This was posted 3 years 5 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free US$500 Credit @ Notion


To redeem:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Go to Settings & Members
  3. Go to Billing, select Upgrade (I chose Personal Pro) and enter the code
  4. You need to enter your card to checkout.

This will grant you $500 credit on your account.

Just tried it myself and got charged $0.00. Not sure how long this will last.

Notion is a collaborative workspace with notes, databases, kanban boards, wikis and calendars. I'm using it mostly for todo lists and project management.

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closed Comments

  • +16

    Okay I'm going to write this up. This is the steps I took to get $745 credit and one month of the Personal Pro plan.

    Thanks to undril, skd100™, Eatmoresushi and soukaimegumi and myself.

    To redeem:
    1. Log into your account
    2. Go to Settings & Members
    3. Go to Billing, select Upgrade (I chose Personal Pro) and enter the code: ADALOVELACE turn on monthly billing. If you want to downgrade and keep credit for later.
    4. You need to enter your card to checkout.

    This will grant you $500 credit on your account. $5 will be spent already for the monthly plan for Personal Pro so you'll have 495 in credit and one month of Personal Pro

    Now let's get the $250 extra credit by doing an upgrade and downgrade back to Personal Pro.

    1. Go to Settings & Members
    2. Go to Plans
    3. Upgrade to Team and except the pro rated pop-up.
    4. Go to Billing in the section apply coupon and apply the coupon HAPPYHOUR.
    5. Go back to Plans and Downgrade I went to the Personal Pro plan.
    6. Confirmation go to Billing next to Workspace balance you should see $745 in credit.

    Additionally before your next billing period you're more than welcome to downgrade and keep the credit for future use.
    Additionally you can rinse and repeat if you have multiple Workspaces on your account and apply the credit for each workspace.

    • Thanks heaps, very straightforward :)

      I ended up with $750 somehow following your exact steps, maybe because I also just signed up for a brand new account as well?

    • thanks for that. I have a bit less than $745 because I used the annual pro plan instead of monthly.

    • I followed the same steps but started with Free Personal plan. Got an extra $5 so ended up with $750 credit.

      • +5

        now go to the other post to claim the $1000 additional credit

        • +4

          Can't wait to give the account to my grandkids 👴🏻

        • +1

          Wtf.. thanks.. Now I have $1,755 in credit… Now the question is.. will the company be around long enough for me to spend it..

    • Is now superseded by the instructions here

  • +5

    Thanks OP, worked for me. Left me with a $452 workspace balance too!

  • +3

    Got me covered for the next 9 year

  • sweet worked

  • You can apply the credit without upgrading.

    • +1 Did this

      • How?

        • +1

          After going to "Billing" instead of choosing Upgrade, click "Apply" next to the "Apply coupon". It's right below Workspace balance.

          • +5

            @Radiant: Update: The "Apply Coupon" only seems to appear if you are not on a free plan. It also works if you are on an educational plan.

            • @Radiant: Yeah i was on free plan and couldn't find it

      • how?

      • How ?

      • Who?

    • +1

      Did you check if the credit is locked in? I applied the code, clicked out and when I went back in the credit wasn't there. Needed to upgrade for it to lock in the credit.

      • Went back to check. Seems it's still there.

    • I dont have an existing account and dont want to enter my credit card details can I still get the free credit?

  • +1

    Nice! Thanks OP

  • +3

    If you choose the monthly plan, you'll be left with 505$ credit. Useful if you don't need to use notion now/already on an education plan (which is free). Great app for organising and note taking.

  • +1

    thanks OP!

  • +1

    Is this one of those "if I don't know what it is I don't need it"s or useful for the average Joe?

    • +1

      If you use anything remotely similar to google docs/word/notes, it's probably helpful

    • +2

      Notion is an incredibly powerful and versatile piece of software. It's not necessarily the 'best' at any one thing but can tie in what would usually result as multiple services into one. Watch some of Thomas Frank's videos on Notion so you can get a glimpse at the power of this software.

