This was posted 3 years 6 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

DeLonghi 2000W Portable Convection Heater HCM2030 $41 Delivered @ Amazon AU / The Good Guys (C&C)

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$8 cheaper than the last deal and cheapest yet on Camels. Was $59.95 at The Good Guys now down to $41, who Amazon are price matching.

Free delivery with Amazon, or click & collect / in store from The Good Guys. Sale ends 30/8.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • How much power does this consume?

    • +8


    • 2000W worth when on full blast

    • +1

      2kWh every hour.

    • +5

      2kWh or around $0.50 an hour for VIC.

    • +2

      Convection Heaters pass air over an electrical element. As the hot air rises it is replaced by colder air which is heated in turn. This convection circulation naturally warms the surrounding area. Models also feature double fans to speed up this process.

      • -5

        Double fans, what size are they? 40mm?

  • +7

    $17 at Target but seems to be no stock.. normal price there is $34.50 supposedly…

    • Pretty sure the cheap oil heater is like 50 at kmart too

    • +1

      Was $34.50, which likely dropped from another price. Probably they are clearing it out and dropping the price over time. It probably won't come back once all the stock is gone. Great deal if anyone can find stock.

    • good luck trying to find one though lol

    • I got it for 34.5 at a Target around a month ago.

  • Thanks OP, almost paid $59 2 days ago!

  • +1

    Get an oil-free column heater which is faster.

    • +1

      How is it faster?

    • +5

      No way. I own both. This is way way faster than an oil heater. Oil heater takes 20 mins just to warm up the room at all.

      • +6

        They said "oil free"

        • +1


    • +4

      I got the dimplex one. But boy o boy the expansion and contraction sounds are annoying when sleeping.

      So essentially it's a convector heater with bigger heating elements.
      Or oil free.

      Plus point is that it does heat up little room faster and turns on only few minutes in a hour.

      • Not happy with this Bunnings heater I have. If I set it to 22 the room temp goes up to 25 before it shuts off. Remains off and doesn't kick back on until the room reaches below 20.

        How responsive is the thermostat on these? Are these better in that regards?

        • Pretty decent on the dimplex one. Like literally set and forget. I got this previous fugly looking model from BigW Dimplex Oil Free Column Heater 2.4KW - Black for $76.30 (clearance ofc). I remember Costco had the newer one for really cheap, but haven't seen that come up till now.

    • +1

      I got an oil free column heater, its been pretty good, heats the room up quicker than an oil heater. Though I must say my old micathermic heater was much better, very quick to heat the room up and a very nice kind of snug heat. The only reason I didn't buy another was because it sparked everywhere then died. Very dangerous…. lucky I was there and the cut off switch cut it off quick enough….

  • -6

    Cool touch handles.. So if a child or a TA adult touches the top of the heater, will they get burnt? Logic says the answer is most definitely.

    • what if the heater is being used by responsible adults in their own home?

      …like using a fireplace.

    • Dang, I can think of a solution: you don't buy it and people living without children buy, if they need a heater.

      • +2

        I have children and a similar heater, I tell them it's hot. If they touch it then it will teach them a lesson with minimal damage.

  • -4

    Good thing I'm not on the Board of Fire Safety in Oz, I would never approve such a poorly designed heater.
    Cheaper at Target

    • +9

      lol why are you so aggressive about a heater, that too from a reputed company?

      • +2

        Because he works for Damonator Heaters and they aren't doing too well.

      • +4

        He must have been "burnt" by them in the past

  • +2

    Ah memories. I used to have one of these in my old sharehouse. The thing would keep tripping the breaker and we would have to keep replacing the ceramic fuses which was a pain. We spoke to the real estate and landlord who wouldn't ever do shit about the old switchboard and lack of heating.

  • +1

    For those looking, dragon 4 is also on sale for $244. Would highly recommend this one for heating a living room:…

    • Temporarily out of stock.
      Order now and we'll deliver when available. We'll e-mail you with an estimated delivery date as soon as we have more information. Your account will only be charged when we ship the item.

    • +2

      I found my Dragon4 on the kerb! It was mint. Couldn't believe the price after googling it when I took it home.

    • +1

      Just curious, why would someone buy a Dragon 4 which is 6 times the price over this one?

      What would an expensive heater get you over a cheap one?

  • +2

    This is a good heater. Heats a small bedroom very quickly and does not make a sound. I really like mine.

  • +1

    Much overall difference between this and oil column heaters?

    • +2

      Faster I think. But yeah not as safe if you have kids knocking it over. One other bonus is it is very light and quite small which is great for storage in summer.

    • +1

      The oil column heaters are slow as. Heat gets generated from this one immediately.

