• expired

Unlimited Internet ADSL2+ Club Telco $25 a Month NO Contract $50 Annual Fee


ADSL 2+ Unlimited for just $25 a month
$50 annual fee though. Subject to where you live as well.

no shaping
no excess charges
no need to change your home phone
no contract (month to month)
Assigned Australian Account manager you can call

Seems alright to me, they use the optus network i believe.
not sure if i will swap just yet.
just sharing a bargain,

Cheapest Guaranteed. or get 25% off.
*Service subject to network availability.

not sure if this direct link will work Mod: Below is the user's referral link

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Club Telco
Club Telco

closed Comments

  • +1

    So about $40/month to try it for 3 months and then cancel if it's no good. That's pretty cheap on it's own, and $25/month is awesome if it turns out alright.

      • -2

        its 25$ if u live in 5% of the city.. otherwise 40$ mor most ppl.. not a bargain if bargain price is limited to hardly anyone ..—-ve

        • +7

          Dude, $40 per month for unlimited ADSL2+ at full speed (none of this 256k unlimited crap) is STILL a bargain, no matter which way you slice it. Add that to no contract and I can't honestly see why you would give this a negative.

      • Okay cool thanks - I didn't catch the double $50!

        • where is the double $50 listed?
          its says no setup fee..

        • +2

          Hi OP, thanks for posting this. Don't be discouraged about posting more deals because JV has negged it. Im sure the people who are in the local zone appreciate it, $25 for unlimited even with a annual fee of $50 is pretty good.

      • $50 club membership fee. $25/$40 per month depending on whether you are local/metro zone.

        There is no set up fee.

        Who on earth gets ADSL for 3 months only, and for those that do want it for three months, who do they get it from? Everyone else makes you sign up for a 12 or 24 month contract.

        With your logic, if you want it for three months and go with TPG, it's more like $560 a month…..

        This is a legit bargain.

    • Clubtelco owns 75% of Exetel.

      The thing you are missing here is that it's NO CONTRACT. Which means if they up their price, or you aren't happy, you just move. No problems. Every other provider makes you sign a contract to get a good deal.

      TPGs closest is $60 per month, although if you bundle it with their phone (and waive the telecommunications Customer Service Guarantee, which is not something you want to do) you can get it for a total of $70 per month, but you need to sign for 24 months.

      • +3

        You mean Eftel, not Exetel.

      • +2

        my contract with tpg is only 6 months, signed the end of last year.i have been with them for a few years. very good service and highly efficient (considering in australia, most of "applications" take weeks)

      • You can get TPG unlimited with home phone for $60 per month (on their own equipment with a 6 month contract), and waiving the CSG is something that many people are happy to do, so the only way this would be better than TPG is if you are in a Club Telco local zone, as mattgal said (unless you're really worried about a 6-month contract versus none).

        Edit: Having said that, this is still quite a good deal, even if you aren't in one of their local zones, especially with no setup charge.

        • out of curiosity, i tried last night by typing in my phone number and was told the adsl service was not available in my area

        • how much do u save if u waive the CSG?

  • +1

    Rapid transfer is supported
    Single service transfer is supported

    im tempted..

    • Does that also mean you don't have to pay setup?

      • +1

        There is no setup up just $50 annual fee.

        so really its like $29-$30 a month over a full year.

  • -6

    I live less than 10km from melb CBD and it $40 for me plus $50 annual fee… I already pay less than that !!!

    • +2

      i rest my case!

      • +9

        No Soup for you..


      • +8

        Sucks to be you.

        I just checked, I'm in the local area, so seems a good deal to me. I'll give it a positive.

      • +2

        Your case is weak to nonexistent to begin with. $40 is still a bargain.

    • +4

      Funny reasoning! Just the fact that you cannot take advantage from the deal doesn't kill the deal itself. Otherwise some people would probably turn up to say something ridiculous if they cannot take other deals advantage. (e.g. free iphone apps >> I don't have iphone so I neg/ cheap PS3 games >> I own an XBOX so no deal)

      Really weird reasoning for someone trying so hard to post one available pinky printers online deal which is a dollar cheaper than other deal and need to be pick up in other state lol.

