Hot buys for today only. Will require Costco membership. Free delivery.
Save $50 on the usual price of $149.
I have this unit and it is a cracker. I predict stock will not last at this price.
Hot buys for today only. Will require Costco membership. Free delivery.
Save $50 on the usual price of $149.
I have this unit and it is a cracker. I predict stock will not last at this price.
Only fits 250 sheets, they're gonna need a bigger shredder
There is one available for $5,690 at officework
Cool , they'll pay $74000 for one
I don't need to know that bit.
Bruz approved
+1 on behalf of Friendly Jordies - shredder of Bruz shenanigans.
we should buy one for QLD labour to dispose of the "health advice"
Seems to be working pretty well for them.
Gonna be the best shredder ever with this!
You're going to want to spend a minimum of 800 dollars on a paper shredder. Any less than that and the quality is going to be so low you'll want to replace the damn thing within 5 years, but you won't be able to because your identity will have been stolen and your bank account emptied.
If you're serious about shredding, get something with carbide cutting heads and at least a .5HP motor. I have a Rawlings-Chamberlain MK220 AKA "The Silver Knight" .
It comes fully loaded with a dual rubber roller feeder and 6 layer hopper to separate different kinds of paper, wood, metal, etc.. I can shred a New York telephone book in under 15 seconds.
The built in milling computer lets me customize the shred pattern to meet any security needs. I prefer a 3mm parallelogram with bilateral fiber separation. You can't even make out individual characters on those things.
Send me an IM if you're serious about this. Welcome to the world of paper shredding. You're in for a hell of a ride.
Is that some kind of industrial shredder and is this some kind of copypasta..?
Would an industrial shredder do bilateral fiber separation?!
I can't ever forget it!
That’s a real man’s shredder, not a nancy boy shredder.
But don’t shred ham in it. Think what it’s doing to the mechanism!
OP, why did you say it’s a cracker and not a ripper?
I guess he is shredding his reputation here,
If you're just shredding occasional household documents, the $50 KMart works absolutely fine -
It can't handle a high load; if you've got 300 sheets to shred it's going to take you a long time. But for a couple of sheets, a couple of times a week ? It's great.
I, also, recommend this shredder.
froggy10, you have caused me to put a hole in my pocket!! But I thank you at the same time :-)
I just noticed I got charged $10 shipping. It says free delivery on product page. I'm in Brisbane, not some remote rural location.
Perfect if you're working for the liberal government