75" Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 QLED Panel
Included Google Assist Voice remote control
Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube & Google Store streaming apps
extra 5% with the promo code
75" Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 QLED Panel
Included Google Assist Voice remote control
Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube & Google Store streaming apps
extra 5% with the promo code
And they've posted a deal. Good for them :)
I haven’t posted a deal and I’ve been here from 2015
Hand your Oz badge to our RH asap please.
It's the taking part that counts
@CantonasKungFuKick: Did anyone get a screenshot of the deal, was going to buy the tv today, but wanted to go instore to look in person how the picture is, go on the JBHIFI website and the price is $1600 again, when they said the sale ends Wednesday, someone get back to me cheers!
In-Store Offer!
Free Delivery, Setup and Connect on all 75" and above TV purchases. Offer valid until July 14 2021.
Looks like free delivery applies online too though
75" Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 QLED Panel
New to big TV's…is this an okay deal? Understand it's not an OLED or anything fancy but are there are there any reasons NOT to get this model?
I don't think you'll get a 75" tv delivered cheaper brand new. I'd probably buy if I needed one
Its brilliant you're even mentioning oled at this price point and size. Its pretty obvious the value here. This is basically something thats got no margins in it.
How is it soo cheap
Cheap for a reason or some reasons. Here or there, somewhere you can/ can't not see. Something You think it's fine when you buy it and realise it is not when you own it. Etc…
Lol, he’s the Ridder.
He's the Bodi of ozbargain.
Because Hitachi stopped making TVs back in 2012
This one is obviously newer. Did they sell the brand to someone else? It is like Bauhn now?
I think this pricing is sharp for a 75”, even for a generic unbranded tv.
some say hitachi are eko rebrand from bigw ?
@ubcool: is that legit? As in they all are just rebranded but the same TV? Or do you mean moreso the quality of each brand is about the same?
@dcep: I reckon you're right - looks identical to the 75" Eko I bought from Big W last time they had them on clearance (down to the little protruding power LED on the bottom left corner). Great TV if it is - bargain price for the size!
Bought a made in Japan hitachi plasma in 2007 and they were using cheap components even then. It was no competition to Pioneer but they really should have used similar quality components to Panasonic. It was no wonder they closed the tv business.
Pioneer exited the TV business in 2010 two years earlier than Hitachi so what does that say?
JB rep the other week told me they're discontinuing all of the cheaper brands except FFalcon and maybe one other I think. Basically they're gonna be focusing on the mainstream brands and have very little budget options.
It's $945 and 75", can't really complain for the price
It's not 8K OLED 165Hz. Booohh.
My eyes can't even process resolutions below 12k. I get motion sickness watching anything below 300hz.
Disgusting what some peasants persevere with!
Nice deal - bought one
Big W EKO rebranded?
Eko one isnt Qled i dont think
EKO has both LED and QLED
then yeah looks same as Blaupunkt too
I don't remember BigW stocking the 75 inch QLED. I thought the biggest QLED they had was the 65 inch. Can anyone confirm?
Or is the Big W EKO a rebranded Hitachi 🙂
Hitachi brand is now used by a generic manufacturer and may not better than Linsar or FFALCON
I have a friend he been using for this tv past 6month says good value for money no issue
Only problem he mention is far angle view
This or the Kogan QLED
Any comments about watching sport etc in terms of motion etc
Can almost guarantee the kogan will make your eyes bleed
Kogan = shit.
I seen this in store today….not flash at all!
Do you mean you can't flash the firmware update via USB?
That's Logical
I thought this was hisense for a second, that'd be a deal!
Thank you! Only noticed on your comment!
What's the energy usage on these? Dimmable backlight being crucial.
Cheers, so the specs suggest 485w (which is getting close to the consumption of a small Spilt System Air con).
A long way from what this guide suggests a 75" uses:
That being said, every time I have been in JB's etc these cheaper TVs have the backlights turned up way too high, making the more expensive TVs around it look better.
Once you adjust the backlight 50%, tweak the contrast etc, the depth, blacks and colours are infinitely better. The energy usage also drops 75% (and since most of us here are tight arses…that's a good thing). My 47" I bought many moons ago uses 130W out the box. But all set up right, she now runs at 47w.
Anyone know real world figures for these once set up correctly?
Bloke at my local JB said they got a lot of returns for Hitachi/Blaupunkt.
I watched it for couple of minutes at JB HiFi. Aweful in every sense.
This or the Hisense 70S5, if not considering 5"" difference in size
Most TVs produced by Vestel( Turkish) are sold under licensed brand names such as Toshiba, Hitachi, Polaroid, JVC, Panasonic, Bush, Alba and many own brand labels.
Panasonic too?
Not their OLEDs. Not sure about the other ones.
According to this:
Vestel produces Hitachi TV's for european market and Hisense produces Hitachi TV's for USA, Canada and South America.
Would Hitachi TV's sold in Australia be Vestel or Hisense?
I notice Aussies are getting stingier and stingier every year. Everything is on the race to the bottom. Quality is gone and people just rush to buy the trash that Kmart has become successful in dishing out whilst stores like David Jones and Myer languish.
