Just interested to know the community's view on my situation.
About two weeks ago I was the victim of a cyber attack. It all started immediately after my mobile phone number was illegally SIM swapped see previous post. Within minutes of this occurring, the attacker was able to reset the passwords to several of my bank accounts (we are all vulnerable to this type of attach unfortunately). The good news is that all banks were able to thwart the loss of any funds fortunately.
But here is the rub. I was able to get all my online banking backup and operating with minimal effort. However, one bank is making it much more difficult to reinstate my internet banking. They told me that they wanted a written statement from my telco explaining, how the attack occurred, when it occurred and that my number was safely back in my hands and safe from future attacks. They also wanted screen shot scans of Malwarebytes and Trend Micro internet Security scans. Finally, that I had changed my email password. I now use BitWarden password manager on all bank related logins with 12-16 character random alphanumeric strings including symbols! So, I complied to my banks request and sent all the information that they requested.
However, it now turns out that this is insufficient for them and they want to change the goalposts again. Now they want me to take my computer to an "professional IT person" to have it scanned. I told them that I have what I think are above average computer skills since I code in Linux and have used Windows platforms for all of my professional career. I even offered to allow them to remote in to my computer, under my supervision, so that they can run their own suite of programs. They said they could not do that and insisted on an "IT professional scan". I put it to them that if they want me to do this then they reimburse me for out of pocket expenses-they said they are considering that.
Now, I know that a lot of you out there that read this forum have pretty high computer literacy skills compared to the masses (otherwise you probably wouldn't be reading this forum, right!!).
So, can you educate me as to what skills/programs/antivirus scanners etc that an "IT professional" would/could use or have access to that I could NOT do/obtain or use myself?
"I'm sorry, but this is my work's laptop and they don't allow me to install unauthorised software".