• expired

Ugg Australia Merino Sheepskin Rugs $69 (RRP $165) Delivered @ BuyAussieNow


There will be no shipping delays!
We have checked and there are 509 rugs ready to send, orders will be sent on the day they are ordered.
once these are sold we wont sell anymore to avoid shipping delays.

100% Australian Made

All rugs have been individually measured and are 95cm+. Perfect for this cold winter.

Best Sheepskin Rugs you can buy.

All orders will be shipped this week.

100% Australian Made start to finish, support Australian manufacturing and Australian jobs.

This is the a great price for our beautiful Rugs, for OzBargain only.

Our ‘Ugg Australia Long Merino Sheepskin Rug’ is made using the pure, warm and luxurious Australian Merino sheepskin. Our long sheepskin rug will give your home a luxurious feel, whilst providing superior comfort and warmth. These rugs are great for multipurpose use as decoration, to drape over chairs, as wall hangings or even for cushions and upholstery.

Ugg Australia® we have been making sheepskin boots for over three decades in our former Brunswick factory. Operating Australia’s last and ONLY sheepskin tannery, "Roman Tannery", for footwear guarantees that we are the only one in the world who has 100% Australian Made Ugg boots.

We encourage all customers to do some research when looking to purchase any brand of Ugg Boots.

Ensure you purchase from reputable websites or stores.
Contact details - If you can't find the business address or contact number of the business you have purchased boots from, who will help you with customer issues.
There are so many sheepskin boots out there claiming to be 100% Australian Made. How can you tell one authentic boot from the rest?
What to ask your retailer when buying your sheepskin products.
Where are your skins from?
Where are they processed?
Ask for the address of manufacturer and tannery. There should be no reason why your retailer cannot provide you with details of the origin of your boots.

All Ugg Australia® products are 100% Australian made at our factory and ecologically processed at our Roman Tannery in Laverton North, Melbourne.

Referral Links

Referral: random (2)

$10 off for referrer and referee

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Buy Aussie Now
Buy Aussie Now
UGG Australia
UGG Australia

closed Comments

  • +10

    Buy Aussie Now
    Receive Item 1 Month Later

    • Please read the description, we wont be making that mistake again I can assure you.

      • +1

        Just like the last 7 times you said you’d learnt from your mistakes

  • Buy Aussie now
    Great for ozbargain drama

  • +4

    Cheapest was $64.80 all over OzBargain almost every month, direct from Ugg Australia.

    • We have been told the cost of producing these is increasing, this is the lowest price you will find it now.

      • Yeah no one trusts you.

  • +5

    Where's my jerky?

    • If you DM me your order number I can send you your tracking ID

      • We don’t want a tracking ID, we want our Jerky (4 weeks ago as promised) or a refund (also 4 weeks ago).

  • +4


    • Please read description, we will never sell anything that is not ready to be shipped again

      • But you said below you don’t keep track of inventory? How will you know?

  • -1

    Interestingly Ugg Australia is able to follow up on orders made via buyaussienow.com.au

    See comment thread by decio60 in

    Isn't that sock puppeting?

    • the thread you are referring to isn't Buy Aussie Now.
      We are openly an associate/3rd party seller.

      • Not sure how to link directly to a comment but decio60 wrote in that thread

        "Waiting on mine still from buyaussienow website from ugg Australia purchased 15th July still not arrived and last update was this week which is the 3rd time changed".

        Ugg Australia asked for the order number and followed up and it was sent same day

  • +3

    There will be no shipping delays!

    Brave words!

    • +1

      yes I have triple checked, I couldn't put myself through that again.

      • You are the real victim here, my condolences.

  • +1

    Got my jerky yesterday packaging looks good, anyone tried it yet…. Ooops, wrong thread.

  • +3

    Nope. Can’t trust a word these guys say.

  • +2

    These are amazing. I purchased 3 last time and they are incredibly good quality. They even come in a really nice bag. They also arrived very quickly.

  • +2

    You guys have to give this seller another go. It's unfortunate and out of their control the producer wasn't able to keep up with the demand.

    • +2

      which part is out of their control exactly?

    • +8

      The part where they opened up sales knowing they had no stock?

      Or the part where they repeatedly gave false guarantees regarding delivery?

      Or the part where they ignored or refused refund requests?

      • -2

        we never started selling knowing there was no stock, even after stock was sold we believed we could deliver in time.
        We were trying to give everyone open communication and live updates on shipping.
        We haven't refused any refund requests, we are working on these and returning and have refunded plenty of people. there actually hasnt been a large number of requests but those that want them will have them

        • +4

          1) It went out of stock on your site. Then you put it back 'in stock'. Clearly you knew there was no stock available.
          2) All of which are incorrect. So either you are outright lying or are very intellectually challenged, or both.
          3) Incorrect. I did not receive a refund despite sending multiple emails, neither have multiple people on ozbargain. No one says they have been given a refund in a timely manner.