      • Okay you've both convinced me to sign up, thanks and thanks OP for sharing :)

        Accepted a prepaid MasterCard with $0.46 on it for the upgrade lol

  • +8

    Someone remind me in 2031 to cancel this? So my credit card doesn't get charged. Thanks.

    • +1

      your card would be expired by then

      • +6

        ——->The joke——->

           -> You
        • +3

          Just downgrade after purchasing from personal pro to personal and save the credits for doomsday.

          • @EyyBanane: So the credits don't get cancelled when you go back to free account?

  • +1

    Good find


  • +1

    Thanks. Was just thinking about checking Notion out the other day. This just sweetens the deal :)

  • Great Deal - Worked for me on my enterprise plan

  • +1

    thank you. upgraded to personal pro with 452 credit left

  • +1

    Thanks OP

  • +1

    Thanks OP, worked a treat!

  • this looks like the opposite of "pricing error"
    They meant to make it $50 credit, and added an extra zero by mistake?

  • +2

    Nice, dont know why i got it and probably wont use it but thanks

  • Instead of going to Billing went to Plans and selected Personal Pro, got $5 credit applied along with the code

    got $457 credit

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Was thinking of moving from Notion to Joplin. Holding back that thought for a couple of years with this free credit :)

  • +1

    Well done OP.

  • +2

    Am I blind…I can't locate account and pricing info…

    • take your time and go to Settings & Members on the left bar

    • Couldn’t see it on mobile, it seemed to be just showing me workspace settings. Logging in on a computer worked.

    • I could not locate 'Setting & Members' on Chrome (Android) and Android app but found it on Chrome (Windows).

    • +1

      That upgrade option is only available with desktop.

  • +1

    Thanks OP for this! this is a great deal

  • +18

    Thanks OP! I also received $250 Credit earlier following the steps Eatmoresushi posted here. As Wolfles said, be sure to select pay monthly if you aren't going to be using your credits right away.

    • +1

      Thank you OP and skd100. I have $712 in total!

      • Just wondering how you got happyhour to work, I couldn't get it applied

        • I was having trouble too, you've got to upgrade to the Team plan and then apply coupon and then you can downgrade again (to Personal Pro)

          • @pennypincher98: Right, I got the first one now, thanks
            Now to figure out the second credit ..haha

            • @p1723: Ok so to summarise
              Go to "Plans" and change to Team plan
              Then go to "Billing" and add coupon HAPPYHOUR (2nd bottom option)
              Then go back to "Plans" to downgrade to Personal Pro again if desired.

              • @pennypincher98: Edit: nevermind I figured it out. Can go to personal pro plan and apply coupon directly in the page

                Thanks everyone :)

                Ok. And then downgrade to free and then upgrade to personal pro with the adalovelace code?

                • +1

                  @p1723: That should work, I was under the assumption you had already applied that code but shouldn't matter

                  Edit: all good, glad you worked it all out :)

        • Upgrade to Teams, go back to Billing and there's an APPLY COUPON option, click apply, type HAPPYHOUR, get the credit and downgrade the plan.

    • I can't seem to apply happyhour. Wondering what I'm doing wrong.
      I'm choosing personal plan $4/month. Do I have to first click pay without applying coupon code or something?

      • Happyhour only works on the enterprise plans, so you have to Upgrade to the Team plan first and then downgrade back. Be sure to select Pay Monthly before upgrading to the Team plan.

    • Thanks for the info!

  • +2

    Thanks OP, great find. Was hoping for some free Cardano though : (

  • Awesome.. got $505 in credit now..

    I use this for work and its great.

  • i use google keep

    • +2

      I would keep using it

      • +1

        I see what you did there

  • I applied the code here and next to workplace balance saids $500 but when I try to apply it to another plan or select "apply credit" it saids $5 available? i'm on the student plan

  • Thanks OP.

