• expired

nbn Unlimited 100/20 $79/Month for 6 Months (New Customers Only) @ Aussie Broadband


This deal is back on.

nbn Unlimited 100/20 $79/Month for 6 Months and no contract. $99/Month after 6 months ends.

New customers only.

Terms & Conditions

*A ‘new customer’ is defined as an individual who has not had an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months or hasn’t been an authorised contact, residing at the same address as the primary contact,on an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months.

The coupon code still works in August.

Referral Links

Referral: random (252)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • +10

    This is the standard price on Mate NBN… i get 101 down/18 up during peak times too.. not one drop out in 6 months :)

    • +4

      Same here, with mate on 100/20 for $79 and cannot fault it. Its been perfect.

      • Im with them for the 250/50. While its pretty fast during the day it can slow to a crawl in peak hours.

        • +4

          250/50 isn't offered by nbn. The speeds are 250/25 and 1000/50.

          • +1

            @Twix: Negged for giving the right answer. Good one.

            • +3

              @Twix: you're probably right, its mostlikely 250/25.

              (didn't neg you btw)

              • +2

                @ruddiger7: @ruddiger7 all good. It seems someone else has confused the actual speed with the typical evening speeds.

          • +3

            @Twix: To the neggers go read the nbn Wholesale Broadband Agreement (WBA). If the ISP offers a typical evening speed of 200Mbps on nbn Home Ultrafast Gigabit that is on the ISP. It doesn't mean you are stuck on 200Mbps and you can get closer to Gigabit.

            nbn Home Superfast = 250/25.
            nbn Home Ultrafast = 1000/50.

        • That would be down to your connection type more than anything I would have thought, not a reflection of mate themselves. Certain connection types do suffer speed loss during peak depending on how many people are using it. My FTTB is rock solid 103/18 24/7.

      • +1 on Mate! They've been faultless on my 250/25 FTTP. Not a single drama on the 3 months I've been with them, ported mobile and paying $104/mo for internet+mobile

        • Does Mate offer any referral bonuses for the referrer and the person joining?

    • hell I pay $75 per month for unlimited 100/20 NBN with DODO. This is not a bargain.

      • +11

        This is a bargain for Aussie BB and OzBargainers who ISP hop every 6 months. There is more to the nbn than cheaper pricing for the same speed.

        • I was wondering about this, are there folks who ISP hop every 6 months-it seems yes. What has been your experience and do you feel its worthwhile or more of a hassle?
          HFC here

          • +2

            @joey110: took about 60 seconds to hop so as far as hopping goes, it's the easiest of the bunch. FTTC

            • @lawyerz: Thanks for the reply, much appreciated

          • +8

            @joey110: I'm on FTTC so not apples to apples, but have jumped every 6 months to get a better deal.

            Cutover has taken about 15 minutes in each case, just need to update username and password in my router - not sure if it's the same for HFC. Worth it for the savings.

            Sadly this is all just passing on whatever promos NBNCo offer for the most part, loyalty is not rewarded, like many businesses these days cost per acquisition of new leads is more valuable than retention so that's where the discounts/money flows.

            In my experience:
            * ABB - great service, but prices started rising, so I thought only worth it to me if they have a deal. Started having random lags in games as well (modern warfare on PC mainly) which caused me to switch
            * Superloop - no random lags in games, might switch back to them
            * Mate - most dropouts of all RSPs I tried, churned away after a couple months - this one impacted WFH multiple times unlike others
            * Future BB - has been the best combination of fast and stable, but has limited quota and $30 setup fee, so not the best if you want to download the internet and keep churning for savings

            The above is with no changes to router settings, of course the fluctuations and dropouts could be due to other external factors (lockdowns causing traffic changes, CVC allocation of the RSP, etc etc), but there's only so much you can optimise for and rule out.

          • @joey110: blazerunner beat me to it. I will add that some ISPs don't activate new services on the weekend and you can get stuck without a connection. Change on week days if possible.

            • +1

              @Twix: Thanks for the reply, much appreciated

        • So whats the extra you get from AussieBB which you dont get from Mate. Land phone line? May be access to some discounted movie tickets?

          If we look at the core nbn. Both of them have good connectivity, speed and customer support.

          • @BargainBuddy: Aussie BB offers 1000/50, a phone service if you need it, manage their own network in AU and have better performance internationally than Mate who use Wireline for their network. It depends on your use case and this doesn't matter for everyone. No discounted movie tickets.

      • +4

        Hell I pay $74 per month for unlimited 100/20 NBN with SpinTel. DODO is not a bargain.

