• expired

Free 3 Month Subscription To The Sizzle For COVID-19 Vaccinated


Hello Ozbargain!

I'm giving away free 3 month subscriptions to my tech newsletter, The Sizzle, for anyone who uploads proof of their COVID-19 vaccination. Normally 3 months costs $15, but as an incentive/reward for those being proactive and getting vaccinated against COVID-19, it's free - no strings attached, no payment information needed, single-click unsubscribe at any time.

Plenty of Ozbargainers are subscribers (they may even comment on this post!), but what is The Sizzle???

  • A brief email newsletter sent every weekday.
  • Three no bullshit summaries of the last 24 hours in tech news.
  • The freshest Australian computer & electronics bargains.
  • $5 a month or $50 a year.
  • Free for COVID-19 vaccinated new subscribers! No ads, no tracking.
  • Over 1350 issues since October 2015, sent to over 770 paid subscribers.

This offer will continue until 80% of Australians are vaccinated! Feel free to shout out in the comments if you have any questions.

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The Sizzle

closed Comments

          • -2

            @johnwinkle: not on Facebook, for women only

        • +7

          do you bend over everytime the lizard people/Illuminati/spirit crystals/etc tell you to dispute a real health crisis?

          • @Gehirn: I don't dispute it my 23 year old son got covid in Europe, sniff and a sore throat for 2 days, had 7 days quarantine then off on a holiday.

                • +3

                  @[Deactivated]: I guess? I mean, that was your argument- My son was fine so fine, therefore COVID is not dangerous/worth taking precautions.

                  • +4

                    @Timboj: Look at the stats, the vast majority of people are fine.

                    • +2

                      @brendanm: I'm not making an argument that they're not.

                      • +1

                        @Timboj: Perhaps sonstar is not only using the experience of his son, but also of the statistics in general then?

                        • +1

                          @brendanm: I honestly hope sonstar is using more than his son to guide his decision making.

                          Sadly the data also clearly shows COVID-19 (particularly delta) is significantly more contagious and has a much higher rate of hospitalisation, hence the cause for more drastic intervention measures, but this is conveniently ignored when sceptics talk to 'the data'.

                          • @Timboj: They just had a poor family who had been "ravaged" (not my words) by covid on the news. Dad and one of the sons in hospital, having a great old time by the look of it, poor kid threw up twice! Mum is at home with the other two kids, all infected by covid, kids dancing around the backyard, picking fruit and taking leaves, then doing their homework. Looks truly terrible.

                            • +2

                              @brendanm: Refer back to my post about anecdotal fallacy.

                              Look obviously I'm not going to change your mind. If you're interested in truth and not simply being contrary, anti-authoritative, whatever else makes you believe there's no problem— go to a hospital and have a doctor explain it to you, preferably one in Sydney.

                              • @Timboj: I'm sure there is a problem, for a certain subset of people. This is proven in the data, of which there is plenty. I'm not in that subset, therefore am not worried.

                                Some of that point was also the media beatup. Not sure how they could say they were "ravaged" with covid while showing the footage they did.

                            • +1

                              @brendanm: theres also 150 people in the icu fighting for their lives as we speak, funny how you act like they dont exist

                              • +1

                                @johnwinkle: You mean 120? Plenty in ICU for non covid related issues as well. I also never acted like they don't exist, simply that they are likely in a risk group, that I am not in. This is proven by the statistics time and time again.

                    • +2

                      @brendanm: For the Virus or the Vaccine?

                      When Did Ozbargain become Reddit?

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: I'm glad your son recovered and wasn't one of the many others that suffered or even died.

              • @Gehirn: thanks, he'd had one phizer shot 3 weeks before.

          • +1

            @Gehirn: Nah, you're backward. The lizards, illuminati and freemasons ARE the government stabbing our arms.

            I for one, welcome our new overlords.

            DrWho covered quite well who the IceWarriors were/are, and they're welcome to lead.

            In all seriousness, the thing that confuses me, is how anti-vaxxers claims vaccines hurt people, and the companies are driven by money.

