• expired

AMEX Connect - Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 $149


Get your hands on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet 7.7’’ for just $149! Usually $629

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • what the

  • what??!!!

  • Seriously.. ? AMEX. I want one so badly right now :(

  • +1


    • was it with 3G + WIFI or only WIFI version?

  • OFFER EXPIRED! who got one?!

  • +1

    Don't have an Amex card!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Offer Expired

  • Expired. Sold Out.

  • i dont even know how to login …and clicking buy just bring me to another pop up with the ads…worst website ever

  • sold out already bummer

  • Sold out already…

  • tried as soon as deal went up site opened but couldnt click on it - flaky website

  • That's QUick!

    • +1

      cant be quicker than ShoppingSquare's "decent quantity" of Transformer tablet sale. gone in 2 mins or maybe less!

  • now wait for delivery

  • ozbargained already: (it's only 40)

    Special offer out of stock

    We're sorry but this product is now sold out. You've got to be quick to get your hands on exciting offers.

  • Gonski!!

  • the website didnt even open

  • so slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  • yeah i bought one :D

    but the website was a bitch

    • was it a WIFI only version? how long did they take to deliver?

  • Heard it on the radio this morning. Didn't think much of it.

  • Amex aggressively pushing customers towards their bank issued credit cards by the looks of it, sheesh what about their direct customers!

  • what's the delivery charge again.. LOL.. I was so quick and missed it. the confirmation does not say anything about what I ordered. How can you view your order?

    • +1


  • -7

    COTD Like deal with server crashes -

    • you just mad!

  • +2

    how many do they have? 1?

    • must be less than 10

    • There will be 40 individual Samsung Galaxy Tablets 7.7'' ($629 value) to be sold for today’s offer only. Once the product is sold out, this will be displayed on the banner and the product will not be available for purchase.

  • Sucks. They had 2 and a half to sell by the looks of it.

  • +5

    looks like a marketing scam to get people to sign up to an AMEX card

    • Probably banks are reconsidering their apply for a card get an additional amex card promo lol.

  • What time did the deal go live?

  • WTF? last night it was buy on gold class ticket get 3 for free…..

    where the profit???

    • Dont think profit is very high on their agenda otherwise they're running a heck of a shit business

      • it is just marketing. they lose money on this website, just like advertisement. the up is that now we all know this website and want to apply for a amex card through the banks. damn it! i already have a amex but not from the banks.

      • credit cards are cash cows for the issuers. so many people with big debts on their cards, just barely paying off the interest month after month. A few hundred dollars spent on subsidising galaxy tabs is nothing for them.

  • Got one immediately after this was posted - great job op

    hopefully this is not going to be dodgy - like the eglobal fiasco

    • I managed to get myself one, am absolutely rapped, must have been one of the last as was sold out just after.

      I also get myself 4 Gold Class tickets for $39 yesterday as well.
      It's a deal's site for bank issued Amex cards, great deals so far.

      • lucky you, i missed out on both :(

      • Received mine today. Big grin :-)

  • damm missed out on this!

  • i turned around asked my colleague if its good to get when saw this deal, turned back and its sold out, failed!!!

    • Well I don't think you would get anything else that good for that price.

      • it depends, gotta read the fine prints to see wat im getting, cos its too good to be true lol

        • +6

          a true ozb'er doesnt read, they just buy it coz it's a bargain ;)

  • Looks like I need to visit ozb every single minute! lol

  • I'm pretty annoyed myself, was waiting for 12PM to see what deals hot, but I was busy reading the news, when I finally went to refresh at 12:10PM, what do ya know… SOLD OUT!

    • lol neg because you didn't get one :)

      • -8

        Neg, because it wasn't a real bargain. May they only had 2 or 3 units , which were sold directly to amex guys best friends. I think it's even breaching the TPA not to have enough stock when launching a promotional offer.

        What is misleading & deceptive conduct?

        There is a very broad provision in the Australian Consumer Law that prohibits conduct by a corporation that is misleading or deceptive, or would be likely to mislead or deceive you.

        It makes no difference whether the business intended to mislead or deceive you—it is how the conduct of the business affected your thoughts and beliefs that matters.

        If the overall impression left by an advertisement, promotion, quotation, statement or other representation made by a business creates a misleading impression in your mind—such as to the price, value or the quality of any goods and services—then the conduct is likely to breach the law.

        • +2

          you be trollin right?

  • Wow what an awesome deal. I guess their marketing is working, because it makes me want to get an Amex bank card lol. But I already have 2 Amex directly with Amex. Urgh!

    • -6

      That's an example, you were misled to believe that you might be able to buy a GT 7.7 if you got an Amex bank card. This is exactly the conduct the TPA intend to prevent.

      • maybeeeeeeee if you had gone, in the 30 minutes or so to sign up for a bank issued AMEX card under the belief (seriously?) that you would then get the card issued and be able to buy the DEAL in time you would have a case.

        If you won on misleading/deceptive conduct under TPA for this case, well you… you'd be Denny Crane!

    • I have no idea as to what you're talking about. It's clear that the website only offers these deals to customers that hold an Amex bank card.

      I was not 'misled' in any sense. If I want to participate in these deals, then I need to get one of these cards. Obviously there is no guarantee that the offer will still be available once I get my card as it is clear that it is an offer limited by quantity and time.

