This was posted 3 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order] Mearth RS Series Electric Scooter from $999 ($300 off) Delivered @ Mearth E-Scooters


The Mearth RS Series offers everything that you need for your daily trips. Equipped with a 500W battery, 10-inch wheels, and a sturdy build, the Mearth RS Series can take on any road with ease. Feel its power at work as it takes you through long and worry-free rides
This video will also provide you some more info about the scooter:

It will be sell on full RRP on Harvey Norman, Myer after the pre-order ends.
Be Hurry while stock lasts

For more info you can check on our websites:
Mearth is the First Australian E-Scooter brand started 5 Years ago in Sydney, we aim to provide the best E-Scooters range for the Australia market.

Quick Information:
500W 36V* Battery
40 km/hr* Top Speed
65 Km* Max Range
25° Climbing Angle|
10" Explosion-proof Tyres
*Top speed will be default capped at 25kph, 65 Km Max range varies from riding habit and road conditions
Important information
Each state and territory in Australia has a different set of rules and regulations pertaining to the usage of e-scooters(including where e-scooters can legally be used and whether these products need to be registered with the relevant road traffic authority). Any user of this product must ensure that that they check and abide by their local by-laws and use responsibly. Ride with caution and always wear a helmet and protective gear when riding your Mearth e-scooter. Click here to learn more about E-scooter regulations in your state.

*Pre-order ETA will be mid November(doing our best to make it sooner)

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closed Comments

  • And what is the RRP of which this is $300 off?

    • $1300, discounted to $999

  • These look cool. Been contemplating on getting one fo years but the law has never come through for NSW.

    But… you guys are based in Sydney? Where it’s not even legal to ride these?

    • Yep, they are. And if you read their blog post these are also too powerful for Victoria, SA and WA, too fast for the ACT and QLD.

    • Hilariously and surprisingly Yes, we started in Sydney back in 2015 it wasn't legal in pretty much the entire nation.
      Now 2021, many states has legalised it but NSW, even the WA Police force are trying to use our scooter to patrol…

      • +1

        many states has legalised

        Which states can these be used in legally?

        • As a prop or fashion statement… all states. To ride on, different story.

      • What is the delivery cost to Melbourne postcode 3081, or is it free delivery?
        Also you have a subscribe and save $30 on your website,
        can this be used on this preorder to reduce the price to $969?

  • Can't use these in NSW unless on private property. Not allowed on the open road.

    • or in VIC…. approx $800 fine if caught…

      • NSW is cheap… $78 fine.

        • for riding an unregistered motor vehicle on the road?

          • @jv: That's the on-the-spot fine according to this source but if you read into it a little further, it appears that they could pile on other penalties to make it more painful e.g. riding an unregistered vehicle, riding uninsured

      • Most states e-scooters are legal, it's just the restrictions that are placed on them make it practically all but illegal.
        Such as Victoria 200W motor limit and 10kph maximum speed and ride on roads that have a 50kph or lower speed limit.
        Most other states have similar laws W.A and Tasmania are the same, ACT and S.A have higher speed limits,
        😢😱NSW completely banned😩🤬. Apparently Victoria are considering raising the speed to 20kph.

        • Apparently Victoria are considering raising the speed to 20kph.

          They're going to have a 12 month trial in 4 localities, but not sure when it will start.

    • In theory, yes, anyone CAN be Fined, this is true.

      But, in practice, HAS anyone ACTUALLY been Fined this year, 2021, amidst Corona and all the other issues, etc for riding this on the footpath?

      Anyone know?

      • In theory, yes, anyone CAN be Fined, this is true.

        In reality, people HAVE been fined…

        • +1

          Ok, cool.

          I'm trying to find some media articles this year about this in NSW, but can't find anything?

          Does anyone have anything in the media to show people being Fined with overpowered scooters???

          • +1

            @hashash: I saw something a while back in one of the police facebook groups…

            They posted pics of the scooter being towed away…

            Also, there are some stories on Whirlpool of people getting fined.

            • @jv: Nice, thanks JV! :)

              Will research before I buy!

      • +1

        People do win lottery, I never did. (yet hopefully)
        We have had a few police officers brought their Mearth GTS to us for servicing,I guess it also depend on how you use them. But we do recommend ride it responsibly and only under the regulation permission.

        • Understood.


        • People do win lottery, I never did.

          So you are encouraging people the break the law then ?

          • +2

            @jv: Absolutely not, on the contrary we encourage government to change the law, we are one of the organisation who initiated the Legalised PMDs(personal mobility devices) petition to the government this year.
            And it warms our heart to see that more and more states and councils are listening and are adapting, NSW will be too we believe. But at this stage it is still not legal to ride on public within NSW, and we DO NOT recommend people to ride irresponsibly that the law prohibited.

      • +1

        Yep, saw a guy getting pulled over by the cops in Parramatta 2 weeks ago. While i didn't hang around, i could see it was about his scooter.