        • +5

          SpinTel doesn't have POPs in every state which can result in higher ping times, use Optus for backhaul, no IPv6 and support is based overseas. Aussie BB has POPs in every state, use their own backhaul, has IPv6 and local support. YMMV.

        • How you get 74 a month on the 85 monthly plan?

      • +4

        You are comparing dodo with ABB? I'm not disagreeing on the price but it's oranges and apples in terms of network quality and performance. Now, yes, for yourself and plenty of others there's no noticeable difference. However, for me I'd not touch anything that wasn't on a Telstra network because of where I live. Price is only one factor in determining if this is a bargain.

      • How do you get 100/25 @ 75$ a month. Website shows 85$ a month

        • I couldnt find it either. I am paying 85$ on dodo.

    • im with Mate and my experience with completely opposite, last 6 months it drop out alot for me, i was with launtel just before Mate with the same hardware setup without any issue so i think its with the provider.

    • That's my next churn

  • +25

    Member when this was 100/40… oh I member

  • +3

    As an existing customer paying $99 for 100/20 (plus $10 for Fetch) this saddens me.

    • +6

      Sign up with mate and ditch abb

      • +6

        Nah. ABB has given me excellent customer service from install and sign-up onwards, plus their referral program has been very beneficial to me, and I like their Fetch TV offering.

        I've had to deal with them after a storm brought down HFC cables, my dad is with TPG, and I called them for him as well as ABB for me. The experience between TPG and ABB was chalk and cheese, and literally a matter of hours, and my time is valuable.

        The "best deal" is often more than price. I never choose a product or service because it's the cheapest, I choose what gives me the best value for money.

        My comment was about existing, loyal customers and new customers at ABB being charged different rates for the same product.

        • +3

          obviously you don't pay health, house or motor insurance.. those deals for new customers only while the loyal customers get charged extra are a staple in those services. also many mortgage vendors follow the same path.

          • @gizmomelb: I pay all of those things, and more. I have paid off my mortgage so unsure of that industry. You might be right, I don't find my renewals too dear. But I buy based on inclusions, not price, I am likely paying more than you for some things, but that is likely because of experiencing good service from the company, or becuase I want/need different inclusions to you.

        • +1

          No such thing as loyalty anymore. If you think it's what gives you best value for money then that's perfectly fine! :)

    • +6

      Make a move to Mate/Superloop whoever has the best deal. Then if AB ever has a better deal… go back.

    • +1

      Cross your fingers for this free upgrade.

      We know many of you have been asking about when NBN's Focus on Fast promotion might be available to more existing customers. We're really pleased to advise that shortly, we'll be providing a fair whack of our existing NBN customers with a free speed upgrade for 6 months.


      • Not for FTTC of course? Because NBN has no way of making those connections faster (yet)?

        • You might get put on 100/40. nbn are looking into upgrading FTTC to FTTP via your ISP.

        • NBN being a monopoly doesn't have much incentive to improve. Need people to skip NBN and substitute with 4G/5G mobile.

          For household not streaming TVs it's already competitive.

          • +1

            @BlueSkyAPI: Some of FTTN/C is being upgraded to FTTP via your ISP. A great improvement.

            • @Twix: Oh how do you get onto that bandwagon? That would be very nice indeed. Can't wait to be moved off the poor man's FTTN

              • @BlueSkyAPI: Check this list. 900k more premises will be added to the list late this year. If your area doesn't make the list you have to pay upfront for FTTP.

                • +1

                  @Twix: Thank you so much for the info!

                  Is it for any premise on the listed suburbs? Or just a selected subset within those suburbs. My location is on the list but I don't know how to trigger this process. Any known ISPs who supports this process?

                  • @BlueSkyAPI: I think a selected subset. You have to wait until later this year to apply via your ISP. Look out for cars, vans and contractors from Ventia (Visionstream) and Lendlease.

                    • +1

                      @Twix: Awesome. Will keep an eye on it.

                      Competition is good, I'd be very happy to pick between NBN and mobile 5G, whichever is cheaper. 5G throughput seems satisfactory for my basic needs too

    • NBN doesn't give a toss about loyalty, what do you expect? All ISP will be the same, there is no loyalty discount, you are screwed.

      Only option is change ISP every 6 months and stop whining if you're paying more than new customers promotion

    • +2

      $150 1000/50 here. It has been truly excellent during lockdown. So many games and movies with minimal wait. It's pricey but the savings in time and speed are worth it for us.

