Was 19.90 Flat rate for me, and hopefully the same for everyone else.
It's the same company as Singer - Blessington Pty Ltd https://blessington.com.au/brands/
Was 19.90 Flat rate for me, and hopefully the same for everyone else.
It's the same company as Singer - Blessington Pty Ltd https://blessington.com.au/brands/
I bought this same thing last year for the same price, it works really well especially for about $30 delivered
Is the one in your post same as easy bread one? Postage is cheaper with singer
I believe they are the same - same company but shipping costs are different between the sites so best to check both.
- 1 tbsp granulated sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 2.5 cups all purpose flour (Robin Hood)
- 2 tbsp nonfat dry milk (Carnation)
- 1 1/2 tbsp unsalted butter, room temp.
- 2 tsp active dry yeast (Fleischmann's Traditional)
- Fill water reservoir (@ 35C)
- Turn on the machine, set the browning level and start the baking cycle.
- Let the machine dispense the water (1 min), once you start hearing the beater in the empty baking pan (at 2:09) stop the cycle, wait for beater to reposition itself, then open the machine.
- Now add butter on top of the water, then the dry ingredients and finally the yeast.
- Close the door and resume the baking cycle.
- Enjoy two hours later.
Does "Easy Bread" refer to how the easily the company makes profit?
Easy Bread went bust in the first year of operation globally. Turns out consumers weren't prepared to pay $10 per capsule to make a tiny loaf.
Printer Ink market Strats, this brand.
Sell the printer/bread maker impossibly low price, make the cartiages/capsules for more than the unit each.
I'm willing to bet they're selling this cuz you wont be able to purchase the capsules soon.
Bad news: “soon” was a long time ago.
Good news: machine works ok without capsules 🙂
And the website uses word press (they didn’t even change the FAVICON)… that’s always reassuring
Not updating icons isn’t great, but use of Wordpress shouldn’t be a concern. A quick Google search shows Wordpress back ends something like 30-40% of webpages out there (total) and around 60% of those using a CMS. It’s a hugely prolific platform and chances are you’re landing on it frequently.
This ^
Some of the most successful companies in the world use WordPress….
Sony Music website looks absolute garbage considering they are one of the largest publishers in the world. Did they eat all the money???
Thanks! Got one. The shipping is even higher than the maker. $19.90
Shipping almost $30 to qld
Yeah, $30 shipping killed it for me.
The real question is why this post getting higher positive feedback? Could it be the price tag of $199?
Depends where you are. This one worked out cheaper for me.
For Sydney locations it is about $8 ish from Singerco and $19.90 from Easybread.com.au (both the same company)
yeah my shipping was about 10 to sydney if I'm not wrong.
*There are no capsules currently available on the market to suit this bread maker. FYI
What capsules would a break maker want ?
it's designed to use specific capsules that you can no longer buy, think like a coffee capsule machine but for bread. However you can just put all the bread mixture in the bowl and it works perfectly without the capsule.
It’s not as cool proof as normal bread maker though right? Does it do all the mixing and kneading?
@Bedgrub: It does, but you need to get our quantities just right and for me the bread improver was key
@Bedgrub: Yes it does it all, I have been using it for the last year and it works great, haven't had a single issue with it so far. If you want to make things like sourdough or something like that, which require a different amount of water then there are a couple of hacks that you can do to modify the amount of water it disperses, however I haven't needed to do any of that and just use it as normal without issue.
Makes less than 500g of bread in just over 2 hours! What a bargain..
This machine works like nespresso. You need a capsule to make a bread… Good luck finding this bread capsule :)
From the other threads of this bread maker, people have been just making their own mixes.
The site says
This bread maker can use any bread mix you like to make artisan-style bread. Laucke and Lighthouse brands can easily be found at your local Woolworths or Coles
Dunno where you get this casule requirement idea from.
I have one, you don't need to use a capsule.
Used it to make gluten free breads for the ex. Its now used to make gluten full bread.
@MorriJ: How do you know the right amount /volume? I may have the wrong impression of capsule but u just need to dump the mix in the container? Thanks
@Bargain-er: It's not overly complicated.
Its around 400g of flour (different styles of flour will generally make different breads - was using gluten free for the ex - now normal as she is the ex and its got a new life making bread for new interest's kids when they visit); around 10g of yeast (dry), some oil (tablespoon) and some salt. Play around with the various flours and amount of yeast, oil and salt to taste. Add in extras if you want (example - seeds etc - like what you get with a mixed grain loaf).
All goes in the mixing bowl. Add water to the water container and set the timers. Come back to tasty bread.
I wouldn't waste money on a capsule as its just a prepackaged set of the above at highly inflated prices.
Different seller?
I'm sure it's same same but different…???
Combine listings?
Same seller, they are all blessingtons
A Dutch oven also does the trick.
I struggle to see how you'd make bread that way
Google No knead bread recipe. Went from buying bread at bakery regularly to rarely.
400g bread flour. 8g salt. 1g yeast. Water 300g.
Mix together. Let rise. Turn on bread basket if using. Let rise. Bake in dutch oven. Cool. Eat.
I've been using the "updated no knead recipe" which dispenses with the Dutch oven and uses an upturned steel bowl instead; works a charm.
Do you just use dry yeast? I have tried this a lot but the bread is always very dense.
@Presence: https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/184917/low…
This is what I use. It just sits in freezer until needed.
@mrtin: I use this too. If you end up with a dense or caved loaf then probably means you've put in too much yeast. Yeast is hard to measure as most scales wont accurately measure our 3.5g of yeast. I now just eyeball it most of the time.
