I am a new retiree, just wondering if there is a strategy to best spend the money if you have them in Super, cash and shares?
1) Use up Super first before moving to cash and then sell shares?
2) Sell shares when the price is good, then go to Super and cash?
3) Spend all the cash first?
I'm only 35, so not a retiree. However my understanding is that income from superannuation is tax free. Adopt minimum withdrawals.
Draw down on assets outside super first, where you pay taxable income.
If you have significant capital gains, it would be better off to spread out the sell down over multiple financial years.
Strategy would probably depend on how much super you have.
Refer "Superannuation Sweet Spot" https://www.moneymag.com.au/only-need-253k-super-to-retire
Hopefully that has given you a few things to think about.