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Get $15 Bonus Cashback (No Min Spend) via Vodafone Mobile Challenge @ ShopBack


Participate in Vodafone challenge at Shopback first.- https://www.shopback.com.au/challenges-app-only
No min spend. Single transaction to get $15 cashback.


FREE Money $10

when you stack with this deal.
Vodafone $30 Prepaid Plus Starter Pack for $5 Delivered @ Vodafone

Participate in challenge (first 1000) and shop at Vodafone via Shopback.

Enjoy :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (3583)

$30 for referrer, $5 for referee after referee qualifies.

Qualifying requirements for referee: 1. Made a minimum $20 online purchase (below exclusions apply), 2. Received a minimum $10 confirmed cashback online, 3. Added banking details to account.

Users will need to fulfil the referral criteria within 180 days from referee's sign-up date to unlock cashback. See all terms

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closed Comments

  • Can you buy 3 $5 starter kits?

    • +3

      Just make 1 transaction and you will get $15 cashback ( no min buy)
      Buy 1 only and you still get $15 ($10 profit)

      • +3

        $4 base cashback, $14 profit.

        • +1

          But you have to activate the SIM card within 30 days of purchase and the SIM must remain active for 60 days.

          • -1

            @jimojr: Yeah, you dont buy it and leave the opportunity for others. There is a limit for this deal.

            • +1

              @Neoika: I bought it yesterday, I will use it on my spare number.

          • +1

            @jimojr: This ^^

            So to qualify for cash back the minimum spend would be $5 for the SIM + $30 for the first recharge + $30 for the second recharge.

            Cash back on the $15 offer would be $15 + 80% of the initial $5 cost = $19 in total, against a $65 minimum spend.

            • +1

              @Shrewd: Recharge is for noobs. You certainly did not explore deep enough.

              • @Neoika: It reads to me as though the bonus requires the cashback for the transaction to be confirmed, and the active duration requirement means you’d have to recharge.

                How would you get around that?

                • +2

                  @Shrewd: Expired but still active.

                  • @Neoika: Ah ok, thanks

                  • @Neoika: Does this mean I just activate the SIM after 30 days, and then let it expire? Do I still need to be using the phone? I was planning to use it on a spare backup phone I have

            • +1

              @Shrewd: You would only need to do 1 recharge, not 2.

          • @jimojr: Where did u see this activate within 30 days? Ta

            • +1

              @Chichiwu: I'd like to know too, both of mine just say make a purchase and nothing about activating the sim

              edit: ahh I see it's in the T&Cs for the actual Vodafone store not the challenge.

              • @peppet: Pepper, so we do need to activate them within 30 days to get cash back challenge $10?? Or just if we don't activate it within 30 days then the sim just expired but we can still get cash back?? Thanks.

                • @Chichiwu: I'm confused too. Hopefully @Neoika has some instructions?

                    • @dingdong3000: You're the best, thanks!

                      • @peppet: Sorry but I still don't understand properly.. do I must need to activate it within 30 days to get shopback cash back challenge? Help~

                        • +2

                          @Chichiwu: Yep. Activate it before the 30 days limit is up.

                          You can use it to get a new/second number, and after the initial 28 day expiry listed here leave it expired and don't recharge - that way it's still 'active' since you activated it but is expired, so you still qualify for cashback. Then you can discard the sim after the 60 days has passed after activation or keep using it if you end up liking Vodafone

                          You have to do this since your Vodafone cashback needs to be approved first before you can get your challenge cashback (so you must satisfy the Vodafone cashback terms of having the SIM active for 60 days, but you don't need to recharge, since expired still counts as active).

                          • @peppet: Thank you. So helpful and clear!!! Xoxo

                          • @peppet: Just to add. Before VF disconnects the number after 120 days, it can be still ported out as normal.

    • Limited to one bonus per customer for the challenge. You could probably get $4 back

  • +1

    $15 challenge completed for me, but $10 one not yet. Purchased last night.

    • +1

      I had both offers too. Let's hope they both work!

  • +1

    I also have a $10 Vodafone challenge

    • +1

      Than you may get $29 cashback.

  • +1


    Edit: found it after searching in all categories.