    1/ Created account
    2/ Did what OP said + CC details to upgrade the account to Personal Pro
    3/ Applied credit - upgraded to Personal Pro
    4/ Changed plan to Personal (free)
    5/ Personal Pro features valid till 1 Nov ($5 deducted from credit)
    6/ Remaining credit $500

    Not sure what will happen when the Personal Pro account expires - will they forfeit the remaining credit as well? Hope they don't.

  • +1

    Thanks op. I also got $15 credit from somewhere else so I have $467 balance lol

  • +5

    Thank you, just got $745 credit.

    1.After join, upgraded to 'Team' monthly plan with code HAPPYHOUR + $5 credit.

    2.Went to Billing page.

    3.Appled coupon with ADALOVELACE

    4.Downgraded to 'Personal Pro'


    • damn nice

    • awesome. Thank you.

      Did you have some credit prior to this? I had $15 credit and after downgrading to Personal Pro I got $669

      Edit: saw answer below. I selected yearly

      • you can select monthly and it credits it back

    • +2

      You unlocked the rare OzBargain badge: Vendor Brutality Bonus.

  • WOW! thank you for that, what a find! Notion is super awesome

    • do you have any tips?

      I tried it a while back and couldn't get the hang, i went back to todoist for task management and gmail for notes lol

      • not really! for me it was just a very natural thing to start using in my previous gig, we loved it as a small team

        I think it will shine in such small environments where you can agree and follow your own style/format

        with bigger teams I reckon you might need something more rigid, too much flexibility could be a bad thing

        for personal use could be overkill also, however I'd give it a shot, if I didn't have a personal system already (tiddly)

  • Thanks OP!

  • i somehow ended up with $659 credit - not $745 credit as above

    • Did you carry the one?

    • +2

      It's because yearly was selected by default and deducted a year's worth, hence the lower balance. If you choose monthly, it only deducts a month at a time which should amount to $745.

      • you can select monthly and it credits it back

  • 35 years balance, thanks.

  • It's only for people that like are control freaks, and if your voice isn't already loud enough, using this calender reminder…

    That you can easily do in excell or something.

    • … but it's free and that's always a good price lol

      • Yeah I noticed in the 90 comments saying the same thing, you people are so strange to obtain a deal and not use it.(excluding some that do, I for one cannot but maybe to remind the 90 people here with notion)

        It reminds me of the udmy comments, I wonder how many people are inrolled on that site from here and never even scraped through one course free.

        • you people are so strange to obtain a deal and not use it.

          I'm saying I don't need to use it today, but if my subscription is going to last 15-20 years completely paid for there's a good chance I'll probably use it at some point.

          With this it's just about a lifetime subscription. Signed up with a secondary email and a prepaid MasterCard. There's literally nothing to lose even if they do cancel.

          • @pennypincher98: I know you will not use it, maybe one three times, I bet you'll forget the site before you use it.

  • Hooray, got all three to work eventually. Turned out I was copying and pasting this $500 code incorrectly..

  • -3


    • Just to clarify this, you cannot enter codes on an Apple device, so you can only enter these codes on PC (and maybe Android, but I dunno, don't have one, sue me) BUT once you have upgraded your accounts the upgrade will work on Apple devices

  • +5

    Just saying Atlassian has a better and absolutely free deal
    The suite covers much more than Notion and absolutely free not only for personal use but also for small teams.

    But then I understand free is not as tempting as $745 credit :)

    • Aussie Software. I had some good experience with Confluences. I didn't know they are offering free plan on cloud-based service.

  • What do we get if we put in LINDALOVELACE

  • Got it. What is it?

  • Thanks Op.

  • I was on the Personal Pro education plan so had the upgrade already for free. Followed the steps, plus the extra $250 step, then changed my plan back to the free education plan. It credited the initial month/year back into my account, so now I have $765 in credit ready to use in the future :)

  • Does anyone have a good template that they want to share? Looking to use it for task management and organisation of personal stuff.

  • Thanks OP. Been playing around this for the past hour and it suits what I need! it can do format code and more

  • +1

    I was hoping this was a bank or something. I don't know what gave me that notion.

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