything and then looking for its dock, the current Kogan one with lidar works super well
Go check out Vacuum wars on YouTube. Does awesome reviews and comparisons
+1 for Vacuum Wars, very comprehensive reviews.
Honestly, after owning the Ecovacs 950 I'd look for another vendor. and something that would massively sway my decision is to go onto your app store and search the companies you're looking to purchase from. Read the reviews on the app and even just go off the rating (although make sure it's more recent ratings). The reason I say this is you can't do anything with these vacuums without the app, if the app sucks the vacuum sucks. Currently, the best one I can see in the Google App store is iRobot however looking at the latest reviews they are mostly 1 star.
I'll give an example of why I don't like the Ecovacs, say my vacuum is 50 minutes into a clean and it gets stuck, so I walk over and fix it up. If it doesn't relocate itself it will just start cleaning again. That's fine…until it makes it back to the dock. If it finds its way back to the dock it will save a new map. There is no way to save a map, or restore a map. So once it's overwritten you have to do a rescan of your whole house and manually put back in your blockers.
To make these worthwhile you want:
- Lidar
- Self-emptying bin - the bins are very small, if you really want to not think about vacuuming too much get this
- Obstacle avoidance - this would help not having to do a complete clean of your house before ending it around.
- A decent app
All these features mean you need to buy the top of the range which gets expensive I know.
You can save and restore a map without having to map the whole house. The 950 is an awesome vacuum and I'd recommend it in a heart beat.
You can only restore if you pick up the robot and put it back on the base station. If you have another method please please let me know! I have emailed their support asking them to restore a map after it was wiped and even they could not do it.
@alexgregory: You can use a trick and use multi-floor mapping to save a copy of your original map.
Enable multi floor mapping and press the save icon on that page, after you have completed mapping. It should look like a little disk. At the top right of your map in multi-floor mapping. If your map is saved the icon will not be there. But will show your map as being saved. After you press the icon it should show you on top of that page the the map is saved.
If for any reason you map messes up with the vacuum in the dock, power off your vacuum, wait around 15 seconds, then power it back on, if all goes well it should reset to your original map.
You will likely need to refresh your screen by backing up to the first screen where you saw a picture of your vacuum on your app and open up the map again for it to show the updated map in the app. You may need to try it more than once and maybe slow down on turning it back on.
Hope this helps!
I'm equally very confused between the differences for N8 Pro or Ozmo 950 - both have the same RRP so which one is better? As monchee said the choices out there make it so hard to pick one!
I have found two differences,
1. Suction power on the N8 pro is 2600pa and Ozmo 950 is max 1500pa
2. N8 pro has obstacle avoidance system
And the price gone back up !!
Thanks mate N8 pro it is! Time to defeat the analysis paralysis.
Bit of a hack for those who have access to TGGC and Amex, you could have Godfrey's price match TGGC then gain the 15% Statement Credit. I did yesterday no problem but ymmv.
They don't have this model but I bought the Ecovacs T9+ yesterday. TGGC have it listed for $1015 which I thought was a great price already. Godfrey's matched it for $1050 (+$35 shipping), which worked out great with the Amex 15% statement credit. Net $893.
did you pricematch it online or instore?
In store