          • +3

            @Manche: Also why did you happen to 'receive' your order 1-2 weeks before everyone else? Dodgy at best, another outright lie at worst.

            • -3

              @Manche: There is absolutely nothing dodgy about our company. you have now commented across multiple threads with false allegations and name calling. please stop

              • +6

                @Buy Aussie Now: @Buy Aussie Now ,

                There is absolutely nothing dodgy about our company

                To be fair you're hardly impartial, he's only stating what his experience has been in this and atleast one other deal. Maybe you should listen and learn from your customers?

                you have now commented across multiple threads with false allegations and name calling

                But hasn't he only done this because he's either bought from both deals and/or he's struggling to get straight answers to reasonable questions? There seems a number of common customer experiences in both threads i.e emails getting no reply or generic 'wait longer' responses, repeatedly bad info from you, blame placed on 3rd parties etc.

                If the experience with you had been good WHY would a consumer just act vindictive given there's no real benefit in it for them?

                And he didn't name call - he gave 2 possible rationales for why you'd ignored his query. Thats very much different from personal abuse, so to imply it is when its not isn't constructive.

                please stop

                I am sure @Manche WANTS TO - so maybe try a little better to resolve his issue as it reflects most badly on you as he's your customer and many other POTENTIAL future customers are looking on watching how you handle it.

                • -2

                  @Daniel Plainview: OZB community can see what you and Manche are doing.
                  It's absolutely horrible.
                  All over Jerky that is 2 weeks late, that we have apologised and explained the refund process.
                  Why do you do this to Australian Businesses?

                  • +8

                    @Buy Aussie Now: @Buy Aussie Now , you really are very quick to make yourself the 'victim' aren't you?

                    Honestly, what I am doing is looking over other deals you've posted out of curiousity as to how they've gone. And while there's only a couple, there seems to always be issues…..and its the same type of issues. And it's not with the products being bad or being overcharged but rather terrible communications, products being massively late, refusals to comply with Australian Consumer Law etc.

                    I see you accusing long standing OzB members of abuse, I read the posts and it's not true - I see you threatening to withhold refunds, which is illegal - you really are your own worst enemy, despite making out that you're the one copping the rough deal.

                    Other can make their own minds up.

                    So what is 'horrible' is that you seem to have the ability to get this type of response over and over and over again in a very limited timespan. And then if anyone speaks up about it, you blame them or your suppliers (another common trick of yours).

                    FYI I think you'll find the jerky was for most buyers a month late - mine looks like thats what it's going to be - and the actual delay was less the issue than your bumbling handling of it but I'll not digress.

                    So as you're Australian you deserve special treatment do you? I was calling out your repeated issues (and please point out anything I said that was incorrect) and where you're from or owned is inconsequential.

                    Maybe instead of repeatedly blaming people who raise issues as the issue you do a little self examination.

                    • -4

                      @Daniel Plainview: Please stop.

                      • +1

                        @Buy Aussie Now: @Buy Aussie Now , please stop feeling sorry for yourself and instead focus on your customers. This seems a repeating issue for you across several deals.

                        Instead of blaming the user for 'abusing' you and anyone who supports them (and there's quite of few of them in the thread now, so you can't say it's troublesome me):
                        - contact a mod if you feel you are abused
                        - but you WERE NOT abused, so instead look at why your customer….and read this again YOUR customer is so upset
                        - And don't in writing on a public forum threaten to do something illegal (under ACL) - it looks at best petty and at worst like you'll break any rules to silence people who don't accept what you say.

                  • +3

                    @Buy Aussie Now: we can see what you are doing mate…some of the worst Customer Service weve ever witnessed
                    after seeing the sh*tshow in the other thread and your pathetic responses i would never have the confidence to order anything from your company

                  • +2




                    • @fishandchips: You have to allow some time for it to be delivered but yes it has been too long.
                      Please remember we didnt intentionally do this and we are not the supplier.
                      We believed we could deliver on time but the was issues in getting the packaging.
                      We wont be ever selling anything that is not fully in stock in the future.
                      All I can do now is apologies and make sure everything is delivered or for those who don't want it refund them.
                      And again we wont allow this to ever happen in the future.

                      • @Buy Aussie Now: No that’t not all you can do now. You can go through the many emails you’ve received and action refund requests from weeks ago immediately, and drop the bs stalling tactics.

                        We know that won’t happen though. It’s a pattern of behaviour, not a once off slip up

                      • @Buy Aussie Now: ‘Allow some time for it to be delivered’

                        Well over a month enough?

