50% off Code "FR" Work on All The Frieeah Women Sustainable Clothes Website, free shipping over US $150, adroble, fashion and sustainable!
50% off Code "FR" Work on All The Frieeah Women Sustainable Clothes Website, free shipping over US $150, adroble, fashion and sustainable!
Don't really care about all sustainability thing but was a bit curious who they are.. domain is registered with Chinese registrar and so called flashy website is just one of templates on a platform.
It's just yet another dropshipper.
Yeah I call bullshit. I see nothing on your website that tells me your clothes are actually ethically made or the materials are certified organic or sustainable.
I see a flashy website with all the sustainability buzz words and company commitments.
This reeks of marketing also 50% off isn’t impressive when your prices start off exceptionally high.
“ FRIEEAH is not just a fashion retail platform that provides sustainable and ethical products.We invite you to participate in creating a better world and to work with consumers to make consumer choices commensurate with natural balance.”
Yeah I invite you to provide evidence of how your clothes are sustainable and ethical. Just saying yo use cotton doesn’t cut it.