@0 0 0: I have one of those gram scales that measures to 0.1g. $25 or so. Worth it! 1g for me is about 1/4 teaspoon.
@0 0 0: Shame the <$5 deals aren't on now, but you can get this:
for A$9.95. unless you'd rather pay Kogan $13.95 reduced from a neverwas $29.95 via Dicks Myth.
I just use 1-1/3 teaspoons of the temperature/humidity/acidity/salinity/matrix-variable living culture and use the spring-back test and size as a guide to proofing.
I'm not sure my friends would be willing to sit in the car for 2 hours?
The water pump never worked in mine so they refunded me. I still used it, until my third loaf of brioche when the door got stuck closed during baking and I had to break the unit apart to get the bread out. Surprised by the amount of circuitry inside for $15.
Pretty sure it’s a failed product, intended to cost much more but with the failed capsule idea they’re just clearing them out ¯_(ツ)_/¯
good chance….but if it works well enough with other methods….
YEP, My first one wouldn't bake, just stopped at 1.30 , so pulled pan out and baked in normal oven then next one, door wouldn't open, so pulled and banged etc etc left it on the counter and pulled and prodded etc till one day it opened. if anyone has found the secret of opening the door, please let us know.Obviously they are a something to pass the time, dodgy item, but in these days of leisure?
stopped at 1.30 - Its supposed to do that!
Designed to stop around 1:30 to let the dough stand. It then goes into Baking around 0.54
Not with E1 displayed
@Catullus: You won the bonus code :-(
Mine tripped the RCD @0:54 on first use - All power off! What a POS!
But unit does stop at 1:33 for dough to Rest. Nothing happens for ages. Made me concerned.
Just heats up & smells from 0:54. Next sound is beeping at 0:00.
Manual should have explained operation. Icons do change on screen. So ran tests
$29.90 shipping to WA. Deal breaker.
I’m getting this from the singer website, postage express + signature for me is only $12.79, whereas it’s $19.90 with this site!
Goes up to $41.14 for Perth… Punishment for no lockdowns.
Wahhh so I bought a second one. 1 for me and 1 for my parents.
Thank you!
Because of lockdown I took out my $20 one from Target and use it again.
Thank you OP! <3 Bought.
Why did you stop at 0-2?
Hey I've got this machine. It's pretty good for bread in a pinch when we don't feel like going to the shops.
Are you able to share your recipe?
Yep done bread about 10 times. Works like magic.
The secret to not (profanity) it up is to put right proportions. About 300g of stuff and water to the minimum line.
I done bread with chickpeas, blueberries, whatever at hand. Always delicious.
I normally add instant yeast, eggs, bread improver and baking powder to get better results.
U don't nead the capsule? How do you know it's the right amount /volume? Thanks
No capsule needed. By experimenting. Start 1:1 ratio. Then increase dry stuff if bread is too moist.
You cannot control water. Machine always puts in same amount.
You can.The white float in the water container is magnetic, so with some experimentation and a small magnet, you can add different amounts of water.
$29 shipping.. wtf
I got mine from the last sale 6-7 weeks ago and have been baking a loaf almost daily. I don't buy shop bread anymore. People complain that it doesn't work etc. you Need to follow the recipes to the letter on the https://easybread.com.au website, once you've got those down then start experimenting. DO NOT use any plain or self-raising flour, you must use flour intended for bread making.
How much do you pay for bread flour?
Manildra Bread Flour is $1/KG when purchased from local wholesaler in 12.5KG bags. So cost of a loaf of bread all in with flour, yeast, sugar, salt, bread enricher, power would be well under 50c.
I have used wholemeal plain flour and it works fine, but I needed to use bread improver. Without it I don't think the machine gave it enough time to rise and the bread was edible but denser than a loaf you would buy from the shop
Yep. Your first few loaves make excellent doorstops.
Do you out bread improver and yeast with wholemeal mix?
Woolies bread mix is 10 bucks for 2.4kg. thinking to use wholemeal and improver. Any place where u get these cheaper?
I used standard wholemeal flour, bread improver and yeast. All just goes in a Nd mixed up by hand before starting the machine. Standard wholemeal flour is as cheap as $1.79/kg from Aldi and you only need to buy 2kg to get that price so pretty good
Does anyone know how this compares to the kmart bread maker?
$34.40 delivered, even if its shit its a bit of fun. Thanks OP
Until it trips your RCD
That's part of the fun.
25+ loaves here, no tripping.
Bought one the last time it was posted in July. The bread maker died after 3 loaves, keeps on tripping the rcd, read that this is a common issue with a lot of people who have bought it.
so did the bread maker die or was it just your power circuit
It's the bread maker that is the issue. If you read through older posts with this bread maker a lot of people have had the same issue of it tripping the rcd after working fine a few times. My one started to do it during the mixing cycle. It made 3 decent loaves with no issues before that.
It could just be the current draw is too much for your circuit is what I'm trying to say.
@J4ckal: The circuit breaker isn't tripping because it's overloaded it's the rcd which trips because of the faulty appliance.
@yippy: Circuit breakers and RCDs are different things. Wouldn't be able to diagnose the fault without disassembling/testing the appliance.
@J4ckal: No - surprisingly low power draw!
Did measurements with power meter. Easier than disassembling this faulty POS.
Well done… My post https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/646971 was based on other OzBargain posts…was looking for cheap bread makers…no idea if this will actually be shipped or work, but cheap….