Free delivery online if you spend $30, but also saw this today in a Post Office, looks to be on clearance nation wide. Use the savings to buy 0.15% of a Cartier Watch.
Australia Post Limited Edition Monopoly Game $19.95 (RRP $49.95) @ Australia Post in Store and Online

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Does it come with Cartier watches as board tokens?
Go directly to Jail, Do not pass Go!, do not collect a Cartier Watch. :+(
This game has 4 bespoke tokens: Australia Post Truck, Express Post Van, PMG Car and Post Box.
And 2 other tokens: Plane and Push Bike.Bit of an oversight don't you think?
Clearly most Games will be missing the Express Post Van token.
A substitute "Sorry we missed you" Card will be left in your Letter Box.
Don’t they own AAE?
I knew this will be posted here one day when I saw they are selling these for $50 in stores.
Has anyone here actually bought any set of monopoly for $49.95? Lol
Yes, paid $50 for the Street Fighter version 10 years ago and bought the UNSW Business School version for $70-$80 last year.
Otherwise, last Monopoly I bought was Rick and Morty 2 weeks ago for $23 from QBD bookstore.
what's the appeal? do you play them or just collect them?
@gobbledygook: Collect. I have about 10 or so versions. But apart from the two I mentioned above, I only buy them under $40.
Damn I didn't know there was a UNSW Business School edition… as an alumni, I regret not buying this merch!
This must be the edition that your houses /hotels get lost or delivered very late & if you get a community chest you get a watch. .
No it actually works out better because the rates notice to have your properties renovated gets lost in the post.
Chance: You missed a delivery when home - waste a day to collect your parcel!
Community: Your item has been delivered. If you didn't get it, too bad.
Chance: Your parcel from Sydney to Melbourne has been sent to Perth for processing, miss a turn.
Similar thing happened to me
Ordered online in SE Melbourne
Was sent to the processing centre in Sunshine >50 km away in the western suburbs, bypassing Dandenong (<10km away) only to be delivered in the SE suburbs
DO NOT buy this edition.
It takes 3 weeks to go past GO !!!
This is the edition where nobody can afford even 1 house.
that the Sydney edition?
Oh I think I saw this edition. Is it the one where brown is 600k, dark blue is $4m, your starting money is 20k and you get 50k for passing go?
and the bank will lend u 4m with no docs and 1 percent interest
who would have thought this wouldn't sell out at full retail price !!
Came here for the jokes
Stayed for the missed delivery card
Surely its heading to another 50% off $10 and wont sell .
Then clear at $5 in Movember territory :)Chance card
You send your package express pay $50Your package never arrives pay anothet $50 to send another…
Thanks OP. Got one.
I also recall seeing these at my local PO and knowing no one was gonna pay rrp.
They have officially gone too far with these niche Monopoly sets. Props to the AusPost marketing guru who thought people would actually buy this for $50
Props to the AusPost marketing guru who thought people would actually buy this for $50
No watch for them
Free delivery from Aus Post? It'd be nice if they offered that more often.
Instead of free parking they should have parcel collect and you have to wait in there at least 3 turns while they find it.
Is there a hidden message here about whether you really win with a monopoly?
What goes up most come down?
The joke seems to be on them by being a part of the Monoploy brand… People running it, they are still drinking the Kool-Aid.
That's ironic :)