• expired

Christmas Jacket $6 (Was $25), Christmas Sweater $5 (Was $20), 8 Pack Hair Clips $1 + Delivery ($0 OnePass/C&C/in-Store) @ Kmart

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Grinch sweater OOS 😢
    Got simpson one

    • -1

      Damn that’s what I was after

    • There were tonnes of Grinch oodies for $5 in all sizes available at Kmart Lidcombe… I was tempted to buy 1 for each family member, but it would be a pain to store them until I was able to gift it to everyone

  • +9

    If you want to destroy my sweater
    Hold this thread as I walk away

    • +12

      A thick sweater, in December, on our Island in the Sun?

      Beverly Hills, that's where I'd want to be.

      • A thick sweater, in December, on our Island in the Sun?

        Un‘Target’ed K-mart at its best

    • lol

      I have an impression you’re some super wide guy and the seater is huge. The thread is going to go for ages

    • +1

      as I walk away!

  • -1

    The Simpsons Christmas License Sweater $6 (Was $25)

    Bought 2 Disney/Simpsons ones at Coles for $10 and $12 a few weeks before Christmas
    Good to see the "real" price $6 is now in effect.

    • +5

      Two different stores, two different owners, two different times of the year. The real price is what people paid when they bought it.

      • -2

        Coles owns Kmart

        • +5

          Not any more

          • +1

            @lbft: Huh, fair enough. Apparently they got rid of the supermarket (Coles) because it doesn’t make enough money and kept the other stores (Bunnings, Officeworks, Kmart etc).

  • +10

    Only 357 days until Christmas, stock up people! Lol

    • +1

      Love buying clothes I can't wear for a year.

      • or for the wrong season

  • +8

    Christmas Jacket

    Thanks. Got court in a few weeks and this will do

    The Grinch License Sweater $5 (Was $25)

    Not sure why i read this as Cringe Sweater

  • +6

    it is like 40 degrees here…are we stocking up for christmas in july?

    • +3


  • +13

    Why would anyone wear Christmas sweaters in Australia

    • +3

      Prefect of you travel US during Christmas

      • +1

        USA so fken expensive now with our crappy aussie dollar too :(

      • No OZbargain-dwelling tight ass is travelling to US on their own coin this year

    • +5

      To sweat.

    • +2

      Chilly 7C on Macquarie Island (Australia) today! Cooler tomorrow⛄

    • +4

      Why would anyone wear Christmas sweaters in Australia

      Appears no one is, hence the clearance

      That or either people like to X-mass sweat, or have a super aircon at home and play pretend chilly christmassy.

  • +1

    Chances are whatever you order will be listed as available, then 36 hours later get the email saying no stock. I'm sure they use the same data hunting method as the likes of Total Tools.

    • And Myer.

  • +1
  • +11

    why is everyone calling a jumper a sweater like its normal ?

    • Probably because you sweat like a mofo wearing this in Australia at Christmas. Also they thought, what are the hottest cheapest fabrics we can make these out of?

  • +9

    Ugh I swear stores are stocking Christmas stuff earlier and earlier every year

  • +2

    4XL sold out.


  • +6

    What about the vest and pants in the picture? I want the whole kit! :D

  • +9

    That suit would be a strong look for job interviews. Really assert dominance.

    • for entertainment group leader?

    • Buddy approves

  • Just about every jumper is sold out!

  • Took a punt on a jacket for Christmas in July!

  • Do they also stock the matching vest and pants, as seen in the picture?

  • I got one of each. It's too late to have for this year's sweaty Christmas. I'll hold on to them for next year.

  • +2

    Disappointing that only the jacket is available and not the full 3 piece. However, the funeral invite just said to wear a jacket and pants, not that they needed to match.

    • +1

      If that is so, I might as well attend the next wedding with the Christmas jacket.

  • +1

    Wedding suit sorted

  • +1

    surprisingly my order didn't get cancelled! thanks OP

  • -1

    Third cancellation from Kmart for one of their products. Don't bother with this lot!

  • Ordered cancelled

  • Not impressed, KMart let me order, pay and not be informed that there was no stock till next day

  • I've received, in this order:
    Order cancelled, out of stock Email.
    Refund processed Email.
    Fully shipped order with tracking number Email.

  • Just received the "order cancelled" email, stating no stock available .. yet the store 20 mins away is still showing as having stock.

    • I was having the same issue with order cancelled no stock.
      Eventually I gave up and just drove to the store.
      Still had 6 on the rack so got 2 in the size I was after.
      I reckon Kmart staff don't give a **** about processing clearance items and just say "no stock available" to avoid searching for it.

  • Also received a cancellation for the jacket.

    • Me too. The rubbish system keep cancelling the clearance deals in few days after confirming orders.

    • Yup same on the jacket + delivery refund, least I got a jumper with free delivery!

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