  • +1

    Mate is charging 89 for 100/40? I think I am paying 109 for the same thing 🙄

  • Now they just need to fix Carbon and I'll be so happy!

  • until it becomes non 6 months only i won't switch

  • +8

    I wish all these NBN/RSP first 6 months discount non-sense would just stop. Just give us fairer pricing all day everyday please!

    • +2

      Blame NBN for this. NBN offers a rebate to RSPs if they sign up or get people to switch to a faster speed (100mb or faster). However they get no discount if someone churns from 100mb on another provider to them. But it's too difficult to only offer the discount to people churning and upgrading instead of just churning so they offer it to all people who switch over on the hopes they make more money than they lose. But if they offered it to all customers it would cost too much (particularly ABB, who have the majority of customers in Australia on 250 and gigabit plans)

      NBN's pricing structure and rebate structure is absolutely munted though.

  • FTTN here max 20/5 :(( I'd happily pay extra for a decent connection. But not the 17K quoted to upgrade to FTTP!

    • +1

      Some of FTTN will get FTTP if you order at least 100/20 via your ISP. Are you on the list?

      • Unfortunately not during this round. We are semi rural (within 45 mins of city).

        Here's hoping they decide to upgrade our region in the near future.

        • +1

          900k more premises will be added to the list late this year.

  • Can you take this out then swap/downgrade to 50/20 after the 6 months?

    • Yeah you can.

  • +1

    Anyone ported over from Superloop recently? My current billing cycle runs through to the 24th, so im wondering if i jump ship now and if i get a partial credit back from superloop for the 9 or so days i have left in this month or if i wait it out another week to port over (assuming this deal is still valid and running)

    • Superloop don't offer pro rata refunds. I assume this coupon expires at the end of the month.

    • from their site

      …. If you have been invoiced for the next month in-advance, but have not yet entered that billing period, you must request to have the service disconnected before the commencement of that billing period and the corresponding invoice for that period will be cancelled, otherwise if you enter the new billing period, the full month charge will be valid and non-refundable.

    • +3

      Yes. I recently did this and moved across to ABB (my billing cycle runs through to the 23rd with SL). You don't get any partial credit back from SL.
      Cancellation was pretty painless, I called them (wasn't able to get hold of anyone so used their call back service). They called back later on in the day, told them I wanted to end my service at the end of my billing cycle. When I login to the members portal my service is pending plan change for 23rd from Superloop NBN 100/20 Unlimited to Disconnected.

      You can also raise the new connection request with ABB with a future dated connection date for say the 23rd just to make sure your new ABB connection is set up and running before your SL service is disconnected.

  • +4

    I'm paying $109 a month with ABB for 100/40. Certainly get a good service, but starting to think it's become a little over priced.

    • +1

      You can get the same service for $20 less with mate.

      • And this is my problem. Do I take the risk of receiving a less quality service (not saying mate is, just suggesting their may be a risk), yet save $240 a year…

        • Try it for a month. If not great go back to ABB and you'll be back to paying the $109. Its easy enough these days to change between ISPs.

          • @Heybargain: If SnoopX changes to Mate they won't be able to get the Aussie BB 100/40 $89 deal. After 6 months change to Mate if they want the perm discount.

            • @Twix: I don't think OP is looking at getting the $89 deal. Even if they try mate for a month for $89 if it doesn't work out and goes back to ABB it's the same price of what they're paying currently anyway ($109)

    • You can get 100/40 $89. Check this deal.

    • You can get the same if you negotiate with Telstra $90 a month

  • Does this offer stack with referral discount? Or if you use a referral, you lose this offer?

    • Pick one.

  • What modem do you use for ABB NBN?

    • I believe you mean the modem not the router. It depends on your connection FTTC/P/N

  • Never used ABB before, but code is not valid when I tried to sign up, interesting. Is this a nationwide deal?

    • Nationwide deal. Call up and tell them the code over the phone.

    • +1

      Same, code doesn't work. I use the internet so I don't have to call people

    • Ditto.

      "This Promo Code is not valid for this billing company."

      • Call up or wait for them to fix the bug.

  • FTTN for me and the speed is max 65m/20m

    Has to downgrade to 50/20

  • I've been looking to dump Exetel for a while now, and am pretty budget on internet, what's people opinions on tangerine? I'll probably jump on them in the coming weeks.

    • Tangerine use Vocus for their network backhaul. You might have no problems or problems during peak time depending on location. If Tangerine doesn't suit your needs you can leave within 14 days at no charge. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/634637

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