    • +4

      You pay less than that for unlimited, full rate ADSL2+, with no contract? Who with? I have been looking to change for a while and have been doing my research and Club Telco came up the best all round so far.

  • +1

    $25 is only for LOCAL ZONE
    I am in METRO ZONE which costs $40
    The good thing is there is no contract…..
    Anyway, I still got one year to go with TPG……………………………..

  • They use telstra's network

    • +1

      It's Telstra and Optus, that's why different people are being quoted different prices.

    • +1

      no they use dodo mostly. just check whirlpool

    • +1

      They use Dodo for their data provision.

      Local zone exchanges have Club Telco owned ports available.

      Metro zone exchanges have Telstra ports, which cost Club Telco more to provide, hence the difference.

      I would bet good money that as their subscriber base grows, more Club Telco DSLAMs will be installed quite quickly.

      They have a policy on their website that if you are eligible for a cheaper plan, you will be migrated to it automatically, without having to worry about it so if they change your exchange to be local zone, I would bet that you would get changed to $25.

      • +2

        There will not be any more Club Telco Local DSLAMs. It will not happen.

  • +2

    Here's a discussion of local zone:


    I was in one of the suburbs listed, but yet my number was not local. Although my friend's number is. Must only be some exchanges in the suburb. So you would have to use their availability form anyway.

    • That is a ridiculous reason to neg this deal. Read the voting rules!

      • -6

        The prices are not a special bargain, so why does this qualify for Ozbargain? These are the normal every day prices.

    • judging the amount of ridiculous posts here I feel 5 negative votes per day is far from enough.

  • +3

    Yeah, the metro and local zone things are important to note.

    However, $40 a month is ridiculously cheap anyway.

    I am lucky enough to be in a local zone exchange though.

    @elf888 why have you given this a negative? This is a solid bargain and they have a good reputation so far on Whirlpool. The no contract thing you are worried about? if they jack up the price, you can move on. Why on earth is this not a good deal? Changing internet providers is as easy as fast churning to another one that has it (and they pretty much all do these days). There is no downside to this. Get a clue friend.

  • +3

    Club telco = ($25 * 12 )+ $50 = $350
    monthly cost for the adsl2+ = $350/12 = $29.17
    cheapest line rental telstra homeline budget = $22.95
    total cost $52.12

    tpg unlimited bundle $59.99

    therefore this clubtelco is the cheapest on the market right now.

      • if they don't have the $25 plan then better you switch with tpg, $59.99 bundle and they waive my connection fee. lucky me hahahha

      • +2

        $30 telstra plus/complete

        Why? Why would you be stupid enough to call Telstra and say "I don't want home line basic, I want to give you more money so can i please have home line premium"

    • According to Telstra, you are not allowed to connect to ADSL when use their $22.95 rental:

      HomeLine® Budget customers agree not to acquire services from other carriage service providers by dialing their access override code and must not acquire a broadband service from another service provider which is provided using line sharing technology.

      • +1

        It's not enforced, and the ACCC would have something to say if they tried.

        • +1

          that is true for me, I have the Budget home line and I am on TPG but I got the homeline 5 years ago.

      • I think that doesn't apply:

        not to acquire services from other carriage service providers by dialing their access override code

        This means making phone calls with another carrier by dialing an override prefix.

        must not acquire a broadband service from another service provider which is provided using line sharing technology

        No line sharing used here.

      • +1

        remember, telstra retail and wholesale are independent, they can not sharing customer information each other, they can said in their term and condition, but they don't have power to check it, all depend on the customer.

    • Standard connection fee for Telstra's homeline budget is $59 :/ Currently I'm on naked DSL so this means I have to sign up to a phone line.

      That brings the total cost for a year to $57.04.

      Meh, that's a $2.95pm difference vs TPG and other unlimited plans currently hovering at about the $60 mark.

  • ok im currently with TPG. if i switch to club telco which is reselling telstra's wholesale ADSL2+ can i expect to see better speeds? considering that telstra has better bandwidth?