            It makes zero sense for a farmer to injure their livestock. Market research shows healthy people spew a lot more money than sickly people (and that includes to big pharma, through 'vitamins' and potions).

            Its just odd logic.

        • +2

          so if you ever get sick i guess you won't rely on the government doctors and nurses hey?

    • +9

      Aww, that's a shame. I reckon you'd enjoy The Sizzle! Go on, give it a taste :)
      There's a 2 week free trial if you aren't comfortable sharing your vaccination status: https://thesizzle.com.au

    • lets get politlcal

  • Will this stack with an existing subscription?

    • +10

      Unfortunately, no. I can't afford to lose ~$15 from existing subscribers. If say, 200 people did this, that's $3000 I'd be missing out on.

  • +26

    Mate just a heads up that by collecting the information whether or not the person signing up is giving it to you, you have to make sure you are complying with relevant privacy legislation especially the heath records and information privacy act.

    • +7

      Noted! Will be deleting the data within 24 hours (or less) once the censored screenshot is submitted.

      • +7

        Ive worked in this field:
        your best bet to comply is to use an outlook.com account, accessed only through webmail, and purge the emails.

        Its just so much bother to make your own mail server comply; and gmail does not delete email when you do, it simply makes it inaccessible.

        ProtonMail is also compliant.

        Our laws are actually nearly impossible to meet, with how caching works, but we can be compliant enough that a court would side with you, in case of some douche pushing your buttons.

        • Source on Outlook.com instantly deleting emails?

          • @deme: That's not a requirement for our privacy act.

            • @MasterScythe: … but as soon as you (or they) keep the data, there are compliance requirements…

              When collecting any form of PII, best to set a routine up that ensures it is used as quickly as possibly, and deleted, entirely, as soon as possible, IMHO anyway.

          • @deme: What does outlook.com do that Gmail doesn't then?

            • +1

              @deme: Delete the emails you delete from their servers.
              Gmail explicitly says it does NOT delete them, just marks them inaccessible, they're still there for bots to trawl through for their data harvesting.
              It's one of those big 'what if?!' topics in SecOps; if someone got into gmails archive, the ammount of recovered passwords could be phenominal.

              Outlook does delete your data, you can phone microsoft and have the discussion yourself if you'd like it from the horses mouth.

              There is no policy about instantly, but each time they perform a data 'sweep' (which can be as often as a few hours, or as long as a week) it's purged.

              If you want to see it first hand, sign up for an administrator level O365 account, and you can handle your own PST\OST files! So you can see first hand how long you have to recover an email thats been purged.

              • @MasterScythe:

                Gmail explicitly says it does NOT delete them, just marks them inaccessible,

                This should be easy to verify, since you made the claim please link to where Gmail explicitiy says it does not delete them. I'm calling BS.

              • @MasterScythe: Once again another blue teamer blabbing on about baseless claims.
                Don't get me wrong plenty of reasons not to trust Google but this isn't one.

        • +1

          Cheers mate - I'm using Fastmail. The emails are deleted pretty much soon as I see them. They're also deleted off Formspree as soon as I quickly check the screenshots to make sure they resemble something like evidence of vaccination.

  • -7

    Yeah I’m going to share my health information with you

    • +1

      If you're happy to share, why the neg?

      • +2

        I can’t even see his privacy collection statement

    • I don't think anybody is really that interested in your information outside of whether you've had a Covid vaccine or not. You're not that precious.

  • +5
    • The freshest Australian computer & electronics bargains.

    Lol at this. Any decent bargains will be gone in less than 5 mins on OzB.

  • +10

    All for vaccination but "free" subscription for more junk mail? Nah

    • +5

      It's not junk if you have an interest in tech. I get car magazines delivered, they are not 'junk' because i enjoy reading them

    • This isn't junk mail. There's generally a lot of good and relevant information that is sent every newsletter. It's a good purchase if you aren't following a bunch of different websites, plus it's given me new websites to follow.

    • I pay for it and read it daily, it's not junk.

