Black colour
LED View Cover gives you a range of custom LED icons that notify you at a glance.
See Samsung website for full specs.
Samsung LED View Cover for Galaxy Note10 $1 + Delivery ($0 C&C /In-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi

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No love for 10 plus?
there are few covers for S10+ as well but for $10. I grabbed two for wifey.
Thanks, bought one even though I have iPhone XR.
That's unacceptable
anyone reselling this, im thinking of drop shipping
I wish you well, Broden.
99% off, can't really go wrong. Reviews are pretty shithouse but given that most of them are that it 'stopped working after a few months', just buy 20 and you'll be sweet.
Unfortunately S10e version is only 90% off ($10)- not quite at cost benefit tolerance… yet!how many you buying
If I had a note10 I'd load up, but until S10e version drops to this price… this deal ain't for me. I'll leave the stock for people who have the phone.
The LEDs aren't in the cover though. The cover just uses a mesh pattern to make the phone's display look like a small amount of LEDs. How on earth does it stop working?
Any deals similar for the 20+ OzBargain fam?
Is there a resale market for this?
Don't you think your question is answered by the fact JB had to drop the price to $1 to sell them ??
Would these be compatible with the Note 10+?
No… they're different sizes. Bro, just google…
Would these make good shoes?
Only if have one foot. Otherwise need two.
Thanks needed a new S10+ case!
This link is for Note 20 Ultra
My bad. Thanks
Bought and replaced 3 of these in the past :)
Every single one has stopped working after 1-2 years.
These are awesome looking but break quickly and easily.
I have S10 5g and unfortunately not many led covers available for the 5g version of the phone.
Nice, can't go past $1. Thanks.