        • Interesting. Thanks for letting us know, it seems NSW Police are quite active against scooters despite COVID.

          Damn it.

      • +1

        I have a Ninebot Max scooter which is illegal in Victoria. The police have seen me so many times riding it.
        I've ridden past police foot patrols, when I was on holiday in Torquay Vic I went to the police station, parked my scooter out front, no issues. As many people have said before, if you ride safely, wear a helmet, don't have a stubby in your hand then police are much less likely to hassle you, common sense prevails.

        • -1

          You're still risking an $800 fine…

          You're logic also applies to driving an unregistered car without a licence or insurance.

          "if you ride safely, wear a helmet, don't have a stubby in your hand then police are much less likely to hassle you, common sense prevails."

          Just because you got away with it, doesn't make it right…

          • +2

            @jv: It's funny how you copy pasted the very comment I made yet didn't understand it. You've got in bold "doesn't make it right".
            I never said it does make it "right" I said "police are much less likely to hassle you". That very comment clearly means it's not right but like most people, the police are "usually" reasonable people if you're going to do something illegal like riding a scooter at least behave and ride like your respecting the safety of others and it's less likely that you'll get a fine.

            • -1


              yet didn't understand it

              What didn't I understand?

  • Do you offer any other throttle options? I'm in the market but can't use the thumb throttle comfortably due to an injury

    • The GTS series is a great option for you.

      • Can the controller used on the GTS be used on the RS?

      • -1

        Yeah, 70km/h on a scooter is a 'great' option…

        • +1

          I'd argue it's a great option for you

        • +3

          There are various riding mode and is capped at 25Kph at default to meet most regulations, the 'Max speed' also a reflection of power.
          Just like a nice car can go up 280Kph doesn't mean you need to ride that fast daily.

          • -5

            @Mearth: The nice car is legal to drive though and registered.

            These aren't legal to ride and not registered.

            • +1

              @jv: Not at 280Kph

              • -1

                @puffinfresh: They can legally be driven within the speed limits.

                The scooters can't

                • +2

                  @jv: They are legal to use in some areas, and on private property. If people choose to use them illegally, that's on them. Get over it.

                  • -1


                    They are legal to use in some areas, and on private property.

                    Yep… Most people ride them illegally though… Often without a helmet on too…

                  • @puffinfresh:

                    If people choose to use them illegally, that's on them.

                    Not when it's endangering other people…

      • I've got the GTS, my only regret is not getting the GTS Max. It's a great scooter.

        • Thank you so much for liking our Scooters.
          You are now entitled for a lifetime free coffee membership in our workshop when servicing. (jkjklol)

    • +3

      Ride in a handstand position on the scooter and control with your toes?

      • lol

  • 40 km/hr* Top Speed
    *Top speed will be default capped at 25kph

    Is it possible to unlock it? On private property of course.

    Seems similarly specced to a Segway Ninebot Max G30P, which you're able to unlock using custom firmware.

    • +3

      Yes, that can be done inside the setting. But this is strictly for off-road, controlled environment riding only.

  • Does anybody know the weight of it please?

    • Mearth RS is 23kg since it has a very big battery, and is focused on performance. The portability is still not bad.

      we have the lightest scooter Mearth S from 12.5kg that is more focused on portability.

  • Does this scooter have cruise control?

    • Yes it sure does!

  • Can you buy spare parts for this?

    I checked and you can buy a battery, wheel, tire and tube for one model but what about the rest of the parts? Brake pads and even motors, bearings, belts, rotors….

    • +1

      Yes, thats the beauty of buying from us. You can get any spare parts from us, from the smallest screw to a wire inside.

      • So why don't you make this beauty of buying from you easier and list parts on your webpage so we can just click and purchase what we need instead of having to email and wait for reply.

        • +1

          We have thought about that too, but a scooter has over 200 components, it will look clumsy if we list all the components there. And 90% of them are not required very often. If any special part is needed, you can kindly click live chat or call or email and let us know.
          But I think you are right, we can still add few more to the website, thanks for the suggestion.

          • +2

            @Mearth: Don't need to have every screw listed. But the essentials, like controller, calipers ,pads, throttle, shocks, motors, hubs , handle grips bars. Mudguards would be a start. Oh and buying tubes and tyres from you at higher price than a shop does not make sense.

  • GTS appears to be cheaper at PC market…

    Any deal for this model OP?

    • +1

      The pre-order offer is currently only available at Mearth's website. Later on it will appear on our partner's too. But as of now, this is the best offer available, possibly the best offer will be.

      • Why would I buy GTS directly from you for $2099 when third parties are selling it for $1884?

        • "Yes, thats the beauty of buying from us. You can get any spare parts from us, from the smallest screw to a wire inside"

          Therefore there is a premium of that beauty. Very common marketing BS a lot of companies use. "Buy factory direct" so we can make better margin than selling to our resellers.