                  • @Buy Aussie Now: Don’t play the victim. Being an ‘Australian businesses’ doesn’t excuse you’re abhorrent behaviour. In fact it makes it worse.

                    This is so much worse than I would expect when I order a cheap bottle opener from Russia on Aliexpress.

          • @Manche: our site doesnt hold the stock of supplier,
            We were going off information we had at the time.
            People have been refunded, we are working through a large amount of emails but if you abuse or name call again I will not refund you at all.

            • +4

              @Buy Aussie Now: What? Your site doesn't hold the stock of supplier? Isn't that the purpose of a 3rd party marketplace?
              I have not abused or name called you. I've just stated facts. Also withholding refunds (which you are already doing) is not legal.

              • -5

                @Manche: We dont have live stock updates and we were told we could deliver.
                I'm going to withhold your refund if you abuse/defame us any further.
                You need to STOP.

                • +1

                  @Buy Aussie Now: Yeah nope that's not legal. Just shows your mentality.
                  Threatening customers is a new low.

                • +2

                  @Buy Aussie Now: You didn't reply to this

                  Also why did you happen to 'receive' your order 1-2 weeks before everyone else? Dodgy at best, another outright lie at worst.

                • +8

                  @Buy Aussie Now: Threatening not to refund a product (which is not as described) because a customer is expressing their experiences is a bit poor imho.

                • +7

                  @Buy Aussie Now: Careful BAN…. Manche may be acting like a belligerent child, but you don't want to state you are refusing a legal right to a refund over a 'squabble'…. ('I'm going to withhold your refund if ')

                  Do feel free to call him out for being rude tho…. He is now going to hold this comment over you all throughout the forum now. :(

            • +4

              @Buy Aussie Now: Buy Aussie Now illegally threatening to withhold a refund because I am stating my experience. This company needs to be banned.

              • -2

                @Manche: No because you called me mentally challenged and made false claims.
                You are the one who should be banned from any forum.

                • -1

                  @Buy Aussie Now: No I did not. I said either you were lying or intellectually challenged (which is not abuse, there are many great people who are intellectually challenged). Only you can tell us which.

                  • @Manche: there is absolutely no excuse for your behaviour. We have delivered 90% and said once we deliver we will refund anybody who needs it.
                    We have done everything we can to respond and help the situation but we wont stand for abuse.

                    • +2

                      @Buy Aussie Now: Stop deflecting. Nothing I have said is anything close to abuse. You’ve got absolutely no idea. It’s becoming clear which of the two it is though.

                      • +2

                        @Manche: In any case, what you’ve said is outright illegal.

                    • +1

                      @Buy Aussie Now: There is absolutely no excuse for your behaviour

                      • +2

                        @Manche: You have made false claims and called me mentally challenged.
                        All over $27 that we have repeatedly explained the situation and are delivering.
                        I wont be dealing with you any further.

                        • +1

                          @Buy Aussie Now: What have I said that’s false?

                          As I explained earlier, there is an OR in the sentence i wrote, and there is nothing wrong with being intellectually challenged.

                          $27 is a lot of money for me. I know it’s a drop in the ocean for your billion dollar business, although maybe not seeing as how impossible it is to get a refund.

            • +1

              @Buy Aussie Now: @Buy Aussie Now ,

              we are working through a large amount of emails but if you abuse or name call again I will not refund you at all.

              @Manche said you were lying to him or intellectually challenged or both. Whilst thats hardly ideal, you really have to look at WHY and HOW you drove him to feel so aggravated with you.
              It is NOT name calling or abusive - and regardless I would put it to you to show where under Australian Consumer Law you can refuse an eligible refund on the basis on whats essentially you having your feelings hurt. That is illegal and you might want to reconsider as even putting it in writing in public is hardly complimentary to your businesses reputation.

              Why is the common thread from just a couple of deals, that you seem to have a very high % of customers disgruntled with you? Is it the customers or perhaps you? :-/

            • +1

              @Buy Aussie Now: Wow… are you open suggesting you will not refunding individuals who you don't see eye to eye with personally?

        • +1

          Sounds like you have listened to the feedback and learnt fro your experiences. Sounds great and best of luck with it. Let the trolls and naysayers carry on. This isn't a deal for me but I though its important for you to understand there are a variety of oppinions out there. I certainy know you brand now and personally I would give you another go. I suspect your process has improved and if so I would not hesitate to continue to use buy aussie now in the future!!


  • @Buy Aussie Now: You didn't reply to this

    Also why did you happen to 'receive' your order 1-2 weeks before everyone else? Dodgy at best, another outright lie at worst.

