• expired

Havaianas Thongs $6 (Men's), $7 Women's and Kid's + Delivery ($0 with OnePass/C&C/in-Store) @ Kmart


Nice deal for these hot days. Free shipping with OnePass. Same as last year, and clearance from Black Friday.

Women's thongs - $7

Junior also $7


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closed Comments

    • +3

      When you click the OP link, it says it for you:

      was $12

  • +2

    Only size 11/12 for men is available i believe

      • It might depend on your set store even though its for online stock, as my store is broadway in sydney and only showing the 11/12 as available.

    • +2

      Nope. Also OOS.

  • Cheers OP :)

  • +5

    How long do your thongs keep up until they pop out? I stopped buying these and started to buy Archies instead.

    • +4

      Same. These never last me more than a year before tgey start popping out. The Archies ones lasted me 3 years with no issues and then my mom laid claim to it and now she has been using it for 2 years with no issues

    • +3

      I’ve used them for years. The original ones lasted years. The last few I’ve had only last maybe 3-6 months with light use before a blowout.

      I’ve finally given up on them

      • +2

        my $1 kmart ones have lasted years

    • +6

      +1 Archies gang. I much prefer the look of Havis but either the quality has taken a dive or I've got clumsier - I get a year max out of a pair now, usually 6mo. Vs my Archies (single piece) are 4x the price, but will probably last for 5y (currently 3 and going strong). Never going back.

      • +1

        Same. Havianas used to be decent quality, rubbish now. Archies are great.

        • Havianas used to be decent quality

          I knew them to be made in Brazil only, unless they've shifted the manufacturing elsewhere?

          Although I rarely wear them, the pair I got from Brazil are still going good.

        • 2 Archie's

        Anything better than Archie's?

        • +1

          Anything better than Archie's?

          Running shoes. I've got a pair of Birkenstock that are pretty popular, not much cushioning but strengthen the feet.

        • I haven't tried Archie's (though I'm keen to), but I know the Aerial slippers/thongs are really comfortable and long-lasting.
          They used to only be sold in petrol stations, but maybe they are out of production now, and replaced by the Nobbie brand:

      • ive had my archies for 5+ years now. need replacement only due to worn out bottom sole which can get slippery when worn in the rain.

        Also the arch support is great.

      • Another Archies fan, much better than these. First pair about 5 years ago still going strong. Have a few more now.

    • Got mine in France, 2013, just before leaving to Alanya, turkey , for my first holidays. And I still have them in Australia. Maybe the quality is cheaper now ?

    • Thanks for putting me onto these. I busted a plugger last summer and have just been managing with slides so far

    • started to buy Archies instead.

      Have you tried the Aerial or the Nobbie brand ?

      They have good cushioning support and long-lasting.

      The Aerial brand is almost impossible to find now too
      (as I used to see them sold only in petrol stations).

    • I just had a pair of Havanas break today that I got for Christmas in 2012… they were starting to get thin in the ball of the foot but were still going strong, finally had one of the straps snap. If a pair from this deal last even half as long I’ll be happy.

    • +1

      Used to be a Havis guy until the missus gave me some Archies and now I live in them. Sure they cost $40 but they are worth it since they last 4x longer. Everyone I showed them to ends up with a pair and raves about them, I'm surprised Havis are still in business.

  • Thanks OP.

  • +1

    Got 5 pairs for the whole family yeewww
    Thanks OP

  • +2

    As a Brazilian, I can say… I really hate Havaianas thongs!
    I get mad chafing between my big toe and second toe. Always welts up like crazy.

    • Allergy to sonething in the rubber?

      • Don't think so. Think it's just the friction.

  • +5

    I usually put a few drops of superglue into the strap hole to provide a bit more structure / strength, and hopefully lessen the risk of plug blow out

    • +1

      I use a hot glue gun into the strap hole when it starts giving way. Makes them last a good bit longer.
      As an aside, many moons ago while travelling India, I saw thong soles being cut out of old tyre treads. I guess if I had bought a pair they would still be going strong.

  • +1

    Anyone tried Reject Shop $2.5 thongs?

    • +2

      I have. Just as good. And as a Brazilian, I've worn Havaianas since as soon as I started walking.

      For a long time Havaianas were sold as cheap footwear for Brazil's underclass (as the top buyer of African slaves, it's still a very unequal society). Some time in the 90s, they hired a Chief Marketing Officer, who decided to make it into a semi-luxury item. And she did! But it's just branding; the product is the same as before: a slab of rubber, with a rubber strip across. That anyone would pay $12 — or even $6 for that! — is beyond me. It's a marketing coup!

      • Quality has definitely dropped off, they used to be $20-30. I agree they (and all rubber thongs) are still very subpar footwear but have their place.

        • +1

          That wasn't my point. The product is the product, the question is whether or not it's a bargain at anything more than a couple of bucks (that should go without saying in a bargain forum).

          • @wisdomtooth: I get it pal, most brand names with a decent following have a big mark up.
            It's just what people are willing to pay but this brand was pretty popular with Aussies and probably still a go to for a lot of people. The 'cheap' ones just aren't the same and more basic vs surf shops etc.

  • +3

    Are these 4 times better than the $1.5 ones?

    • +4

      The soles are really really soft on Kmart ones. You wouldn't want to step on pebble or Lego with them.

      • Yeah it’s so spongy. They’re okay I guess but the rubber havaianas are much better.

        • I wonder whether there is any material difference between men's and women's

          • +1

            @wisdomtooth: From just looking at the pictures I think both are made of foam.

    • +1

      Those are what i usually buy. They usually last about 18 months - 2 years.

    • No, they aren't; it's just marketing.

  • Not of a fan of Havaianas, gone through quite a few in the past

    Been using Archie's which are ergonomic and heaps more comfortable and cushy

    Does anyone have any recommends of other comfy thongs?

    • Does anyone have any recommends of other comfy thongs?

      When you've found what you're looking for you can stop looking. Archies are the best.

      • Noticed my physio sells them for years now.
        May try and get a pair on private health.

  • +1

    I checked them out when they were $12, pretty poorly made compared to normal Havaianas I got from Catch previously. At $7 though I’ll get a couple.

  • Men $6, women and kids $7.

  • Let me see that thoooo-oooong

  • slides > thongs

    • Nah I don’t like the thing over the top of the foot as much as the thong.

      • You used to the thing between your fingers ;)

  • A had a pair of havianas that are nearly 15yrs old. They just disapeard out of my hotel room after the cleaner went through. I'm very sad!

  • +2

    I find these not as good quality as the ones you can buy from surf shops despite being the same brand and a fraction of the cost.

    • Yes they are like knock-offs or seconds I reckon.
      I've still got plenty of pairs of the good ones, last a long time (but get a bit hard).,

      • +2

        Absolutely, even the straps don't feel as good. I still got a pair a while back to try but gave found out the sole wears out a lot quicker too.

  • +2

    Fabric straps are much better for comfort and durability in my experience

  • Just received an order cancellation email. That sucks

    • +2

      good feeling saving 100%

      • Haha, yeah, that's a good way to look at it

  • Just received a cancellation as well

    No cigar

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