  • +2

    I have an expensive convection heater (Noirot $300+) and a cheap one from K-mart ($30), which also has booster fan when wanted. Other than the fan they both pretty much do the same job and the hot air from both feels the same! YMMV but I'd go for a cheap one from K-mart/Target/Big W i.e. a reputable retailer who is unlikely to stock dodgy products or even this one which is only slightly more expensive.

    • I've got the Noirot as well and its alright - it is pretty reliable.

      Would the one here be pretty similar?

    • Not doubting its a bad brand. But this happens :S…
      Noirot 7358-7T
      CHOICE Expert Rating: 48%
      Heating score: 50%
      Price: $459
      What's worse than buying a cheap dud? Buying one that costs almost 500 bucks that still scores under 50% overall. More expensive than many of our top-scoring heaters, it rated only OK for comparative energy efficiency, has no cord storage, and our testers found that it wasn't very easy to move.

  • Thanks for the OP. grabbed one.

  • +3

    Picked up two of these for free. Ran one at an empty rental house I was cleaning with no other appliances running. Can confirm with certainty that these cost 50 cents an hour to run. Proof:…

    I'll be giving these away. Too expensive to run and you need to be standing over them to appreciate any warmth, it just takes the edge off.

    • +2

      They have 3 power settings 750W, 1250W and 2000W. It would be less to run on the lower settings and very little when room reaches required temperature and thermostat switches off heating until heating is required again. So yes, expensive to run at top setting 100% of time but not the case when running on lower settings and if/when desired temperature switches heating off

      • +1

        This was run at full setting. Anything less was pretty pointless. It marginally warmed the room, but it was super cold that day.

        • We have similar one in our bedroom (5mx4m) and only have it on on cold nights, using1,250W setting and thermostat to ensure it doesn't get too warm with winter doona on bed. Obviously lots of factors affecting individual use/needs e.g. climate, room size, insulation, purpose (heating bedroom overnight vs lounge room during day) etc. YMMV but for us it stops our bedroom from getting chilly during cold winter nights in regional WA - single digit temperatures (4+).

    • +2

      I'm impressed by your proof. Serious question though: is 50 cents an hour considered expensive to run?

      • -3

        It's much more expensive than other heating options like reverse-cycle AC or a heated throw rug.

        • +4

          A throw rag is not warming the room, and the AC is a no-no for rental, also huge cost upfront that will take years to cover by saving per hour

      • Electric heaters that are not heat pumps/AC are the most expensive form. AC/heat pumps are much cheaper to run but might not be an option if you are renting or don't have the capital.

        From cheapest to most expensive ->
        AC/Heat pump -> gas -> electric resistive.

        • Sounds like I need to get a heat pump then. Just got my gas bill the other day and it was over $400 for 2 months with the ducted gas heating running pretty carefully in a 2 person household.

  • +1

    RIP power bills?

  • +6

    Right in time for summer.

  • +2

    I've had this for years. It's awesome! It's completely silent so you can have it on at night while you sleep.

  • For those who have this, can u pls confirm is it safe around kids or if body get to hot. Thinking of having fan heater if this is not safe for kids

    • Careful, by mentioning fan heaters, you've just summoned the neckbeards from their mum's basement ready to rage … Search for the fan heater thread 😏😂

    • +1

      Its got a metallic body. It gets hot. My kids have had their fingers toasted once. Took it as a teaching/learning opportunity.

      • May as well look at the fan powered then…

  • +3

    A previous model of DeLonghi convection heater was sold as being double insulated (and indeed had no earth pin), and yet had a metal body with the mains connection made internally with uninsulated spade connectors. All it would take is one of the connectors to come loose, touch the body of the heater, and hey presto, you've got yourself a live chassis! This is also the reason I cancelled my Choice subscription, as it was one of their most highly rated heaters at the time, and they a) failed to notice that it wasn't actually double insulated, and b) didn't care.

    • I value my Choice subscription for their consumer advocacy rather than the quality of their reviews. Their reviews I just use as a manufacturer-independent data point, not a bible.

  • +1

    I got this at Target a few weeks ago for $49 during the cold snap in Brisbane, and got it hooked up to the smart power plug so that it automatically turned on for a few hours before I go to bed. I got this as they're highly rated on Harvey Norman website.

    From my experience, they're quiet but not powerful enough for my ensuite after 2hrs of running. It barely warm up the room, it might be ok for small room.

  • Price seems fine… the target find that someone mentioned is likely a skeleton listing (target have quite a few of these) for products that might have the last 1-2 items available somewhere in a dark corner etc.

    As far as oil vs element. I stand by oil even though the contraction sounds when heating on higher settings can be a turn off however you'd rather get an oil heater then an element heaters for kids and safety etc…

    Delonghi I think still do a 7 year warranty so there's no issues with having it repaired or replaced if the element fails but they're solid

  • +2

    Is it normall for heaters to destroy my electricity bill.

    Own a small oil heater and it bumps the bill up $40 or so a month. Is this right? Are there better heaters.