    • Its far from junk since SlashDot became a wall of blah level material…

  • +9

    Cool… get protection from COVID and get exposed to SPAM

  • +14

    I don’t see any bargain here except for the poster baiting people to sign up and then charging after 3 months… I just stay with ozbargain!

    • +8

      in the second sentence it says:
      it's free - no strings attached, no payment information needed, single-click unsubscribe at any time.

    • +3

      Pretty sure he doesn't auto-charge after trial periods are up. He's cool. I did the free month once and its good.

      • +2

        Was there any interesting to read about within 3 months you wouldn’t read about through other channels?

        • It's hand curated news and sales. Everything is available elsewhere, but like any news aggregator this saves you having to trawl through sites.

        • +1

          If you're on a tablet or a phone rather than a PC, a collated source is so much more convenient than 20 webpages. Eesh, multitabbed phone browsing, lol.

  • +3

    Can I have $300 instead please?

    • +1

      I am happy with 100

    • +2

      Damn I wish the government would do that. Easiest $300mI’d ever earn!

      • Yeah same, I've still got my Kevin07 plasma screen, only had to repair it once!
        Would love an Albo21 soundbar to go with it.

    • +1

      Viva la revolution!

    • +1

      Pesky bribery. Always wanting something for something.




      And now they want people to help protect the community and themselves?

      Stone the flamin crows! Whats next?

  • -3

    I don't believe this is a deal. - My opinion.

    • +1

      Yeah but feelings > facts according to the army of soyboys downvoting your comment, I assume this reply & any other that isn't explicitly pro-vaccine.

      • Yep exactly!

    • +1

      A wise man once said:

      Opinions are like farts. They're self-indulgent; they usually result from input we didn't properly digest; and to most people, they stink. :)

  • Can I have $5/month if i'm vaccinated instead of the $5/month sub'?

    Or a sub from Subway.

    • +2
    • +3

      In Germany you receive a free Bratwurst and a drink in some states for getting vaccinated. That’s why over 55% are fully vaccinated over there. The Australian government is just not clever enough.

      • +5

        I'd do most things for a free German sausage

        • Eva Braun, is that you?

      • +1

        Mannnnn now i need a bratwurst.

        People who are simply lazy not antivax would sway for sure.

        Au gov needs to team up with bunnings.

        • He should give us a voucher for the Bunnings sizzle!

    • +2

      Footlong pizza sub would go down a treat. Subway should give them away for vaccinated people!

      • +4

        Have to ask yourself though, seriously, why is there significant reluctance to have the vaccine? I think a lot of people are genuinely concerned about taking something that's been rushed to market. What's probably compounding & confirming their concern is the constant haranguing in the media and online. This thread is evidence that any counter narrative will simply downvoted / shouted down. You add all of those things together and anyone who was on the fence is probably going to start thinking if they need to bribe me to take it, any any dissenting opinion is buried / dismissed, and there's a concerted media campaign involving celebrities, do I really need to take this more than they need me to?

        • +2

          There probably are a few people like that, and I'm not here to convince them. I'm here to get the people who want to, but are too busy or lazy to do something. Maybe my tiny little offer of 3 months free could help someone get across the line into bothering to make an appointing instead of doing nothing and prolonging this pandemic out longer than necessary.

  • -4

    lol, go take a running jump

  • +10

    Love my tech, I will be in contact when I get my vax later this year. Thanks for your generous offer, ignore the trolls/antivaxxers.

    • +3

      You’re welcome! This is a long running offer, so it’ll be here when you’re ready :)

      • +2

        well done OP! great offer and I second about ignore all the political / rubbish / non-helpful responses

  • +4

    Vaccination is a personal choice which in My Opinion shouldn't be mixed with OZB , however offering is free for whoever wants it.
    It just reminded me of yanks who give free doughnuts to whoever stand in the line…lol

    • +3

      As long as it remains a personal choice, and not taking it up isn't grounds to be refused participation in ordinary society, I am happy for businesses to use whatever enticements they like to conflate the issue of COVID vaccine uptake & promotion of there own enterprise, just as long as the aforementioned is complied with.

