Build A Search Engine With Python: Computer Science & Python ( Was $69.99 now FREE )
Python Programming Tutorial For The Absolute Beginner + Code ( Was $99.99 now FREE )
Project Management Essential Training ( Was $19.99 now FREE )
Build A Search Engine With Python: Computer Science & Python ( Was $69.99 now FREE )
Python Programming Tutorial For The Absolute Beginner + Code ( Was $99.99 now FREE )
Project Management Essential Training ( Was $19.99 now FREE )
Looking for the famous bootcamp course on python, currently full priced.
Anyone has any idea when it'll be on sale again
What’s it called?
The one by Jose Portilla?
yes.. it was for under 15 last week.. missed it. looking for the next sale
Goes on sale frequently, bought it for 15.99 + some cashback around a month or two back.
Can I build a search engine similar to Google ?
No, what you're looking for is 'How to become a billionaire in 2 weeks working from home'. You'll find those courses on YouTube taught by experienced (billionaire) teenagers…
I know you are being sarcastic, but a Melbourne immigration lawyer made some online training videos in his bedroom within a month. And recently became a billionaire from them.…
Scalability is your problem, not what language or stack it is. But in this case the language performs so poorly that writing big stuff in Python is shooting yourself in the foot from the start. Learn Python for sure…then never use it again.
"then never use it again" - that's quite silly thing to say. I use Python daily, that's even when I could use C, Java, Perl, Julia, R, and some of the other programming language I am quite familiar with. Python is great for a purpose.
Just out of interest, language and literacy is huge in schools. However, programming basically doesn't get a mention.
What languages/ skill sets / application settings do you think schools should be teaching kids?
Yeah. It's great for a purpose. But web scale is not one.
why? Wouldn't you rather have searches that are not biased? This is one of the ways g00gIe makes money; as well as collecting data of your searches, and everything on your phone, or laptop if you use anything chrome based. Or your house if you have one of those wanky listening devices.
My guess is to do with volume of website that google bots crawl. That information has to go somewhere, and be stored.
Never any darn Scrapy courses.
Store in title OP!
Arrgh, just noticed I've already built my search engine on 13 January 21.
Upvote for the description.