• expired

Unmetered Data (6am-6pm) on Limited Data nbn & ADSL Plans in Lockdown @ Aussie Broadband


This was introduced early last year but ceased at the end of January after a summer of freedom. It returned again in mid July (maybe earlier?) as winter hit and lockdowns returned.

It’s been great for me as ms_sween64 has been working from home.

If you’re doing it tough:
If you are on a limited data nbn™ or ADSL plan, we will provide you with unmetered data usage between 6am-6pm during lockdowns.
And don’t forget, we have a range of financial hardship options for residential and business customers, including:
Payment plans that can be set up at the touch of a button via the MyAussie app/portal, or via a call to our team
Downgrade to a lower cost plan at any time with no plan change fee
Spend controls and other options
You can also speak to one of our Financial Hardship Officers on 1300 880 905 (or, if you are unable to use the phone, please lodge a ticket via MyAussie).

Referral Links

Referral: random (252)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    I thought all the plans were unlimited data ?

    • Evidently not, or this deal would be fairly pointless!

    • +4

      Nope. I've been on the 100GB for years.
      Still haven't topped it, even counting the freebie data.

      • +16

        Thanks for making me check. I've got my Mum signed up on the 500Gb plan and she's hit a record 40Gb for this month with a day to go, previous month's have been less than 20Gb.
        I've just downgraded her plan to the 100Gb to save another $5.

        • +3

          My parents use about 40GB on mobile and 20GB on home internet, don't know why I bother even having them on a home internet service with unlimited data lol

          • @jmeister: Need home internet for Landline Phone (can't give up that landline!)
            At least ABB have a Pay as you Go plan for landline phone. Mum pays an extra $1-5/month.

          • @jmeister: You also need home internet for some of the features of modern TVs:
            - Watching the Freeview channels and viewing the Freeview program guides
            - Using the internet apps, if your TV has them, like YouTube and the catchup TV apps for the free-to-air channels.

    • +3

      Nope. 100GB, 500GB or Unlimited on plans with speeds between 25 Mbps and 100 Mbps down. Link. Personally I’m on 100/20 500GB.

      • I was with (i think it was superloop) and i was on a $60 50/20 which i wish i could bring to my house when i moved but you can't transfer plans when you move address which sucks :(

        now i'm on the 12/1 unlimited plan $59 and for a small family just using it for wfh and netflix plus to save money, its still ok.
        i checked my usages and with 8 days remaining i've done 286GB so i don't think i'd ever go over 500GB unless i had to download movies via torrents or something like that

        anyway even with the custom plan, if i changed this to 500GB for the 25/10 plan it would cost me an extra $5 to what im paying now.
        so is it worth to change, dunno would have to think about it lol

        this is my experience anyway. i wish they had 50/20 plans for $50 and for 500GB, this would suit me more

        • @prankster

          i wish they had 50/20 plans for $50 and for 500GB

          I'd jump on that quicker than …. (let's keep it nice)

  • Does this apply to 1000mbps plans which have 3TB/month limit before they're speed shaped?

    Edit: Nevermind, I'm thinking of Superloop. My bad.

  • +2

    I'm confused. Aren't all of their plans unlimited?


    • +3

      You can "build your own" with capped data

    • -3

      Really? The same question has been asked above.

      • +8

        Sometimes two people post comments at the same time and they don't see what was posted 5-15 mins ago.

        Sometimes they're excited to ask and they miss previous comments.

        Sometimes they just can't read.

    • What about grandfathered plans?

  • +7

    The fact that we still have limited data plans for the amount we are charged per month is a concern in itself. Big whoop they are giving unlimited, to be honest it's no skin off their nose, especially with ADSL.. Like seriously how much data would the average consumer possibly use per month at those speeds? LOL

    • +1

      Love when people who have no idea about something become all judgmental about it.

      • Can you elaborate?

        • +7

          Look up CVC and you’ll understand why “unlimited” and “cheap” don’t go well together.

          If you want reliable speed from your provider they either need to limit your usage or charge you extra to have the funds available to up their bandwidth when needed.

          AussieBroadband customers happily pay more for a quality service. Internet is essential and not something I’d ever cheap out on.

          • @PainToad: yep $69 plan is the same speed as any of the cheap brands 59 ones.

            I used to get random slowdowns a lot less if ever and never cuts out during the rain ever since Aussie fixed it while TPG made excuses all day long.

      • Not necessarily in this case perhaps but the phenomenon has become more and more obvious in the age of the internet.

    • +1

      It was addressed above, but all their current standard offerings are unlimited. To get a data cap now you specifically need to opt into the “build a plan” and then downgrade from unlimited, which is the default selection.

    • +1

      They have limited bandwidth through the exchanges and backhaul, it's very expensive to increase that.
      Having limited plans pushes the high usage users elsewhere which means the network is cheaper to run and less likely to suffer slowdowns during peak times.

      Aussie has always been known as a provider which doesn't suffer an evening slowdown, pay for 100 and you get it at any hour.

  • What's adsl?

    • +29

      ADSL is a slow and obsolete internet connection technology largely replaced by the NBN's slow and obsolete FTTN internet technology

      • LOL

        • You might laugh, but my NBN connection is slower and vastly less reliable than ADSL2.

