Also available Extreme Adventure Collection in 4k. Although the description says Blu-ray, The image and details mention 4K.
Extreme Adventure Collection:
Also available Extreme Adventure Collection in 4k. Although the description says Blu-ray, The image and details mention 4K.
Extreme Adventure Collection:
Typical Amazon sale probably only 2 in stock .
One item is back in stock
I’ve bought stuff like this in the past (where the title and description and button differ) and it’s a real crapshoot whether you get the 4K version or not.
Thankfully returns are easy, just be careful to tear the packaging open so you can reuse it.
Original price was only $10 each anyway.
Not knocking the deal- all for saving $$ no matter how small; more to say if they are usually just $10 that they may be a bit crap, as Untameable indicated.
It was $10 for a couple of days during this year based on Amazon's price history.
Both OOS
Geeze that sold out quick