    • I didnt get my order, I asked to get a express shipment of some to ensure quality as people were concerned of the quality. i received my actual order on Monday.
      Why are you doing this? you will get your $27, anybody who wants their $27 and not their jerky is welcome to it.
      We are not dodgy? we just tried to do a good deal that was way more popular than expected?

      • But you said you ordered some and received it?

        • Was that also a lie?

        • No, I said I've tried it.
          again I received my order on Monday. do you want to see my Auspost emails?
          There is nothing dodgy at all!! I ordered like the rest of you.

          • +1

            @Buy Aussie Now: I suggest you stop replying to him. It's pretty silly a few ppl keep beating down a business that has already tried to amend their wrong and apologises. Things are hard as is in the current environment. Good luck.

            • +4

              @KiwiRoo: To be fair @Buy Aussie Now , an ABN holding business said the following in writing for all to see:

              People have been refunded, we are working through a large amount of emails but if you abuse or name call again I will not refund you at all.


              Thats illegal under Australian Consumer Law.

              If @Manche had abused him badly that still wouldn't excuse this - but when you look the OzB member seems to have been frustrated from repeated dodging/bad info and simply said the OP was lying or mentally challenged. Great form? No…..but it's not abuse or name calling - and really to be balanced you have to ask why was this OzB member so frustrated with a business?

              If you look at the WHOLE I think you'll find its not anyone as you say 'beating a business down' - which to me implies unfair action with a vindictive intent, rather consumers who are frustrated in multiple threads with one business that cant get out of its own way.

              • @Daniel Plainview: Since they're breaking consumer law the next step is for you and others impacted to go to Fair Trade. ACCC won't respond to individual complaints so I wouldn't bother but welcome to try with enough numbers.

      • AssociatedBuy Aussie Now on 03/08/2021 - 14:21
        -5 votes
        quality is A+, I tried some yesterday from this batch

        Again, extremely misleading to make it seem like you received delivery.

        • +1

          It’s almost September. I ordered in Mid July.

  • You’d probably be better off setting up a new site and rebranding it as “Buy Aussie in 2 Months”

    • +3

      Stop it Manche, that's enough. We have got your point. If thwy do not refund your money, file a complaint against them, just stop repeating yourself.

      On the other hand, this seller needs take a deep breath and understand what they are commenting. They can't possibly threaten someone of withholding refund just because they are offended. Also, it isn't just Manche who has had issues with the seller. Previous deals of them are filled with other users having similar issues. Ozbargain is a great, very forgiving community and good deals/sellers always get praised. You would have seen many comments under your new deal where users were ready to give you another chance. However, when your customers are unhappy, don't expect them to be leaving nice comments. If they are slandering, other OZB users will anazlyse that and tell them off themselves. Either ignore such comments or write a factually objective reply, instead of emotion filled comments that are just going to just your business further. Also, writing a response to a customer's query is your responsibility if you want to provide great customer service. If you cant do that, don't post in public forums.

      • +1

        I agree you've gotten the point, BAN has not though. If they had, it would have been one comment, problem addressed, end, simple.

  • Everyone's better off buying directly from UGG or whoever rather than going through this company.

  • +3

    "We have checked and there are 509 rugs ready to send, orders will be sent on the day they are ordered."
    I ordered on 18/08 but the status is still "processing". Thought orders will be sent on the day they are ordered.

    • +2

      Man that sucks

      But don't worry - OP will be "on to it" …

      In all seriousness - hope this doesn't drag on for you like the Ugg boots, jerky sagas

    • Can’t trust em at all. Easily the least trustworthy business I’ve ever dealt with.

      As the saying goes

      Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; fool me 20 times, don’t worry he’s an ex GM!!!

    • +1

      Having gone through the team behind BAN (https://www.linkedin.com/company/buy-aussie-now/people/) they really have limited experience in the ecommerce space and how to utilise digital marketing channels.

      The only logical reason as to why they continue to dig their own hole with these promises that they cannot adhere to.

      • -1

        oh god. The founder was a mortgage broker. That explains a lot.

        • That company incidentally has one review on Google which states:

          "Be wary of this finance company. They very unorganised. Just because they say you have will no problem getting finance one email, the next email could say the opposite. They wasted 2 weeks stuffing around and it went no where."

          Another on Facebook: "Have been trying to get something done over almost two weeks. Found the online application cumbersome. Didn’t answer emails and when they did they didn’t follow up. Told me they would get back to me by close of business on Friday - they didn’t. Ended up going back to my own bank and secured an online loan in less than two hours. Would never recommend."

          Sounds very familiar.

          Also the vast majority of reviews on productreview are new accounts by reviewers who have only reviewed this company. Make of that what you will!

    • +1

      Just received the item this morning. Ordered on 18/08 and delivered on 23/08. Satisfied with the quality of the Sheepskin Rug plus it comes with a sling bag. Planning to order again.

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