      If on the other hand it said 'sign up for an Amex bank card today and receive a GT 7.7 for $149' then that would be a different story.

      • lol, dont worry about him/her.

  • -6

    Can I get my neg vote back . This was misleading & deceptive conduct. There was not enough stock to back up the promotion.

    • What quantifies as enough stock?

      • +2

        The quantity that he probably wants to justify is that, "they must have enough in stock for at least himself" lol

      • -8

        Usually the law refers to "reasonable" stock level. Then this is decided by a magistrate, but IMO 10 min of stock is not enough to back up ani offer and it looked more that they were trying to attract customers by misleading & deceptive conduct.

        • +2

          Yes lets bring red tape and the courts into everything!. For a simple bargain and deal. Early bird gets the worm! Too slow? You lose. I didnt get one I lost but it's still a good deal for those 40 people who got them.

        • +1

          QQ more. It's a promotion, much like an instant chance to win competition to strum up some exposure for their brand. They're not obligated to make sure everyone who expresses interest (you included) are able to purchase one. How about COTD sales which sell out within minutes, do you complain then too? The entitlement issues with some people is staggering.

          If you're so positive you're in the right, and bitter enough, go nuts. Write your letter while the rest of us enjoy or bargain, or move on with our lives.

      • +1

        Enough = sufficient stock so that SrMoure could have bought one.

        Yeah, I'm bummed that I never got one either, but congrats to the 40 who did. A deal's a deal. Anyone who thinks that every deal posted on OzBargain should be sufficiently stocked is dreaming. We all know how competitive it is here. You snooze, you lose.

        • -3

          Mate, try to be a bit open minded and inform yourself about your rights as a consumer. It looked like an awesome deal, but I voted neg because it seemed to me it was breaching the TPA.
          99% of the deals in OzBargain have enough stock
          I was late for this one http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/60865 which was also good, but I voted (+)
          Check this http://www.accc.gov.au/content/index.phtml/itemId/815335

        • Happens all the time it's called "pricing error".

          eg. Dell Deals, DSE deals etc etc.. All were "pricing errors" but where they breaching the TPA probably. Who cares really.

    • +2

      at least one ozbargainer benefitted from this deal being posted.

    • +1

      You could say the same for all those oneday sites and harvey norman big buys and even catch of the day?

    • +4

      I'm glad SrMoure didn't get one, he's one of those who buys all the stock then sells them on ebay for profit - check his ebay account.

  • -6

    Extremely limited numbers
    I think it is a bit of a scam to increase customers

    • What about the Gold Class tickets from last night? That was a scam too wasnt it…

      • Turd makes a good point.

  • What was yesterday's offer?

    • Not a scam because the people awake got them already, so everyone is happy.

      • Yeah, 700 people got it, proved by the counts by ozbargainers last night via comments…

        • I think the gold class ticks wouldn't have sold out if it didn't get ozbargained lol

  • What about concert tickets? Would that be in breach of the TPA? Since they are limited and sell out within 6 mins. Im talking about the One Direction tickets.

    • -4

      Did the mention how many tickets were offering ? The misleading & deceptive conduct doesn't mean that the person who got the tickets won't get them. That would be fraud.

      • +2

        Have no sympathy for someone who hunts bargains to flip on eBay complaining that he missed out.

        • Did I complaint because I missed the baragain or I voted neg because IMO was breaching the TPA. Flip on ebay ?? A lot of imagination. IMO was a misleading attempt to attract people,not a bargain. That's the reason I voted neg to this one. If you think otherwise vote (+). I don't see your need of 2nd guessing my intentions. Or everyone who doesn't think the same way you do is mistaken. THe idea is to have freedom to vote (-) or (+)

        • .

        • Cutebirdy above seems to have done some research and concluded differently. Regardless of whether you flip bargains on eBay, 40 pieces is quite decent for something that is a. A saving of $550 and b. Only for Amex members. No laws are breached here, and thus doesn't deserve a neg. I didn't + it because I don't have an Amex card.

  • Damn, I missed it!! Awsome deal

  • Damn, I checked a few hours and there were only lame deals from Kogan, too bad I missed this one.

  • +1

    Dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. Missed it.. Guess will wait for new ipad 3

  • Hmm wow I was thinking of dumping my CBA Amex/Mastercard and going with an American Express issued Amex plus a Jetstar card. But if they keep releasing great deals like this and the gold class tickets i'll have to rethink.

  • -1

    So what, do we need a "bank issued" Amex to get offers like this? What does bank issued mean??

    • -1

      Simply an Amex card issued by a bank. It will be an Amex card with a bank logo on the card.

      • What about an Amex card issued by Amex itself, or by Jetstar or Qantas?

        • No bank issued only

        • I don't know of ANY bank-issued Amex that is any good, they all charge annual fees.

  • +1

    They were 40 tablets. Only 1 per customer could be bought, 1 Amex cart coud not buy 2 (read the terms and conditions). I did not get one :(.

  • Damn…only for bank issued Amex cards, I've got the David Jones amex card :(

  • Damn! Too late, and I don't have an AMEX card. Although I would have got one for the day. I'm more interested in the 8.9 tab, but at this price I'd be prepared to compromise.

  • Just wanted to update. I received mine today.. thanks op!

  • What a rip off by AMEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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