    • This sort of heater is the least efficient electric heater you can get. Any 'plug-in' space heater will be about the same. Heated throw blanket has lower power because it heats you, not the space. If you can, reverse-cycle AC is much more efficient.

    • Far infrared ones are more efficient as personal heaters if your choices are just limited to plug type electric heaters. They heat the person not air.

    • +1

      Coin mining rigs are the only efficient heaters - if you're going to burn electricity, you may as well earn some money from all the heat.

      Other than that - get reverse cycle - even if you're renting. Work it out with the owner.

  • +3

    Is the sensor good on this unit? I've got a cheap Heller heater and the sensor is the worst.

    I have it on set low, sometimes room is nice sometimes stays on all night I feel like I'm the Sahara desert 🤦

    • doesn't feel like there is one.. can get too warm at times

  • Is it good to heat up double garage while kids play there during the lockdowns?

    • +1

      Depending on the outside ambient temperature, I would say most probably not.

      • My garage is pretty cold even though the shutter and the door have seals at the bottom.

    • Unlikely. You'll probably find the insulation and weather sealing on the garage is pretty minimal such that trying to heat the whole thing up will be very expensive and mostly futile.

      You could try and infrared heater potentially (heat the kids not the garage) or just get them to dress warmly in thermals and the like. You could also try weather proofing the garage (seals around the door and the like) but I'm not sure how well that will work.

  • Just wondering if I have a 3 star ducted heating system, would this save me money to run or will I be worse off? Thanks

    • +3

      Ducted reverse cycle heating is far more efficient because rather than creating the heat directly from electricity like the advertised heater, reverse cycle is a heat exchanger to take heat out of the atmosphere (even when it's below zero thanks to the coolant/gas running through the coils) BUT your ducted might be 10,000kWh when heating or more, although likely heating up far more space than the advertised heater could (just a small room) and using far less than 10,000, maybe even less than 2000kWh once its got the room up to temperature and is just cycling on to maintain the temperature.

      Best way to check (I think) is track your energy usage through your retailers app maybe? Run the ducted all day and see how vs this heater and see how many kWh you used?

      • yeah I agree its more efficient for the whole house but I'm living in lockdown by myself so thats why I'm unsure if I will save on running costs

        • Can you configure the ducted to only do certain rooms? If you are in lockdown on your own you could also get a heated throw blanket that will heat you directly - much cheaper than heating the space.

          • @drillvoice: I was looking into this system and they have “zones” so I guess when installing it you cha specify how many zones so eg if you have a 1 storey house, 2 lounge, 3 bedrooms. You might just have 3 zones so it covers (1) 1st loung (2) 2nd lounge (3) 3 bedrooms

            But it all depends on how many zones like with the above example if you were just by yourself with a partner you wouldn’t want 1 zone to heat all 3 rooms but say if you had a family then that would be logical to heat all 3 rooms during winter

            But alas yes I’m trying to figure out whether using these portable heaters / single aircon for each room or ducted especially when I just got my winter bill at 1.1k fml

  • +2

    Not negging because it seems this is a good price for the product, but you need to know that you are buying the least energy-efficient heating option out there. The best heating option is probably reverse-cycle AC, and if you are a home-owner there is a lot else you can do to stay warm (draught-sealing, insulation, window treatments). If you are renting I'm a big fan of a heated throw rug - they use cents per hour to keep you warm. Useless to heat space, but great to heat your body directly. Great for reading on a couch, lying down, working from home, in bed.

  • This is a great little heater.

    I have it on in a study and it warms the room up in minutes. Even on low settings its still toasty.

    Only thing is I wouldnt have it around young kids. Can get very hot, especially on the top. Be careful.

  • The best heater is bubble wrap on windows.

    Draft stoppers.


    And paintings on the wall

    • Explain bubble wrap on windows? I don’t think anyone does this lol

      And have paintings on the wall?

      • Youtube bubble wrap on windows. They sell shrink wrap kits that do the same thing. It works.

  • I have had this heater for the last two years and its works fantastically. Recently though, something has been going wrong and its pulling 3000w of electricity and heating up the plug. I still use it with only one element on though and its fine. Bit scary. Should replace. Winter is nearly done though.

    • throw it away

    • Are you sure about the 3000w? That should have tripped the circuit.

      • Most houses don't run 10A circuits to each and every GPO. You might have 25A splits across 4 GPOs for example. In leftspeaker2000's case, pulling 12.5A from a standard 10A GPO would not present a problem in the short term.

  • +1

    I had one of these last winter. My electricity bill was ridiculous. It's in the shed again and will probably never be used again

  • - a longish video, but worth the watch to understand the heating outputs

    (remember our power points max out at 2400w (240v x 10amp :) )

  • The one that Kmart sells for $39 every winter is better cos it has a fan which makes these convection heaters so much better in heating up a room and also a timer.

  • Available again.

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