    I sync at 4.6mbps with TPG. it used the be more before 6.5mbps. Im starting to wonder if TPG decreases sync speed to conserve bandwidth? i have tried all the isolation test so i know the problem isnt at my end.

    • Yes TPG has sneaky dropped my sync speed as well. I was syncing at 5.5mbps but in recent months dropped to 3.0mbps. No amount of isolation tests / frustrating converstations with their tech team was able to solve the problem. I switched over to ClubTelco last week and BAM! I'm back to 5.5mbps. Problem solvered.

      • @ejsteven
        How did you switch from TPG to ClubTeleco ? Don't you have to get telstra home phone first ?

        • +1

          I was already on Telstra home phone when I was with TPG so I guess that's why transition over was seamless for me. If what the others are saying is true (that you must have telstra home phone), then it is a bit of a inconvenience but I still think its a better than than TPG as long as you fall with the $25/month zone.

      • how do u find club telco compared to TPG?

        • I'm getting the same speeds that I used to get with TPG before they started cutting my speeds by half. I'm not sure if its because of over-congested exchange or because I download too much and they hate me but once I jumped over to clubTelco my speeds go back to normal. For me, the ping is pretty much the same as TPG i.e. 60ms.

        • @ejsteven. what about torrends. some were reporting that their torrent speed was slow. may have somethign to do with the face that club telco gets their bandwidth thru DODO.

        • Torrenting seems fine for me but then again I pretty much only use private trackers. I also know in uTorrent there is an option of encrypting torrent data so your ISP can't limit it so that may help. AFAIK ClubTelco sources from Dodo wholesale who then get it from telstra. None of the access and speed issues are done with any interference from Dodo; its completely ClubTelco and their software.

      • i've been with TPG for almost 4 years now.. my sync speed has never gone down.. always been 10.5-11Mbps.. and i could always max out my torrents @ 1MB/s ever since….

        both you and dy4me seem to be > 3.5Km away from the exchange.. so perhaps that has a factor in your line condition.. SNR and Attenuation stats may have changed for whatever reason

        anyways your connection to the exchange isn't affected by it's crowdedness.. it's a dedicated speed to you unlike cable which is a shared connection

        • Say whatever you like but my speeds got cut in half and TPG couldn't fix it - they even sent a third party guy to check out our lines at home and the connection at the exchange and it was fine. SNR and Attenuation were also within the acceptable limit according to TPG tech. My story is… I switched providers and I'm back to my usual speeds. It may different for others.

        • it is happen to me as well, when i downgrade my $40 to $30 plan last year, all the sudden my speed drop from 4800 to near 4000, then i switch to their bundle plan, all the sudden the speed jump to 5800-5900.

          they do control the speed, that what their technician told me, many times, all the sudden my speed drop, when i called them all the sudden the speed back to normal.
          the key when you call their call centre, tell them you are going to call to tio to lodge your complaint and remind them it cost their company $250 every complain that tio receive, normally they do something for you :)

      • I doubt TPG is dropping anyones sync speed on purpose. Been with them a couple of years now and this is my current connection:

        Line Rate - Upstream (Kbps) 1020
        Line Rate - Downstream (Kbps) 23669
        Connection Time 72 Day(s) 00:53:05

    • another weird thing happen to me, i was on tpg standalone plan before with max connection speed 4800, then i switch with their bundle plan and all the sudden my speed increase, with the current max speed in between 5800-5900. lucky me hahahaha

    • .

    • -1

  • +1

    What is this? cannot sign up without owning a phone they can talk to me on. Lol, I guess if I don't have a homephone active I cannot sign up to their plan anyways. That's my problem! I'll deal with it!!!

    They request Call Back you cannot sign up via. Online form.

    • +1

      So I guess that rules out potential customers who are on Naked DSL?

      • +1

        I wanted to go with Club Telco previously as well, but noticed that they don't do Naked DSL… That prevented me from signing up, since I don't need a phone line

  • +4

    Just wondering if the OP is not with Club Telco, why are they showing a referral link?