  • +1

    For me, it says Up to 80.00% Cashback. Not $15

  • Might not be able to stack due to Vodafone (regular purchase) cashback T&C:


    • But the challenge offer/s is listed on the site

      • +1

        Yeah I know, some people on the other post have reported getting the (regular purchase) cashback:


        Funny thing is this post and the other post has really high upvotes, but the $10 and $15 challenges in the SB app have really low number of claims (albeit also having a high number of participants).

        • +1

          Challenge will be a bit slower to process so some might miss out. Worst case spend only $1 sounds good to me.
          Vodaphone already sent me a shipment notification.

          • +4

            @Paul B: Yeah people here needs to know there are only a limited number of spots available for the challenges, and there are already more participants than spots available.

  • +1

    So, in order to get the "Challenge" rewards, I literally just need to buy the $5 sim? don't need to activate it or anything?

    • +1

      Need to press start on the Vodafone challenge

      • +1

        Did that! I have both a $10 challenge and a $15 one, so hoping I get both :D

  • I also have both $10 and $15 challenge.

    Let's see how much is tracked.

    • Same here.

      • How to turn off 2nd auto recharge?

    • Activated both and received a tracking email for $4.00 X 2 cashback, not sure what this means.

  • +1

    Is the 365 day recharge for $150 eligible for 25% cashback and this $15 challenge ?

  • -1

    Might want to actually mention what shopback challenge is. Its not just buying from the store.

    • -1

      What do you mean? Buy from the store and use the product as intended?

      • -1

        You have to activate the challenge through the app. Its not just a normal cashback

        • -1

          It was in the description since the second revision of the post?

          • -1

            @Sheng: Post - Last edited 1 hour 23 min ago

            My comment - 2 hours 5 min ago

            • -1


              second revision of the post.

              I said this.

              my comment - 2 hours 5 mins ago.

              second revision was made 3 hours 25 mins ago. you can even click on it and it says:

              Participate in challenge (first 1000) and shop at Vodafone via Shopback.

              • +1

                @Sheng: Ok. Where in that comment do you think it explains any of the details? "Participate in challenge (first 1000) and shop at Vodafone via Shopback".

                Where in that does it say what the challenge is? That it needs to be activated? Or that its through the app only? That comment by itself makes it sound like you can just purchase through shopback like normal.

                AFTER my comment a link was added that explained this.

  • +5

    Both $15 and $10 challenges completed for one VF purchased last night.

    • Yup same here.

  • +1

    The $15 bonus will be added to your account once your regular cashback turns Confirmed. 

    And to get the regular cashback, you need to activate sim card within 30 days of purchase and stay active for 60 days.

  • +2

    purchased but have not received cashback

    • It may take 120 days to confirm the cashback by SB, known from past exp.

  • Argg didn't read the comments and missed out on the extra $10.

  • Is the first 1000 based on when they are claimed or when they clicked on accept the challenge?

    I am only getting 80% cashback, no $15 or $10 bonus despite accepting both challenges. Also, I am guessing because I wasn't the first 1000 to accept the challenges, I wouldn't get either one of the $15 or $10.

    • +1

      Has always been claimed. Give it 24 hours for internal to flag the challenges.

      It gamification in it purest form; shopback realized how to gamify cashback even more when it was the purest form of gamification from a business perspective along with loyalty programs.

  • +3

    I reckon it's the first 1000 that's claimed, not when people Opt In the challenge

    • Even so, since the challenge isn't processed in near real time, it's possible most of those 1000 who opted in might have already claimed but just waiting to be processed.

  • +3

    $15 + $10 + $4


  • Is anyone having issues with checking out on Vodafone? When entering the personal details for $5 offer it just freezes.

  • +5

    So if I buy the $250 prepaid starter pack, which is currently $150, I will receive 80% regular cashback + $15 = $135 cashback altogether, making the starter pack only $15. Is this correct?

    • That's crazy option if correct.

    • +1

      Yeah. I would record everything to make sure for that large of a cashback.

    • +1

      It is covered in one of the Don'Ts
      * Prepaid 365 Plus plan, prepaid SIMs with multiple pre-loaded recharges, or any other plan not listed in the schedule on this page.

      • It still tracked with $120 cashback. Why would Shopback track and calculate the amount otherwise?
        Anyhow, if not I want to cancel and get Catch.
        @StoreRep gotyourback, pls advice.

      • Can't find "Prepaid 365 Plus plan" mentioned in t&c in a search or on Vodafone.

        This is the
        $250 Prepaid Plus Starter Pack
        online for just $150.
        With 150GB My Data to use over 12 months.