    • +9

      better than the "i don't believe in vaccine" circle jerk

      • +4

        I don't think that's entirely fair. The overwhelming majority of people aren't against vaccines per se, just the COVID ones. I've had more vaccines - willingly too - than most people due to the amount of travel I've done to some pretty wild destinations. Despite that I'm not rushing to get a COVID vaccine as most manufacturers have indicated they will require boosters. I'd rather wait until the development has progressed a little further…less needles the better I say. Does that make me "anti vax" or a "vaccine skeptic" etc etc?

  • I'm all for vaccination, but this just sounds like free advertising for your newsletter tbh…

    • +5

      No - it's free months (3 months). Normally $5 a month - meets the definition last time I checked

    • +9

      At least 80% of all discounts have a basis in promotion or advertising. Do you also neg coupon code deals and credit card points promotions?

  • +3

    Don't think I'll be too interested in this sort of content but will give it a shot nonetheless. Thanks OP.

    • +1

      Cheers! Thanks for having a crack :)

    • +6

      Use a dictionary lmao

    • +3

      using coercion is just outright immoral

      A utilitarian would deem this ethical

    • +1

      By definition, in a PANDEMIC, it's anti Vax.

    • +3

      20yo vaccine technology.
      12+ months of changing vector to a new target.
      18+ months of post-treatment study.
      Healthy babies born to vaccinated mothers.

      And the most money, and largest ever (equating to 30+ years; number of trial patients, peer reviews, etc) of clinical research, due to the first ever truly international effort.

      When people say they "dont want to", its only natural to assume its driven by some political 'stance' or similar.

      Its entirely possible your reason is " i have no legs, and im stuck in the 15th floor" or some such; but most people assume its a lack of understanding.

      • 20yo vaccine technology.

        We've been using mRNA vaccines in humans for 20 years? Citation required.

        • +2

          Nobody said that.
          But no problem.
          We've been using mRNA to allow cells to create things for 20+ years. It's how the vaccine works. :)
          The vaccine technology has been in development for 20 years.
          First example was here around 1989/1990:

          Honestly, as much as Wiki can be full of nonsense, the citation panel at the bottom of the article probably has much more than I can offer you:

          The most recent human trials pre COVID were from about a decade ago, when we were trying to create a vaccine for RSV; but it wasn't very effective, and a few trial patients had complications. So there's been 10 years of refinement from there alone!
          Then we had the trials targeted at SARS and MERS, which also failed, and we refined the process further again.

          So many people think that just because it has a new name, it's been done from scratch.
          Folks seem to overlook that almost everything in life has 'evolved' from technology that came before it.
          Microwaves, engines, batteries; hell, even Aspirin; why aren't we still chewing bark? Because we can refine it.

          RNA based vaccine just makes sense, we're a DNA based lifeform, so it can't possibly exist in our cells long term, but it's a fantastic messenger.

          I find challenging people to tell me the functional difference between RNA and DNA, to be the most effective way to learn if they're actually educated on the immune system\human body in general.

          • +3

            @MasterScythe: DNA makes RNA, which is a messenger, to tell a cell to do something. I don't think it's altering people's DNA. In fact in another thread I told another poster this very thing.

            The quick summary of your post, and all the other info, is that this is the first time mRNA has been used in humans like this, outside of a trial. I have no problem with taking vaccines. I'll simply wait to see how this all goes. Would be much more receptive to something like the novavax vaccine, however who knows when that will happen, and I'm not actually worried about covid itself. Same reason I dont take the flu vaccine, it simply isn't worth it for me personally.

            • +1

              @brendanm: Well put mate. A lot people sick of being labelled anti-vaxx just because they don't want the vaccine right away.

    • +2

      It's not anti-vax to not want to jab and using coercion is just outright immoral


      the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

      Taking advantage you being a tightass is not coercion in any sense of the term.

    • +27

      I just found another anti-vaxxer…

      They are coming out of the woodwork today and it's not even the middle of the week yet…

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