    I don't mind someone getting paid for each new customer, but think it should be mentioned that they are getting $25 for each new signup.

    Maybe would have been better to offering to split it.

    • im not with Club telco, im with internode,
      was just a spam email that came to my email box.
      referral from oasis active i think.. haha

  • I saw this today in PC USER April edition today….voted best deal!

    • +1

      people still read PC USER?

  • +2

    For vast majority it will work out as $40 p/month plus $50 p.a. So if you stay with them for the whole year it will cost $44.17 per month.
    And don't forget to add $29.95 per month for telephone line from Telstra.
    So the total will come to $74.12 per month.
    And for a very limited number of people in the Local zone it will cost $59.12 per month

    TPG has Unlimited ADSL2+ with Home Phone for $59.99 regardless of the area you live in. And for extra $10 p/month you can get unlimited national landline calls, 100 international minutes and a modem.

    • -2

      From what I remember, TPG's "unlimited local calls" is not quite NATIONAL land line calls. It's "local" calls and TPG's definition of a "local" call is weird. Something like has to be an adjacent zone to the one you're calling from.

      • +3

        TPG $69.99 plan includes "Unlimited Local and Standard National calls to Landlines".

    • I spoke to your staff. told them I am on iinet. on the application form and again when asked by them. told them I am on naked dsl. they told me the extra connection cost. it seemed their costs after factoring in this were nto as good. I get free local and std calls not 13xx. so i would have to get another landline again with more charges??

    • +2

      "regardless of the area you live in"

      This part is not correct, it is only "AVAILABLE IN SELECTED COVERAGE AREAS".

    • +1

      TPG has Unlimited ADSL2+ with Home Phone for $59.99 regardless of the area you live in.

      wrong - not all areas can get TPG home phone. In fact, lots can't… I tihnk it has to be areas with their dslams

  • +1

    Bummer, i'm 6km from the Brisbane CBD, but i'm in Metro Zone, not Local.

    Thanks for doing the math bob19, it doesn't look great for people who don't need a phone line.

    • Cheers.

    • Yeah, I'm about the same from Brissie CBD and they say I'm in the Metro zone (based on my old landline number though). I don't need a phone line. Gonna stick with MyNetFone which I've been more than happy with.

  • i live in the CBD and im considered as metro zone !!!

    • +1

      im less than 2km from the sydney cbd and im still in the metro zone. what a bunch of bs.

      i am not negging this deal as it may provide genuine value for anyone who falls into the local zone. but for those who are in the metro zone, once you add in line rental ( which a lot of people are foregoing for mobiles) of at least $18 from telstra that comes to 58 a month and then you have to deal with two different companies should anything go wrong. can you imagine if there was an issue with your line. club telco rents the line for 30 a month but thats a rip.

      its not a BAD deal, its just not very good either.

  • It looks like phone line subscription fees is an extra $25. Correct me if im wrong.

  • +2

    I live in an outer suburb of Newcastle/Lake Macquarie and using ClubTelco. Started out just a few months back on the $50/mth Unlimited plan — then they did the switch of raising regional customers by $10, and dropping metro customers by $10. Fortunately I'm considered a metro exchange and they gave me the new lower pricing without even asking.

    No ASDL2+ in my (new) estate, so stuck at ADSL1 speeds - which isn't too bad but leaves very little competition from other ISPs using Telstra equipment. ClubTelco is by far the best deal in this area and their speeds have been fair. Been having a few drop-outs the last few weeks, some lasting hours - all coinciding with Dodo drop-outs.

    I'm also on the Telstra Budget home line plan for $22.95 month. I even told the Telstra guy on the phone that I intend to use another ISP and he said no problem as long as they don't use line-sharing technology.

  • Their voip is good value, and could be factored in to the 50 dollar annual fee.

  • So with this plan what is the cheapest line rental to get?

  • my area is metro. so $40 + $4.16 (50/12) say $44

    I am paying $50 with TPG and also get the 500 voip minutes included.

    Not a deal for me. Maybe if my area was in their home zone, then it's worth it.