  • What about the 1000W RS Pro ? is there a special pre-order deal on it ?

    • RS Pro will be available in 2022. We don't recommend to wait for that long.
      The RS is indeed a powerful scooter at a very attractive price point.

  • +2

    25° Climbing Angle

    If This is a single motor 500w (or 850w?) scooter, as the specs indicate, then that is a complete BS claim. That's a 47% hill! The steepest street in the world is Baldwin St, Dunedin Nz, at it's steepest its only 19° (or 35%)

    I bought an Apollo Explore 1000w single motor scooter. They claimed it could crush hills of 20°, it couldn't even go 150m up a 8.5° hill (it'd drop to under 15km/h in 50m & less then 10km/h in about 70m, them konk out about the 120m mark) I then got a Kaboo dual 1000w motor scooter. In single motor mode, same issue, in dual motor mode, it doesn't drop below the max 25km/h limit.

    You need a dual motor scooter for anything over 7° & 100m long..

    The scooter companies make up these BS claims and incorrectly interchange slopes in degrees & percentage in their specs.

    Stop feeding consumers BS and state categorical something like
    An 80kg rider can ride up a X° hill of 100m.

  • +4

    BTW, Mearth is ran by the same guys that run ScootCity:

    After the debacle that was this deal and this, it is a miracle that they are still allowed to post "deals" here. The funny thing is that this new "deal" is also a pre-order. i guess it's a good way for them to get some interest free money…

    • +1

      Holy hell it took 4 months for most of them to arrive?!

      Don't think most of us were even in lockdown then either.

      • -1

        Thank you for pointing this out, I reported this to the admin and we looked into this matter very seriously.

        Scootcity is one of our many retailer, just like Myer, Harvey Norman. We supply them our products and provide after-sale services as the brand. But we have no control over their other products.

        We wanted to cease supplying them products initially but according to this thread and the clarification they provided us, my understanding about the complain is about they listed a ninebot max for about $660 right before Christmas, and someone posted that deal in OZ Bargain and Hundreds of orders jumped into. And they listed that in Back-Order immediately after they noticed.(it was during Christmas holiday).

        They offer immediate full refund to all customers at the time who doesn't want to wait or to get another options: Ninebot E22, Mearth S series.

        Here comes where we were mentioned. They offered the ninebot E22 along with Our Mearth S series as alternatives for immediate fulfilment. Or a full refund at the buyers choice.

        Thats what we have learned from the tread and from what they clarified.

        Our point is that they should have put that to out of stock instead of Back-order if the wait time is that long. Thats not right and should have no excuse on that.

        But what we don't understand is why they still honoured almost half of the orders at $660 for a ninebot max, that price is literally impossible and is below cost from what we learned.
        We share many suppliers with ninebot, from controller chips, tyres, to battery cells. So we know the cost of a ninebot max. And this year, the cost has even rocketed so high due to the global supply shortage.

        Also that is why and how we can engineered a better scooter with more powerful motor, bigger battery, MUCH better aftersales services and keep it at an affordable price for the Australian market.

        And those who waited and did get a ninebot max at $660 is an unbelievable deal even with months of waiting. And no doubt it is a good competition to us

        Lastly, our all NEW 2022 Mearth RS is overall a better option and now at a very sincere pre-order price, And we can guarantee it will arrive By Mid-November for first batch order. Possibly sooner.

        • +1

          Are you kidding me, Mearth? You dare to lie so badly? Then can you tell me why their website is registered under your ABN according to LINK? Do you think that if you registered your website under your ACN 618291017 according to LINK instead of your ABN 96618291017 you won't be caught? Disgusting behaviour!

          • @barguy: it took them 9 days to try to figure out a why to respond and make a new lie. ozbargainers will support any seller with a real deal and clear their over stock quick, and at the same time expose the dodgy sellers trying to BS which will ruin your rep for a long time. looks like Mearth you have lost ozbargainers support for good.

        • if you dont understand why they still honored $660. ask john smith who is the domain registrant contact, who apparently works for your mearth tech. is he really a worker there or is he friends with john citizen who owns a lot of credit cards.

          • @Atmot: @Atmot: This scam company (or should I say its owner) doesn't cease to amaze me. At the time of me posting the links with the domains registration details, the Tech Contact Name for was Samuel D (CR406820751). However, those details were updated on 26 Sept around 10pm to John Smith, 5 minutes after some updates were made to the registration details of….

            • @barguy: im waiting for their next reply, see what they come up.. but no matter what we say, there are still people who are willing to trust them.

    • +1

      Thanks for the heads-up. I'll give them a wide berth after reading the thread.. geez

    • +2

      Looks like you have exposed them and now they are in hiding and not replying to comments anymore.

      • +1

        Looks like they replied and they used their reply as marketing BS and continue to lie! Jeez, such a despicable company!

  • Yeah, if these are the same crowd as ScootCity, be very careful.

  • Hey I went to pre order but can't pick the colour?

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