DJ and Myer has stopped selling a lot of premium quality but relatively unaffordable items and premium brands that are still stocked like Sony face pressure to cheapen their own products to better compete on price. When did we all become so cheap
waiting for Anko branded TVs :D
Bad money drives out good.
You know.. just little things like rising property prices + inflation + govt squeezing more pennies from their peasants every year
Or it could be that people don't need high quality things a lot of the time and a cheap version will serve them just as well.
Yes, this guys missed the point. Not everyone wants high quality clothes for their toddler. Just be glad we have the option to buy cheap or expensive
But how you gonna pimp brag your infant wearing rags from Kmart or target on the gram?
Anti-stingy, hand in your OB license!
Perhaps it's just because people here believe in pragmatism rather than consumerism? At least I do.
Go the hisense q8. Really good tele
Looks like EKO brand. Watch out for a poor TV reception. Alternatively you can install apps to watch the programs.
Looks like Big W EKO which I bought earlier in the year and very happy with it.
I have had zero issues with it. I didnt like the LG interface thing so I use chroma cast with TV and it has been perfect, everything works fine and looks good.
Is your EKO remote working alright?
I have a 65 EKO QLED but I need to standing in directly in front of the tv to operate the tv with the remove.
Also there is a 2 second lag before pressing the remote and seeing a response from the tv
Have you paired the remote with the TV? I don't have any issues with mine.
I just put the batteries and it started to work unlike Fire Stick or other BT remote
How do I correctly pair the remote in EKO
Thank you for your assistance.
@utsc: I will need to read the instructions again…. But you go into settings and devices etc. After pairing you can talk into the remote for voice commands etc.
If you haven't got the instructions then I will look it up and get back to you later today.
@Logical: Went to setting => Remote & Accessories and paired the BT remote by pressing left arrow and menu key simultaneously for 10 seconds to allow the tv to discover the remote and then selected with the right arrow key and pressed OK to pair.
Finally enjoying my tv; thank you very much Logical.
Remote is not amazing and I didnt pair it. Has not been an issue because I use Chrome cast and prefer that remote. The interface is not great as I said so if you get chrome cast then it solved 2 issues (LG interface and remote).
Most people are content with low quality items and will never know the difference. I go to people's places and they rave about their cheap TV's….. I look on in horror but of course keep my thoughts to myself. I'm used to watching the OLED C7 - now that's a TV. Most people don't know what they don't know I guess.
And the specs lie. I have a 10yo Samsung 1080P in one room and it outperforms all new cheap branded TV's. The picture is amazing and then refresh rate is good. It's all in the software.
You're also contributing to less e-waste and less greenhouse gas pollution because you didnt cheap out for a few hundred dollars and kept tech that stays premium and lasts longer.
Have a few less dinner dates where you spend $100 on a meal or booze and theres your saving. I mean why bother living in a "lucky" first world country if you're gonna try and live your life as a pauper.
People need to spend within their means. We might be a 'first world country' but that doesn't mean everyone is well paid and as fortunate as you. For some, even this price tag is a stretch. Don't judge.
Its not judging to put environment before want, too much rubbish is designed and engineered in the world because people go for the bottom of the barrel without thinking about what happens afterwards. We are "recycling" much of this future e-waste by simply shipping our problem to either China or some other poor sod of a country.
I am in no way fortunate, trust me. Lived a long time without a tv. A tv is not on the same level as a fridge so please dont give me that argument.
Around me the hard waste collection days have mainly LG and Samsung TV's.
Personally own two Aldi Bauhn dumb non HDR 65 inch TV's for seven years now still going strong. Paid $700. One of which is on around 16 hours a day every day.
I don't think cheap electronics are more likely to become e-waste only because they are less durable. It seems to me that many people throw them away only because they are cheap to buy back, especially when they are moving, or just things upgrade too quickly.
I just moved to a new place and my old modern is retired only after two years due to TPG's new NBN protocol. Many people would just throw it away. But I'll put it on FB market for a couple of weeks first for free to see if anyone needs it. You see, it's an extra cost of time and energy for me, but less e-waste to the earth. However, not everyone is happy to do so.
Ecofascists of Ozbargain unite.
Ignorance is bliss. Your friends are essentially getting the same amount of happiness as you for less money which means more value them. But once they come to your house it might stuff it up for them :/
Have you had your board replaced to stop your TV catching fire?
OLED at the size in 6-10x the price.
Not really comparable.
That said one of my favourite features was the simulated hdr on non hdr content. That and the amazing pq of OLED, but whether or not it's worth the price is arguable.
If not watching sports just light gaming (switch) and some action movies, will 60Hz a deal breaker? Thanks
Using EKO 65. i dont like the high motion rate pictures on this TV when compared to my Sony.
I think switch is 60Hz max and movies are usually 24fps so should be no problem. Go to JB and have a look if picture quality suits your needs.
Yeah good idea. It's more for guess coming over haha i don't really watch TV. Love my mobile better. Thanks
This or the Hisense q8???
Q8 is 2.5X the price
Member since 7mins. Nice