        SB lists prepaid starter packs as 80% cashback

        • would be good to get clarification from @gotyourback

            • +1

              @INFIDEL: Hey all, I'm so sorry I missed any earlier tags or comments (I didn't receive any notifications for some reason).
              I am 99% certain this wouldn't work as stated in the Don'ts:

              Prepaid 365 Plus plan, prepaid SIMs with multiple pre-loaded recharges, or any other plan not listed in the schedule on this page.

              As you highlighted, this is the $250 Prepaid Plus Starter Pack at a discounted price.
              So technically it should not be eligible for Cashback.

              I'll ask our team to request clearer T&C's from Vodafone tomorrow.


              • +1

                @gotyourback: …would $120 (80%) cashback work with the $150 Prepaid Plus Starter Pack - 6 month expiry?

                • @GetRichOrDieBuying: exactly. still ambiguous

                  • @spy: Our team have reached out to Voda for more clarification on the T&C's / Do's & Don'ts.
                    For now, any 365 day Prepaid Plus Starter Pack should be treated as though no Cashback will be eligible.

                    • +1

                      @gotyourback: Thank you @gotyourback
                      I just received an email from Alana telling me that I will qualify.
                      I gave her a snip of the plan and told her what it was.
                      A bit lost now.


                      • +1

                        @csozb: Hey mate.
                        I just had a chat with Alana, it seems we're both not 100% sure what it falls under.
                        I do believe it's excluded as our Don'ts say "Prepaid 365 Plus plan, prepaid SIMs with multiple pre-loaded recharges, or any other plan not listed in the schedule on this page.".

                        But Alana thought this fell under the "Prepaid SIM Card & Starter Pack" category, and I can see why.

                        As these rules / T&C's are provided by Voda, we've reached out asking for a clearer / more concise set.
                        Fingers crossed we get a reply asap.


                        • @gotyourback: How long until the 80% cashback finishes? Will this work for the 6mths prepaid plus for the same price? $30 for 6mths is better than nothing 😃 when the 365days not available.

                          • @csozb: It ends tonight at 11:59pm AEDT.
                            Yeah that should work as we have no T&C's / Rules against it.

                            Send me a DM if you run into any issues.

  • Let's see if the chellenges will just disappear after achieving them

  • +1

    Nice deal, not for me, leaving for others to enjoy.

    • Thank you brother.

    • I wish I could +1 this.
      Cheers for being thoughtful of others <3

      • +1

        Is the $250 Prepaid Plus Starter Pack eligible for the 80% cashback?

        It's different to the "Prepaid 365 Plus plan" excluded in t&c
        Others are also asking this question.

  • I got only $4 cash back..

    • +4

      The challenges will take some time to refresh.
      Our system re-syncs at 9am every day, so if your challenge hasn't been updated by then just reach out via DM.


      • Hi mate, How is it that my $10 Vodafone challenge failed with "All Rewards claimed" reason while others who report to have ordered much later than me had challenge completed successfully?

        • Hey mate, I've replied to your DM.

  • +1

    Vodafone website kept refreshing as I was trying to complete the checkout. Hopefully it will track….. 😓

  • Thanks, OP!
    Bought via desktop this time 4 hours ago. Still not tracked.
    Just curious if purchase would track faster when done on mobile? Anyone has this experience?

    • +2

      Hey mate, give the challenge(s) some time to refresh.
      Our system re-syncs at 9am every day, so if your challenge hasn't been updated by then just reach out via DM.


      • Hey Rep, thanks for jumping in. Wonderful support as usual!

        • Anytime :)

      • Thanks Rep. does that also mean that the challenge could be fully taken up by now, just that the status hasn’t been updated ie. still showing there’re slots left in the challenge but actually there isn’t any left ? Thanks

        • +2

          With this challenge, there can be 5,000 people opted-in, but until 1,000 make a successful purchase the challenge will remain active.
          I've asked our team to refresh the status of the challenge asap so we can gauge how far along it is now.

          I'll update you once I hear back from them.

          • @gotyourback: is this for desktop only?
            didnt see terms on this for desktops..
            the mobile challenge isnt for mobile(app)? haha..

            • @zzzsianzzz: No this is open to both Mobile & Desktop.
              We recently rolled out challenges on Desktop, but we're still working out a few more things before we re-word everything & change links :)

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