    • Pepperidge Farm remembers.

      Australia still uses it.

  • Data shouldn't be limited. This type of data sales policy is backwards compared to even third world countries.

    • +4

      Hey, if I can Save $9 a month and be limited. Then limit me…

      • +3

        Yeah it's good to save if prices were fair but in Australia prices are exorbitant compared to other 1st world countries. The real issue is here, you should be paying $9 less anyway and have unlimited whether you use it or not. For companies to use that as a reason to reduce cost is just BS. I guarantee that whatever you are paying at $9 less is too high anyway. I agree for you that better to save the $9 in your pocket and have the limit when you wouldn't use the data but we should not be set up that way in the first place.

        • +1

          Would love to see an example of a 'first world' country with Australia's land/population ratio.

          • @gimme: You can't apply that logic to everything. So in theory if I go buy a beer or a coffee say in the UK or US, I expect the price to be half or even less then what it costs here in Australia?

            • @Justin9mm: Not everything but it does become a large cost factor where significant amount of infrastructure needs to be built for a relatively smaller population.

            • +2

              @Justin9mm: Population density is important for Internet because of the length of cable that has to be laid.

          • +5

            @gimme: Canada’s population density is close to ours. And I think their prices are similar.

            • +1

              @sween64: :O those synchronous higher tiers!!

              • -1

                @jmeister: Check out nz then. 1000/400 plans can be had for nz$100 or less.

                2gbps, 4gbps and even 8gbps symmetrical fibre plans are available now for residential customers. Prices are reasonable too.


                I doubt these speeds will be available in Australia any time soon maybe in 20 years?

                • @cycleri3: And NZ’s population density is higher than Australia’s.

    • thats the same as saying insurance shouldn't limit age on driver ?

  • +1

    Great initiative to enable working from home where these limits actually limit people's ability to do so

    Now, how do we encourage people to stay home during the mandated times of staying home with such initiatives?

  • I am with superloop but still think this is pretty cool of ABB.

  • I didn't realise ADSL was still a thing. I thought the NBN was complete.

    • +1

      I thought the NBN was complete.

      Whatever "complete" means here, it won't cover eliminating DSL. NBN means a lot of things. NBN sticker doesn't mean you get an optical fibre to your desk/house/neighbourhood.

  • Great time to download Linux distros.

  • Does anyone still use ADSL?

    • I had unlimited dial up.

    • +4

      Are you with Aussie Broadband? I’ve had no issues with their speeds.

      • -1

        With ABB on Goodna CVC. When I tested the speeds I was getting less than 1M up the reason my Teams meetings kept dropping.

        • +3

          I doubt it was one of the Goodna links hitting the CVC limit, unless it was a meeting at 8pm. link Did you contact ABB support?

        • +4

          Could just be Teams sucking.

          • @Munki: As mentioned before.
            When I tested the speeds I was getting less than 1M up the reason my Teams meetings kept dropping.

    • +5

      ABB CVC graphs are well below the limit during the day.
      I'd say this bonus has no impact.

      • +1

        Sunday and Monday nights are still the busiest I think.

        The worst time is when a COD update drops.

    • Let me guess you're on HFC?

      • I’m on HFC and other than maintenance interruptions it’s been great. I wish I was on FTTP for future proofing though…

      • I am on FTTP.

  • Umm Unlimited NBN is still cheaper

  • +1

    Probably to compensate for their poor plan pricing. $60 a month for 12/1Mbps…

  • the ppl who are on limited plan wouldn't have need more than they can use, and those who need alot of data would have already been on unlimited, nice marketing promo tho.

  • ABB is no longer what it used to be, at least for me. Last time I was with them it was packetloss galore most nights due to CVC issues and their stupid bot upgrading CVC doesn’t really fix anything. Anything over 80% usage expect jitter and packetloss

    • Do you notice this whole gaming?

      • Yep that’s how I noticed it. Worth checking the CVC graph for your POI, if it looks like it gets upgraded most nights then you’d definitely notice it gaming, especially if you play shooters.

        In my case I’d experience issues most nights from 630-1030pm

        • Don’t play online shooters very often and even less often in prime time.

  • +1

    ABB were really good to me when I was trying to get NBN service activated at my new place (new construction, so lots of waiting around and delays on behalf of NBN Co) and were super polite and helpful in all our interactions, even after I couldn't wait on NBN Co any longer and had to get a 5g fixed wireless with another provider. If/when I go back on NBN, ABB will be the first ones I call

    • +1

      no doubt their customer service is great as they are aussie based :)

  • ref the "COVID-19 Connectivity Relief Program" Do they still offer nbn™ broadband connections to low-income families who have school-age children and no current nbn™ connection for $0 or did that end in Jan 2021?

  • Thx. Might need this if I move to new place

  • Can someone please confirm if this unmetered time period is still implemented? Wanted to downgrade plan to 100GB pm as I use most data for WFH. thanks

    • +1

      Yep, still showing for me on my plan for this month.

      • Did unmetered end Friday? Last day Thursday?

        • Not for me but I’m in Melbourne.

          • @sween64: Thanks Sydney both yesterday and today are metered.

            • @grasstown: Metered for me today in Melbourne. Hopefully this deal is a thing of the past.

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