    Thanks. I will pass this one.

  • +1

    I dont think Metro/Local Zone is decided by your proximity to the city, rather the availability and type of service they can provide from the nearby exchange.

    It shows my number as Local, even though i live in the outskirts of town. I currently get sync speeds of 21mbps with Telstra but i pay $88 for ph line + adsl2+ 200gb cap. Id like to switch but i re-contracted a couple months ago.

  • +1

    Good deal, but consider this:

    The actual speed you experience depends on a number of factors, including…the capacity and speed of our systems, the systems of our suppliers

    Meaning.. if too many people take up the offer, and they have major network congestion which slows everything down, they take no responsibility. Which is probably their business model seeing as they will take your $50 annual fee when you get frustrated and leave. At least its no contract though.

    Hate to be that pesimistic guy, but I will be waiting to see how the next few months go before jumping aboard.

    • I second that. The deal looks ok but you will never know what you get eventually. Another typical case like TPG… They offer the most bargain plans but when it comes to the performance and user experience…

      • +1

        See the thing is I heard about all the horror stories of TPG but signed up a couple of years ago anyway. It's been nothing but rock solid for me.

        Very tempted by this deal but TPG have done no wrong by me so I might just stay put & pay the extra $30 per month.

  • I just transfer to them, will see what happen. They said the transfer will take max 5 days. finger crossed. Hopefully it's not going to be like TPG.

  • This deal is ok if you want UNLIMITED bandwidth. If however you don't need that much then the Exetel (Optus) plans are better value provided your Exchange supports it.

  • If you have an ABN then you can get Exetel small biz package for $49 per month which includes Line rental, Unlimited ADSL2+, Free Local/National and calls to Optus Mobiles, 12 month contract.

  • With ClubTelco if you connect a broadband service with a phone service you can also get a 5% discount with them.

  • +1

    I have been thrilled with service from SpinTel-

    I am on a plan that includes line rental, 100 free local calls, capped national calls at $2,(which i dont make, just use capped mobile, of course) and 20GB downloads (which is enough for me if im careful) and I get all this for $39.95 a month. Its ADSL2.

    And a call centre in SYDNEY , not Phillipines- YAY! My invoices from SpinTel are never over $40 a month. Bargain. For those that can get away with 20GB, anyway. And you and the person you refer gets $25 credit for each any new customers that you can refer. My dad, and a couple of my best mates went with them, and are very happy as well. They just resell Optus, I beleive, and Telstra if you cant get optus lines.

    Hope this helps someone.

  • I was tempted to sign up last week but then did some more research. I found that Club Telco runs on the Optus network but through Dodo and there have been quite a number of customer complaints about reliability and support.

    I decided it was too good to be true and I'm staying with Internode. I recommend you do your own research before parting with your money.

    • I've been with them for a month and the only hiccup I had was when I kicked my network cable out of my router and didn't notice.

      No issues on their end.

  • Just a positive about ClubTelco. I recently moved to Patterson Lakes. Tried every major ADSL provider (TPG whom I was with for over 9 years, Optus, Telstra, DoDo, and a few others). All companies told me that they could not supply me with ADSL as I was too far from the exchange. However, could do mobile broadband (umm, yeah, no.. I download a lot).

    Called ClubTelco, said they could provide us ADSL2+.. Have been with them for about 4 months now. Very quick to organise connection and set up our phone line through them. Get my 5% discount for phone and net with them. Just noticed on my last bill that my $50 monthly fee was reduced to the $40 metro zone fee. So they do automatically change your plans (something TPG never automatically did, which frustrated me after 9 years with them).

    Overall, have never had a issue with our access, and have never needed to call them. Just thought I'd post, as I am normally very weary of random companies I've never heard of, but this one turned out fantastic.


    • Same situation with me. Very happy with them. Been with them for also 4 months. I was previously on telstra but it was hell expensive. Got my home line with them too.
      Also my Monthly $50 went down to $40 automatically and i also got an email informing me before the change occurred.

  • how can I find out what my "real" phone number is???? I'm with TPG VOIP so only have a "DID" no.

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